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COREN Registration Thread - Career (36) - Nairaland

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Re: COREN Registration Thread by JibraelHassan: 11:49am On May 15, 2023
Please when is the next available diet for COREN after May?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 12:42pm On May 15, 2023
I thought that's what their stamp and seal is meant for? Please is it possible to submit a proposer form that has been stamped with that metal seal instead of the paper colored stamp?

As regards Nigerian graduates, am I still expected to send my transcript through my school to coren office or only foreign students are affected by that.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 2:47pm On May 15, 2023
I didn't send transcript so I believe it's meant for only foreign graduates

As regards Nigerian graduates, am I still expected to send my transcript through my school to coren office or only foreign students are affected by that.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by drizzydrag(m): 6:31pm On May 15, 2023
You don't need to send your transcript.... COREN will request directly from your school. You wouldn't even know they do so.

As regards Nigerian graduates, am I still expected to send my transcript through my school to coren office or only foreign students are affected by that.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 10:58am On May 16, 2023
How can I postpone my interview, I've been shortlisted and I'm on available to take the exam. What is the consequence of not showing up for the interview?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by emiola28: 4:13pm On May 17, 2023
Exam done and dusted...plz, wen should we expect feedback
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 4:06am On May 18, 2023
Exam done and dusted...plz, wen should we expect feedback

Please can you share the questions ask here for those that are writing today.

Re: COREN Registration Thread by BossFerd(m): 4:18pm On May 18, 2023
[quote author=emiola28 post=123194268]Exam done and dusted...plz, wen should we expect feedback

Hello Emiola, how did it go?
Would like to contact you via your email or mobile contact directly so you can share your experience.
Would you mind to oblige me?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 4:43pm On May 20, 2023
You don't need to send your transcript.... COREN will request directly from your school. You wouldn't even know they do so.

In my Work Experience form, my employer didn't fill 'Name and Address of Business', does it matter?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 5:00pm On May 20, 2023
The PROPOSER RECOMMENDATION section on the COREN portal is the only section preventing me from having a complete profile for submission. How do I go about the responses that The two proposers has not recommended? It's strange... I have satisfied every other section but this section.
Is the PROPOSER RECOMMENDATION SECTION a new feature on the COREN portal. If you came across it. Please I will be glad I'm guided so I can submit

Did you upload CV?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 9:42pm On May 21, 2023

In my Work Experience form, my employer didn't fill 'Name and Address of Business', does it matter?

Yes, it does matters, because that's what will show the connection between you and your employer, matching it with what you filled on ur work experience online by the officer treating your application. Have you already submitted ur application?

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Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 1:42pm On May 22, 2023

Yes, it does matters, because that's what will show the connection between you and your employer, matching it with what you filled on ur work experience online by the officer treating your application. Have you already submitted ur application?

Thanks a million, not yet.
I will fill it myself.

Another thing I need clarification on, this 4yrs experience, must it be at a particular company.

For example, if I spent 2yrs with one company, another 1year at another and last one year at another. Can any of the bosses in those companies still sign or won't be eligible since I don't spend up to 4yrs with any.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by stanisbaratheon: 2:30pm On May 22, 2023

Thanks a million, not yet.
I will fill it myself.

Another thing I need clarification on, this 4yrs experience, must it be at a particular company.

For example, if I spent 2yrs with one company, another 1year at another and last one year at another. Can any of the bosses in those companies still sign or won't be eligible since I don't spend up to 4yrs with any.

I think the only person permitted to sign your work experience form is your current employer or your supervisor in your current company.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 7:53pm On May 22, 2023

I think the only person permitted to sign your work experience form is your current employer or your supervisor in your current company.

Place wey I never reach six months
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 4:01am On May 23, 2023

Thanks a million, not yet.
I will fill it myself.

Another thing I need clarification on, this 4yrs experience, must it be at a particular company.

For example, if I spent 2yrs with one company, another 1year at another and last one year at another. Can any of the bosses in those companies still sign or won't be eligible since I don't spend up to 4yrs with any.

Any of your former boss or employer can sign for you provided they are COREN registered and have paid their dues up to date. Logically it's preferable to use ur current boss or supervisor.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by yahmaid04(m): 5:35pm On May 26, 2023
what happens after you are recommended for council?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 5:17pm On May 27, 2023
Were you recommended? I was told get one of my proposers to resign across the security as against initially signing by the side. I just did and awaiting admin action
what happens after you are recommended for council?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by yahmaid04(m): 5:39pm On May 27, 2023
Were you recommended? I was told get one of my proposers to resign across the security as against initially signing by the side. I just did and awaiting admin action
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 7:55pm On May 27, 2023
Wow, congratulations. I guess I have to wait for the correction I effected to be reevaluated
Re: COREN Registration Thread by yahmaid04(m): 10:18pm On May 27, 2023
Wow, congratulations. I guess I have to wait for the correction I effected to be reevaluated
thanks. Good luck

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Re: COREN Registration Thread by emiola28: 1:39pm On May 28, 2023
Were you recommended? I was told get one of my proposers to resign across the security as against initially signing by the side. I just did and awaiting admin action

Please, can we get the sample of what is expected of us as regards the proposers signing across the security?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 6:39pm On May 28, 2023

Please, can we get the sample of what is expected of us as regards the proposers signing across the security?

What it means is that your proposers just need to sign on top the stamp or seal not besides it
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 6:42pm On May 28, 2023
Were you recommended? I was told get one of my proposers to resign across the security as against initially signing by the side. I just did and awaiting admission to in action

Did you write the just concluded exam n interview?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by yahmaid04(m): 7:00pm On May 28, 2023

Please, can we get the sample of what is expected of us as regards the proposers signing across the security?

Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 8:06pm On May 28, 2023
Yes. I did mine on the 17th.

Did you write the just concluded exam n interview?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by inno4u: 8:31pm On May 28, 2023
Yes. I did mine on the 17th.

Ooh i did mine on the 18th
Re: COREN Registration Thread by OjogbonSkilash: 9:52pm On May 28, 2023

What it means is that your proposers just need to sign on top the stamp or seal not besides it

I just hope this rule isn't applicable to certificate of experience form.
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 8:59am On May 29, 2023
I just hope this issue is resolved on time.

Ooh i did mine on the 18th
Re: COREN Registration Thread by edib(m): 10:09am On May 29, 2023
Please when is council meeting?
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 5:40pm On May 29, 2023
I have been recommended for council.

Ooh i did mine on the 18th
Re: COREN Registration Thread by emiola28: 9:41pm On May 29, 2023
I have been recommended for council.
Mine is still showing awaiting admin action o
Re: COREN Registration Thread by Endola: 9:48pm On May 29, 2023
Hopefully within the week since today is Monday.

Mine is still showing awaiting admin action o

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