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Smart Contract: Lion Share Scam Or Fake Reviews - Technology Market - Nairaland

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Smart Contract: Lion Share Scam Or Fake Reviews by Emmybelove(m): 8:41pm On Jul 17, 2020
This Smart Contract : Lion Share

It is the Newest among smart contracts.
With more than 30,000 members with 3-4 days. And it's target is to reach a million in 2020.

Why it seems like a Scam? The registration or sign on fee is 0.04 ethereum, that is around 10$. But network fee is high as 0.06 that is around $15, making total of $25. The reason being that people actually want to register at a time all over the world.
But if you wait till late night you could register with around $15 all together. But there is a thing, if you see high fee of gas fee, and you registered, it is actually going to deduct like $3-4 not that high figure you see.
Now people ask me, I said may be the high price is to warn people what you be charged or just to scare people back. And let the real investors come in.
According to Lion Share, they have a package that you don't need to refer anybody before you earn.

How does Lion Share work?
They have L1 package. It is mainly profitable when you refer people.
They have L2 package, you don't need to refer before you earn. Your money works for you. Money comes through spill over and overflows. Yoi will see an image below with zero partners and system has filled his slots.

LION SHARE seems to be the only smart contract that will pay out around 50-100 ethereum that is $12, 000 to $25,000. No wonder the world was trying to register at a time.

LION SHARE it is a Smart Contract on a Blockchain and it is not a program of one person that will just go and change the paying system.

If you have Trust Wallet or Token Pocket or Metamask and funded already, then register under this link to enjoy overflow and spill overs :

Copy this to your Dapp browser :


Or you can use the ID: 26031 or 27648.

To register for Lion Share, and to know about other opportunities message here or Join my

Facebook page : Digi-Earn Income Online.
Image below.

Or Join telegram group :@teleincomeonline.


When you message on whatsapp. Just say, from Nairaland.

Above all: there is a discount, Just I will put the remaining and register you. or get free invite under you.
See in you the group.

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