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The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) - Celebrities (7) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) (28726 Views)

I’ll like to meet The Sugar Daddy 'Bankrolling' my business — Ifu Ennada / Tboss: 'I Never Had Love For Myself Until Recently' Shares Steamy New Photos / "Timaya, Let Me Be Your Sugar Mum" - 53-Year-Old, Plus-Sized Single Mum (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 3:39am On Nov 12, 2020
I sighed and decided to tell her the whole truth.

'Steph, madam's daughter that just came back from abroad was here. I went to drop her. She brought the gift.'

Enny was silent but I knew her silence was pregnant with meaning.

‘Why will she give you something as expensive as this?’

I sighed. ‘Well, her mother must have said commendable things about me to her. Remember, I went with madam to the airport to welcome the daughter? She must have decided to give me this in appreciation to my dedication to work.’

I could not tell whether she believed me or not but she was silent thereafter.

Enny was with me till some minutes past eight in the night. She prepared dinner and we chatted in animated way. When she was going, I offered to drive her home too. It didn’t take me long to be back to my apartment. I started getting the clothes I would wear to the office the following day ready. Around eleven p.m., I received a WhatsApp message from Steph. They were her pictures.

There were over fifty pictures that she sent. Some were with her friends and some with her course mates. She took the pictures with different outfits, some even in bikinis. I found some of the pictures distasteful. There were selfies she took clad only in bra - different sexy bras with different colors.

I was getting worried. Why was Steph doing all these? Why would she want to put me in trouble, big trouble?

* * *

In the office the following morning, I was in Mandy's office to print and make photocopies of the speech madam would give at a seminar that would be holding that same morning at Airport Hotel. Madam too soon came in, and I greeted her warmly.

'Let me have those papers when you're through,' she instructed.

'Yes, madam.'

When I completed the task, I took the papers to her office.

'Well done, Alex. We'll leave for the venue by 9.30.'

'Alright, ma'am.'

'Sit down, Alex.'

That meant there was something important to talk about. I did as I was told.

'Is it true Steph was in your apartment last night?'

I was surprised she knew. 'Yes, yes, ma'am.'

She stared at me. 'What's going on between the two of you?'

I tried to mask my discomfiture by smiling.

'Nothing, madam. Absolutely nothing. She's a good conversationalist, that's all.'

Madam nodded. 'Don't play any games with my daughter, Alex. Don't try to play any game with her. It will be very costly for you if you tried
that,' she added ominously.

'I can't do that ma'am,' I quickly explained. 'I even told her about Enny. I'm not that kind of person who flirts around. I actually see Steph like a sister.'

She stared at me and suddenly smiled. 'I trust you, Alex. Don't disappoint me.'

'I won't disappoint you, ma. I promise I will not.'

She smiled again. 'Just be very careful. Now, arrange those papers and put them in the case we're taking out.'

'Okay, madam.'

Phew! So, madam had started suspecting something! Well, she had the right to suspect. So many young men these days always want to take
advantage of the situation. One could not blame them.

There is this proverb that says make hays while the sun shines. Maybe they were right. But keeping decency pays a lot in the long run. Though
it was not easy, I wanted to keep my decency and dignity.

I must say that it was difficult to overcome temptation. The flesh is weak, no doubt.

I arranged the seminar papers in the briefcase she had indicated.

We soon left for the venue I could see that I was virtually playing many roles to madam: I was her P.A., her adviser, her family friend, her sexual
need provider; and even her bodyguard!

I smiled to myself. The truth was I loved all my roles.

The programme started thirty minutes late. It was an event that attracted many key players in the petroleum industry. When it was time for
madam to present her papers, titled 'The Perennial Challenges in Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry', she did it very well and received a standing ovation. I was proud she was my employer and boss.

On our way back to the office, in the car, she asked me how she fared during her presentation.

'You did perfectly well, madam. Your delivery was superb.'

'We did well, you mean,' she replied modestly. 'You're the one that wrote that speech.'

I only smiled to that, knowing that she was quite right.

The office was not far away and we soon got there. I assisted her to carry her bag to the office. Mandy soon came to meet me in the office.

'How was the show?' she asked.

I was confused. 'What show?'

'The show you and madam went for.'

I grinned. 'That wasn't a show. It was a seminar, and all went well.'

'It's still a show,' she insisted. 'I'm sure madam will show them what a brilliant speaker she is.'

I nodded and laughed shortly. 'I think you have a point there.'

'So, what did you bring from the place?'

I was beginning not to like the idea of Mandy asking for what I brought for her, but I kept a straight face.

'They served a buffet, but I can't bring any here,' I explained.

She smiled. 'Then, let me have my own buffet here.'

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by BigBasher: 1:15am On Nov 13, 2020
Nice update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by hismerhill(m): 3:02am On Nov 13, 2020
Bros I have sent you a mail. Payment has been made where is my book.
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by CasNova(m): 8:08am On Nov 14, 2020
Nice story.
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Awesome05: 4:12pm On Nov 15, 2020
Interesting story
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by ThrillPlus: 4:46am On Nov 16, 2020
Cool and interesting
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 4:06am On Nov 18, 2020
I was beginning not to like the idea of Mandy asking for what I brought for her, but I kept a straight face.

'They served a buffet, but I can't bring any here,' I explained.

She smiled. 'Then, let me have my own buffet here.'

At that moment, the office assistant came to inform her that madam wanted to see her.

She was just trying to be friendly, but I felt relieved.

* * *

Later that evening, I decided on what to have for dinner. I was in the kitchen to see the foodstuffs remaining. I still had some plantains, so I decided to fry some with some eggs. I peeled off the back and cut them into slices. I was about to light the gas cooker when a car blared its horn long and hard at the gate.

I went to see who it was. When I opened the pedestrian side of the gate, I saw a jeep that looked like madam's own. I moved close to the driver's side.

'Hello, Alex.' Steph, smiling warmly, was behind the wheel.

'Hello.' I was surprised to see her behind the wheel and to see her at that very time. I didn't know she could drive. I went on to open the gate wide for her.

She got out of the car and waited at my door. I opened it for her, like a gentleman, and we stepped inside the sitting-room.

'Did you miss me, Alex?' She asked, flopping on one of the sofas.

'Miss? We saw each other not long ago.' I gave a puzzled look.

'But you could still miss me all the same.'

I nodded dumbly. I must certainly be careful with her

She smiled and was on her feet.

'I'm sure you've missed me terribly, lover boy. Don't worry, Steph is here to give you all without holding back.'

I was shocked. Was she joking or what? I remained rooted on my feet, staring at her.

She moved towards me, threw her hands open and, before I could stop her, wrapped the hands round my neck and planted a kiss on my lips. I
was shocked to say the least.

'Hey, hey! Steph, what has come over you? If this is a joke, stop it!'

She still clung on to me and I had to be firm in breaking her entanglement.

'I miss you, lover-boy. I miss you. Take me!' she said frenetically.

I was perplexed. 'Steph! Listen, Steph!'

I held her two hands firmly. 'What's wrong with you?'

She gave that glassy smile. 'Nothing. I miss you.'

I was perturbed. If this was a joke, then she was taking it too far. Was she drunk? During that brief moment of kiss, I could not perceive the
smell of alcohol. What then was it?

'Calm down,' I said. 'Just calm down.'

She appeared to calm down. I grinned at her.

'Come. Come and sit down.' I said and led her to the sofa.

I sat her down, looking at her closely and curiously.

'What was this joke about, Steph?'

She wrinkled her nose as if she was disgusted. 'Joke? Who's joking? I miss you. Don't you miss me too?'

I sighed. 'Listen, we’re not lovers. I’m your mother’s employee. Her employee.'

'Don't you miss me?' she asked again, ignoring what I said. 'Don't you?'

I suddenly smiled, relaxed back on the chair and patted her shoulder.

'I'll take this as a joke, Steph. How's mummy?'

'I don't wanna talk 'bout mummy. I'm here for you.'

I stared at her curiously again. Then, something struck my mind. This kind of outlandish behavior could not be ordinary, I decided. There must
be something behind it.

I was seriously thinking over her bizarre behavior. Could Steph be on drugs? Could she be high on something? I never had the experience of
drug, but I had read a lot about it. It could twist the mind and induce hallucination. It could make one imagine what was not real.or could it be
that she was just faking the act?

What should I do now? Oh God, come to my aid, I found myself praying. Oh God, help me. How would I cope with this? My mind was in

'Can I get some water?' she asked. 'I'm thirsty.'

That was the most reasonable thing she had said tonight, so far.

I looked at her and decided the statement was unaffected.

'Sure, I'll be back.' I stood up and went to the kitchen. Believe me, I was disturbed.

Could she be acting? Was this a joke? Was she under the influence of drug? I wished I could get the true answer.

I lingered in the kitchen a bit, wondering on what I should do if her strange act continued.

Why not take her? A voice asked me. This was a good opportunity. She wanted it. She had said you should take her, be a man and do that.
That was what she had been saying. Take her! After all, she was beautiful and gorgeous. Enny that you seemed to esteem so much cannot stand her beauty and glamor, so take the leverage.

Another voice warned me against it. Hey, have you forgotten madam’s warning? It would spell your doom if you got carried away, I was warned.

I sighed and shook my head.

I opened the fridge and brought a bottle water and glass out. Maybe this would calm her down, I reasoned. I fervently hoped it would. I sighed and took the water to the sitting-room.

On getting there, the sight I saw astonished me.

Steph was lying on her back on the sofa.

On the center table were her cloths and undies. She was completely nude.
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by BigBasher: 8:14pm On Nov 18, 2020
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by tonysunkan: 2:57pm On Nov 21, 2020
Interesting story
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by UltimateSpice: 8:09pm On Nov 21, 2020
Nice one
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 5:18pm On Nov 22, 2020
Maybe this would calm her down, I reasoned. I fervently hoped it would. I sighed and took the water to the sitting-room.

On getting there, the sight I saw astonished me.

Steph was lying on her back on the sofa.

On the center table were her cloths and undies. She was completely nude.

'Come, lover-boy,' she mumbled. 'I'm waiting.'

Chapter Seven

'Steph!' I said in a voice I could hardly recognize as my own. 'What is this?'

She smiled and beckoned again. My eyes went to her jeans trousers, her pink top, the red bra and the white pantie on the center table. I remained rooted to the same spot.

Again, she beckoned at me. I was almost in a delirium. Her sight was bewitching, but madam’s warning was equally life-threatening. I tried to look away but could not.

‘Come on, Alex. What are you waiting for?’

She opened her legs wide. Maybe I shouldn’t have looked down, but looking at her genitals enthralled me. I could simply not resist her one minute longer. I moved towards her, undressed myself in a frenzy and took her like my life depended on it.

It was just like Edith’s case. It was after the whole thing that my eyes became clear.

‘Oh, Steph, we should not have done this,’ I said in panic. ‘This is terrible. Your mum must never know we did this.’

‘Hey, relax,’ she said nonchalantly. ‘No one is a kid here, and no one has committed any crime in making love.’

I quickly got dressed, shaking my head. Why must I fall for Steph like this? Why could I not just restrain myself?

‘Nothing, to worry about, Alex,’ she went on as she slowly put on her clothes. ‘There’s nothing mum can do about this.’

But there’s a lot she could do, my mind screamed. ‘You have to promise me something,’ I said earnestly. ‘You just have to promise me that she will never know this thing that happened between us.’

She suddenly stopped to stare at me curiously. ‘Hey, didn’t you tell me that there’s nothing between you two?’

I sighed. Was it not better I told her the truth now? ‘I’m sorry. Believe me, I’m sorry. It’s just that I found it difficult to admit. Steph, there’s actually something going on between your mum and me.’

She stared at me hard. ‘What! Why didn’t you say so?’

I looked at her plaintively. ‘I’m sorry, but I never knew we could do what we did. I never thought I could fall for you.’

She stared hard at me again and suddenly shrugged. ‘So, what happens now?”

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Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Saturn101: 9:19pm On Nov 22, 2020
Interesting story
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 6:14pm On Nov 23, 2020
Alex has committed a taboo.
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 12:28am On Nov 28, 2020
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 9:06pm On Dec 09, 2020
She suddenly stopped to stare at me curiously. ‘Hey, didn’t you tell me that there’s nothing between you two?’

I sighed. Was it not better I told her the truth now? ‘I’m sorry. Believe me, I’m sorry. It’s just that I found it difficult to admit. Steph, there’s actually something going on between your mum and me.’

She stared at me hard. ‘What! Why didn’t you say so?’

I looked at her plaintively. ‘I’m sorry, but I never knew we could do what we did. I never thought I could fall for you.’

She stared hard at me again and suddenly shrugged. ‘So, what happens now?”

I sighed. “We have to pretend that this ever happened. I’m so sorry, Steph that I didn’t tell you on time. We just must not do this again and must pretend that we never did it in the first place. Please, Steph, try to understand.’

There was a brief silence. Again, she shrugged. ‘Alright, I will try to pretend that this happened.’

I felt relieved. ‘Thank you so much, Steph. Thanks.’

She stayed for some minutes more before she left my apartment.

The next morning, I devoted my time to work and tried to forget about Steph's misdemeanor. Madam B was not coming as early as before,
probably because Steph was around. Now, she came after ten, except when she had meetings to attend early in the morning.

About some minutes after nine, I received a call from Steph.

'Morning, Alex.'

'Morning, Steph.' There was a pause. 'How was your night?' I asked.

'Great. How about yours?'

'Well, not so good, I'm afraid.'

'What happened?'

'I guess it just happened like that,' I said.

I could hear her giggle. 'Come on, Alex. Don’t tell me you’re still scared over what happened last night.'

I decided to sound bold. 'Oh, no. I guess I was not just in a good mood.'

'But then, you enjoyed the act, didn’t you?'

I became uneasy. ‘Let’s not talk about it.’

‘Okay, but be sincere, did you enjoy it or not?’

Must she force me to answer that? I decided to save time by admitting that indeed, I enjoyed ‘it.’

She laughed over the line. ‘I know you did. Anyway, don’t worry over a thing. Our secret will be kept as secret.’

I felt a bit relieved about that assurance. ‘Thanks for your understanding,’ I stated.

‘Just to hear your voice, Alex. Have a nice day.’

‘And you too. Thanks for calling.’

Few minutes later, Madam B came and I went to meet her. She gave me the task of writing out
a list of ten NGOs (some of them ran orphanage homes) and their bank accounts from her
business diary.

I was to transfer some funds to their bank accounts. The money ran into millions of naira. I must say that I was impressed by madam's generous heart. The woman was obviously naturally kind.

At the close of work, while I drove my car home, I thought over how best to handle Steph. I decided I would tell her more truth about how I
came to work for her mother and the impression the woman first created in me.

I would also reinforce the fact that what happened between us was a mistake that must never be repeated. In fact, the best thing would be to cut off any further personal relationship between Steph and me. I was able to do that with Edith, so Steph’s case should not be different.

I got home about five-thirty, but was surprised to see Madam B's Lexus jeep parked in the compound. Had the madam come so early? I was surprised it was Steph that came out of it, smiling.

'Hello, Alex.'

'Hello, Steph. You're early.'


I could see that she was holding a polythene bag.

'Hope you've not waited for long.'


I preceded her to my flat.

She seemed calm and cool, I was quick to note. This was in contrast to the other time.

'One minute, please.' I switched on the television and went to my room to change. By the time I emerged, I was in casuals.

'So, how are you Steph?'

'I'm cool.'

I sat opposite her, studying her.

‘There are certain things we must agree,’ I started. ‘Number one of them is the fact that we have to stop seeing each other.’

The Sugar Mum: https://okadabooks.com/book/about/the-sugar-mum-the-steamy-version/35123


Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 3:38pm On Dec 10, 2020
Nice update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by okparea(m): 11:16am On Dec 11, 2020
More update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by SeyiDominion: 10:43am On Dec 12, 2020
Interesting story
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 6:05pm On Dec 20, 2020
She seemed calm and cool, I was quick to note. This was in contrast to the other time.

'One minute, please.' I switched on the television and went to my room to change. By the time I emerged, I was in casuals.

'So, how are you Steph?'

'I'm cool.'

I sat opposite her, studying her.

‘There are certain things we must agree,’ I started. ‘Number one of them is the fact that we have to stop seeing each other.’

‘Listen, Alex,’ she interjected. ‘We’re friends already, and no one can stop that. Mum already knows that we’re friends.’

I was full of thoughts as I shook my head. If we were disciplined, we could still carry on without creating a mess. If Enny came around and saw Steph in my apartment, I could always say she only came on a visit. If we played everything well, surely, there should be no trouble.

‘Alright,’ I said. ‘But the relationship must only be at friendship level. We just have to be careful that the thing we did never happens again. As I said, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the true relationship between your mum and me on time.’

There was a brief silence. ''Do you promise me that what happened yesterday will not repeat itself?'

She nodded without saying a word.

‘Can I have your words on this?’

Again, she nodded. Her eyes went to the polythene bag she brought. She picked the bag up.

'Here, this is for you.'

I was very curious. 'What's inside?'

'Two warmers. One contains fried rice while the second contains fried turkey and stew. You know what? I cooked it myself.'

'Wow! But you shouldn't have gone through all these stress,' I opined.

'It's no big deal. I'm good in cooking, and I like cooking. I believe I take after mummy in that. She enjoys cooking too.'

'Well, thank you,' I said. 'Let me take it to the kitchen.'

'No, no. Let me do it for you.'

I took her to the kitchen where she washed two pots. She then emptied the rice into one pot and the turkey and the stew in another pot.

Thereafter, she dished some rice and turkey in two plates. She put the two plates on a tray and we returned to the sitting-room where she handed one plate to me.

We soon started to eat our food. I must confess that the food was delicious.

'You sure know how to cook well,' I commended.

She smiled warmly. 'Thank you.'

After that, we ate the food in silence, each with his or her thoughts. She was trying to be nice, I told himself. Well, this was better than playing seduction game.

After the meal, Steph cleared the table and took the plates to the kitchen.

I thanked her for the trouble, but she brushed it aside. We chatted and laughed as if we had been the best of friends for years.

I found Steph interesting, no doubt, but I knew I would be playing with fire, if I should step beyond the bond again. One significant thing was I could not erase Madam B from my mind throughout the time Steph was around. It was as if madam was right there watching all my moves.

The Sugar Mum:https://okadabooks.com/book/about/the-sugar-mum-the-steamy-version/35123
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by tonysunkan: 6:16am On Dec 21, 2020
Interesting story.

1 Like

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 6:02am On Dec 22, 2020
Ride on.

1 Like

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by BigBasher: 8:51pm On Dec 22, 2020

1 Like

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 1:23pm On Dec 25, 2020
I took her to the kitchen where she washed two pots. She then emptied the rice into one pot and the turkey and the stew in another pot.

Thereafter, she dished some rice and turkey in two plates. She put the two plates on a tray and we returned to the sitting-room where she handed one plate to me.

We soon started to eat our food. I must confess that the food was delicious.

'You sure know how to cook well,' I commended.

She smiled warmly. 'Thank you.'

After that, we ate the food in silence, each with his or her thoughts. She was trying to be nice, I told himself. Well, this was better than playing seduction game.

After the meal, Steph cleared the table and took the plates to the kitchen.

I thanked her for the trouble, but she brushed it aside. We chatted and laughed as if we had been the best of friends for years.

I found Steph interesting, no doubt, but I knew I would be playing with fire, if I should step beyond the bond again. One significant thing was I
could not erase Madam B from my mind throughout the time Steph was around. It was as if madam was right there watching all my moves.

Beside the factor of madam, I would not want to hurt Enny. Steph was with me until few minutes to nine in the evening.

Moments after she had driven off, Enny was in the house, as if she was on cue.

'Hello, dear,' she greeted.

'Hello, baby.' I went over to give her a peck. She dropped her handbag a seat.

'I'm famished. Let me go to the kitchen and prepare something.'

'There's food in the house,' I said.

'Good.' She went to the kitchen and I followed her. When she opened the pot containing the stew and chicken, she became curious.

'Where did you get all these chicken?'

I knew it was risky, but decided to tell her the truth. 'Steph just left here. She brought them.'

Her eyes clouded immediately. 'Steph?'

I nodded. 'Madam's daughter. Look, there's also fried rice in the other pot.'

Enny shook her head. 'I can't eat this.'

'Oh, come on, Enny. There's no harm in eating it.'

Enny remained adamant. She said she would prepare her own food.

Since I had some foodstuffs in the house, she decided to prepare boiled yams and fried eggs. She made for me too. I was still full, but I must eat her food, even if sparingly.

Not long after eating, Enny said we should pray before we went to bed. She always did that. Even in her church, she was a member of the 'prayer warriors.'

The following morning, I dropped her at Ketu bus stop on my way to the office. Madam B came early to the office, and this time she came with Steph.

Some minutes after arriving in the office, Steph came to me. She looked radiant in her dress. I was quick to see that the skirt was short, but it fitted her perfectly.

'How was your night?' she asked.

'It was fine. How about yours?'

'Oh, it was nice.'

The office assistant came inside the office.

'Madam wants to see you,' he told me.

I nodded and went to madam's office with Steph on my heel.

'Yes, Alex,' madam said as soon as I stepped inside the place. 'Go and be prepared. In some minutes from now, you'll be going to Sagamu road. There's a new filling station the company is commissioning today. I want you to represent me there. The commissioning is coming up by noon.'

I nodded. ‘Yes, madam.’

'I'll suggest you go by ten. The company driver knows the place. He will take you there.'

I nodded again. 'That will be no problem, ma'am.'

'Mum, I'll like to go along,' Steph said.

There was a pause. 'That's alright,' Madam said.

The Sugar Mum: https://okadabooks.com/book/about/the-sugar-mum-the-steamy-version/35123

1 Like

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by CasNova(m): 5:32pm On Dec 25, 2020
Nice update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by FairCritic(m): 11:08am On Dec 27, 2020
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by BigBasher: 9:32pm On Dec 28, 2020
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 4:16pm On Dec 31, 2020
Carry on.
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Janet96(f): 4:11am On Jan 01, 2021
Nice update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Zamar: 8:31am On Jan 09, 2021
Carry on.

Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by LoveToRead: 11:14am On Jan 09, 2021
There's a new filling station the company is commissioning today. I want you to represent me there. The commissioning is coming up by noon.'

I nodded. ‘Yes, madam.’

'I'll suggest you go by ten. The company driver knows the place. He will take you there.'

I nodded again. 'That will be no problem, ma'am.'

'Mum, I'll like to go along,' Steph said.

There was a pause. 'That's alright,' Madam said.

Chapter Eight

We left at about ten o'clock as madam said. Steph and I sat at the back of the car. The way she perched at my side and held my left hand was a bit uncomfortable, if you know what I mean. We got to the place on time and performed the commissioning to the applause of those there.

The place was declared open in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I really felt like I was an important man that day. There was light refreshment and we took our leave.

On the way back to Lagos, Steph said she felt sleepy. She put her head on my left shoulder and closed her eyes. I allowed her to be.

It was few minutes to three o'clock when we got back to the office. I was told madam had left. I called her on the cellphone to give her the feedback of the commissioning. Steph remained in my office till I closed at five.

'I'll take you home,' I said.

'Why don't you let's go your place first? I'm enjoying your company.'

I was reluctant to grant that.

‘Oh, come on, Alex,’ she prompted. ‘Mum knows about our friendship. What is there to be scared of again?’

'Okay,' I finally agreed. 'But I'll like you to go home early today, say by six-thirty. I don't want your mummy to think I'm playing games with you. She has warned me against that.'

She chuckled. 'What games are you talking about?

I chuckled too. 'You know what I mean, lady.'

'No, I don't.'

'Yes, you do.'

I drove her to my apartment. Maybe I shouldn't have because everything changed thereafter.
'Let me see how your bedroom looks like,' she said, following me there.

I didn't want to change to casuals in her presence, so I only removed my shoes and socks, and tucked out the shirt.

'It's a nice little bedroom,' she was saying.

'Thank you,' I said.

She stood in my front and stared into my eyes. I stared back. That became my undoing as I became spell-bound.

'So, what games are you scared of playing with me?' she asked.

'You really want to know?'

'Yes I do.'

'Alright, let me show you.'

The Sugar Mum: https://okadabooks.com/book/about/the-sugar-mum-the-steamy-version/35123
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by FairCritic(m): 4:06pm On Jan 09, 2021
Nice update
Re: The Sugar Mum (the Steamy Version) by Awesome05: 12:34pm On Jan 10, 2021
Nice update

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Globacom Drops Ramsey Noah, Rita Dominic, Uche Jombo As Ambassadors / Orezi Replies Dammy Krane's Insult And Its Epic And Hilarious (video) / Tobi Bakre Replies Twitter User Who Called Alex "A Village Wife"

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