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Starting A Sharwama Business - Business (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by wirinet(m): 2:13pm On Jul 24, 2020
Just opened a mini eatery for my wife just over a month ago with shawama included. It's an OK business. Your success depends on location, your supply source, the quality and taste of your product, your marketing and business strategy and your pricing/competitiveness.

You also need to get the right equipment and utensils.

Don't forget hard work and determination. Don't let naysayers discourage you. Even if it is difficult at first learn not to never give up.


Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Zealoy(m): 2:14pm On Jul 24, 2020
Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.
i love this, before I started my business I doubted myself and feared for a very long time before I decided to put the fears away n start, well now not that am where I wants to be already but am making a huge progress


Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Betterhandwork(m): 2:15pm On Jul 24, 2020

Just look for a good area and site the kiosk, build a portable solar generator for lighting at night and leave generator out of it.

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Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by poiunt: 2:18pm On Jul 24, 2020

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Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by KosyJerry(m): 2:30pm On Jul 24, 2020
Ftc Bi*ches!!!!
Sharwama sucks mehn

Shut up if you don’t have anything reasonable to add... WTF

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by crafteck(m): 2:30pm On Jul 24, 2020
Good day all,

I need some business advice on starting a Sharwama business.

I was considering these:

1. Buy used kiosk or make a new wood & plywood one

2. Second hand Sharwama toaster

3. Gas oven to keep meat hot

4. Small generator

Please I need your advice.

How much do I need to arrange a small stall for shawarma?

Although some hotel bars around here make shawarma, I'm planning to locate my stall at a very business road junction connecting 4 towns.

Please advise, everyone.

Wow.. Im interested

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by lifenajeje(m): 2:32pm On Jul 24, 2020
A store is not the problem dear nairalander..

What u need is the right spot to make sales ..

Ur logic of using a cross junction may not be appropriate because in the near future competitors will take the vacant 3 positions around u ....

There are people making it without stores ..

Just get the biggest umbrella and foldable table ( should Incase government agencies begin their demolishing activities so u can always move to another spot ..

You only need to get a generating set if u intend to sell at night ..

There are people who sell at busy areas and close before 7pm..

Never u get a used shawarma toaster ..

The gas chamber might get rusty in ur hands fast or the burner is already smoky( giving u lots of cleaning as a result of carbon)

U can get fabricators to construct one for about 30k..

There are ready made ones one at Alaba international market , jiji or jumia..

It's of two types local and foreign ..

The foreign type is electric so when u place the shawarma on the toaster it toast both sides evenly ..

The local toaster does it job one side at a time so u have to flip the shawarma on all sides from time to time ..

If u have an electric oven ..it's bae ..as long as there is electricity ....

It makes all sides of the shawarma crispy in 3 minutes ..

Now most important factor is to consider ur pricing ..

U need to be sure u set ur price right ..

Don't sell 500 becos others around u sell for that price ..

Make good creamy tasty shawarma and sell at a reasonable profit ..

Those sell 500 in busy areas are working based on turnover ..

Turnover does not guarantee profit ..

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by ShitStain(m): 2:32pm On Jul 24, 2020

Shut up if you don’t have anything reasonable to add... WTF

Are we fighting?
I just gave my opinion and it's okay not to agree with it
But shutting me off is not cool

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Nobody: 3:09pm On Jul 24, 2020
Try locate an ajebo neighbourhood nd start ur business der, ajepaki no dey chop sharama lik dat o.

All d best in ur new found venture

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by urbanshoppersng: 3:15pm On Jul 24, 2020
Allow us to help you shop for your equipment... we know people who want to sell their equipment like chicken rotisserie, gas oven, generator and the likes, we can also give you consultancy advice on packaging which we can shop for you too... do check our profile for contact details. we're registered with the CAC... so fear nothing

Good day all,

I need some business advice on starting a Sharwama business.

I was considering these:

1. Buy used kiosk or make a new wood & plywood one

2. Second hand Sharwama toaster

3. Gas oven to keep meat hot

4. Small generator

Please I need your advice.

How much do I need to arrange a small stall for shawarma?

Although some hotel bars around here make shawarma, I'm planning to locate my stall at a very business road junction connecting 4 towns.

Please advise, everyone.

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by MrBONE2(m): 3:16pm On Jul 24, 2020
Too many people in the biz..just get a better spot for it but u go do tasting and giveaway first to attract customers grin


Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by jovijovi: 3:32pm On Jul 24, 2020
Try locate an ajebo neighbourhood nd start ur business der, ajepaki no dey chop sharama lik dat o.

All d best in ur new found venture

You are very correct sir.
Op pls check the life style in in the city u are living. Cos the way things are now. Some people can not afford to buy shawarma, some don't know the nutritional value. The best place to site such business is near a bank.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by MadeMan01(m): 3:42pm On Jul 24, 2020
I am very interested in this. Any guru that can advise?
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by jimcaddy(m): 3:54pm On Jul 24, 2020
The number of people willing to start one form of business or the other amazes me. We have an issue with our population as we are too much in this country. Resources just cannot go round because for every death, we have a thousand births in this country. Geometrically, our population has grown. Even jobs cannot go round. Infrastructure cannot go round. It's so sad how other countries with larger population go about this and we just can not.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by AlmaIganishire: 4:09pm On Jul 24, 2020
I prefer sharwama over pizza anytime. ��‍♀️��‍♀️
Check the flyer firstly ��

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Nobody: 4:09pm On Jul 24, 2020
Good day all,

I need some business advice on starting a Sharwama business.

I was considering these:

1. Buy used kiosk or make a new wood & plywood one

2. Second hand Sharwama toaster

3. Gas oven to keep meat hot

4. Small generator

Please I need your advice.

How much do I need to arrange a small stall for shawarma?

Although some hotel bars around here make shawarma, I'm planning to locate my stall at a very business road junction connecting 4 towns.

Please advise, everyone.

Why not roast chicken ?

Add a lady to fry plantain and potatoes.

Any and everyone can afford that kind of food.

In fact you won't rest if you do it right. One woman dey do am this side. She con add am rice and salad join.

Outside for open junction.


Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Chukazu: 5:04pm On Jul 24, 2020
Ok. Am into shawarma
Send a pm.. it more elaborate

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by ghiloman28(m): 5:12pm On Jul 24, 2020
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Chukazu: 5:23pm On Jul 24, 2020
Allow us to help you shop for your equipment... we know peoploe who want to sell equipment like chicken rotisserie, gas oven, generator and the likes, we can also give you consultancy advice on packaging which we can shop for you too... do check our profile for contact details. we're registered with the CAC... so fear nothing


Can you be reached on whatsapp
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Chukazu: 5:28pm On Jul 24, 2020
A store is not the problem dear nairalander..

What u need is the right spot to make sales ..

Ur logic of using a cross junction may not be appropriate because in the near future competitors will take the vacant 3 positions around u ....

There are people making it without stores ..

Just get the biggest umbrella and foldable table ( should Incase government agencies begin their demolishing activities so u can always move to another spot ..

You only need to get a generating set if u intend to sell at night ..

There are people who sell at busy areas and close before 7pm..

Never u get a used shawarma toaster ..

The gas chamber might get rusty in ur hands fast or the burner is already smoky( giving u lots of cleaning as a result of carbon)

U can get fabricators to construct one for about 30k..

There are ready made ones one at Alaba international market , jiji or jumia..

It's of two types local and foreign ..

The foreign type is electric so when u place the shawarma on the toaster it toast both sides evenly ..

The local toaster does it job one side at a time so u have to flip the shawarma on all sides from time to time ..

If u have an electric oven ..it's bae ..as long as there is electricity ....

It makes all sides of the shawarma crispy in 3 minutes ..

Now most important u is to consider ur pricing ..

U need to be sure u set ur price right ..

Don't sell 500 becos others around
ghiloman28 post=92061628:
you u sell for that price ..

Make good creamy tasty shoawarma and sell at a reasonable profit ..
Those sell 500 in busy areas are working based on turnover ..

Turnover does not guarantee profit ..
Do u have contact for Alaba?

1 Like

Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by pedi(m): 5:37pm On Jul 24, 2020
Bro abeg na different things are wan asked you, how do I create a thread like this so people can read. Abeg help me
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by johnykgoal: 5:55pm On Jul 24, 2020
Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Denique(f): 6:17pm On Jul 24, 2020

Do u have contact for Alaba?

Once you get to Alaba, you'll see the machines displayed outside.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by 17lee(m): 6:19pm On Jul 24, 2020
Shawama business is good but you can also consider this business it gives 100% return on investment, it is "laundry liquid starch production" you will come back and thank me, for details whatsapp this only zero eight zero 64654116. You will be glad you did.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by greggng: 7:48pm On Jul 24, 2020
Good day all,

I need some business advice on starting a Sharwama business.

I was considering these:

1. Buy used kiosk or make a new wood & plywood one

2. Second hand Sharwama toaster

3. Gas oven to keep meat hot

4. Small generator

Please I need your advice.

How much do I need to arrange a small stall for shawarma?

Although some hotel bars around here make shawarma, I'm planning to locate my stall at a very business road junction connecting 4 towns.

Please advise, everyone.

Before you start this business ensure you are very good in it. Infact, I will advice you to come and visit me at gowon estate so that I can take you to a guy that does it at gowon estate. I am yet to taste one better than his own...they way he package his stuff is commendable . I pray he will accept u as his student so that u can perfect your skill...he is the best here ....

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Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Bewiseedet(m): 7:50pm On Jul 24, 2020
u atr from congo
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by Holuwatomi: 8:12pm On Jul 24, 2020
The end Is near

The devil knows the time is almost here for God to be King of all the earth

He's not willing to go down alone

He's going to battle you with you with all his weapons

He has been ruling you through his puppets that you called politicians

Misinformation, lying , deception by religion and finally WAR

can u imagine wat dis guy is saying, how DOS it now connect to shawarma business.
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by lifenajeje(m): 10:37pm On Jul 24, 2020

Do u have contact for Alaba?

Go to ubakason plaza where GTB is located along the road ..

There are various sellers there ..they have foreign and local ..

Only problem with buying their local is that the flame may not be constant when turned on due to improper gas pipe ..

U may need to take it to a fabricator to set it well for u..

It's best to get one from a fabricator .
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by lifenajeje(m): 10:41pm On Jul 24, 2020

Before you start this business ensure you are very good in it. Infact, I will advice you to come and visit me at gowon estate so that I can take you to a guy that does it at gowon estate. I am yet to taste one better than his own...they way he package his stuff is commendable . I pray he will accept u as his student so that u can perfect your skill...he is the best here ....

Would love to have a taste where is he located in gowon estate .
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by greggng: 11:09pm On Jul 24, 2020

Would love to have a taste where is he located in gowon estate .

If you know gowon estate very well then you should know 31 road close to automedics...the guy is the best here ...his price starts from 800 naira and above ..,
Re: Starting A Sharwama Business by lifenajeje(m): 7:17am On Jul 25, 2020

If you know gowon estate very well then you should know 31 road close to automedics...the guy is the best here ...his price starts from 800 naira and above ..,

Thanks will try it out

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