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'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members - Family (5) - Nairaland

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Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by madjune(m): 2:55am On Jul 25, 2020
Clearly, this lady is being abused and disrespected in her own fathers house because she's the last born.

It's so wrong.
More wrong that most last born fave this bullshit because of how siblings perceive them until they act up.
I could relate because I'm one myself.

I support her action fully.
She should follow it up with actions if nobody heeds her admonitions to regain her respect and right as a member of the House

Such pretty soul, you could see she cares about their dog.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by jaxxy(m): 3:14am On Jul 25, 2020
Ehyaa see better pikin just like my last born, very humble, diligent, funny... she has accepted all domestic chores as her duty being the youngest..I do admire her patience

Did she accept
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Igie4kings(m): 3:21am On Jul 25, 2020
Well she just poured out her mind and I think the older siblings should listen to her rather than calling her demon with horn. Only those who knows the pain she feels when has to repeat a circle without no helping hand from others, apart from her dad helping with the dog, will understand what she is going through.
As a child, I asked myself one day some questions regarding when I will stop being the one doing some work in the house.
It's even a shame that the last born notices that her elder sister does not know how to cook. Too bad @ using many pots to cook one soup. grin grin grin
The last born of my own family is a little demon with horns.

A Tweeter shared this letter on her page written by the last born, aka baby of the family where she complained bitterly about being overworked and 'almost killed' with house chores. The last born spelt out, in very clear terms her rights and duties which are being infringed by her 'lazy' older sisters. grin grin grin

Read the hilarious letter below cheesy

Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by reservd(m): 3:32am On Jul 25, 2020
I blame the parents, they are suppose to designate duties/chores to all the children so everyone has his/her role in the upkeep of the house. Lastborn no be slave


Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Ishilove: 3:36am On Jul 25, 2020
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Una know why I’m laughing??

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Because I’m the CONFIRMED opposite of that last born.

Who dem be sef...

I fought with my immediate elder sister so teeeeyyy she confirm my street credibility.

Anytime wey our parents no dey around, they go gang up wan bury me. My oldest brother nah em I dey fear pass, but nah only when my mama no dey.

I no get time to dey write long letter, who long letter help.

My elder sisters tire for me nah
The advantage I get over dem den be say I dey do very well for school.

My sister: sailor come wash plate
Me: I dey read my book, abi u wan make I carry 20th like you?
My sister: ( gives me lui kang triple combo punch)

But it’s all good now. They are married and the love they shower on me ehh, nah only God go bless them enough


Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by zedegit: 3:44am On Jul 25, 2020
The last born of my own family is a little demon with horns.

A Tweeter shared this letter on her page written by the last born, aka baby of the family where she complained bitterly about being overworked and 'almost killed' with house chores. The last born spelt out, in very clear terms her rights and duties which are being infringed by her 'lazy' older sisters.

Read the hilarious letter below cheesy


Quite hilarious. The jobs are too much nah but the washing of plates only used by my parents and I got me. It was even stressed, no washing of personal pots used in cooking.

Ishilove must not miss this.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by zedegit: 3:52am On Jul 25, 2020
In my house you will just chop fairly used slaps anyhow from your elder ones if you try this nonsense

You will equally get ready made flogging or scolding from the parents for it.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by ibkonekt(m): 4:05am On Jul 25, 2020
This is deep...i love the fact the girl is standing up for herself
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by ibkonekt(m): 4:10am On Jul 25, 2020
You should be privileged been the last born in d 1st place.
You complaining of your older ones been lazy is wrong. Every member of a family played such roles at one stage in the family.
This same lazy siblings are the ones that will cater for your well being when d time comes.
Mind you it would be based on how u have managed yourself as d last born that you would also enjoy your lazy older ones.
Let me give you one secret as a last born. When you do all this houseworks diligently without complaining no matter how long it takes, I promise you that you would reap it handsomely even when you get married. Your older one's are monitoring them. They would do everything humanly possible that you lack nothing, they can go as far as borrowing money just for you.
But u see this complain up and down, when the time comes you would be asking yourself why is my senior sis/bro not giving me money na.
Choose wisely.
With the last born's diligence and intelligence I suspect she will be the richest amongst all her siblings....hard work pays after all. She is not complaining without reason. She is making sense

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Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by UDUJ(m): 4:23am On Jul 25, 2020
Hahahahaha, the last born provoked.

To be a last born is not a curse. Everyone deserves some level of respect no matter the position they are placed

At the boldfaced : Very true

I was a last born too, but luckily I never did any house chores cheesy
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by middlebelter(m): 4:29am On Jul 25, 2020
I don't know while the mother of the house is not being blamed here. Responsibilities should be distributed to children as soon as they are old enough to handle it.
Why will the mother or father in the absence of a mother,watch the elders in the house overburden the younger one to the extent of wall Ng her up to put off the generator. That is not good. People who want to watch the film to their satisfaction should be ready to put it off when they are through or you set a minimum time to put it off when everyone is awake.
The truth is that if not properly handled it can lead to resentment among siblings that will be difficult to erase.

Responsibilities should be distributed and rotated including cooking. Senior that want the younger one to wash plate must earn it through granting of favour to the junior and junior must respect the elders but not be burdened with chores.
That's my verdict. I rise.

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Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Futuragetty: 4:54am On Jul 25, 2020
Ahh, I am the youngest of the children being raised by my parents. I understand how you feel. in my case, I'd get up very early to wash cars, that I was too small to drive. In fact, My immediate sister gave me over 8+ years gap.
but then, doing those chores really helped me. Living on my own, I don't find cooking, cleaning and doing anything at all difficult. some of my brothers can't cook, whenever He has a fall out with the wife, he runs to my kitchen grin


Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by franugo(m): 5:09am On Jul 25, 2020
That generator part is the most annoying.. You'll be fast asleep, person will wake you to goan off Gen.. Something they could have done themselves

Last born spotted...
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by PrimadonnaO(f): 5:37am On Jul 25, 2020
I'd have assumed the last born was a guy...
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Geemario: 5:41am On Jul 25, 2020
Greetings! to all last born here, it's with a pitious mind; I write to solicit for a strong association, where our individual's rights would be harnessed through thorough discussions, as we may have good legal solicitors too in the association; having seen the trauma one of us is going through in his/her family house. I believe many good number of us have similar experiences to share; but have no platform to do so. The association shall be a well disciplined one, and shall take the members' matter with utmost concern. Whomever that can create a facebook account for it should kindly do so and circulate it to the public. Acceptance would be after series of questions and the association deem it legible of the applicant to be a member with evidence can the application be accepted. Also many benefits would be made available therein, such as: job opportunities and so on. All concerned, let's help ourselves and break that belittling attitudes, even in sharing of the collective family's inheritance, our brothers and sisters do show us. Thank you all.

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Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by neonly: 6:00am On Jul 25, 2020
Lol cheesy

NOW, this is funny!
Make dem no kill last borns for us o.

This particular last born is just unlucky sha.
95% of last borns are spoilt with TLC ( Tender, Loving, Care!)

Am last born of family of 5 and honesty I can relate with her story
People shabi chance last born but belief me d day they have courage to speak out ehh war don start for d house bi dat
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by temmy2210: 6:12am On Jul 25, 2020
I can see that she is been loaded with house chores all in the name of baby of the house. Imagine her sister doesn't know how to cook than to load them with pepper.

I feel your pain Aburo mi, but I will encourage you to do your best while you leave the rest. Experience gained today is a plus for you tomorrow. Keep up being hard-working, it pays...

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Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by NSK4U(m): 6:19am On Jul 25, 2020
She should just summon everyone In that house to family meeting and distribute to them, while she paste some on the wall as reminder.. grin grin grin

hahahaha lol

yu r wicked!
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by coolcharm(m): 6:38am On Jul 25, 2020

As old as you are, you are still dragging last born position,

Lol, Ancient of days, is that you? grin no now, the that thing can be annoying. Even as grown ups, they still treat you as a messanger
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Lovelyn451(f): 6:45am On Jul 25, 2020

Did she accept
my baby sister accepted o without complaint plus running errands sef ...but we spoil her with gifts o
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Origin(f): 6:55am On Jul 25, 2020
That was exactly what i faced growing up.

I would repeatedly ask if my parents were truly my parents as i grew up feeling unloved. (Unfortunately they were). How can just one person carry all the work load.

Egbon 1 will still send you errands
Egbon 2 same
Egbon 3 and so on.....

If you no go na serious family meeting wahala.

Worse part i wasnt the last born even then but was just ripe for all the jobs.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by frozen70(f): 7:05am On Jul 25, 2020
Very funny complain
She is really tired of the house chores
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Alezy(m): 7:07am On Jul 25, 2020
I had like to know if its bloggers that bring things here on NL, someone's content on twitter would jus be carried here like this without even asking. Na wa o
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by CapitalBank: 7:30am On Jul 25, 2020
Hahahahaha, the last born provoked.

To be a last born is not a curse. Everyone deserves some level of respect no matter the position they are placed

If u are not close to that position, you won't understand that guys frustration Lwkmd. This one na rebel last born ooo
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Reference(m): 7:36am On Jul 25, 2020
C'mon tell daddy to get electrical aids for washing and cleaning to lighten the load. Smart changeovers for the power set are cheap thses days.

Remember there are no prizes in heaven and on earth for house chores neither can you put them in your resume for any job other than in the entertainment industry.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Sacrosanct12(m): 7:40am On Jul 25, 2020
In my house you will just chop fairly used slaps anyhow from your elder ones if you try this nonsense
fairly used slap hahaha,probably the slap from 2 weeks ago completed today cheesy
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by prciouschika(f): 7:47am On Jul 25, 2020
grin in my case am not the last born but the only girl, when we were growing up I did all the chores,cooked, wake up early every day prepare my younger one for school including my elder brother oo cheesy then take the younger one to school still come back to the house to get ready for mine. I did a whole lot in the house even the chores wey pass me infact my growing up wasn't rosy as my other age grade cry

The last born should clam down though I feel his/her pain because I felt it but he/she will gain if not financially but otherwise

Even though we're all still struggling but the respect this guy's give me money can't buy


Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by LORDKing001: 7:51am On Jul 25, 2020

Hard copies?

Yes sir
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by armzyville(m): 8:02am On Jul 25, 2020
Dey there dey whine yourself.

You should be privileged been the last born in d 1st place.
You complaining of your older ones been lazy is wrong. Every member of a family played such roles at one stage in the family.
This same lazy siblings are the ones that will cater for your well being when d time comes.
Mind you it would be based on how u have managed yourself as d last born that you would also enjoy your lazy older ones.
Let me give you one secret as a last born. When you do all this houseworks diligently without complaining no matter how long it takes, I promise you that you would reap it handsomely even when you get married. Your older one's are monitoring them. They would do everything humanly possible that you lack nothing, they can go as far as borrowing money just for you.
But u see this complain up and down, when the time comes you would be asking yourself why is my senior sis/bro not giving me money na.
Choose wisely.
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by valentinos22(m): 8:03am On Jul 25, 2020
You should be privileged been the last born in d 1st place.
You complaining of your older ones been lazy is wrong. Every member of a family played such roles at one stage in the family.
This same lazy siblings are the ones that will cater for your well being when d time comes.
Mind you it would be based on how u have managed yourself as d last born that you would also enjoy your lazy older ones.
Let me give you one secret as a last born. When you do all this houseworks diligently without complaining no matter how long it takes, I promise you that you would reap it handsomely even when you get married. Your older one's are monitoring them. They would do everything humanly possible that you lack nothing, they can go as far as borrowing money just for you.
But u see this complain up and down, when the time comes you would be asking yourself why is my senior sis/bro not giving me money na.
Choose wisely.

Scam alert!!!!
DAT NA future wey him never dey sure/guaranteed of!
There is also the possibility of him being in the position of giving them money in the future!
His elders may lack the kinda mindset to return such love!
Oga forget it...when we get to the future we will cross it!
Re: 'Frustrated' Lastborn Tired Of Housework Writes Warning Letter To Family Members by Ejenavi18(f): 8:09am On Jul 25, 2020

Are ypou for real? How old his he?
Yes, I am. She's 15

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