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Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride - Pets (12) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride (87770 Views)

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Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by explosiveskull(m): 3:41pm On Jul 26, 2020
9— His mum. I wonder what a Nigerian mother would do if you tell her this is your passion.

grin grin grin
verily I tell you that he must change his clothes and bath after visiting other animals like the cheetahs and snakes before entering the lion enclave if not instinct will kick in and he'll be mulled instantly but I believe he understands all that.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by explosiveskull(m): 4:03pm On Jul 26, 2020

Book of Hushpuppi Chapter 4 verse 13: Be thou watchful that thou not fall within the grasp of scammers and magas. Lest thou suffer severe pains as thy monies are carted away and disposed.
oga stop being too wicked, what if he is desperate that made him resort to scamming maybe cos he is unemployed, some of you really haven't expressed real panking hunger before, those painful ones that you may be left with no option than to sell your pride and dignity. the fellow who asked for his dm knows his reason but you being an enemy of progress endowed in wickedness still want to prevent it but if I may ask, what is your problem with other people helping others?
one day you'll need help and this is exactly how you'll be treated maybe in your own case it may be a matter of life and death.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Emilokoiyawon: 4:39pm On Jul 26, 2020
oga stop being too wicked, what if he is desperate that made him resort to scamming maybe cos he is unemployed, some of you really haven't expressed real panking hunger before, those painful ones that you may be left with no option than to sell your pride and dignity. the fellow who asked for his dm knows his reason but you being an enemy of progress endowed in wickedness still want to prevent it but if I may ask, what is your problem with other people helping others? one day you'll need help and this is exactly how you'll be treated maybe in your own case it may be a matter of life and death.

Do you know this person? Here (educate yourself):

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by raphy(m): 9:15pm On Jul 26, 2020

Two cats but I would love to have a dog or two additionally. I don't have enough time to look after dogs though so I won't get any for now.

A blessed Sunday to you too.

small cats not my thing i de rather prefer giant giant cats like leopard in nigeria owning a cat.is not easy they will csll it witch or wizard.
lol som ppl mentality and wher are u even base self?
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by JunctionBox: 11:10pm On Jul 26, 2020

The way you're brazenly defending this person even without hearing me present proof is enough to make anyone conclude that the culprit is you!

Go ahead with your beliefs little girl. Like I said, you have no idea about life. To you, it's about eating from your mother's pot and bathing from the soap bought and then be given an underwear to put on....all from no sweat of yours. Just to let you know, I sent the person the little I could whether she was real or fake. I leave that for God.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Hathor5(f): 12:28pm On Jul 27, 2020

small cats not my thing i de rather prefer giant giant cats like leopard in nigeria owning a cat.is not easy they will csll it witch or wizard.
lol som ppl mentality and wher are u even base self?

The mentality must change.
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 3:54pm On Jul 27, 2020
Why do I feel happy for opening this thread? cheesy cheesy grin

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pocohantas(f): 4:05pm On Jul 27, 2020
Why do I feel happy for opening this thread? cheesy cheesy grin

Maybe you own a lion. cheesy

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 4:07pm On Jul 27, 2020

Maybe you own a lion. cheesy
I'm actually a Tiger person grin
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by pocohantas(f): 7:27pm On Jul 27, 2020

I'm actually a Tiger person grin

Wetin come dey sweet you?

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 1:56am On Jul 29, 2020

Wetin come dey sweet you?

If you ask me na who I go ask? cheesy grin cheesy
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by neutrotoba(m): 5:42am On Jul 31, 2020

He has been asked many times if he isn’t scared they will one day turn on him, maybe OUT OF HUNGER!


grin grin

Wait till they find out that he mingles with the hyenas too
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ryan03(f): 5:57am On Jul 31, 2020
Damn I would love to be part of a pride but fear no fit gree me....

He needs to tell us how it became possible oooo...

I am definitely getting a baby lion....

I watched one of his videos and I was motivated to walk into a pride and introduce myself
son, so this is how you want to kill yourself after everything i did for you, oya return all the money i have spent grin. Na so my mama go tell me
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by dazzlingd(m): 7:36am On Jul 31, 2020
Otematum, is this how Daniel survived the lions smiley
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 7:59am On Jul 31, 2020
aone day the Hunter go turn to Bush meat.

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by HolyTitus(m): 8:44am On Jul 31, 2020
The guy almost missed his calling with that his banking job
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by ElonMosque(m): 11:29am On Jul 31, 2020
These pics give me joy....
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by ElonMosque(m): 11:30am On Jul 31, 2020
Why do I feel happy for opening this thread? cheesy cheesy grin

Unexplainable joy oo

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by IamPlato(m): 2:50pm On Jul 31, 2020

Rough play....

Bonding with wild animals that's the last thing on my sane mind. The sizes of these beasts alone will make you shiver.
its Not Like That.

Even If He Comes Back To Them In 10years The Lions Will Remember Him.

If You Understand Animal Body Language And how To Communicate As A Stranger you Would Love This
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Neo28: 6:09pm On Jul 31, 2020
The big cats treat him as one off there own. Now that is an unlikely animal friendship
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ayobami7(m): 2:34pm On Aug 03, 2020
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Makschinchin: 5:35pm On Aug 06, 2020
Does this look like what you can do?

tongue tongue tongue

Adam things...
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Missyajoke(f): 7:38pm On Aug 27, 2020

If they smell fear, he is in trouble. Animals react to our energy. This is why dogs go after the one who fears them the most.

Answer now

1 Like

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Ndipe(m): 9:09am On Mar 16, 2021
How did the Old Testament narrative of Eve and the snake changed how people view snakes when Adam and Eve were our first ancestors on earth?


In ancient times snakes were venerated. They were looked upon as symbols of wisdom. Even among our people snakes were looked upon as divine. (recall Camara Laye's encounter with the snake ) The Old testament narrative of Eve and the snake changed how people look at snakes.

Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by Nobody: 10:44pm On Mar 22, 2021

verily I tell you that he must change his clothes and bath after visiting other animals like the cheetahs and snakes before entering the lion enclave if not instinct will kick in and he'll be mulled instantly but I believe he understands all that.
So true
Re: Dean Schneider; The Man That Belongs To A Lion’s Pride by SayNo2SmallPrik: 10:30pm On Jul 14, 2023

No one is judging your master by the color of his skin. We are teaching you to know the difference between IMPRINTING baby animals and TAMING ADULT beasts. We are teaching you to celebrate your fellow Africa achievers before you start salivating over Europeans. Charity they say begins at home. These people keep telling you indirectly that even though most of these animals are ONLY found in Africa, they (WHITES) are the ONLY ones who can tame them. And yet some of you help to to spread this blatantly false propaganda by pushing their lies and encourage other gullible folks to jump on your colonial bandwagon.

You are not above nothing. Your brain is colonially damaged but you have no one to save you.

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