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Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate - Politics - Nairaland

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Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:09pm On Aug 03, 2020

There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it.

The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection. Others were just executed.

The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deepstate now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players!


Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:12pm On Aug 03, 2020
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Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:14pm On Aug 03, 2020
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=4213710368698880&set=a.431093430293945. you can get clear information here on Facebook before they take it down
Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:17pm On Aug 03, 2020

Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:21pm On Aug 03, 2020
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Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:24pm On Aug 03, 2020
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Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:27pm On Aug 03, 2020
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Sonny Bono was murdered. He did not die in a skiing accident. He had two types of people who wanted him dead. He had the cabal who he was starting to investigate while he was a Congressman. money laundering & drugs. He also had refused to get involved in the satanic worship in the music industry and with his ex wife high satanic witch Cher and her child sacrificing in satanic worship.

He knew too much. They had to kill him. Watch the video

Cher is a high level witch in the satanic worship and got her daughter who turned herself into a man and became a tranny within this satanic worship and sacraficing of children. Cher & Chaz both were arrested and waiting tribunal. I expect both will be executed, unless they have very valuable info the investigators want, which I doubt because the investigators have just about everything from Epstein, Maxwell, & Weistein. Between those three presenting evidence, Hollywood is dead & gone.


Re: Updated: List Of Indictments, Arrests And Executions!! Dismantling The Deepstate by Lucifer1419: 12:30pm On Aug 03, 2020
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Ellen Degeneres is facing execution. She is not only scared to death, but I think she is sending out a confession & possible warning with the video above, There was a rumor that went viral on July 7th that she was dead. She is not. I expect an execution soon, but I have not had intel that it has happened yet. She now looks awful because her supply of adrenochrome has been cut off. HER SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED

Howard Howie Mandell has been arrested. He faces execution. He is a satan worshipper and sacrificed children

He was arrested and put on house arrest and refused to wear the ankle GPS, so he was put under heavy guard. He went to tik tok and started videoing crazy stuf

giving cryptic messages trying to say he has been kidnapped and being held by armed gunmen. Well, yes he is. That’s what happens to a person when they have been arrested

and refusing to wear the ankle bracelet Just watch some of the crazy antics in the video above.


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