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Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Nobody: 11:19pm On Aug 09, 2020

The mound doesn't bother the little girl, who loves to cradle her exomphalos when her bandages are removed for bath time, often stroking it and saying 'ah tummy'.

Meet the 'inside-out' little girl who was born with her stomach, liver and bowel on the outside of her body - and left doctors stunned by living such a normal life.

Laurel Phizacklea, two, wasn't expected to survive birth because of a cruel condition which occurs when the baby's abdominal wall does not form during pregnancy.

Her parents, Kelly, 30, and Sean, 34, were offered a termination at their 12-week scan when doctors diagnosed their unborn child with a major exomphalos.

But Laurel's parents decided to give her a chance and the tot defied medics predictions when she was born at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge in June 2018.

Most babies with the condition have the organs reinserted into their body at birth, but due to the unusually large size of Laurel's exomphalos, doctors warned she wouldn't be able to have them internalised until she is three years old.

Laurel was left with a protruding bump from her tiny tummy - which her parents have to wrap in bandages to support her external organs, in case the weight of them were to pull anything else out of her body.

Skin has formed around the organs, and Laurel can eat, drink and go to the toilet like any other toddler - but her parents have to keep an eye on their 'daredevil' tot, as any injuries to the exomphalos would be irreparable.

The mound doesn't bother the little girl, who loves to cradle her exomphalos when her bandages are removed for bath time, often stroking it and saying 'ah tummy'.

Kelly, a volunteer supporting parents in neonatal care, from Cambridge, Kent, said: "I don't know how we remained positive throughout my pregnancy with Laurel.

"It really looked as if she wouldn't survive birth - but Sean and I never gave up hope and she has done us so proud.

"Her pouch of organs on her tummy is a part of her and she doesn't let it get her down.

"Laurel is a true inspiration and amazes us every day."

Laurel and Sean, a car dismantler, were over the moon when they discovered they were expecting their first child in October 2017.

The couple excitedly attended their 12-week scan to get their first glimpse of their baby - but were blindsided by the news that something was wrong.

"They said that our baby's organs were on the outside of the body," Kelly said. "I couldn't believe that was even possible."

Doctors explained that the couple's unborn child had exomphalos - a type of abdominal wall defect which occurs when a child's abdomen does not develop fully while in the womb.

Early in all pregnancies, the intestine develops inside the umbilical cord and then usually moves inside the abdomen a few weeks later.

In exomphalos, the intestines - and in this case the stomach, liver and bowel - remain inside the umbilical cord but outside the abdomen.

Doctors also determined that Kelly and Sean's baby had a spinal deformity - and the pair were offered a termination.

"We couldn't quite believe what we were hearing when they offered us an abortion," Kelly said.

"People kept saying: 'It's OK, you can try again' - but I didn't want another baby. "I was so in love with this baby and we knew we would do everything we could for her."

Amazingly, after just three-and-a-half-months in Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, Laurel was able to return home.

"We knew she'd need the big operation further down the line, but just having her home was so special," Kelly said.

"We quickly realised she was an adventurous baby, so knew we'd need to keep an eye on her so she wouldn't damage her exomphalos."

Surgeons warned the couple that if Laurel damages her external organs, there's nothing they can do - so the family are patiently waiting until Laurel turns three and can have her organs internalised.

If inserted into the body too soon, and when her frame is too small, the diaphragm wouldn't be able to cope with the sudden lack of space with which to operate.

As it is, Laurel will have to 'learn how to breathe again' when she undergoes the operation at the beginning of 2021.

"Even though we try to make sure she's sensible and careful, it's so hard with a two-year-old," Kelly said. She still tries to jump off the arm of the sofa, and loves being in a muddy puddle splashing about outdoors.

"She's a bit of a daredevil - which can be a little stressful but that's all part of why we love her!

Although it will be a relief for both Kelly and Sean when they don't have to worry about their daughter's every move, they do worry that it will cause a certain amount of separation anxiety for the tot.

"She loves her tummy so much," Kelly said. "She rubs it in the bath when I take the dressing off to wash her and says 'ah tummy'.

"It's very cute, and she couldn't be prouder of it. But I do worry about how she'll react when it's not there anymore."

Source: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/incredible-inside-out-girl-born-22493009

11 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by irvene: 11:20pm On Aug 09, 2020

18 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Damscodammy1(m): 11:42pm On Aug 09, 2020
I no balance as i c am.

77 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by DontGiveUpYet: 12:10am On Aug 10, 2020

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Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Nastydroid(m): 12:19am On Aug 10, 2020

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Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by DICKstractor: 12:28am On Aug 10, 2020
The world keep getting interesting and more scarier

Science is advancing day by day. Very soon, the sophisticated things we have now /do will be outdated and totally old fashioned

17 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Righteousness89(m): 12:39am On Aug 10, 2020
Before you Complain, Mumur and Make Noise about your Condition, Calm down and Appreciate God Almighty...

The Condition you Complain and make noise about is what someone is Praying to God For..


242 Likes 21 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Juliusmomoh: 4:48am On Aug 10, 2020
All things bright and beautiful... The lord god made them all

21 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by IfeomaRash(f): 4:54am On Aug 10, 2020
I pray that soon, doctors would be able to help her condition. Its not safe living like that.

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Unnerve: 6:57am On Aug 10, 2020
Her parents were determined against all odds to have her and keep her alive, that's probably the most beautiful part of this story for me.

56 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by illicit(m): 7:06am On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by starbuck(f): 8:39am On Aug 10, 2020
When you think your condition is worse embarassed embarassed, gbam, someone's else will spring up and surprise you shocked

21 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Matheusmartin: 9:25am On Aug 10, 2020
Before you Complain, Mumur and Make Noise about your Condition, Calm down and Appreciate God Almighty...

The Condition you Complain and make noise about is what someone is Praying to God For..

None sense.

19 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Nobody: 9:37am On Aug 10, 2020
[s] Before you Complain, Mumur and Make Noise about your Condition, Calm down and Appreciate God Almighty...

The Condition you Complain and make noise about is what someone is Praying to God For..


God doesn't exist.

Modified; y'all Christian fools stop quoting me. Allow your God to fight for himself if he indeed exists.

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Sijo01(f): 10:09am On Aug 10, 2020

God doesn't exist.


70 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Sijo01(f): 10:09am On Aug 10, 2020
Such a joyful girl kiss

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Nobody: 10:14am On Aug 10, 2020


He doesn't exist.

Modified; y'all Christian fools stop quoting me. Allow your God to fight for himself if he indeed exists.


Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by MANNABBQGRILLS: 12:46pm On Aug 10, 2020
Wow shocked shocked shocked

Who says there is nothing new under the sun

In this life,
Happiness is free......
Look at the cute, beautiful smile on her/their beautiful face(s)!!
Awwwwwwwww kiss kiss kiss

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by MANNABBQGRILLS: 12:46pm On Aug 10, 2020

God doesn't exist.



He doesn't exist.

Sijo01, say no more to him because.......

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Whothecapfits: 12:47pm On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by FREEMADNESS: 12:47pm On Aug 10, 2020
tinz like dis will make one to question God's existence. a little kid of pure heart in such state.

but who are we to question God.





Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by Jahzrockballer(m): 12:47pm On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by flex04(m): 12:48pm On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by landforeast(m): 12:48pm On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by samtee37(m): 12:49pm On Aug 10, 2020
This might be because of her father's sin or that of her ancestors. But still yet she's still a gift of God

That isnt an ideal thought tho, it could be medical complications and nothing like a sin ...


Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by revived: 12:49pm On Aug 10, 2020
Re: Little Girl Lives With Stomach, Liver & Bowel Outside Her Body In UK (Graphic) by fourboys: 12:50pm On Aug 10, 2020
In all God is wonderful


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