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My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) - Health (5) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) (69759 Views)

Help Me Please, My Toe Nail Is Almost Gone. Graphics / What Do You Call This Toe Injury? Pls Help! (Disturbing Pictures) / Coronavirus Symptoms: Covid Toe Discovered As New Covid19 Symptom (2) (3) (4)

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Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by bomsilaga(m): 1:46am On Aug 11, 2020
She should buy and take Augumentin tablet, it will cure heal the pain
Do this and in 3days it's all gone
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by goody234: 2:12am On Aug 11, 2020
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by pastillon: 2:46am On Aug 11, 2020
It's her nails, trim the edge as it is growing abnormally at the side, dis would help.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by EgunMogaji2: 2:54am On Aug 11, 2020
Damnnnnn niggarrr

Grab my chair... light up my weed while i read comments and seek for knowledge

Blaze it up cool
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by March1117(m): 3:13am On Aug 11, 2020
Hello doctors in the house, for a while now, my sister has been complaining of pain in her toe,
Initially I suspected it was "Athlete foot disease", she applied Some topical creams and the pain disappeared.

Not long ago, she started complaining of the pain again and it was worse than before. The pain was excruciating, most times, my sister wakes up crying

Doctors and pharmacists in the house, kindly help me check this out, pictures are attached below. The toe is also swollen. Help me diagnosis and effective medications please.

(PS: I still suspect it's Athlete foot disease or Onychomycosis, but I need better knowledge from the doctors in the house. Thank you)

Chat me up via WhatsApp on 07036503885 for a total solution to that ailment
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by otipoju(m): 3:26am On Aug 11, 2020
Hello doctors in the house, for a while now, my sister has been complaining of pain in her toe,
Initially I suspected it was "Athlete foot disease", she applied Some topical creams and the pain disappeared.

Not long ago, she started complaining of the pain again and it was worse than before. The pain was excruciating, most times, my sister wakes up crying

Doctors and pharmacists in the house, kindly help me check this out, pictures are attached below. The toe is also swollen. Help me diagnosis and effective medications please.

(PS: I still suspect it's Athlete foot disease or Onychomycosis, but I need better knowledge from the doctors in the house. Thank you)

Where does she work. Does she stand for lengthy periods wearing tight fitting shoes.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by iyimide(m): 3:35am On Aug 11, 2020
This is Tinea Pedis
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by mukthar2000(m): 3:48am On Aug 11, 2020
Come and see me , I am behind ur problem.

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Unemadu: 4:12am On Aug 11, 2020

Obviously taking her to a doctor is d best to do. Is the affected leg cooler than the other? Check to see if she has pulses on her foot. It may be a circulatory problem ( a blocked artery or vein)
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by GABUJABOY(m): 4:13am On Aug 11, 2020
Foot fungi
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Bebetter: 5:02am On Aug 11, 2020
Bro let me just tell you the honest truth.
This is a clear case of Ingrown toenail. I know because it affected me for up to 3 years straight. If you keep treating it, it would do as if it is healing and then get worse again. It is caused by constant wearing of tight shoes that press against the big toe and ultimately distorts the growth of the big toe nail such that a part of the toe nail starts growing towards the inside hurting the toe internally.

I dont want to go into much detail but you would need to take her to a better hospital (that knows about this) that would do a minor surgery on the toe and take out the entire toenail, it should be quite affordable and a 15 to 20mins thing. A new one will grow out in a few months in the proper way. This is the only way, unless you will keep on treating it and it will never go. Beg her to avoid tight shoes all her life!

Few words are enough for the wise.

Hello doctors in the house, for a while now, my sister has been complaining of pain in her toe,
Initially I suspected it was "Athlete foot disease", she applied Some topical creams and the pain disappeared.

Not long ago, she started complaining of the pain again and it was worse than before. The pain was excruciating, most times, my sister wakes up crying

Doctors and pharmacists in the house, kindly help me check this out, pictures are attached below. The toe is also swollen. Help me diagnosis and effective medications please.

(PS: I still suspect it's Athlete foot disease or Onychomycosis, but I need better knowledge from the doctors in the house. Thank you)


Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by McCoy662(m): 5:03am On Aug 11, 2020
I am Not a Doctor, neither am I a Health Worker. What I Have I give to you! In the Name of JESUS, I Cancel Every Disorder, Pains and whatever on those foot. I Declare you Healed in Jesus Name.. Amen
Wishful thinking cheesy grin
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by esthervera(f): 5:16am On Aug 11, 2020
The time you are wasting here to type all this epistle would have reach u to carry her to hospital or health center.health is wealth you better act now before it become worst.I don't know why people like unline consultation

1 Like

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by EUFX1: 5:45am On Aug 11, 2020
This is in- growing toe nail caused by wearing very tight shoes
Let her go to d hospital
They will surgically remove the nails
And she will be ok
Tell her to stop wearing tight cover shoes

1 Like

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by cyif2003(m): 5:52am On Aug 11, 2020

Do this and in 3days it's all gone
Story. It will def come back
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 5:53am On Aug 11, 2020
What i see:

1. Very poor hygiene
2. Athletes' foot
3. Ingrowing toenail with nail bed infection (fungal with likely bacterial superimposed)


1. Improve hygiene. No walking bare foot, no cover shoes. Web must be completely dry after bath. Unscented talc powder can be helpful. Emolient or non scented petroleum jelly on sole and heels after washing.

2. Pls TAKE HER TO HOSP. This is the wisest and cheapest option. This lesion would require indicated antifungal with susceptible antiobiotics following swab culture sensitivity. If nail infection persists, skillful wedge resection of ingrown nail would be done. Or, straight forward nail resection done without conservative trial.

So you see it would be foolhardy to do self treatment on this one. Dare it at her own risk.

Anyone recommending any particular medicines is not being helpful to you.

Go to hosp, do the correct thing.

1 Like

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 5:56am On Aug 11, 2020
This is in- growing toe nail caused by wearing very tight shoes
Let her go to d hospital
They will surgically remove the nails
And she will be ok
Tell her to stop wearing tight cover shoes

Tight fitting foot wears do not cause in-growing toe nails
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Nobody: 5:56am On Aug 11, 2020
OP listen very well!! What your sister is suffering from is Paronychia. I am not a doctor but I suffered from the same about 2 years ago. A small cut to the cuticle of the nail got infected. Or her leg came in contact with bacteria e.g. Dirty water.

The remedy - search "Paronychia draining" on YouTube. It is something that you can perform at home with a clean needle or better go to the hospital. The pus needs to be drained completely in a safe way. If done correctly she will not feel any pain whatsoever. Keep the area clean and dry after. Apply antifungal ointment of some sort for aftercare.

You must act very fast on this as she can lose that toe if care is not taken!!
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 6:00am On Aug 11, 2020
athlete foot are cause by bacteria. But in your sister's case it is warm definitely not what you think. Take her to hospital

Athletes' foot is fungal.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 6:01am On Aug 11, 2020

This may be gout. This is caused by excessiv uric acid in your blood. Its a kind of arthritis. The excessive uric acid in your blood forms sharp crystals in one of your joints, can be the toe and is very painfull indeed.

Most gout cases happen in big toes. It usually affects only one joint at a time. But without treatment, you might end up with it in your knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, or elbow. Flare-ups can last up to 10 days. They hurt the most during the first 36 hours

Until your appointment, you can ice and elevate the joint, and take anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Stay away from alcohol or sweet drinks.

Ensure to go to a doctor asap.

Wish she gets better.

Misleading. That's not a gouty toe.

1 Like

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 6:04am On Aug 11, 2020
That can be scabies mites who have built narrows under the fleets and toes......why not scrub first and apply ointments. ....try rubbing scabies cream like benxyl bezonate. ....,
Every morning and evening before applying any medication, light up a candle and allow the water droplet to fall on the affected part of the toes and foot..once the hot candle wax solidifies, scrap n repeat for like 6 times...it will burn the mites faster....
Am talking from experience. .then apply the ointment. .thank me after 7 days

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 6:08am On Aug 11, 2020

are u kidding me

No he isn't. Truth be told, medicine is limited, Jesus actually heals, thgh we need to make responsible health choices.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by nervorum: 6:11am On Aug 11, 2020

I promised to stop offering medical advice here, but for the sake of your sister having severe pain, I have to simply tell you that it is not a fungal infection. Fungal infections don't cause severe pain!
Another source of concern is that you didn't say anything about trauma to get toe.
If it's bacterial infection, there will be swelling, but there's no relative edema compared to other digits.

So, and unfortunately, I'm sorry to tell you that she may have ungal melanoma, which is very deadly. Please take her to doctor quickly so that they can rule out metastasises. Good luck.

Ungal melanoma? Common things occur commonly.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by cynhamscakes(f): 6:42am On Aug 11, 2020
The pain on her big toe is caused by ingrowing toe nail.
You can even help her do it by cutting the nail that is growing into her skin. You have to be patient though and do it gently.
She will experience instant relief.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Hushmalay(m): 6:44am On Aug 11, 2020
Na the hand work of village people
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by camronid(m): 6:45am On Aug 11, 2020
Kindly share this link with your sister,
what God cannot do does not exist. Join the prayers every morning by 7am.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Alex80s(m): 6:47am On Aug 11, 2020
It might be athlete's foot. A kind of fungal infection affecting the skin between the toes.

See a Doctor. This needs antibiotics to heal the wound.

The best cure is , avoid wearing any tight shoes. Let your toes receive enough breeze.

I suffered this during NYSC day when i wore shoes almost the whole day...
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by OTUNBAODUNARO(m): 6:53am On Aug 11, 2020
I asked a question, it will do you good to answer. is it on the side of the toe nail?
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by Scootoo: 7:03am On Aug 11, 2020
I'm afraid to say this is cancer, the same cancer that killed bobmarley, please take good care of her medically,may Almighty God heal her.

Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by sucess001(m): 7:15am On Aug 11, 2020
Hello doctors in the house, for a while now, my sister has been complaining of pain in her toe,
Initially I suspected it was "Athlete foot disease", she applied Some topical creams and the pain disappeared.

Not long ago, she started complaining of the pain again and it was worse than before. The pain was excruciating, most times, my sister wakes up crying

Doctors and pharmacists in the house, kindly help me check this out, pictures are attached below. The toe is also swollen. Help me diagnosis and effective medications please.

(PS: I still suspect it's Athlete foot disease or Onychomycosis, but I need better knowledge from the doctors in the house. Thank you)

I think she is suffering from both ingrown toenail and athletes foot. You can treat athletes foot easily. Just go to a pharmacy and get nixoderm. Preferably the tube one...apply on affected area...twill go in 2-3 days.

The ingrown toenail is a different ball game. A surgery might be needed if all fails. Just see your doc asap.

I have had both so I know.
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by MIMOSAXY(m): 7:52am On Aug 11, 2020
This is obviously nail pitting and cracked heels. they both require long term treatment and can be done at home.

for the cracked heels, Shea butter, hell balm, or Vaseline are effective especially when used with socks. this should be applied after mild scrubbing
Re: My Sister's Foot And Toe Are Causing Her A Lot Of Pain (Pictures) by vickydevoka(m): 7:52am On Aug 11, 2020
You mean this is lady's feet Yuck!! Even an abo.ki that trekked all the way from Niger to P.H can't have such feet shocked
Lol. Dats y she needs your help to recuperate as soon as possible

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