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Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... - Romance (2344) - Nairaland

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"Reality Every Guy Need To Know" (SINKING INTO REDPILL) / For Men Only(strictly Redpill):why Simping Is Becoming A New Culture / 7 Most Important Bro Code Every Guy Should Never Break! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by luminouz(m): 11:01pm On Feb 26

I agree. It's just boring nonsense none of them have ever tried or will ever try.

And it got even more stale because none of them are trying out things they read so new epiphanies. Just boys jerking off how women are evil to their pathetic selves
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by joeeee240(m): 6:45am On Feb 27

Bro stop posting. You talk a lot of nonsense. Go out and live life

grin grin
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 7:13am On Feb 27
A woman breaks rules for a man she sees as her ideal, but creates rules for a man she feels is beneath her
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by SOZINN: 1:37pm On Feb 27
Jude Bellingham is unsaveable.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by Ballzproblem2: 2:47pm On Feb 27
Jude Bellingham is unsaveable.
I won't say unsaveble the fact that he went for a lady that has been passed around is embarrassing, however body no be firewood,man gats change oil you get? If he went for a regular girl the likelihood of false rape allegation is high ,all in all it is better than being gay.

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Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by Tonnyray: 3:20pm On Feb 27
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:24pm On Feb 27
Factors, which I will not explain, that ushers a society into gynocentrism
(1) A safe and comfortable time.
(2) A simp culture and the majority of men being simps.
(3) "Equality" in the constitution and the participation of women in positions of power and lawmaking.
(4) Lack of a manly fathers/strong masculine figures in the lives of children, especially boys. Your mother, female guardians, simp fathers/guardians, will raise little boys to be simps.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:25pm On Feb 27
Some redpillers might call me a misogynist, but if you encourage women to take up positions of power, become judges/lawyers, decide laws, and even vote, you have no ground to complain about gynocentrism and the propagation of the female agenda. You know fully well, as redpiller, that the females in these positions carry their female nature with them and will always work in accordance with the female agenda. With females (about half of the population) being allowed to influence laws, and majority of men (simps) on the side of the female agenda, gynocentrism is sure to run its course; it's only a matter of time.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:27pm On Feb 27
From the onset till now, I accept that patriarchy is good for both genders, but in a time like this where the SOCIAL pillars ancient men had to enforce and protect their masculinity is almost nonexistent, the patriarchy that men of old had shall somewhat remain an unattainable ideal of the modern man
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:28pm On Feb 27
Education and career are good, but, for most women, a wealthy simp will give them more than career can give them for doing little. It's better to be uneducated and have a wealthy simp than to be single and educated earning 90,000 naira per month all in the name of being a career woman. The life is hard and one cannot underestimate the importance of money. Our survival and comfort on this planet cost money. grin Without money, a person's life is like a black and white blurred picture, but with money, it like a coloured sharp picture fitted in golden frame. wink
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:29pm On Feb 27
Most online feminists will want to be in Regina Daniels's and Chioma's position but they don't want to get their games right. These women are gaining more than a career is a giving many feminists. Tiger Wood's former wife was just a baby sitter yet she gained over 300 million dollars from the marriage. Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend was just a clerk at a D&G store (I stand to be corrected) yet she is being taken care of and Ronaldo gives her $100,000 per month. How many feminists make that amount? grin Notice how none of these women are PhD holders. grin
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:33pm On Feb 27
the traditional setting encourages people working together as a group in other not to weaken them because they don't have much finance or sophisticated equipment to survive much then else they will perish and collapse to the lurking threats.
Contrary to what most people believe that traditional setting created strong men who ruled and controlled their families effectively, i will disagree with them and say the men then were just very luck to have the laws in their favour. The traditional setting created a pillar and structure to disarm/dis-empower the women in the society thereby making the women to automatically be humble and subservient to the men.
Believe me, a large percentage of the men then were very very lazy compared to the modern man. Is it the blacksmith that barely makes any earning a month but goes home to meet a woman that respects him and manage whatever he brings, taking the remaining things she needs from neighbours, the fisherman, farmer with less than 1 acre of farm, the bricklayers, well diggers, carpenters, biker riders, civil servants (earning 70 naira in the 70/80's) who were all struggling to make ends meet but their wives all respect them, they there not speak when the men are speaking despite these men not worth answering or listen to on a normal day. It is a system that doesn't appreciate talents, skills much rather age.
The oldest man in the family automatically assume the position as the head of the family even if he is not educated, irresponsible in his own nuclear/immediate family, backward in thinking but the traditional setting accords him the position while more competent,vibrant , younger family member is there.
I do see how some of my family members - uncles staying in my village without really doing anything meaningful but you see their wives respecting them, addressing them with respect and humbleness, kneeing down when they serve them water or food - Do we all think the women are doing all these because the men had frames? because the are strong and can control their wives? we must be joking. The structures and pillars laid by the traditional setting did that for all of the. The weak, old, lazy, drunkards etc among them all enjoying the benefits they never worked for nor deserve.
The modern man is really trying his best but what does he get back? more shaming from both men and women for being useless, lazy and not hustling like his forefathers (people that never hustled like we)
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:37pm On Feb 27
With the level of Simping being displayed by 70% of men born from the mid-90s to date, it is extremely heartbreaking to say indeed the future is Gmail. Unless some kind of miracle take place.

The older Redpilled generation of men are dying it is just a matter of time before SIMPS take over the mantle of leadership in Africa and when that happens, I fear to imagine the kind of laws they will make and pass in favour of women/feminism. And guess what ? It will be worse than that of the Western world.......

With the level of weakasss men we have in this age and time, it is only a matter of time before the world is run and control by angry and frustrated feminists who sees men as the source of their imperfections.....

Do you know that most male children from wealthy and influential families are Glorified Simps ?

Do you know that our schools now teach our sons how to be SIMPs while at the same time they teach our daughters how to be entitled, aggressive and arrogant ?

Unless something urgent is done if not, then the future is indeed Gmail
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by luminouz(m): 3:54pm On Feb 27
Most online feminists will want to be in Regina Daniels's and Chioma's position but they don't want to get their games right. These women are gaining more than a career is a giving many feminists. Tiger Wood's former wife was just a baby sitter yet she gained over 300 million dollars from the marriage. Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend was just a clerk at a D&G store (I stand to be corrected) yet she is being taken care of and Ronaldo gives her $100,000 per month. How many feminists make that amount? grin Notice how none of these women are PhD holders. grin
You are right. She was a clerk there. Hypergamy is the truth!!!
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 4:06pm On Feb 27
Being sexually active from a young age has a psychological effect on women. They tend nor to be able to control themselves again. I call it hypersexualizarion. Unfortunately most ladies are hupersexualized adultery prone and not fit for marriagr due to the free sex ideology. It has damaged them psychologically
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 4:07pm On Feb 27
The reason why most men never know the true behaviour of a woman they're involved with is because of their moral and judgemental nature. You can know a woman in and out. All you have to do is gradually encourage her to reveal all her nasty behaviours while acting like you're cool with it.

99% of men, when meeting a woman, start dictating what they like in a woman and what they don't like. This makes the woman become a chameleon.
If you tell a hoe that you hate hoes, she will become a nun anytime you're around. Tell her you hate nagging and she will hardly complain when she is with you. If she hears you say you don't like club girls, she will act like she only goes to church vigils.

She will not change her behaviour. She will just keep you in the dark and show you mostly what you want to see. After marriage, after becoming comfortable with you, she will start feeling no need to be a chameleon anymore. She has you all to herself now. You're fully invested. So, now, she can be her true self, especially if she's had kids for you.

That said, nothing is set in stone. However, this understanding makes things, at least, a little bit
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 9:15am On Feb 28
A man would suffer through the hardships of the world and then lay his profits at the feet of a woman, is he mad?.

My achievements/legacy would live long after I’ve departed the realm and I should throw that away just because of a piece of waist.

The problem with men is we fail to see the dynamics of this world has changed, it ain’t what it used to be, since they fail to notice they get fooled into undertaking responsibility they shouldn’t incur.

Why dash a girlfriend a million Naira when I can be chilling on a beach somewhere and watching my investments grow. Why because I want to help a girl settle her debts, my account would now be debited massively.

The problem once identified no longer falls on the woman but the man who subjects himself under her. A woman would forever be a woman no matter what’s happens but it’s expected from a man to be able to observe and adjust accordingly.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 3:48pm On Feb 28
The national assembly should fling that useless bill out of its windows immediately. Women always like getting effortlessly things that men struggle to get and use gender to manipulate everyone. There are many women who are richer than men, so they should contest like every other man.

Today, you can never see one NGO that empowers only men, but you see tons of them only empowering girls/women. There's even a women's ministry and no men's ministry. This was how the west started and women are practically are running their marriages and destroying homes.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 5:55pm On Feb 28
once a woman cheats, hardly anything you can do. She now belongs to another man, a conqueror stronger and better than you in her psyche.
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by JESHAL007: 5:57pm On Feb 28
As a man, you need to experience genuine desire from a woman.

You need to see a woman do anything for you. Not because of your wealth or status. But for your personality and whole being

There can be sex without genuine desire.

But there's no genuine desire without sex.

If you're not her crush, she will crush you
Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by KennethIbe59(m): 2:29am
Boss I don miss your contribution here
You and pukkalolo teach more of the practical than theory

I look forward to more of your contributions

I agree. It's just boring nonsense none of them have ever tried or will ever try.

And it got even more stale because none of them are trying out things they read so new epiphanies. Just boys jerking off how women are evil to their pathetic selves

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