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That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. - Religion - Nairaland

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That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 2:26am On Aug 17, 2020
(Watch and pray, be on your guard. So that whatever the hour of His return may be, you will not be caught unawares)
Okay so..

Check out the verses in bold;

Can you see the sequence of events announced below? The tribulation is announced, but the tribulation is shortened and then the trumpet sounds and then the Angels pick all of God's children?

A lot of people who believe that rapture is before tribulation may loose their faith in Christ Jesus, when they don't see rapture but begin to experience the hardship.

It is a ploy of the devil!

Beware of people who teach the Bible and teach you that rapture is before the tribulation; do not loose your faith.

Verses 21: says, " For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be"

Verse 22: says, "...for the elects sake those days shall be shortened"

Verses 29 says Immediately after the tribulation..."
(It is clearly stated in The Bible).

Verse 30: says, " And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven"

Verse 31says, " And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

*See full Scripture below:

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 2:27am On Aug 17, 2020
Mathew 24: 21-42 KJV

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 2:29am On Aug 17, 2020
Mathew 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Agboki: 5:40am On Aug 17, 2020
Continue 2 dey find attention with ur fake religion.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 5:30pm On Aug 19, 2020
Continue 2 dey find attention with ur fake religion.

How are you?
People seek attention with religion?? cheesy

Tell me more... cheesy


Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by obonujoker(m): 6:55pm On Aug 19, 2020
Lol... Thank God your eyes are opened too...

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 2:15pm On Aug 20, 2020
Lol... Thank God your eyes are opened too...

My eyes now opened?
What do you mean please, were they previously closed?

I don't really understand...

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by obonujoker(m): 2:16pm On Aug 20, 2020

My eyes now opened?
What do you mean please, were they previously closed?

I don't really understand...

I thought you used to believe the Rapture would happen first before the tribulation

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by osamz007: 2:50pm On Aug 20, 2020
Phone rings....

Righteousness89 your attention is needed ASAP
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Righteousness89(m): 2:53pm On Aug 20, 2020
When Believers Fail to Prayerfully Follow the Word of God, you will be Tossed around with all Sort of Doctrine.

This Matter has been Treated here by God's Grace
Part 1

Part 2

If you Feel otherwise! Good for you..

I say Amen for you. Let it be According to you as you Desire..

For me and My House and Brethren we will not be Here..

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by UDUJ(m): 2:59pm On Aug 20, 2020

Patiently waiting for your response to this.

This is where we really need your input.

You need to refute this statement with points and not your usual ranting.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by AududuNine11: 4:15pm On Aug 20, 2020
When Believers Fail to Prayerfully Follow the Word of God, you will be Tossed around with all Sort of Doctrine.

This Matter has been Treated here by God's Grace
Part 1

Part 2

If you Feel otherwise! Good for you..

I say Amen for you. Let it be According to you as you Desire..

For me and My House and Brethren we will not be Here..

You're well grounded in the scriptures... I commend God's grace on your life...

Most believers still find it difficult to comprehend eschatological studies/doctrines...

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by UDUJ(m): 6:43pm On Aug 20, 2020
[quote author=Righteousness89 post=93029224]

I just went through those thread links and passages as well. You answered it in the image below.

You really know your Bible sha, I give that to you.

P/S - this post should be in the Religion section and not the Romance section

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 11:40pm On Aug 25, 2020

I thought you used to believe the Rapture would happen first before the tribulation

As kids, that was what we were taught.

Did you read the Left Behind Novel Series?

But thank God. He showed me and many of His children that that is not correct.
Rapture is after the Tribulation.

But I understood that rapture is after the Tribulation many many years before joined Nairaland, so that is why I was a little taken aback by your response.

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 11:43pm On Aug 25, 2020
Phone rings....

Righteousness89 your attention is needed ASAP

God corrects us all, we learn every day. It is nothing to be ashamed of; learning.

When a man sees the truth in Scripture and still argues it, don't bother yourself.

They are all over this thread
Just beware of them....
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Sulele04(m): 11:47pm On Aug 25, 2020
@ArisingStorm what is your take on this.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by obonujoker(m): 12:19am On Aug 26, 2020

As kids that was what we were taught.

Did you read the Left Behind Novel Series?

But thank God. He showed me and many of His children that that is not correct.
Rapture is after the Tribulation.

But I understood that rapture is after the Tribulation many many years before joined Nairaland, so that is why I was a little taken aback by your response.

Oh sorry... Just that many people seems not to believe but still hold on to the left behind series
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by obonujoker(m): 12:24am On Aug 26, 2020
When Believers Fail to Prayerfully Follow the Word of God, you will be Tossed around with all Sort of Doctrine.

This Matter has been Treated here by God's Grace
Part 1

Part 2

If you Feel otherwise! Good for you..

I say Amen for you. Let it be According to you as you Desire..

For me and My House and Brethren we will not be Here..

I just read your thread about this... But you didn't specify this...

The tribulation coming, is it Satan wrath or God's wrath??
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by ArisingStorm: 3:35am On Aug 28, 2020
what is your take on this.

@ Your email.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 3:03am On Sep 04, 2020

Oh sorry... Just that many people seems not to believe but still hold on to the left behind series

The Left Behind series really shaped a lot of our thinking!
I wondered a while back whose side the Author of the Left Behind Series was on; God?
It might have been an innocent mistake or a deliberate deception.

I really hope it was an innocent mistake.
Because Scripture says that those who invent lies that cause people to sin will wish they were not born.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 4:58pm On Sep 05, 2020
SadiqBabaSani you can follow this too...
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Nobody: 9:12am On Sep 18, 2020
Yes. I agree with you and I also strongly believe that the doctrine of Rapture before the great tribulation period is a deception. It is not backed up by scriptures. We have to be in the tribulation to be tested and tried through the fire to come out like refined gold.
Even those who claim to be adept bible readers and teachers have erred in their opinions concerning rapture.
Remember the verse that says: "I will keep you from the temptations that will come upon the world" God was talking to the elect/saved people. If those days were not shortned, no man mught be saved but they have been shortened for the sake of the elect. It means the we are part of the Great trib. Or, can we say the great trib is already taking place today? No. The world is still living in pleasures for us to conclude that we are in the great tribulations spoken of in Revrlations. Even the wealthy sinners will be suffering in the great tribulations and that is not happening today.
Rapture will br an easy way out for us all, but God does not operate like that. I have personally had a dream of what a Great trib period will look like and trust me it was not pleasant and they looked like giants and strange creatures who took us all captive and controlled the nations of the world. Technology will play a huge role in that domination.
But do u alao remember that the bible says ; "But i will keep you safe from the time of "troubles" that will come upon the earth" ? That we will only see the wicked getting their rewards but thw saints will not be destroyed by those very evil times. People will want ti dies but death will be elusive and run away from them. So it is a time of great suffering for all as a result of the wrath of God upon the earth for all the evil done throughout the melleniums/mellenias and Christians will be part of it. Economies will fail, no power sources, hunger, diseases, natiral disasters will be everywhere, no peace and wars and oppressions will be the order of the day. Then in the midst of thsese, Jesus will return to gather his elect who never gave up the rightheous race. That is when the so-called rapture will take place and immediately after that, more calamities will befall those people who are left in the world or on the ground. Those who were not gathered to the air, clouds to meet with Jesus. This is the secong woe and calamity to fall upon the world. Then after all those days will then be the great day of Judgement and thrones will be set for even some of the human saints(of ancient times/old, and now) to judge the people of the world.


Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 3:17pm On Sep 20, 2020
Yes. I agree with you and I also strongly believe that the doctrine of Rapture before the great tribulation period is a deception. It is not backed up by scriptures. We have to be in the tribulation to be tested and tried through the fire to come out like refined gold.
Even those who claim to be adept bible readers and teachers have erred in their opinions concerning rapture.
Remember the verse that says: "I will keep you from the temptations that will come upon the world" God was talking to the elect/saved people. If those days were not shortned, no man mught be saved but they have been shortened for the sake of the elect. It means the we are part of the Great trib. Or, can we say the great trib is already taking place today? No. The world is still living in pleasures for us to conclude that we are in the great tribulations spoken of in Revrlations. Even the wealthy sinners will be suffering in the great tribulations and that is not happening today.
Rapture will br an easy way out for us all, but God does not operate like that. I have personally had a dream of what a Great trib period will look like and trust me it was not pleasant and they looked like giants and strange creatures who took us all captive and controlled the nations of the world. Technology will play a huge role in that domination.
But do u alao remember that the bible says ; "But i will keep you safe from the time of "troubles" that will come upon the earth" ? That we will only see the wicked getting their rewards but thw saints will not be destroyed by those very evil times. People will want ti dies but death will be elusive and run away from them. So it is a time of great suffering for all as a result of the wrath of God upon the earth for all the evil done throughout the melleniums/mellenias and Christians will be part of it. Economies will fail, no power sources, hunger, diseases, natiral disasters will be everywhere, no peace and wars and oppressions will be the order of the day. Then in the midst of thsese, Jesus will return to gather his elect who never gave up the rightheous race. That is when the so-called rapture will take place and immediately after that, more calamities will befall those people who are left in the world or on the ground. Those who were not gathered to the air, clouds to meet with Jesus. This is the secong woe and calamity to fall upon the world. Then after all those days will then be the great day of Judgement and thrones will be set for even some of the human saints(of ancient times/old, and now) to judge the people of the world.

Yes, I remember God saying that,
"I will keep you from the temptations that will come upon the world"
He said, that we should pray, that we may be able to escape the temptation that will befall the world

But i will keep you safe from the time of "troubles
Yes, I remember
He said, that we should pray, that we may be able to escape the temptation that will befall the world.

I have dreamt of the great tribulation too, about 3 times.

There was this giant crushing and destroying everything in its way, buildings and humans.
We were all running.
I was in front of that UBA at Marina when I ran into it..

The 666 is an initiation.
Demon and devils are looking for humam bodies to inhabit.
They have done it through school cults, through politicians joining cults.
The entire evil horde want more, and are coming for those who will deny Christ and accept their mark.

Government and Corporate bodies, stop playing I to the hands of the devil because of selfish gains o.
You guys are the ones that will still go down first!

Who ever accepts the mark is doomed.
The piercing on the hand or the head activates blood. DO NOT MAKE A COVENANT WITH THE DEVIL O. it is eternal damnation.

Technology has been able to merge the spiritual with the physical.
Occultism, socery etc is what 666 is about o.
Humans and government reject the devil.

God did not say whoever retains the mark shall be destroyed o but whosoever shall accept the mark!
Do not accept the mark o.

The vaccine contains luciferase, contains nanytes, about 5 or 6, that will travel through the blood and reassemble themselves in the brain.

Do not accept it o.

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Nobody: 4:20pm On Sep 20, 2020

Yes, I remember God saying that,
"I will keep you from the temptations that will come upon the world"
He said, that we should pray, that we may be able to escape the temptation that will befall the world

But i will keep you safe from the time of "troubles
Yes, I remember
He said, that we should pray, that we may be able to escape the temptation that will befall the world.

I have dreamt of the great tribulation too, about 3 times.

There was this giant crushing and destroying everything in its way, buildings and humans.
We were all running.
I was in front of that UBA at Marina when I ran into it..

The 666 is an initiation.
Demon and devils are looking for humam bodies to inhabit.
They have done it through school cults, through politicians joining cults.
The entire evil horde want more, and are coming for those who will deny Christ and accept their mark.

Government and Corporate bodies, stop playing I to the hands of the devil because of selfish gains o.
You guys are the ones that will still go down first!

Who ever accepts the mark is doomed.
The piercing on the hand or the head activates blood. DO NOT MAKE A COVENANT WITH THE DEVIL O. it is eternal damnation.

Technology has been able to merge the spiritual with the physical.
Occultism, socery etc is what 666 is about o.
Humans and government reject the devil.

God did not say whoever retains the mark shall be destroyed o but whosoever shall accept the mark!
Do not accept the mark o.

The vaccine contains luciferase, contains nanytes, about 5 or 6, that will travel through the blood and reassemble themselves in the brain.

Do not accept it o.
So you too have had that "giant end time" dream , huh? I am not alone. I think I have had dreams of a trib period twice in my life, some years ago. Someone like me cannot accept any mark willingly, or even under duress, when i am not mad. Besides, i still maintain that the mark will be non physical that people cam easily recognise and reject. I think it is spiritual since "right hand and forehead" are spiritual figures of speech. But we will know when the days come. Just hold on to God that u believe and fear nothing about the times. Rather, i should be pitying majority of the unbelievers and those og lesser faiths and weak-willed people.
Thanks for your time and reply. God be with you and yours. Just keep strengthening others around u with the knowledge of these things u have. Use your gifts to teach and inform them. Take care.

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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 4:27pm On Sep 20, 2020

So you too have had that "giant end time" dream , huh? I am not alone. I think I have had dreams of a trib period twice in my life, some years ago. Someone like me cannot accept any mark willingly, or even under duress, when i am not mad. Besides, i still maintain that the mark will be non physical that people cam easily recognise and reject. I think it is spiritual since "right hand and forehead" are spiritual figures of speech. But we will know when the days come. Just hold on to God that u believe and fear nothing about the times. Rather, i should be pitying majority of the unbelievers and those og lesser faiths and weak-willed people.
Thanks for your time and reply. God be with you and yours. Just keep strengthening others around u with the knowledge of these things u have. Use your gifts to teach and inform them. Take care.

God clearly stated that, "It is the number of man."

Not "the number of a man" but "the number of man" meaning earthly, physical. Of the senses.

It is Spiritual, yes, but this one is also physical o.

You cannot buy and sell without it.

But I know exactly what it is you are saying.

Bill Gates has a patent for where unique activities of the body will generate units. Or money if you like. You can check my other thread.

This is it.
The title of the patent clearly reads:

And his Patent number is:

BUT, I know exactly what you are saying.
It is a temptation that will before the world, and only those watching and praying will can see it for what it clearly is.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by JustBeingFrank(m): 5:17pm On Sep 20, 2020
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Nobody: 6:10pm On Sep 20, 2020

God clearly stated that, "It is the number of man."

It is Spiritual, yes, but this one is also physical o.

You cannot buy and sell without it.

But I know exactly what it is you are saying.

Bill Gates has a patent for where unique activities of the body will generate units. Or money if you like. You can check my other thread.

This is it.
The title of the patent clearly reads:

And his Patent number is:

BUT, I know exactly what you are saying.
It is a temptation that will before the world, and only those watching and praying will can see it for what it clearly is.
Okay. I will look into it later and go thru your thread as u suggested.
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 9:34am On Sep 26, 2020

Okay. I will look into it later and go thru your thread as u suggested.


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Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Nobody: 1:17pm On Sep 26, 2020
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Incrizz(f): 11:17pm On Dec 03, 2020
Re: That Rapture Is After The Tribulation Is CLEARLY Stated In Mathew 24. Come See.. by Trajan(m): 1:40am On Dec 04, 2020
What does this mean, Op?

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