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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Stroller Safety: Tips For Parents (208 Views)
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Stroller Safety: Tips For Parents by atnerjennac24(f): 10:34am On Aug 24, 2020 | When it comes to safety for a baby, this is every parent’s priority. No parent would wish that their baby gets harm. Babies get involved in so many activities during child developmental stages that might expose them to danger. Because they do it unknowingly, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the baby is safe. Parents and more so, the kid’s mums would not like to be separated from their young ones in any case. So you will find them in many cases whenever they are taking a stroll, a walk, or jogging alongside the road having their babies with them. Strollers have made it easier for this to be achieved. So many parents during this century have opted into buying the strollers. Here we will explore seven of the fundamental stroller safety tips for parents while going to shop for that dream stroller. Strollers exist in various forms and designs. It is better to have to know how some of the safety measures to look into while buying a stroller. Ensure That The Stroller Is 4 – Wheeled Strollers are available in the market range from those that are two, three, or four-wheeled. As the number of wheels increases, the surface area also increases, making the stroller safe and removes panic whenever you and your baby are on a walk. The wheels should be designed in such a way that they are suspended freely from each other. Independent suspension of the wheels makes it easier to control the speed of the stroller during emergencies. This unique feature also helps the stroller maneuver through the bumps without discomfort to the baby. The Wheels Of The Stroller Should Be EVA Foam Filled. EVA foam-filled tires are robust, resistant and can be used in all terrains, be it on steep or slope, rough or smooth areas. The rear wheels are such that they are 12 inches, whereas the front wheels are up to 9 inches. The large size of inches in the wheels gives them the ability to ride through all the surfaces without any difficulty. The Brakes Efficiency Ensure that the brakes are more efficient and effective to aid during emergencies or when stopped by someone. The braking system should be designed in such a manner that the brakes are easy to operate. Another safety requirement on the braking system is that the release lever should be out of reach of the child to avoid unnecessary tampering. The stroller with the best braking design is that which the brakes are capable of locking two wheels at a go, thus maximum safety. The Windows Design You should ensure that you thoroughly check on how the windows of the stroller have been built. The windows should be made in a manner that they can allow free circulation of air to reach the baby in the stroller. The windows should also be wide enough to easily access the baby and see how they are doing while in the stroller. Ensure That The Stroller Has A Canopy Young babies are prone to diseases which are other caused by changes in weather conditions. The canopy in the stroller acts as a shelter. It protects the baby from harsh weather conditions. You do not need to worry about frost, too much heat from sunshine, snow, or raindrops while on a stroll. The canopy got you covered in that your baby will be safe and comfortable. Check Certification Of Manufacturer The companies dealing with the manufacturing of strollers globally are many. Not all the companies meet the safety and regulation standards as required of them. Of utmost importance is to ensure that the stroller you are purchasing is from a reputable manufacturing company that is well known for making strollers. You should check at the reviews by other consumers on the company’s products before making a move. Purchasing your stroller from a well-known manufacturer is sure that your baby will be safe and comfortable while on that ride. Seat Belt And Harness Ensure that the stroller has a built-in seat belt and harness. Seat belts help keep the baby intact and avoid the unwanted side to side movements which, if not careful, can make the baby fall out of the stroller. The seat belt, which applies mostly to grown babies, should always be used whenever the baby is on the stroller and having a ride. The infants are also catered for. Because the infants have not developed the strong bones, it is advisable to use rolled-up baby blankets for them and placed on either side of the seat to act as bumpers. Strollers are made for them to make a life for the infants smooth and also bring about easy parenting. If safety requirements are not strictly adhered to, this can bring harm or injuries to the babies no one wishes. For this reason, parents are advised to consider the tips to ensure that there are safety and comfort for their babies during a ride. For more information on the safety measures the parents should put into consideration, you can always check on this site: ===== Sources:
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