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2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by iykololo(m): 7:43am On Sep 02, 2020
O lalasticlala o lalalalalala. Come here o god of slithery things. Come over here and take this worthy thread to the promise land

I seriously hate reading about snake vidz when I am on my toilet seat. Freaks me out.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Essence20(m): 7:45am On Sep 02, 2020

Yes most. Whitetail, redback, funnel webs, house spiders. Sydney funnel web can kill in minutes. Wolf spiders. Those are the most poisonous here. Is rare U see Redbacks. The redback n whitetails are pretty small n black with a white stripe or red on the tail very small mostly but can kill u if U don't get antivenom in time. I don't think the small black house spiders kill U but bite is supposed to hurt and I think they can make U feel sick. Funnel webs n wolf spiders mostly live outside or up bush but they will wander in your house sometimes. Huntsman are the most likely you'll see more often in your house they're big n fast n can jump on you n bite but not poisonous at all. Housespiders you'll see inside a bit. Sometimes I wonder wat scares me most lol the small thick black poisonous kinds or the big harmless huntsman. Im pretty sure it's the huntsman� they're so fast and huge n hairy(I'm getting cold shivers picturing them lol)
wow!..never knew there are diverse species of spiders like this.
thanks for your insights

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 7:52am On Sep 02, 2020

this is scary...do stay safe.
This is why I like my country.

Yeah but is beautiful here. Bites ain't all that common really. Shark attacks once in a while.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 8:06am On Sep 02, 2020
See food, 22kg worth of Meat.
Chai, God remember your people.
When they tell us here beef of 1kg is N1,500
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Zakarisammy(m): 8:20am On Sep 02, 2020
Even in the animal kingdom, woman nor dey let man see road..
But how did they now know that the two snakes were fighting because of a woman??
Abi them interviewed the snakes

GOD bless you for that observation. Oil dey your head

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by mariahAngel(f): 8:22am On Sep 02, 2020

Never do that again!
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by maipeople(m): 8:32am On Sep 02, 2020
Even in the animal kingdom, woman nor dey let man see road..
But how did they now know that the two snakes were fighting because of a woman??
Abi them interviewed the snakes

So na "she" snake you dey call woman as if say it is human being?
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by descarado: 8:33am On Sep 02, 2020
I am not surprised cheesy
I recently watched a documentary where two giant beetles were fighting over a female one
So serious while the third one quietly went to do the do cheesy
And the two fools were still there fighting cheesy
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Abuventure: 8:49am On Sep 02, 2020
I fear Australia, Brazil and India. Na lala countries them be.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by AreaFada2: 9:11am On Sep 02, 2020

Those snakes are SIMPS cheesy

Fighting all because of a pussy...

The are lucky that they ain't in Nigeria...

But wait...

Do female snakes have Vagina?
No o. Female snakes have joyhole.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by physicistman(m): 9:40am On Sep 02, 2020

1. Snakes can't talk.
2. Man is at the top of the food chain

And that's why I said IMAGINE.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by angelfallz(m): 9:56am On Sep 02, 2020

And that's why I said IMAGINE.

Lol. you got me.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by zakari247(m): 10:27am On Sep 02, 2020

Those snakes are SIMPS cheesy
Fighting all because of a pussy...

The are lucky that they ain't in Nigeria...

But wait...

Do female snakes have Vagina?
yes they do have Virgina
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Drone95(m): 10:32am On Sep 02, 2020
E get why?
Fear women
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 10:35am On Sep 02, 2020

Yes I live here. We got Lotsa dangerous creatures. Blue ringed octopus, those deadly jellyfish, poisonous ants, Lotsa sharks, conefish, I think even our platypus has poison in a barb thing on its feet. Our whitetail spider, redback spider, funnel webs(the Sydney one can kill in minutes) Lotsa deadly snakes. Tassie devils where I live, but U don't come across them I've only seen them in like a mini zoo here but deep in the bush down port Arthur south Tas I could hear them making that screaming
noise at night, they will eat thru Ur meat n bones, they look similar to a wombat/giant rat, bout as big as a small dog. Look cute but sound scary and can be dangerous. My biggest fear here tho is our huntsman spider lol. They ain't deadly they bite hurt but not poisonous but they are huge n fast n jump at you or on you. I fear them most cos they can give me heart attack� and their size. If one jumps or runs across the window inside the car Ur in while someone is driving it can cause accidents. I jumped out my car passenger seat wen it happen to me n lucky my friend driving the car was only backing slowly outta the laneway cos I was over her lap n out that door on her side cos it was on my side window �. Even the car had been moving fast idc I'll still be outta that door. Them things are scary ASF. I have fear of spiders real bad.
Still tho spiderbites and snake bites aren't as common as ppl think here. I only met one person who been bit by a poisonous spider here. U just gotta check inside Ur shoes before U put em on lol. They like getting in there.
I am terrified of sharks too but that's easy to avoid cos I won't go past my knees in the ocean.
I can imagine you saying this with an Australian accent. grin
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by ssjosephandlucy(f): 10:40am On Sep 02, 2020
Even in the animal kingdom, woman nor dey let man see road..
But how did they now know that the two snakes were fighting because of a woman??
Abi them interviewed the snakes

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by GoldSomy: 10:41am On Sep 02, 2020
If you find snake in your ceiling in Nigeria, na village people be that na ����
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 11:04am On Sep 02, 2020

I can imagine you saying this with an Australian accent. grin

Hahaha. Yeah my nigerian friends laugh at how I say certain things wen they hear me talk. N in Tasmania is a little different accent sorta to the rest of mainland Australia. We have lazy talk lol. We tend to nickname everything and don't always pronounce things properly. Like warda for water, bruvva for brother, pertaytas for potatoes, wensdee for Wednesday for example� we ain't illiterate we just got lazy mouths�
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 11:07am On Sep 02, 2020

Hahaha. Yeah my nigerian friends laugh at how I say certain things wen they hear me talk. N in Tasmania is a little different accent sorta to the rest of mainland Australia. We have lazy talk lol. We tend to nickname everything and don't always pronounce things properly. Like warda for water, bruvva for brother, pertaytas for potatoes, wensdee for Wednesday for example� we ain't illiterate we just got lazy mouths�
I knew it. Sha I like their accent, it's better than an American accent (though I love the accent of people who stay in Texas)


Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 11:25am On Sep 02, 2020

I knew it. Sha I like their accent, it's better than an American accent (though I love the accent of people who stay in Texas)

Lol yeah our accent ain't like British or USA. It's one of a kind lol. Someone told me we are slightly similar to South African accent with some words. But different too.
Yeah I like how they sound in the deep south states of the USA. Especially like in Atlanta. I like Russian accent too. And new Zealand accent. Maouris especially. They're really cool n similar to ours a little. But overall I love an African accent. Especially Nigerian. It sounds so cool. And I can't stand a bloody British accent or a German accent. Irritating� especially those Brits.
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 11:30am On Sep 02, 2020

Lol yeah our accent ain't like British or USA. It's one of a kind lol. Someone told me we are slightly similar to South African accent with some words. But different too.
Yeah I like how they sound in the deep south states of the USA. Especially like in Atlanta. I like Russian accent too. And new Zealand accent. Maouris especially. They're really cool n similar to ours a little. But overall I love an African accent. Especially Nigerian. It sounds so cool. And I can't stand a bloody British accent or a German accent. Irritating� especially those Brits.
A German speaking English is priceless, gringrin laugh will kill you ehn. I don't really like Nigerian accents apart from the accent of Hausa people sha. I like British accents (not all though some annoy me)
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Nobody: 11:46am On Sep 02, 2020

A German speaking English is priceless, gringrin laugh will kill you ehn. I don't really like Nigerian accents apart from the accent of Hausa people sha. I like British accents (not all though some annoy me)

Lol I know right. British have so many different accents from one suburb to the next. Some are intelligible lol. I've never heard a Hausa accent only Yoruba n Igbo ppl Ive heard talk. They sounded the same. I can understand my man but if he talks really fast it most words I can't catch lol n don't sound English at all. We argued once n he rang me got real mad n talk so so fast for five mins I just listened n probably caught one word n I just replied him saying babe I didn't get any of that but damn U sounded sexy�. N we wasn't fighting no more lol. But his friends n his bro I can't understand everything unless they talk real slower lol. His sister tho I understand her perfectly lol.
It's Phillipines, Koreans English I can never understand at all. My man's Nigerian accent is sexy especially pidgin being spoken
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Mindclinic: 11:59am On Sep 02, 2020
The power of toto grin
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by grandlexuz(m): 12:10pm On Sep 02, 2020
Why are some nairaland moderators so obsessed with snakes?
This particular moderator should seek help against the spirit of serpent.
He might not know, but the spirits are the one driving his obsession.

I will be sure to pass your message to Eve too. She who spoke with a snake and agreed with it to implicate Adam.

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Kingberbatov(m): 12:58pm On Sep 02, 2020

Lolz, weldone hardworking Nigerian youth

Come and learn how to be courageous
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by maisauki: 1:22pm On Sep 02, 2020
Did you see their thing
How you com know say dem b males
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by kikelomojessy(f): 1:24pm On Sep 02, 2020
Oga forget it, weda na carpet or tile snake, I don't care. I won't look if it's venomous or not, I don Japa.

Just imagine the one killing my hens, have not seen it yet to know it's type so when it's time to put on the gen, I make sure my mum and sis follow me or else no light till NEPA comes.

I can't come and kill my sef.lol
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by lamaooo(m): 3:19pm On Sep 02, 2020
pls who is lala undecided undecided undecided
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Slimsly100(f): 3:58pm On Sep 02, 2020
Even in the animal kingdom, woman nor dey let man see road..
But how did they now know that the two snakes were fighting because of a woman??
Abi them interviewed the snakes

I taya for people o. Dem ask them

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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by trafftrade(m): 4:39pm On Sep 02, 2020
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Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by Uyi168: 5:08pm On Sep 02, 2020

I taya for people o. Dem ask them
.. grin
Re: 2 Huge Male Snakes Fighting Over Female Snake Crash Into Australian Man's House by seangy4konji: 5:52pm On Sep 02, 2020
which type of rough play is this>

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