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Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account - Business - Nairaland

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Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by justianoo(m): 12:00pm On Sep 07, 2020
Misplaced my phone yesterday so I made plans to go retrieve the line today.on my way to the bank,I got an email notifying me of a transaction I never initiated.I really need to know if there i a way I can get my money back.

Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Nbotee(m): 12:09pm On Sep 07, 2020
And instead of going to d bank to complain U are complaining on nairaland? There's even a name on d account transferred to.. Start from there.. It's an access bank account and there's a name there. .. Go and report to d bank and den d police


Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by heendrix(m): 12:16pm On Sep 07, 2020
Misplaced my phone yesterday so I made plans to go retrieve the line today.on my way to the bank,I got an email notifying me of a transaction I never initiated.I really need to know if there i a way I can get my money back.

Stop using the mobile transfer app next time, don't keep alert messages

Tips to avoid such incidence next time
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by justianoo(m): 12:17pm On Sep 07, 2020

Stop using the mobile transfer app next time, don't keep alert messages

Tips to avoid such incidence next time
Noted thanks
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Bakerdav: 12:22pm On Sep 07, 2020

Stop using the mobile transfer app next time, don't keep alert messages

Tips to avoid such incidence next time
always log out ur mobile app after use
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Sunshinegold44: 12:36pm On Sep 07, 2020
Go to bank and verify your transaction not nairaland
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Juliusmomoh: 12:43pm On Sep 07, 2020
Op, please go to ur bank as soon as possible... #thank
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by WhisperedNoise: 3:32pm On Sep 07, 2020
Go to your bank. Simple.
I disagree with the people saying he should stop using mobile banking apps. He can use it but must be careful/private with his log in pin and transaction pin.

I'm quite sure that the person who transferred the money knows your pin...I might be wrong o, but I'm sure I'm right.

Anyways, go to your bank; involve the police.
I pray you recover your money.



Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Psady(m): 5:01pm On Sep 07, 2020
Go to your bank. Simple.
I disagree with the people saying he should stop using mobile banking apps. He can use it but must be careful/private with his log in pin and transaction pin.

I'm quite sure that the person who transferred the money knows your pin...I might be wrong o, but I'm sure I'm right.

Anyways, go to your bank; involve the police.
I pray you recover your money.

I think the password to her mobile app is on ' remember me' , or just as you said the perpetrator knows her pin,that makes it easy to make transfer.Report to your bank asap or Google the code use by your bank to block personal accounts.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by atheistandproud(m): 5:03pm On Sep 07, 2020
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Nobody: 5:27pm On Sep 07, 2020
The name of the account the money was transferred to is there....you can start from there
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by imagrg(m): 5:48pm On Sep 07, 2020
They can rob you without your PIN.
Just your SIM card would do. So be careful.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Adedotguy: 7:41pm On Sep 07, 2020
Sorry about that.

Hope your have made a complain to your bank.

All they need is ur sim. They can change your password with your sim. Using "forget password".

Next time call your bank to suspend your acc immediately.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Nopanties: 8:53pm On Sep 07, 2020
When Diamond bank was still diamond, there was login password and then there's a transaction pin. To even change this password, na war, u will need the ATM card
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by WhisperedNoise: 4:53pm On Sep 08, 2020
I think the password to her mobile app is on ' remember me' , or just as you said the perpetrator knows her pin,that makes it easy to make transfer.Report to your bank asap or Google the code use by your bank to block personal accounts.
Ehen. That's not for mine tho.
My GTB app asks for a login and transaction pin every time.
Even if the app sits idle for like five mins or so, it refreshes and goes back to the login paid requiring login details.

I pray the op gets his money sha.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Harbeeorlar(m): 6:28pm On Sep 08, 2020
No banka app or internet banking allows you to save your password. You must enter ur password before you can log in.
I think the password to her mobile app is on ' remember me' , or just as you said the perpetrator knows her pin,that makes it easy to make transfer.Report to your bank asap or Google the code use by your bank to block personal accounts.

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Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by justianoo(m): 7:04pm On Sep 08, 2020
Go to your bank. Simple.
I disagree with the people saying he should stop using mobile banking apps. He can use it but must be careful/private with his log in pin and transaction pin.

I'm quite sure that the person who transferred the money knows your pin...I might be wrong o, but I'm sure I'm right.

Anyways, go to your bank; involve the police.
I pray you recover your money.

i actually misplaced my phone small Nokia phone on Sunday evening .he actually transferred it using my ussd.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by justianoo(m): 7:08pm On Sep 08, 2020

Ehen. That's not for mine tho.
My GTB app asks for a login and transaction pin every time.
Even if the app sits idle for like five mins or so, it refreshes and goes back to the login paid requiring login details.

I pray the op gets his money sha.
Gtb fraud unit asked me to wait till tomorrow.hopefully i get my money back

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Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Fibonacci88: 8:22pm On Sep 08, 2020
No banka app or internet banking allows you to save your password. You must enter ur password before you can log in.
My Unity bank app saves password. the app scares me hence I don't keep substantial money in it. But it sends an otp before concluding transactions. I ask myself what security does the otp serves when ur phone is stolen and the thieves have ur phone. A pin is a safer security than otp. I don't know what they are smoking in dat bank.

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Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Chekitaut: 8:26pm On Sep 08, 2020
Serious mu mu transfer the money, call GTBank straight them block theperson account instantly.

Guy no waste time oooo
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Strika22(m): 8:45pm On Sep 08, 2020
Make a report to the bank and make sure you follow up with the complaint. You should be able to get your money back since you reported the issue in time. I guess the perpetrator is someone close.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by Harbeeorlar(m): 9:54pm On Sep 08, 2020
OTP is trash... It can easily be bypassed by gurus. PIN is much safer just that one is highly exposed once someone dubious has possession of one's phone.

Believe me the account the money was transferred to does not belong to the perpetrator unless he/she is a clown. Someone is about to suffer for a crime he did not commit. Am scared to keep money in the bank this day.

My Unity bank app saves password. the app scares me hence I don't keep substantial money in it. But it sends an otp before concluding transactions. I ask myself what security does the otp serves when ur phone is stolen and the thieves have ur phone. A pin is a safer security than otp. I don't know what they are smoking in dat bank.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by WhisperedNoise: 11:03pm On Sep 08, 2020
Gtb fraud unit asked me to wait till tomorrow.hopefully i get my money back
I hope you get your money...and I hope that the fraudster is prosecuted swiftly.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by justianoo(m): 10:21pm On Oct 09, 2020
I have just been refunded.
Re: Someone Just Transferred 60k From My Bank Account by doggedfighter(f): 11:31pm On Oct 09, 2020
Wonderful . That is a swift refund.

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