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Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? - Phones - Nairaland

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Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by Ay92(m): 6:08pm On Sep 11, 2020
I priced a portable solar panel phone charger today and we agreed on #3000 but I was skeptical so I want to ask if anyone has a firsthand experience using it. I saw 7.5 watt, 3.5v written on it. Please nairalanders, can it really charge an android phone?
Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by Kingsasian(m): 6:47pm On Sep 11, 2020
It works but will spoil your phone's battery because it has no charge controller. It is only good for charging torchlight phones. Speaking from personal experience. I still have the panel till date


Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by benzion72(m): 7:09pm On Sep 11, 2020
If it is 3.5V it can work and not fry your battery
Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by marksjacob242: 8:01pm On Sep 11, 2020
Green Power Forklift Batteries is an industrial forklift battery company that reconditions lead-acid forklift batteries, giving its customers the environmentally friendly and economically sound choice for reliable power solutions. By using a unique 18-stage renovation process together with more than 12 years of experience, Green Power Forklift Batteries can restore lost capacity and extend the functional lifespan of industrial lead-acid forklift batteries, enabling its customers´ forklift batteries to operate at their optimal capacity for up to twice their life span with reduced equipment maintenance costs.

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Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by lawalosky(m): 3:42am On Sep 12, 2020
yes i hav one, though havent use it to charge any android. But i recumend you get/puchase a mini inverter becus most of dis s/p can damage batteris like kilode, expecialy in this raining period that sunlight is not sufficent. Shalom

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Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by Holmes07(m): 8:52am On Sep 12, 2020
I priced a portable solar panel phone charger today and we agreed on #3000 but I was skeptical so I want to ask if anyone has a firsthand experience using it. I saw 7.5 watt, 3.5v written on it. Please nairalanders, can it really charge an android phone?
That 7.5watts u see is the maximum power under optimal weather condition. You will only get the full output power when there is good weather, that is if the cells is a good cell to start with, you will normally get 10% of 7.5watts in cloudy weather or you can say the weather condition around 8am. Using that kind of device to charge your android phone will definitely damage the battery.
I have one I made myself for the market, I used 12watts panel and it has been working very fine. I have been using it for over a year and there is no issue with my phone or any of my neighbour's phone that I use the panel to charge.
Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by udy4real(m): 12:31pm On Sep 12, 2020

That 7.5watts u see is the maximum power under optimal weather condition. You will only get the full output power when there is good weather, that is if the cells is a good cell to start with, you will normally get 10% of 7.5watts in cloudy weather or you can say the weather condition around 8am. Using that kind of device to charge your android phone will definitely damage the battery.
I have one I made myself for the market, I used 12watts panel and it has been working very fine. I have been using it for over a year and there is no issue with my phone or any of my neighbour's phone that I use the panel to charge.

How much did it cost you to make it?
Re: Does Solar Panel Phone Charger Work? by GeneralKoko(m): 12:52pm On Sep 12, 2020

That 7.5watts u see is the maximum power under optimal weather condition. You will only get the full output power when there is good weather, that is if the cells is a good cell to start with, you will normally get 10% of 7.5watts in cloudy weather or you can say the weather condition around 8am. Using that kind of device to charge your android phone will definitely damage the battery.
I have one I made myself for the market, I used 12watts panel and it has been working very fine. I have been using it for over a year and there is no issue with my phone or any of my neighbour's phone that I use the panel to charge.

Where do you stay?? I would love to buy one .

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