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Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience - Health (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by bgees(m): 1:11am On Feb 26, 2011
My first HIV test was very scary. I almost pooped myself. But since then I have gone on to take the  HIV test 5 more times. Today HIV  is not even my biggest  fear when taking blood tests.

You have every reason to be scared , since you like toto.  cool
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by ceasyc(f): 4:49am On Feb 26, 2011
2001/2002 in d uk. new bf
something happened to d condom - cant remember what. period late after that - did home preg test = not preggers
we both went 4 d hiv test + other sti's somewhere in paddington - no b d one wey result dey come out sharp sharp these days

u gats to go home n come bk d next day or wk + 2 wks 4 all d results = HORRENDOUS - man pikin wan die of thinking. hiv n others negative

no biggie taking d test after that especially now that u get d result almost instantly

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by adedayoone: 7:56am On Feb 26, 2011
My first HIv test wasnt scary , but my 2nd one argghhhhhh. I had been feeling very weak , had some chest pains probably due to exposing my chest , anyway the doctor decided to run 1million tests (HIV) wasnt included oooo. They didnt find anything wrong but my blood count was low (chai low immunity ?) , I was called back to do the blood count again and then it was lower than the first time(now i started to wonder and ask google plenty questions ), Anyways my doctor referred me for further tests and this time my doctor casually said i should do an HIV test (I mean casually like trying to say "I think you might have a headache"wink. Ok now i was going crazy , emi HIV how come , from where (funny how the mind works ). Good news they phoned me back from the hospital and said I do not have HIV. Not a nice experience at all
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by philipsass: 9:43am On Feb 26, 2011
mine was not funny grin , my gurl made me go 4 d test, she told me NO s3x until i go 4 a test(HIV) , even wit 100 cd , she said NOOOO , she accept to go 4 a test too. We fixed a date but diffrent lab cos of d phobia i had b4. When i got there i took d test , i have to wait 4 5hrs to get d result. D pressure was on me, i was too nervous i cant wait inside d lab , i called her, she was quiet confidence abt her self , she said she will be home soon , 5hrs i got back to d lab , every body was dead quiet wen i walked in , i heart almost explode , i sumone courage and walk quietly , asked 4 my result , She said my result is ready , my heart beat was runing aleast 240klm/h , she went 4 anoda 30 min , wen she came back all she told me was i should please hold on. Wen she came back this time , she was not alone angry , she was with some men , 1 looks like a pastor , the other looks like a police (no goatie) , then i made an instant conclusion , i am positive , this pastor want to pray 4 me so i might make heaven and this police man want to arrest me , i could nt run or cry , i was mute , she gave the result paper. my hand was shaking like a gelly fish , i open it , saw HIV -ve @ d time of this test , i was short of word , i could not screem , i wanted 2 shout , cry , laught at d same time , it was like i got my visa , i could not drive home masef , had 2 call ma gurl 2 come , didnt tell her dat i cant drive cos of the fear i had b4 d test.

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Nobody: 10:14am On Feb 26, 2011
if u aint a cheat nd likewise ur partner,i dnt think there wuld b anytin 2 b scared. u said after ur test,u went back chopping on 'ur toto'.Now its ok,so long as that 'TOTO' remains yours and u dont eye someone else toto. Infact d day u slot ur sim card into someone else fone;may HIV b ur reward!
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by kadman(m): 10:26am On Feb 26, 2011

I hurriedly created this new ID to avoid stigmatization. I was not nervous at my first HIV test in 2006. My wife was pregnant with our second baby in 2007 and the doctor made it mandatory for her to have HIV test in my presence. Since I was negative in my own HIV test a year earlier, I felt there would e no problem and as the pregnancy was our 3rd. Alas, she turned +ve and I was mad at the result. I told the doctor that his test was faulty and I asked my wifeto let us go to the near-by teaching hospital for a thorough check, she said no and she accused my of infecting her with HIV because she was always suspecting me.

I went to the teaching hospital and I did another test which was not a rapid test, this time it was intra-venous , thank God I was -ve again. I must confess to you that I did all possible to have her repeat same test, she managed but unfortunately again, she was +ve. I now wonder how she could be because I trust her. Thank God our children are -ve even though she did not bosom feed the second baby. I forgot to mention that we lost the second pregnancy. We have the 1st pregnancy to be a girl who is 9 yrs now and the 3rd pregnancy a boy who is 4 years old now. We are all living happily as I did not tell anyone apart from my Pastor with her consent.

Whoever you are, you're a good man. Best of luck to your family.

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by macjive01: 2:35pm On Feb 26, 2011
^^^ seconded
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by muyoto: 5:31pm On Feb 26, 2011
as usual every a$$hole here tested negative.

if that were the actual case, our prevalence should have been alot lower than it is.

bunch 'o hypocrytes. . . angry
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by touchmeder: 8:19pm On Feb 26, 2011
it was during NYSC Orientation camp. They had been singing with it in the loud speakers. i was in camp with my sister and i tried too get her come take the test with me but she bluntly refused. so i went alone. it was a pretty simple thing with the kits and all i think it was called ''a rapid hiv test''
while waiting for the results i was blowing hot and cold through my mouth in the small tent with the lady sitting opposite me (perhaps ready to counsel me incase).
when she gave me the all clear i sreamed and ran out of the tent. lol
ive done another one again 2years back.For the most part, its all good if you pratise safe sex or abstain.

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by ifele(m): 8:50pm On Feb 26, 2011

But you are male. toto means penis in igbo. Why are you saying you wont touch toto. Please are you homosexual. Be careful homosexuality is a sin.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by poweredcom(m): 9:13pm On Feb 26, 2011
Omo, me never do am jare me no send am, me dey use my condom properly, jor oo eat good food and good medicine to boost your immune stystem
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by roymary: 9:45pm On Feb 26, 2011

I hurriedly created this new ID to avoid stigmatization. I was not nervous at my first HIV test in 2006. My wife was pregnant with our second baby in 2007 and the doctor made it mandatory for her to have HIV test in my presence. Since I was negative in my own HIV test a year earlier, I felt there would e no problem and as the pregnancy was our 3rd. Alas, she turned +ve and I was mad at the result. I told the doctor that his test was faulty and I asked my wifeto let us go to the near-by teaching hospital for a thorough check, she said no and she accused my of infecting her with HIV because she was always suspecting me.

I went to the teaching hospital and I did another test which was not a rapid test, this time it was intra-venous , thank God I was -ve again. I must confess to you that I did all possible to have her repeat same test, she managed but unfortunately again, she was +ve. I now wonder how she could be because I trust her. Thank God our children are -ve even though she did not bosom feed the second baby. I forgot to mention that we lost the second pregnancy. We have the 1st pregnancy to be a girl who is 9 yrs now and the 3rd pregnancy a boy who is 4 years old now. We are all living happily as I did not tell anyone apart from my Pastor with her consent.Am afraid o, after the 1st 4 guy's test in a role of 40 guys, 3were +ve and 1 -ve. if to do a statistics based on that, that is 75%

Guess you are among the lucky few God blessed with homozygous CCR5 or CXCR4 mutation; i'm like that. It means that u can never ever get HIV1.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Vindy: 1:30pm On Feb 27, 2011
I don't believe any of that man, go and take ten girls in Allen and come let's go 4 test after 3months, if u cannt get HIV 1 u will 2 by force.

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Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Sunofgod(m): 1:38pm On Feb 27, 2011

The diesease can take up to 6 months to register in your system.
So in the meantime dont think about it too much - your thoughts will create your reality!
Its better for you to believe your clean.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Gsmxpert(m): 1:48pm On Feb 27, 2011
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by http(m): 3:49am On Feb 28, 2011
I could remember the following things on my first HIV test at LASUTH

Before the test, i was shaking, i couldn't talk much and when i was called in, my leg was dragging, its like am about to be shot by firing squard,
the doctor said, can i have ur hand, i didn't understand what he was saying until he brought out syringe, ok blood that what came out of my mouth grin

After taking the blood sample needed, he told me that i should come the next day, for where it took me 5 days before i show up, i was praying seriously, asking and begging God for all my sins, and promising if i came out negative, i will not get involve in sex again until am married.

At the hospital, when i finally have the courage to enter,

Doctor told me direct me to the councelling room, i was like yeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! e don happen, but na only one partner i dey chop now,how my own come be like this, is this the end of my life, but God i don beg u now se i no go do am again; i was like why can't they just tell me say na +ive.

At the councelling room, the guy started talking bla bla bla, but no word enter my brain, the word that came out of my mouth was,

wetin be the result plssssssssssss, How i go tell mama,

The guy finally tell me say am -ive.

I ran out shouting say God thank u Thank u Thank u. grin

But the sight of Bola will not let me be chei
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by mecylee(f): 3:51pm On Feb 28, 2011
But if i may ask person we de keep m penis one place we be say nothing concern him with TOTO se i go still de fear as for meoo l never do the taste even for once
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Yeneks(f): 3:53pm On Feb 28, 2011
It wasn't scary for me at all, I don't know why. I told my dad i wanted to do it, I will never forget the look on his face! I used the excuse that as a Med student, knowing my status was necessary, i convinced him to let the whole family do it, and we all did, Negative! I just felt you can't be living in ignorance. That's just me though.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by FKseun(m): 4:27pm On Feb 28, 2011
Waiting for the results of my first HIV test was quite scary for me. I was talked into authorising the medical team to include it as part of the series of test to be done during the annual medical test at my place of work. It is actually not compulsory but for my own sake i did it and it was like I waited forever for the result! Eventually the admin stafff called me to meet with the doctor during which he explained the outcome of all the test to me and I was lucky HIV status was negative. Since then I have been doing it annually. I advise everyone to go for it, you get a bit of relief when you discover that you are Negative and it would help you live your life safely. For those who unfortunately come out positive, it will help you manage yourself and save others as well. Cheers.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by ddiamond(f): 9:01pm On Feb 28, 2011
it very scary and time consuming cos i was pregnant then, i feel like fainting while waiting for the result but when i received it i was relieved and promise myself to be ever faithful to my husband.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by macjive01: 3:18am On Mar 01, 2011
^^^ meaning u were harbouring the tot of philandering despite ur wedding vow before the test ? abi am i getting it wrong?
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by mrofficial(m): 7:43am On Mar 01, 2011
^^^ Me self been dey think am.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by dsgirl: 5:40pm On Mar 01, 2011
Now i'm beginning to think,
Never done HIV test before and my ex doesn't use condoms and I know he had slept with different girls before we met (with and without CDs). I'm too scared of my life to go for a test, I'm thinking that if i don't show signs after a year, maybe that means I'm negative.
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Fearcom(m): 10:55pm On Mar 01, 2011
My very frist Gf,after holding me out for nearly two years,suddenly changed her mind. . .and started having serious,frequent and unprotected sex with me . . . . . .until she suddenly passed away later that year.

After i mourned her,I started thinking. . . .what if she had. . . . . embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed. . . . . .Nahhh. . . she didn't. . . . . . grin grin grin grin grin. . . . . embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed
But,what if. . . . .Ha,Gawd. . . .i was scared to go for a test. . . . .i decided i wouldn't go for a test.

Fast forward. . . . .


My mom was gravely ill(i lost her).My brother and i had been taking care of her for weeks.
Now,on this particular day,after taking care of her,i went home to rest. . . . . .

Suddenly my brother called from the hospital,telling me she needed blood and that WE were going to donate some of OURS. . . . . .

That meant a BLOOD TEST for Hepataitis type 1 and 2,H.I.V e.t.c
HA!. . . . .my own don spoil b dat
my bros,myself and two others did the test. . . . . .

When the results came out,they told us that two out of four of us had 'something'. . . . . .Which two??
It was confirmed when they divided us into pears;myself and one other guy,and my brother and the other guy. . . . .
. . . Then they called me and the other guy in first(i was Half-Dead by this time). . . . . .only for them to ask if we had eaten so that they could take our blood!
(i came back to life). . . . . .

By this time i had shagged my way into veteran status,so i was right back to being scared to go for another test. . . . . .
Suddenly,i fell very sick. . . .and a visit to the doctor was met with a concern for the state of my health. . . . .so,he said to take 'THE TEST'
. . .i took the test,only for the person to tell me that He CANNOT TELL ME whether i have it or not,because according to the kit they used,
'it is neither here nor there',and said to come bac in three months for another test. . . . . . . . . someone asked the question,'how was the three
months waiting like?Well wat do u think? angry angry angry embarassed embarassed embarassed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed cry cry cry. . . .eventually,i went back and it was -ve. grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by mrofficial(m): 11:20pm On Mar 01, 2011
^ na your sperm kill your first girl. smiley
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Ochick: 10:58am On Mar 04, 2011
I tested +ve some years back! My boyfriend found out recently and he is yet to say anything. Although non of my family members know about it, I am living like every normal person and go about my job without much problem becos I am taking good care of myself and living a healthy life! I am sure that someday, I will let a more people into what I am going through.
I am not afraid that I will die of the infection cos I know it won't kill me!!!
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by MaiSuya(m): 12:51pm On Mar 04, 2011

I tested +ve some years back! My boyfriend found out recently and he is yet to say anything. Although non of my family members know about it, I am living like every normal person and go about my job without much problem becos I am taking good care of myself and living a healthy life! I am sure that someday, I will let a more people into what I am going through.
I am not afraid that I will die of the infection cos I know it won't kill me!!!

Just wondering, are you on treatment?
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Ochick: 5:41pm On Mar 04, 2011
Thanks I am not on treatment yet! I should be as soon as my CD4 count goes below 200,
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Nobody: 1:08am On Mar 05, 2011
^^^^have you ever thought of letting your bf know rather than having him discover it?!
hopefully he didnt discover it by being infected by you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by aminalib(f): 2:47am On Mar 05, 2011
good story ochick, u found out u are positive but not on treatment and ur bf found out and has not said a word to u, riight
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Ochick: 11:31am On Mar 05, 2011

^^^^have you ever thought of letting your bf know rather than having him discover it?!
hopefully he didnt discover it by being infected by you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He is not infected! I cud not tell him and I didn't have the intention of getting him infected. He always insist on using condom,
Re: Waiting For Hiv Result? Please Share Your Experience by Ochick: 11:36am On Mar 05, 2011

good story ochick, u found out u are positive but not on treatment and your bf found out and has not said a word to u, riight
It is even worse that he's not saying anything you know,

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