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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! (1614 Views)
The Good Or Bad Things That Happen To You In 2012? / Photo – Doctor Caught On Camera Defiling Women During Abortion In Theatre Room / 2go; Good Or Bad? (2) (3) (4)
Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by lucidang(m): 12:55am On Jun 22, 2007 |
A lady friend of mine found herself once again at cross-roads contemplating whether to keep the baby or to go for an abortion, This is one topic that a lot of people tend to shy away from, for obvious reasons, but i think it is something worth discussing in this forum, Guys, let''s shed some light on the good, the bad, the ugly, Abortion - Is it Good or Bad!!! ![]() |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Eiregirl(f): 7:39pm On Jun 22, 2007 |
I don't think that there is a right or wrong answer to this question. As adults we are all aware of the consequences of having sex. If you don't want to get pregnant, you don't have to. Personally I am against abortion. I'm a single mother of a BEAUTIFUL little girl & although never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine being a single mother, I wouldn't swap her for anything in this world. It depends on the individuals situation. I don't think it's a form of contraception!!!! |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by efuah(f): 11:26am On Jun 23, 2007 |
Bad |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Orosunnuku(m): 12:51am On Jun 30, 2007 |
It depends on the circumstances. Ordinarily, abortion is bad. But on the other hand, abortion could be a virtue when there are serious health complications for the pregnant woman. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by lucidang(m): 5:26pm On Jul 01, 2007 |
thanks all for your contributions thus far, my friend is getting over it and it helped her a great deal to know how other people felt about the issue too. thanks once again. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by knockabout: 7:31pm On Jul 01, 2007 |
i thank God i had that abortion. now he's misbehaving. what if i had kept it. i'll have been sad all my life |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by funty(f): 8:11pm On Jul 02, 2007 |
Abortion is bad. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by wifeypenth(f): 4:03pm On Jul 03, 2007 |
Abortion is very baad.infact many people who shuda bin aborted bt lived turnd out 2b its bin legalisd now reasns being that many young ladies av these children.sum just make d kids sufer,i'l neva do society and circumstance wud make any1 take decisions.if u'r not ready 2av a child.avoid gettin pregnant. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by tijannydot(m): 10:16pm On Jul 03, 2007 |
All d contributors had spoken well. In as much as i believe in respecting other people's opinions, i will also want to state categorically clear that, its d circumstances that determines whether abortion is good or bad. By virtue of religion, its bad. But if its by avoiding social vices, i think its good. Cos most of d guys unleashing terror in our society today are resultant effect of unwanted pregnancy that could have been aborted. So i think it will be better, if d doer of d act faces his or her warrant with God alone, than making d society unbearable for all. Afterall no son of man flourishes ina war zone. Flush out unwanted pregnancy so dat u can have rest of mind and d people will be able to sleep with their eyes closed later. But if u r doing it out of share waywardness, nemesis shall catch up with ya one day. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Esss(m): 10:51pm On Jul 03, 2007 |
Abortion is not bad. If its necessary do it Why bring a child into the world when you are so unsure about how you will raise that child. Imagine the number of children who get dumped in dumpsters everyday. Why bring an innocent child into the world to suffer. Every child is entitled to a decent life. I recently visited a very remote fishing settlement in Ghana. This village did not have any electricity, the roads were barely passable, no decent source of water, no healthcare, no school, no telephone, it was about an hour away from civilisation (by car). When our vehicle arrived in this village, all the kids gathered around the car looking at us as if we were martians. The kids were practically naked (some were). The only source of living in that settlement was the ocean(fishing), farming and probably hunting. The ratio of kids to adults was about 4:1. I was at the point of tears when I saw this. You should have seen the way there faces lit up when we handed out 3 canned cokes and some biscuits to them to share (that was all we had). Just imagine the future of those kids. They wake up everyday with nothing to look foward to. Is that how life should be? Is that the life any child should live? they did not choose that life, their parents did. Is that fair? Look at sudan, despite the crisis in that country, people are still having sex and bringing kids into such conditions/envronment. Would any of us want to live that kind of life. If any of us were born into such conditions, I'm sure you will not even own a computer let alone be using the internet. Look at the criminals in society today, most of them are from broken homes, crack babies, street kids, orphans and abandoned children. I repeat, EVERY CHILD IS ENTITLED TO A DECENT LIFE. So if you know you cant provide that knid of life for that child, ABORT IT. This is just my opinion. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by queenb2(f): 11:29am On Jul 04, 2007 |
What we should be preaching here is the method of birth control, there are so many unwanted children in the world. Abortion I believe is wrong the minute conception takes place it's a living being. Would you stand by and watch how a fetus is killed? One should always think before doing something they would regert later in life. Abortion can rob you of having children especially when the abortion goes wrong due to an infection. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Eiregirl(f): 10:10pm On Jul 04, 2007 |
I have to agree with queen b on this one! If you don't want to get pregnant, there are ways to prevent it. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by lucidang(m): 10:56pm On Jul 04, 2007 |
this is getting really interesting, i am greatly impressed, ride on guys! |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Free(f): 12:23am On Jul 05, 2007 |
is bad period!!. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Njoy1(f): 6:42am On Jul 05, 2007 |
Abortion is bad don't take away an innocent life there are so many ways to prevent getting pregnant. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Esss(m): 8:42am On Jul 06, 2007 |
N-joy: I hope when that child grows up to become a thief or crook you will also consider him/her innocent. If my mama had given birth to me when she didn't have the means to cater for my upbringing, and I turned out to be a lowlife, I would never for give her. What y'all seem to forget is that many atimes these preventive measures fail. Pills have after effects & condoms break. And some of these pregnancies are products of rape, drug dependency or even prostitution. I still believe that you should abort the kid instead of over-populating the earth. People might come up with the argument of placing the child in an orphanage. But have you ever visited one before? The abuse most of those kids go through in those homes are equally as bad. Adoption is no better. Some of these parents are not fit to raise their own kids let alone raise someone elses. Abortion is good/right when circumstances calls for it. Be it health reasons, financial or convenience. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Njoy1(f): 2:34pm On Jul 07, 2007 |
@ His grace Thank you, me not in Lagos. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Njoy1(f): 3:12pm On Jul 07, 2007 |
@ Esss Yes I agree with you on crime/poverty side of things, when I say innocent lives I meant the minute a baby is born he/she knows no evil till they grow up.They are the result of what a man and a woman did. So why should they be punished by death? Crime will still be committed through poverty or through white collar crime. Abortion is a topic not everyone will agree on. I disagree you agree. I believe men should take more responsibilities by using a condom. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by doyenn(m): 11:20pm On Jul 07, 2007 |
when they ask you this question tell them it is the badest sin a man can commit. Even if the pregnancy was gotten thru a rape or arm bandit,it must not be tampered with. there are more to it but to put it simply,it is so bad that i can not be quantified |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Xtremeshok: 11:28pm On Jul 07, 2007 |
Abortion is not totally wrong, in some case where u have d babies already diagnosed of mental and physical disability before birth, it is ethical and even moral to abort to avoid the pain child and mother will suffer. Moreover, i believe the woman has the ultimae right to choose what she wants to do, you cannot force someone to have a child when it will be obviously inconvenient for mother and child at the end of the day. People should stop bringing religous and morally twisted sentiments into dis arguements. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by Njoy1(f): 8:25am On Jul 08, 2007 |
@his grace Abortion to me personally is wrong, we live in a world where we now have a choice to have or to abort a baby. We can only pray for those that didn't make it like you and I did. |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by PTBNaija(f): 6:54pm On Jul 08, 2007 |
It's bad, personally I don't agree with it (unless in certain circumstances like being attacked by a family member or something). But if you decided to start having sex and you get pregnant, you should deal with the consequences. Like someone once said "if you have recreational sex, then you should be prepared to have recreational babies." or something like that. . . |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by kulaShaker(f): 6:57pm On Jul 08, 2007 |
i don't agree with it, for the simple reason that if you don't want a baby use protection. (sexual assult exempt from my post thanks). |
Re: Abortion - Is It Good Or Bad! by lucidang(m): 10:57pm On Jul 08, 2007 |
Hi PTBNaija, i lke the way ou put the word "recreational sex", wow!!! From a personal point of view, abortion s bad, but sometimes it may appear to be the way out in some circumstances instead of ruining the future happiness of both parties concerned. Another male friend of mine, who has a beutiful fiancee, who he loves so much went and got another girl pregnant, Right now he is in a very difficult siuaion because the lady in question is not ready to do an abortion, He realises that he could lose his fiancee if she finds out and it troubles him the more, He said it was supposed to be a fling and he was drunk and didnt know what he was doing, now he got himself in so much troubl and needs guidance. Should he compel the girl to have the abortion ![]() One thing i know for sure is that he is very confused and needs guidance, This is a typical case where PREVENTION is certainly better than CURE, Please comment. ![]() |
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