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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands (6080 Views)
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Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by oluwabamis(m): 2:32pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
i dont mean to start another controversy but to simply air my views on a very important aspect of marriage. wether you believe it or not, most married xtian women, fear or respect their pastors more than their husband. i have been married for a while now, and my observation is over a long period of time. im not just forming things. i dont know why this is the case. but its true however, although thats not my practical experience (my wife doesnt disrespect me). women shd share with us what they think about this. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by gfhotee: 2:41pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
because they are d most gullible and foolish specie, am sorry to say. This is an issue that annoys me most about religion. The funny thing is that, if these so called pastors are real, it wont hurt me. I rest my case! |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by KunleOshob(m): 2:54pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
Brainwashing, evidently their pastors are not even teaching them the truth. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by baslone: 3:03pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
It's really a very disturbing issue because it's true! ![]() |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by obowunmi(m): 3:24pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
The devil you don't know is always better than the devil you know. If they lived with their pastor 24/7, like they do their husband, they certainly wouldn't like him. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by oluwabamis(m): 3:48pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
lets leave namecalling pastors aside, its most unfortunate that its true. i actually want our women to air out views. this issue have actually wrecked some marriages in which d husband is a weak xtian. even the more spiritual men are struggling to find a middle ground. some pastors too believed that since they are anointed, they have the final authority even in the life of a married woman. the bible says nothing about pastor's authority over a woman who is not his wife, but its clear over the responsibility of the woman to her husband, it says to respect him, while he should love him in return. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by baslone: 3:50pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
obowunmi: must it be the pastor. . . but why not the gate man? ![]() |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by obowunmi(m): 5:54pm On Feb 27, 2011 |
Did u read the post ? The OP asked about pastors not gatemani-- didirin oshi! |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by Joagbaje(m): 7:50am On Feb 28, 2011 |
oluwabamis: It's an issue of leadership. What kind of husband are you?. If your wife is problematic , the pastor that she revers would be the best person to straighten her up. So the pastor should be your friend and not rival. If he is not aware of your wifes attitude,it's your place to report her . Every pastor to my knowledge cousells women to be more submissive and prayerful even when the husbands is a drunk and wicked wife beater. But if the man begins to give rules in the house to stop the woman from serving God. She will rather listen to the man of God. Because a husband who takes a stand againstvthe word of God has lost his leadership. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by birdman(m): 8:50am On Feb 28, 2011 |
Joagbaje: Zeal without knowledge. This is how wolves in sheep clothing become pastors and destroy lives. Educate yourself: |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by KunleOshob(m): 9:31am On Feb 28, 2011 |
@Joagbaje I am sure you know there is a difference between serving God and serving a Pastor or being religiously active in church. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by baslone: 11:36am On Feb 28, 2011 |
obowunmi: I hope you ain't referring to me here?? ![]() |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by Nobody: 11:55am On Feb 28, 2011 |
Because many Pastors have assumed the position of Christ in the church and love to LORD it over the precious sheep of GOD. Many Pastors are under a curse because they have taken away the authority of the husband from the home. Many so called 'sisters' rebellious as they are , look to the Pastor for the direction of the affairs in their homes. This is against the will of GOD. Even for sisters who have unbelieving husbands this is what Paul advised that the wives remain with the husbands and live such a live that the husbands will be brought back to GOD for the salvation of their souls. "And if a Christian woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy, " 1 Corinthians 7:13-14 "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives" 1 Peter 3 :1 ^^ Many sisters will not agree to the above, it's far easier to be stubborn and rebellions than to submit to the authority of their husbands. So Pastors PLEASE steer clear of these sisters, they are not your wives, pray for them and direct them under the headship of their husbands and Christ. Do not take over God's place in the family and the home. Many Pastors mind you in these last days are FAKE Apostles of SATAN. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by valarinz: 4:19pm On Mar 01, 2011 |
If u were a pastor and all those married women were coming to you ( see free food, and no responsibility to bear) u no go chop, if the pastor encouraged them to go back to their husbands then no free food now, understand guys, bottom line, if u have a brainwashed wife then, kpelee. Thanks |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by valarinz: 4:19pm On Mar 01, 2011 |
If u were a pastor and all those married women were coming to you ( see free food, and no responsibility to bear) u no go chop, if the pastor encouraged them to go back to their husbands then no free food now, understand guys, bottom line, if u have a brainwashed wife then, kpelee. Thanks |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by valarinz: 4:28pm On Mar 01, 2011 |
If u were a pastor and all those married women were coming to you ( see free food, and no responsibility to bear) u no go chop, if the pastor encouraged them to go back to their husbands then no free food now, understand guys, bottom line, if u have a brainwashed wife then, kpelee. Thanks |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by harakiri(m): 5:18am On Mar 04, 2011 |
This thread has gotten over 250 views and i am sure at least half that number were women and yet. . .how many have commented? That means it's true. I think it all boils down to the pastor being seen as the alpha/beta male. In between, this is an issue for religious-god-story-believing folks. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by harakiri(m): 5:26am On Mar 04, 2011 |
Joagbaje: @Mr Joseph Agbaje, It's bad enough that everything about present day religion is built on falsehood and people all over the world (especially women) are too gullible to see beyond their nose.People like you don't make things any better. This is 2011. It's time for you to give your life to that god you worship. In between, how is the god business coming along? Any increase in tithes, offerings,vows and the controversial first fruits? Which car are you buying this year with all the millions you've made in the lord? Is it a Porsche carrera GT or Maserati? ***[s]If i had no element of humanity left in me, i would have gone into the church business. So many mugus wandering about[/s]*** |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by oluwabamis(m): 7:12am On Mar 04, 2011 |
im still waiting for ladies to respond to this issue. there is no way they should keep mum over this, perhaps i was wrong in my observation. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by gfhotee: 9:47am On Mar 04, 2011 |
@oluwabamis, when some1 decides to keep mum about a situation, its either one is guilty of it or one is totally exonerated, but the latter action is peculiar to men, women will rather explode and get to the peak of their voice to megaphone their innocence. Mind you, most of these females are very gullible and after reading through, they will start seeing their weakness and get remorse. Especially seeing all the biblical quotes that backs ds point in a divine angle. If they dont even respond by replying lets have it in mind that they are learning their mistakes or rather they are waiting for the pastor to tell them what response to give. Lets wait til after Sunday service. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by IdiAmin2(m): 3:47pm On Mar 04, 2011 |
Another matter is that these pastors and their first ladies wear a mask when they are in church. They pretend like all is rosy and sweet. so these xtain women look at them thinking: 'Wooow!!!, pastor and his wife, oooh what a couple,they love and respect each other, they dont fight, pastor respects and flourishes her, I wish I had a husband like pastor,wooow!'. Not knowing that they are each others throat at home, but have to put on a mask at church. Like some said in an earlier post: If they lived with their pastor 24/7, like they do their husband, they certainly wouldn't like him 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by Nobody: 4:07pm On Mar 04, 2011 |
^^^^ 100% CORRECT |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by gfhotee: 4:15pm On Mar 04, 2011 |
@Idi-Amin, you've said it all. |
Re: Why Do Married Women Respect Their Pastors More Than Their Husbands by Akbar10: 12:17pm On Mar 05, 2011 |
Idi-Amin:as well, every woman was created to be a helpmeet, which means she is full of potential to help her husband in acievements. if oga has proven himself a man of vsion who has something to achieve other than just hand to mouth living, she will work fully with him, and that even when she maybe earning more however, that is not to say there are no pastors who encourage such dependence for free gifts |
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