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Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone - Celebrities (14) - Nairaland

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Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Nobody: 9:32am On Sep 28, 2020
Zero unity, nigeria should simply disintegrate..
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Ahamefuna0001(m): 9:51am On Sep 28, 2020

Lol...everyone knows your antics as well. Ya'll online crying everyone is jealous of you and hate you. But your eyes are blind when you call others lazy, slaves, and all sorts. Everybody is always against igbos in your deluded minds. You expect other tribes to sing and clap for you when you talk trash about them. What you give is what you get.

Same anthem. Tell me something else
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Ahamefuna0001(m): 9:53am On Sep 28, 2020

And what has that got to do with what happened between tribalistic dumbass Mike and Kunle now? Anyways, you Igbos call anyone who criticizes one of you "Igbo hater" so it's boring, stale and lame now.

Igbos, the same set of utterly uncouth tribalistic/ethnocy lots who curse and abuse other ethnic groups unprovoked accusing others of some nonsensical "Igbo hate" or whatever? The nerve!
What exactly do you expect in return when your people endlessly throw all sorts of expletives on other ethnic ethnic groups every damned day? An olive branch? Bunch of jokers! "Igbo hater" indeed!

Same anthem. Trying to buy sympathy by attaching other tribes but you're getting none. Cry more.
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by jrusky(m): 10:27am On Sep 28, 2020

You must be naive to see the ethnic undertone. He has been a known tribalist, no one is surprised.

Pls give your evidence or be quiet pls.

Trolling someone has nothing to do with tribe.
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by SaintBeehot(m): 10:28am On Sep 28, 2020
These Igbo people and their persecution delusions and always taking refuge in playing tribal cards, smh. What's wrong with these people that they all reason the same way. It's as if rational thinking is alien to them. Is the water they drink in that their redmud, erosion-ravaged landlocked homeland contaminated with the poison of psychosis.

When the appointees of the GEJ government were as expected sacked by the new Buhari Administration, only the utterly tribalistic Igbo woman Onyeka Onwenu boldly announced to the world that she was sacked because she is Igbo.

During the Innoson vs GTB saga, Innocent Chukwuma's wife also claimed they were being "witch-hunted" because they were Igbo, as she famously asked "is it because we're Igbo"?

An Ignorant non-entity called Zybby Michael also accused the organizers of AMVCA awards of tribalism. The tribalistic Igbo slowpoke even called the AMVCA a "Yoruba Award."

A certain Twitter guy (half Edo, half Igbo) once dissed Phyno by claiming Phyno was no longer relevant because of Phyno's silence on the music scene. Phyno replied the guy immediately, accusing him of tribalism. The idiotic singer must have thought he guy who dissed him was Yoruba.

You can see this patern everywhere. Do you criticize Peter Obi? That must be because Obi is Igbo. When the Igbo man is winning, it's because he's "special," but when he loses, it must be because there's a gangup against him.

If the Igbo man dominates a particular section (like we always see in the Super Eagles), he believes it's on merit and also because he's the best and special. But when he's found wanting in other areas, that must be because he's being marginalized.

According to their warped minds, everyone hates them. South Africans hate them, Ghanaians hate them, Malaysians, Indonesians, Indians, Yorubas, Ijaws, Hausas hate them. They're allergic to having an introspection or taking responsibility for their own toxic behaviours

Just look at this utterly despicable slowpoke Ezuruonye or whatever the Bleep the slowpoke calls himself immediately accusing Kunle of tribalism because of Kunle's slight against him? How can an ethnic group suffer from mass delusional personality disorder? Both their intellectuals and touts think the same way. Even the old fool Achebe dropped an anti-Yoruba ethnocentric balderdash before he passed on.

They just can't help it, that's who they are. What an enigmatic people. I hope they just get cured of their persecution delusions ASAP.
Why are you telling them the truth?? Is it because they're Igbo ??
My what you wrote here is nothing but truth.


Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by AllOfUsAtManna(f): 10:39am On Sep 28, 2020

What "sympathy" am I trying to buy, you drooling nitwit?
mynd44 keep shielding this guy as he goes on insulting spree on other nairalanders
this morning he insulted me and my parents
but you did nothing but deleted the comment thereby shielding him from other mods
now he's still insulting people with no sanction.

seun lalasticlala oam4j Justwise
for posterity sake
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by fm4real2k6(m): 10:48am On Sep 28, 2020

Their leaders didn't even contribute, their leaders caused it.
They don't tell their kids that the Lord Luggard they troll everyday structured Nigeria into regions governed by true Federalism until Ironsi (their man) imposed unitary system we are still facing today after the bloody coup of 1966 which killed the leaders of other tribes except Igbo leaders.
The restructuring they want today was what Ironsi detroyed.

They say others are betrayers but when Yoruba representatives proposed for a cessation clause in the 1960 Constitution, Azikiwe said the cessation clause wasn't good for Nigerian Unity.

All they fight for today was given to them but their leaders rejected it. I don't know if they do not know history or they deliberately ignore it while trolling.
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by sesan85(m): 11:09am On Sep 28, 2020
Why are you telling them the truth?? Is it because they're Igbo ??
My what you wrote here is nothing but truth.


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Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by geosegun(m): 11:26am On Sep 28, 2020

Political Power? I hope the 2015 Buhari victory isn't entering your head cos I wonder what other political power you're talking about.
In what way is the Yoruba controlling the economy, Yoruba and controlling economy shouldn't be in same sentence unless you're talking about Ogbomosho economy, Igbo has been the powerhouse and engine house of the Nigerian economy there's lots of fact to prove this assertion.

Knowledge acquisition and Enlightenment, The Igbos are light years ahead to the extend that the world stage is their playing ground as they've grown pass the Nigerian/African playing ground.

I wonder how Yoruba is determining the future of this nation, I hope you're not exaggerating your input in 2015 APC victory to come up with this assumption cos people has been dictating things without making noise about it.

Igbo has gone international, no more playing in local league.

Education wise, Entertainment wise, Business wise, Sports, Politics, etc Igbos has always and will always be light years ahead.

Don't let your few little winnings make you compare yourself to Igbos. You should always know your place.

That's what I'm saying, everything you wrote up there are generic. Be specific - You said you have gone international, where? Ask people are are in the UK or the US. They will tell you the truth.

For the records - I am based in the UK and have travelled far and wide and met people in the professional worlds and I know those that I have met at the top. Anytime I went for a meeting and there was need for informal introduction. The first thing my guests would say was... let me guess...You must be a Nigerian... mmmhmmm From the Southwest...

95% of the time, they are correct in their guesses. That illustration tells you something. We are like the British....we don't brag. But have lots to offer.

In a nutshell, you can learn humility, and stop bragging in small achievements that others have seen a a normal thing.

I will likened your you to someone who has been at the bottom of every economic lather, who works hard and hope to be at the top. One day, the opportunity came, You got a good deal and out of the proceed bought a new car but because of your sudden, one time success, you wouldn't let your neighbours rest by making noise all over the place that you are the best and that you have arrived.

What of people, I mean your neighbours, who have houses and have been buying new cars year in -year out, as it is no longer a big deal to them. It's part of normal thing to them. But to you it is special.

That is exactly what your current situation is...

NB: I intentionally omitted your tribe because there are many good people who happened to be my friends and I would not want to throw mud...

The Bottom line is - learn to be humble in any of your achievements because where yours stopped, is where another (Yorunba) begins ...

Yorubas are way far ahead of you ( ) in all ramifications - FACT!!!

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Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by marsman: 11:27am On Sep 28, 2020

Hahaa. Which igbo compares to Kunle Afolayan? grin
the post no just make sense as per colleagues, but mike too should as tag it as tribal, that is very bad of him.

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Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Charleys: 11:38am On Sep 28, 2020
what is wrong with that? where the guy mentioned Igbos?

Mike just want to play tribal card ni , sounded like mike is hiding something or else? wetin kunle talk to warrant fight here?

Read kunle afolayan Wikipedia page, the internet dies not forget.

Also read this.

Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Asianjollof007: 11:54am On Sep 28, 2020

Yoruba own na follow come. They're irredeemable..

Little wonder they're from the lineage of the fallen demon, I'm not surprised.

Alaye, you are spewing trash..
Igbo people are very tribalistic and cruel, your hearts are full of hatred towards other tribes.
Yoruba people hates you and you're everywhere in the southwest, from Lagos to ogun state and other western states. If we hate you as you claimed, we won't accommodate your sorry ass!


Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by Misterdhee1(m): 11:58am On Sep 28, 2020

the post no just make sense as per colleagues, but mike too should as tag it as tribal, that is very bad of him.
Yeah. Both were wrong
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by yoursidenigga(m): 2:31pm On Sep 28, 2020
The sender of the DM self lacks sense.

My brother I weak embarassed embarassed embarassed
Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by LegendHero(m): 2:38pm On Sep 28, 2020

True, but I think the Civil War only exacerbated their grandiose and persecution delusions though. Zik's 1949's address to his Igbo people had both the grandiose and persecution complex undertones.

You are right. I’ve never even looked at it from this perspective too.

I think it is inherent in them already and the civil war just made it more pronounced.

However they are the main cause of their misery tho during the civil war because they think with their fist instead of the brain.

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Re: Mike Ezuruonye To Kunle Afolayan: The Small Respect I Had For You Is Gone by vicshub(m): 10:14am On Nov 20, 2020

You're a dunce and a slowpoke.
In a bid to sound intelligent you ended up sounding foolish
i am not surprised it's you.. always a lowlife.. go and make yourself useful please..

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