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I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? - Health - Nairaland

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I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by fsudoka: 11:31pm On Mar 01, 2011
please Doctors in da house,kindly advice me on drugs to use to cure the quick
ejaculation and what to use that will sustain me for long period of time when having sex
cuz is indeed a disgrace to a man, please help me, here is my mail mac_donald1010@yahoo.com my numb is
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Terminator: 11:51pm On Mar 01, 2011
I can imagine that this must be a very difficult situation for you and may be even embarassing.
Medication should not be the 1st line of treatment for such a condition.
For you to have proper treatment, it will be nice to know what the situation really is.
- Premature ejaculation can be due to alot of reason

- Perfromance anxiety
- Been naive about the act of sexual intercourse

-I think the 1st thing to do is to try and relax before sexual intercoure and not put a lot of pressure on yourself as this can make matter worse

-Engage in pre-intimacy rather than diving in straight away without actually stimulating your genital area
Take your time and dont rush things. You are there to enjoy yourself and please your partner as well, It is not a competition.
when you decide to have coitus, you have to penetrate slowly and when you are about to ejaculate you can withdraw your penis and just engage in pre-intimacy until the urge to ejaculate goes away. Then you can continue and repeat the process as above until you have full control of when you want to ejaculate.
Another way is to get your partner to hold the junction between the glans penis and the shaft when you are about to ejaculate until the sensation goes away and keep repeating this till you have full control over when you want to ejacuate or not.
To master this may take a while

Some people try to distract themselves when in the act, this can also work but does take away from the pleasure as you are not focusing on the sexual act itself.

The last option can be medication eg SSRI
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by fsudoka: 12:36am On Mar 02, 2011
please what is SSRI?
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by fsudoka: 12:45am On Mar 02, 2011
and please,for d past 3days now,i have been noticing some kind of creamy stuffs comin out of my
manhood and slight pains inside, please what could be the cause of this?
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by MaiSuya(m): 12:50pm On Mar 04, 2011
-I think the 1st thing to do is to try and relax before sexual intercoure and not put a lot of pressure on yourself as this can make matter worse

Engage in pre-intimacy rather than diving in straight away without actually stimulating your focal place area
Take your time and dont rush things. You are there to enjoy yourself and please your partner as well, It is not a competition.
when you decide to have coitus, you have to penetrate slowly and when you are about to expel you can withdraw your manliness and just engage in pre-intimacy until the urge to expel goes away. Then you can continue and repeat the process as above until you have full control of when you want to expel.
Another way is to get your partner to hold the junction between the glans manliness and the shaft when you are about to expel until the sensation goes away and keep repeating this till you have full control over when you want to ejacuate or not.
To master this may take a while

Some people try to distract themselves when in the act, this can also work but does take away from the pleasure as you are not focusing on the sexual act itself.

this is pretty good advise, which if followed will improve your sex life. Forget the SSRI or any drug for that matter.

Regarding penile discharge, I suspect gonorrhea, but strongly suggest you get professional treatment (not herbs or any of those stuff), ASAP.
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by edmarker: 12:32am On Mar 05, 2011
Rather than going for drugs for the premature expulsion, it is better to go for certified natural remedies apart from the need for you to have the right mindset. One of such certified remedies is Edmark's Ginseng Coffee, which is NAFDAC approved and also iso 22000 certified. As for the discharge you mentioned, it is good to go for a test. However, I know Shake Off Phyto Fibre and Splina Liquid Chlorophyll can take care of the problem. You can reach me on 08052914930 to get these products.
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Nobody: 12:07pm On Mar 05, 2011

and please,for d past 3days now,i have been noticing some kind of creamy stuffs comin out of my
manhood and slight pains inside, please what could be the cause of this?

why not stop having sex for now, and go get yourself treated at a hospital.

abi your story is fake.

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Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Gpowered79(m): 2:35pm On Mar 29, 2011
Hello Everyone in the House, I really want to tell you the truth that Asthma has a permanent cure, But the thing is that what you really don't understand anything about, is really greater than you, for sure. I have a herbal medicine for it and more others like : (1) weak Erection of penis, (2) Low Sperm count, (3) General body weakness, (4) Hiv Patient, (5) Diabetes (6) Liver Problem (7) Loss of memory (cool Stomach Ulcer (9) Rheumatism and waist pain. If any of this i mention here are what you suffering from you dont have to worry more.
Please dont waste time any longer, you dont have to suffer through life like that;
All you need do now is to call me on this +2347039507868. or email me on this gpowered79@gmail.com.

My regard to you all,
Doc Osward.
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by MaiSuya(m): 1:17pm On Mar 30, 2011

Hello Everyone in the House, I really want to tell you the truth that Asthma has a permanent cure, But the thing is that what you really don't understand anything about, is really greater than you, for sure. I have a herbal medicine for it and more others like : (1) weak Erection of manliness, (2) Low Sperm count, (3) General body weakness, (4[b]) Hiv Patient,[/b] (5) Diabetes (6) Liver Problem (7) Loss of memory (cool Stomach Ulcer (9) Rheumatism and waist pain. If any of this i mention here are what you suffering from you dont have to worry more.
Please dont waste time any longer, you dont have to suffer through life like that;
All you need do now is to call me on this +2347039507868. or email me on this gpowered79@gmail.com.

My regard to you all,
Doc Osward.

Herbal medicine for HIV patient? WTF does that mean??
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by chicago10: 10:54pm On Mar 31, 2011
Wake up with a hard rocky erection thinking about sex or not like you did when you were about 9 or 10. This isn't a silver bullet that spontaneously gives you an erection just for the anticipated sex session tonight, this is a therapeutic dietary supplement that ensures an increased sexual desire sky-rocketing to an unimaginable high that i wouldn't recommend you use if you do not have a spouse or in an healthy sexual relationship, you would agree with me undoubtedly that you aren't as sexually hyper like you were during your teen days leaving you the sad alternative of bursting a nut just before your spouse starts feeling even pleasured, this sex dietary supplement that would be shipped to you from pittsburgh, U.S solves just that if you strictly adhere to instructions. Failing to satisfy your spouse isn't essentially based on the fact that you only bursted a nut in 10 mins or less but also because you loose erection almost immediately after sex, therefore making your spouse hiss right in her heart, feeling distressed and dissapointed, trust me the real strength of a man lies not in how much money you accumulate but the undaring ability to satisfy your lady regardless. E-mail us at lemad002@yahoo.com We are resident in the United States so any correspondence via phone would first be accessed through e-mail.
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by webgenius(m): 1:58pm On Apr 10, 2011
You may not really have a problem, except that you have come to believe that you must be in there for hours on end before you become satisfied. There is no standard lenght of time that you have to stay, like someone suggested try other measures like pre-intimacy etc before penetration. As long as you do ejaculate , and a quality one at that you are fine.


Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Abover1: 10:29am On Oct 02, 2018
I have a solution to it. It is just a leaf, all you Ned to do is to blend it and cook it like soup add small pepper. My brother you are good to go. Call me 08058863371.
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Abover1: 5:20am On Nov 01, 2018
I have a solution to quick ejaculation It is just a leaf, all you Ned to do is to blend it and cook it like soup add small pepper. My brother you are good to go. Call me 08058863371 Or adenugaaaa@gmail.com
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Abover1: 7:48pm On Jan 13, 2019
Guys, Say buy to premature ejaculation with this roots 1. Cocoa root 2.sasamura root. Wash them, cut into small piece, put in a bottle, add water or alcoholic. if you can't get them call me 08058863371 08060011887.

Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Hollysaint: 3:01pm On Jun 26, 2020
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by helpsomeone: 6:40pm On Jun 26, 2020
please Doctors in da house,kindly advice me on drugs to use to cure the quick
ejaculation and what to use that will sustain me for long period of time when having sex
cuz is indeed a disgrace to a man, please help me, here is my mail mac_donald1010@yahoo.com my numb is
. Solution is here . Last long in bed. Working fine with no side effects. Whatzapp or call +2347018251533
Customer care 09078362447

Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by Nobody: 2:20pm On Apr 14, 2021
Look around you… These days every corner and every street, there's one business that is booming right now...

Every tom, dick and harry wants to go into the business (both small and large scale) because there's lot of profit in it.

The business is...

'selling soft drinks, beverages and sodas'

Well each bottle of these drinks sell for between N100 to N150, and actually it's not about the price of the drinks, because almost everyone can afford it...

It's about the content of these drinks.

And if you don't take these drinks, maybe you take juices or even sparkling red grapes in wine bottles . Unfortunately, all of them fall under the same category.

Problem is, most of these drinks or beverages contains high quantity of sugar... that when you continue to take them it only leads to one thing...

It will KILL your manhood or manpower and make you become a weakling in bed

Question is, how do you know you are a weakling in bed?

There are 3 ways to know if a man is a weakling in the bedroom... If he's...

1) unable to get a strong erection within a record time of 30 seconds to 1minute

2) Always need Mouth Gig to maintain a proper erection

3) Cannot last more than 30 seconds on top of a woman or release within 3 to 5minutes

Infact, I began to understand everything about the main difference between a matured men in bed and a weak man when an embarrassing situation happened to my husband that he could not get his manhood up within almost 1 hour.

Just to make it clear, it's not only sugar that causes a man to be a weakling in bed.

Other reasons could be...

1) old age

2) too much of masturbation and

3) Illnesses such as Diabetes, Hypertension etc

And here’s some great news for you:

If you are looking for a way to RESET & ACTIVATE your body system and correct the problem of releasing in 30seconds or NOT being a able to get or maintain a proper erections...

The only way left and the solution is to...

Take herbs or medicines that burn off the sugar and flushes off toxins from the body system

The herbal remedy which I recommend is NAFDAC Approved and have been used by lots of Nigerian men who testify that it’s very effective in the treatment of the root cause of premature ejaculation, weak erection and low sperm count.

And over 3,700 Nigerian men who have used this herbal remedy did not complain about any side effects of any kind.

Without wasting time, let me introduce the exact herbal remedy that is effective and natural way of boosting testerone, cure premature ejaculation and helps men get stronger erections…

“Jalin Herbal Mannex”

The Only Way Left to Stop the Shame and Embarrassing Situation of Weak Erection and Ejaculating in 30 seconds

Jalin herbal Mannex capsules is NAFDAC Approved and helps men get firmer erections and maintaining the sexual energy to perform.

And once you start using it, your lovemaking sessions with your woman, becomes more intense, lasting and fulfilling.

Jalin Herbal Mannex is designed for men who want to experience much better Sexual Performance. Including:

1) Harder, more Reliable Erections - so you don’t have any more problems ‘Getting It Up’ (and you don’t have any more relationship-destroying problems SATISFYING your woman in bed)

2) Improved Staying Power - helping you to last 30 minutes or more during intercourse, every single time (and, as a result - giving your woman highly addictive Multiple Orgasms during Intercourse)

3) Increased Sex-Drive - so you’re always ‘in the mood’ and ‘ready to go!’ (FACT: many men report feeling like ‘Hot Teenagers’ when they start taking Jalin Herbal Mannex)

4) Increased Testosterone - which helps you achieve Rock-Hard Erections, and gives you a MASSIVE Sexual Appetite (while also helping you gain muscle and strength… enjoy improved energy levels… experience better confidence, and more!)

Okay, I know you have heard all these before, but why is Jalin Herbal Mannex different and better than everything else you've tried?

The reason is simple...

1) Jalin Herbal Mannex does not contain any toxic ingredients

The truth is most of the drugs and supplements in the market contain toxic fillers, that is, non active ingredients that most companies add to their capsule based supplements to get the active ingredients into the capsule.

Jalin Herbal Mannex does not contain any toxic ingredients. You can take it with peace of mind, it's 100% safe. Men with Hypertension or Diabetes can use it without any side effects.

We are located in Warri
We deliver nationwide if you cannot physically come to our location to buy...
To order WhatsApp 081 67 51 82 12

Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by knowhowk: 8:10pm On Apr 14, 2021
Re: I Ejaculate Within 5mins,please What Drugs Should I Use? by helpsomeone: 4:47pm On Apr 15, 2021
and please,for d past 3days now,i have been noticing some kind of creamy stuffs comin out of my
manhood and slight pains inside, please what could be the cause of this?
. It's STD

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