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Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Arawgabi: 2:10pm On Sep 28, 2020
My sister just started this food and fruits sharing business on whatsapp. The vendors who help her send the food items to Lagos sell at ridiculous prices. I thought it'll be cheaper from jos but the reverse is the case.

Please, how can she go about the business? How can she order from Jos directly? Please help.

How can she know the best tomatoes, pepper and shombo to buy in basket? Please we need your advice.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by yahyus02(m): 9:15pm On Sep 28, 2020
I base in Jos and have a friend who sells perishables at the famous farin gada market here in Jos.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Mide3367: 8:59am On Sep 29, 2020
My sister just started this food and fruits sharing business on whatsapp. The vendors who help her send the food items to Lagos sell at ridiculous prices. I thought it'll be cheaper from jos but the reverse is the case.

Please, how can she go about the business? How can she order from Jos directly? Please help.

How can she know the best tomatoes, pepper and shombo to buy in basket? Please we need your advice.
must u go yo jos? You can always get lesser price in South West na. Pepper, tomatoes, fresh fruits farms abound here.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by numen(m): 10:45am On Sep 29, 2020
Good morning

There's this big red tomatoes they sell here in the East and they said it's bought from Jos.

Is there a way you can inquire from your friend the name of the seed?

Also does your friend plant green bell pepper cos I have an important question as regards that crop?

Thank you.
I base in Jos and have a friend who sells perishables at the famous farin gada market here in Jos.

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Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by kojowinful(m): 1:24pm On Sep 29, 2020
My sister just started this food and fruits sharing business on whatsapp. The vendors who help her send the food items to Lagos sell at ridiculous prices. I thought it'll be cheaper from jos but the reverse is the case.

Please, how can she go about the business? How can she order from Jos directly? Please help.

How can she know the best tomatoes, pepper and shombo to buy in basket? Please we need your advice.
a vegetable farmer here in jos around farin gada willing to provide you details you require except purchases.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by yahyus02(m): 3:09pm On Sep 29, 2020
We call the tomatoes MTC...I will enquire about it for u.
Good morning

There's this big red tomatoes they sell here in the East and they said it's bought from Jos.

Is there a way you can inquire from your friend the name of the seed?

Also does your friend plant green bell pepper cos I have an important question as regards that crop?

Thank you.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by kojowinful(m): 3:27pm On Sep 29, 2020
We call the tomatoes MTC...I will enquire about it for u.
"UTC 18"
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by numen(m): 8:30pm On Sep 29, 2020
Thank you very much. I really appreciate this.

We call the tomatoes MTC...I will enquire about it for u.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Arawgabi: 3:31am On Oct 03, 2020
must u go yo jos? You can always get lesser price in South West na. Pepper, tomatoes, fresh fruits farms abound here.

really? where in South West pease? I thought South West sell serial tomatoes only. The tomatoes with too much water.
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Arawgabi: 3:35am On Oct 03, 2020
a vegetable farmer here in jos around farin gada willing to provide you details you require except purchases.

Awwwww. Thanks so much. God bless you.
Please, how much does tomato Jos UTC in small basket that have 5 custard bucket go for?-
How much is a bag of Tatashe, shombo and habenero pepper?
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Arawgabi: 3:37am On Oct 03, 2020
We call the tomatoes MTC...I will enquire about it for u.

Thanks sir
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by alphabern(m): 5:45am On Oct 03, 2020

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Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Mide3367: 3:57pm On Oct 03, 2020

really? where in South West pease? I thought South West sell serial tomatoes only. The tomatoes with too much water.
ogun state, Ondo, oyo etc
Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by numen(m): 9:22pm On Oct 06, 2020
I just visited your facebook page. Do you farm green/bell peppers?

I do veggies
You can check me out


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Re: Jos Vegetables, Fruits And Food Sellers I Need Your Help by Arawgabi: 7:22am On Oct 29, 2020
I do veggies You can check me out http://facebook.com/imeeden.farm.9

Wow. doing that now. hope you sell in baskets not Kg?

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