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Monday Motivation: What Aspect Of Life Are You Experiencing Now? - Family - Nairaland

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Monday Motivation: What Aspect Of Life Are You Experiencing Now? by ibuks12(m): 6:05pm On Sep 28, 2020
What aspect of life are you experiencing right now? Are you going through the heat of life and you feel like it's getting too much to bear?

Have you tried legal means to get out of your poverty status but none of your approaches was successful and You keep asking yourself some questions like "what's wrong with me"

You finally found a very manageable place of work where you can grow your potentials and make a few cash at the end of the month... And you say "Thank goodness!"

You remain committed at your place of work despite the stipend you are getting as a monthly salary because you believe the newly found job will serve as a template to grow your potentials and move to the next level of greatness in no time.

Instead of getting better at your place of work, you were told to leave for an alleged crime you know nothing about.

That's obviously 'back to square one' — a very unhealthy condition that looked like a thing of the past just a few months ago.

You are now back to the street hunting for a new job but all efforts were to no avail.

It is often said that one must leave his comfort zone to succeed but in your case, there is nothing of such because every zone is a struggling zone!
"Life can be so cruel that it leaves you with no comfort zone. You just have to create one for yourself before aiming for a greater position" — Ibukun Italoye

Indeed, you are ready to go extra length towards getting a new source of livelihood, albeit, without going against your moral standards and righteous lifestyle.

You are more than ready to change your standard of living through your handwork and potentials but life isn't even giving you the platform to explore the talent you possess.

There are multiple thoughts running through your mind as we speak. The first is telling you to ignore your great and Godly upbringing and engage in what others do to succeed.

Another is actually telling you to keep pushing until you will eventually turn things around — but which one are you yielding yourself to?

You are obviously in the most challenging period of your life and a position where you need to make a very fast decision.

This is why this write-up comes up at this crucial time to help you make the right choice.

As part of my Monday Motivation series, I would advise you to keep pushing-on in the right path. On no condition must you compromise your righteousness for anything.

The Lord who brought you this far is still on the throne and he is coming up with better plans for you.

Meanwhile, you should endeavor you make things happen. Be creative enough to start a small business (even if it's investing in VTU Business) that will serve as minor financial aids until the right offer comes for you.

You have come this far than to defy your body and mind in order to engage in some regrettable actions.

One thing I have come to realize in my little experience in life is that human beings always find a way to navigate their ways out of problem, although it might be a long process.

Keep believing in yourself and hold on tight to your faith because victory is closer than you could imagine.

Do you have any questions you wish to ask? Feel free to paste it in the comment box below and we'll definitely attend to it as soon as possible.

More of this article here: https://perfectlife.com.ng/2020/09/28/monday-motivation-what-aspect-of-life-are-experiencing-now/


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