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NIN by Psych412(f): 12:23pm On Oct 12, 2020

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Re: NIN by adewumiopeyemi(m): 12:25pm On Oct 12, 2020
angry angry angry angry
Re: NIN by chocboi78(m): 12:28pm On Oct 12, 2020
Because your true self reveals itself wen you are high.....nd u my dear,are a life wire


Re: NIN by Dliquidmetal(m): 12:31pm On Oct 12, 2020
because it's one of your utmost desires I guess, I'm a guy but anytime i smoke all the things i would love to do on a normal day but i dont have the balls to I'd do it under the influence of the HERB. so I think you just love sex naturally but you aren't too open about it on a normal day.


Re: NIN by falcon01: 12:50pm On Oct 12, 2020
guys/ladies in the house;

why is it that, my konji level increase (so high) when I kush (smoke weed) and I get wet easily.

I have not kush since July because of this
uhlala, you remind of a girl. Na to get high bang from morning till night on a weekend.

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Re: NIN by Thesole(m): 1:00pm On Oct 12, 2020
OP did u stop kush because of raise in konji level or u don't smoke while u are at home (father's roof) ?
Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:04pm On Oct 12, 2020
uhlala, you remind of a girl. Na to get high bang from morning till night on a weekend.
and the feelings is out of this world. sometimes I feel dizzy, the room will be spinning around and sometimes I feel like my bed is sinking

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Re: NIN by chatinent: 1:05pm On Oct 12, 2020
Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:06pm On Oct 12, 2020
OP did u stop kush because of raise in konji level or u don't smoke while u are at home (father's roof) ?
I stopped because of popsi. since assu refuse to start school


Re: NIN by Nobody: 1:13pm On Oct 12, 2020
I stopped because of popsi. since assu refuse to start school
Your face look familiar are you in Ibadan

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Re: NIN by Nobody: 1:16pm On Oct 12, 2020
Werey op grin
Re: NIN by Godada(m): 1:18pm On Oct 12, 2020
I stopped because of popsi. since assu refuse to start school

I appreciate your candor. How did you stumbled upon taking Kush, though?

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Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:19pm On Oct 12, 2020
Your face look familiar are in Ibadan
no. lag

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Re: NIN by Thesole(m): 1:24pm On Oct 12, 2020
I stopped because of popsi. since assu refuse to start school
ok. That means u normally experience an increase in konji level when you are high but nt the main reason for taking a break.
When u are high, do u have full control of the konji? do u engage in unhealthly sex? or do u have sex with anyone around u at that moment? If so i would advice u to stop kush not only for popsi sake, bt if it is otherwise i wld advice u to engage in sometin more fun wen u are high
As for me i like to:
Play PES on my phone
watch movies til i sober up
sketch sometin
And i dnt study wen am high
also try to choose ur kushing time, kushing is all abt relaxation


Re: NIN by Ballary(m): 1:41pm On Oct 12, 2020
guys/ladies in the house;

why is it that, my konji level increase (so high) when I kush (smoke weed) and I get wet easily.

I have not kush since July because of this

and I believe you enjoy sex the most when you are high,I have an ex that gets Hot after drinking black bullet.
she is like a Tigres in bed after drinking it.
Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:44pm On Oct 12, 2020

and I believe you enjoy sex the most when you are high,I have an ex that gets Hot after drinking black bullet.
she is like a Tigres in bed after drinking it.

very well.
Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:49pm On Oct 12, 2020
ok. That means u normally experience an increase in konji level when you are high but nt the main reason for taking a break.
When u are high, do u have full control of the konji? do u engage in unhealthly sex? or do u have sex with anyone around u at that moment? If so i would advice u to stop kush not only for popsi sake, bt if it is otherwise i wld advice u to engage in sometin more fun wen u are high
As for me i like to:
Play PES on my phone
watch movies til i sober up
sketch sometin
And i dnt study wen am high
also try to choose ur kushing time, kushing is all abt relaxation
I do have full control of the konji.

but, the sensation for me when am I high, is too much(especially when smoking AZ).

I do try to calm myself, gisting with my friends

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Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 1:51pm On Oct 12, 2020

I appreciate your candor. How did you stumbled upon taking Kush, though?
my roommate and her friends.

been an introvert has destroyed me

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Re: NIN by Mandela27: 1:57pm On Oct 12, 2020
After smoking AZ with bae,next thing is wild sex..I miss Amaka
@sweetcunt97,come lets make new memories
Re: NIN by Thesole(m): 2:01pm On Oct 12, 2020
I do have full control of the konji.

but, the sensation for me when am I high, is too much(especially when smoking AZ).

I do try to calm myself, gisting with my friends

that is what getin high is all abt, expect nothing bt extreme sensation.
U just hv to channel it into something worth kushing for.
Gisting with friend (NT JUNKY FRIENDS O) is kool as long as they are high AF. grin
I do have full control of the konji.

but, the sensation for me when am I high, is too much(especially when smoking AZ).

I do try to calm myself, gisting with my friends

that is what getin high is all abt, expect nothing bt extreme sensation.
U just hv to channel it into something worth kushing for.
Gisting with friend (NT JUNKY FRIENDS O) is kool as long as they are high AF.
Re: NIN by SweetCunt97(f): 2:29pm On Oct 12, 2020
After smoking AZ with bae,next thing is wild sex..I miss Amaka
@sweetnt97,come lets make new memories
Few times I tried it, kept on laughing uncontrollably like a mad man with next day fever so I'll pass.
Re: NIN by SweetCunt97(f): 2:30pm On Oct 12, 2020
that is what getin high is all abt, expect nothing bt extreme sensation.
U just hv to channel it into something worth kushing for.
Gisting with friend (NT JUNKY FRIENDS O) is kool as long as they are high AF. grin that is what getin high is all abt, expect nothing bt extreme sensation.
U just hv to channel it into something worth kushing for.
Gisting with friend (NT JUNKY FRIENDS O) is kool as long as they are high AF.
Gisting when high?
Re: NIN by Psych412(f): 2:49pm On Oct 12, 2020
Gisting when high?
yes na. smoking, with your friends around is fun.
we gist, make a lot of noise, play music with home theater speaker

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Re: NIN by Thesole(m): 3:07pm On Oct 12, 2020
Gisting when high?
yh ofcox, like this
"hey cunt, who told u that your cunt is sweet? Or did u taste it yourself?
Re: NIN by skinny419(m): 3:07pm On Oct 12, 2020
guys/ladies in the house;

why is it that, my konji level increase (so high) when I kush (smoke weed) and I get wet easily.

I have not kush since July because of this
My dear u don't just kush..u kush 4 a reason because weed relax d mind and at dat point anythin u reflect urmind issa goal...what u need now is a real nigga dat wil feed u with marleykush then blow ur mind...u are really my type of gurl.


Re: NIN by Oldoinyolengai(m): 3:15pm On Oct 12, 2020
I remember when I started kushing it was doing the same thing to me.

It made me a sex addict, sometimes up to thrice a day. I had several fuckmates then.

I didn't know what was happening, but kushing pulled women close to me. I got satieted of pussy and turned my self into porn and wanqin. Kushing + porn +wanqin = epitome of addiction.

Along the way I started cigarettes, I was then smoking weed mixed with cigarettes for years.

It's now three months without smoking weed or cigar. For the similar period I've quitted porn, wanqin and sex altogether. Everything has turned back to normal like before I started smoking.

If anyone ask me whether weed is good or bad? I can't tell. To me weed is neither black nor white, it's not even grey.


Re: NIN by Mandela27: 4:12pm On Oct 12, 2020
Few times I tried it, kept on laughing uncontrollably like a mad man with next day fever so I'll pass.
That uncontrollable laughter comes with intense feeling.You just need to swing into an emotional action with it to enjoy the whole thing and create mad memories.You should do it with a great guy like me.I promise u,there won't be fever
Re: NIN by Saig: 4:15pm On Oct 12, 2020
and the feelings is out of this world. sometimes I feel dizzy, the room will be spinning around and sometimes I feel like my bed is sinking
STOP it for your own good
Re: NIN by Powerfly(f): 4:17pm On Oct 12, 2020


Re: NIN by SweetCunt97(f): 4:47pm On Oct 12, 2020
That uncontrollable laughter comes with intense feeling.You just need to swing into an emotional action with it to enjoy the whole thing and create mad memories.You should do it with a great guy like me.I promise u,there won't be fever
Blowing ur own trumpet huh

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Re: NIN by mrdharkchild(m): 5:15pm On Oct 12, 2020
guys/ladies in the house;

why is it that, my konji level increase (so high) when I kush (smoke weed) and I get wet easily.

I have not kush since July because of this

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
C you fine face, small bum bum and small breast. Drop weed and read your books, smallie


Re: NIN by tiswell(m): 5:32pm On Oct 12, 2020
As small as you are, sex don dey hungry you badly like this

All dis 21st century shidren sef


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