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ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by GeneralStan(m): 4:21pm On Oct 15, 2020
I laugh in North Korea... This one too is a cleric No wonder Jesus wept!!!
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by AllOfUsAtManna(f): 4:21pm On Oct 15, 2020
The man was being sarcastic. But Nairalanders are just too dumb. Smh.
some don't even read before commenting
that's it

the man just finished buhari with mockery and sarcasm


Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by PS712: 4:21pm On Oct 15, 2020
The man was being sarcastic. But Nairalanders are just too dumb. Smh.
I tell you. Some people don't read with a mind to understand the message.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by elisho: 4:22pm On Oct 15, 2020
evil useless animals
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by lomprico(m): 4:22pm On Oct 15, 2020
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by goodheart02(m): 4:22pm On Oct 15, 2020
I disagree.

They should leave them and allow the protest to die a natural death. They'll soon get tired.

That's what your pea brain tells u, for u to think a deprived people can just get tired of their cause. People are tired of begging for their rights and going jobless and hungry, they've been pushed to the wall and they are ready to let their voices heard till something is done about the plight of the masses. Nigerian is already a hell to live in because of the ruthlessness of your political fathers
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Bakr4u: 4:23pm On Oct 15, 2020
This man is a hypocrite among the Muslims. His sect in Islam is termed as defiant sect. He always preach hatred and division among the Muslims. Take note...
pls,Don't b a munafiq.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Dayvidblue: 4:23pm On Oct 15, 2020
Brutal on your family, your generation and your race.
I know the clone at aso rock will listen to this piece of shit, because they are same..
backward thinking people with zero saneness.
You shits will get more than you bargained for.
The day beckons!!!
I am sure most people didn't read the post to the end. cut the guy some space, he was merely trying to bring the government's sense of judgment to ridicle.
Pure sacasm
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by IchbinAB: 4:24pm On Oct 15, 2020
Islamic Cleric Tells Nigerian Government To Be Brutal On #ENDSARS Protesters


Imagine, the fool can not even express himself in English language. Nonsense
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by madridsta007(m): 4:25pm On Oct 15, 2020
Islamic Cleric Tells Nigerian Government To Be Brutal On #ENDSARS Protesters


Try it and you will hasten the removal of Buhari.
Just try it.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Levant: 4:25pm On Oct 15, 2020
Guys, for those who do not understand Arabic.

This guy calls himself "Musa Asadus Sunnah"

His first name is Musa.

His supposed second name "Asadus Sunnah" is a nickname to portray his sectarian bigotry.

"Asadus Sunnah" means "lion of the Sunnis".

Apparently, he sees himself as a Sunni sectarian lion and must have felt happy when Shia Muslims AKA Shi'ites were massacred in the Zaria Massacre in 2015 by the Nigerian Army.

This extremist calling himself Asadus Sunnah is reverberating Middle Eastern slogans that extremist Salafist/Wahabi Takfiri Sunnis in terrorist groups like ISIS and Alqaeda were known for in places like Iraq and Syria when they led their sectarian and terror attacks and battles against Shia Muslim civilians. If this guy believes himself to be a lion of the Sunnis, he should show his temerity and go to the Middle East, where the Shiites have literally trashed his fellow extremists in Iraq and Syria.

He is compelling the Nigerian government to quell peaceful protesters. This is what his like of so called Sunni clerics did when Buhari newly took over. They incited him to massacre the Shiites to please their Saudi Wahhabi masters. One so called professor in Bayero Univerity even wrote an open letter on a popular newspaper to Buhari piling tons of lies against the Shiites. The incitement finally led to a massacre and continuous persecution of Nigeria's minority Shia Muslims. This is how they will start with their intolerance. Eventually they will prevail and will persuade the President to order the army to use force. This cleric has nothing to do with Islam. He is a Wahhabi monster.

Everyone should take care and be safe.

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Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by goodheart02(m): 4:26pm On Oct 15, 2020
they have all been exposed already.. That international disgrace have been placed on them. Dat loan they go about borrowing to pay bulk of the national assembly salaries would be questioned. We have brought them to the spotlight.. They are been watched and observed already ..we won't even stop there.. This is just the beginning

The next trend should be #StopTheLoan all over twitter so no one will loan a dime to them again.

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Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by abdul824: 4:26pm On Oct 15, 2020
alot didn't get the message
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by mukthar2000(m): 4:26pm On Oct 15, 2020
who be this Sheikh Musa Asadus , does the mean the doesn't understand the meaning of peaceful protests on Endsars and shiiat mission towards the National Assembly niii? does the mean the no more than Buhari that tell the Military boss not to use strong head on those protesters niii, I beg Sheikh Musa Asadus clear make person see next threading jareee

Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by chloride6: 4:27pm On Oct 15, 2020

Na sarcasm ooh

Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by kayjay69(m): 4:27pm On Oct 15, 2020
I kind of understand the logic behind what he was trying to say but the way it came out was totally wrong.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Arizonaz: 4:28pm On Oct 15, 2020
This kind thing dey make my blood dey boil.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by jibnet1(m): 4:28pm On Oct 15, 2020
stupid Islamic cleric
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by sammy7410(m): 4:28pm On Oct 15, 2020
Fu*k u and ur Islamic cleric sir

Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by BalogunIdowu(m): 4:29pm On Oct 15, 2020
Please do not that he speaks for himself. Not islam or for the rest of Muslims.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Danyson(m): 4:30pm On Oct 15, 2020
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by BruncleZuma: 4:30pm On Oct 15, 2020
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by wellmax(m): 4:30pm On Oct 15, 2020
Nairalanders with their ignorance.

The cleric spoke sarcastically. If Shiite are refused protest why allow #endsars.

He is only challenging the government.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Bakr4u: 4:30pm On Oct 15, 2020
This man is a hypocrite among the Muslims. His sect in Islam is termed as defiant sect. He always preach hatred and division among the Muslims. Take note...
Nifaq is not gud & pls I repeat don't b a munafiq
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by praiseneo(m): 4:31pm On Oct 15, 2020
If dem born ur mama well pass Agege Lagos
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by nemynely(m): 4:31pm On Oct 15, 2020
He didn't disappoint me.
Afterall, he eats, breathes and preaches violence as a way of life and belief

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Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by ubyways(m): 4:32pm On Oct 15, 2020
This Islamic extremist has never for one day call for brutal treatment against the Boko Haram and Banditry but swift in calling brutality against a peaceful protesters sicking for a good reformation. The more reason this country need to be disintegrated.

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Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by dalass(f): 4:32pm On Oct 15, 2020
St*pid cleric

Amazingly stupid grin
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Mutaultope(m): 4:33pm On Oct 15, 2020
[color=#006600]LORD LUGARD in his book DUAL MANDATE

"The Fulani of Northern
Nigeria are, as I have said, more
capable of rule than the
indigenous races".

He created Nigeria problem !!!!
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by dalass(f): 4:33pm On Oct 15, 2020
This Islamic extremist has never for one day call for brutal treatment against the Boko Haram and Banditry but swift in calling brutality against a peaceful protesters sicking for a good reformation. The more reason this country need to be disintegrated.

He and boko haram are one and same na undecided
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by AsiwajuNdigbo: 4:34pm On Oct 15, 2020
Whether the protests stop or not,
Buhari's government has already lost.
The country is already labeled, his govt is already labeled.

From lies to police harassment, police harassment to prosars, prosars to thugs, and then this cleric creature, the world now knows what the Nigerian government is like.

To all the guys and sisters who pushed egungun to expressway, I SALUTE!

A repost to sound it louder.
Re: ENDSARS: Sheikh Musa Asadus Sunnah Tells FG To Be Brutal On Protesters by Tulsaguy: 4:34pm On Oct 15, 2020
An average aboki reasons like cow......
grin grin
Lugard deserves 100k flogging

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