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The Bible: Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal- By W.f. Kumuyi - Religion - Nairaland

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The Bible: Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal- By W.f. Kumuyi by emma2002(m): 11:40pm On Mar 12, 2011
[size=13pt]Special Study                                                                                                                

2 Timothy 3:16,17

This year marks the end of the 4th Century and the beginning of the 5th Century since the King James Bible was translated. We are rejoicing and we are celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible. It is right and proper to rejoice and celebrate but we go beyond celebration. Why the translation? It is to help the common man read, understand, believe, appropriate, discover God’s love and live in fellowship with Him here and hereafter.

The BIBLE is Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal. This translation is given to us so each one can discover its blessedness and receive eternal life through Christ, the living Word. As we receive personal, spiritual, physical and eternal benefits, we must reveal the saving truth learnt to others around us. Unknown to our friends and neighbours, the BIBLE is[b] Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.[/b] To be ignorant of its content is to regret throughout eternity. The pain of ‘Had I known’ will torment the ignorant for years unending. The most profitable knowledge we can give ourselves and others is the knowledge revealed to us in the BIBLE.

2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20.

This inspired Word of God is the only source of knowledge of the Almighty God to all mankind. It consists of 66 books: 39 of which are in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament. Note that the word “Old” has 3 letters and “Testament” 9 letters, and we have 39! “New” has 3 letters, “Testament” 9 letters, 3 X 9 = 27! The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, while the New Testament was in Greek language. These languages were spoken by less than 1% of the population of the world. No wonder we need a good translation to a language we can understand. Over 40 authors drawn from different generations spanning a period of over 1600 years were used of God to write the BIBLE. Though their occupation, education and social classes were divergent, there is wonderful unity that proves the Bible’s inspiration by the Holy Spirit. Its versatility is remarkable as it meets the needs of all people, irrespective of race, age, culture or peculiar characteristics. The BIBLE is indispensable for all men today. No man’s education is complete if he is ignorant of the revealed truth in the BIBLE. All the knowledge from all other books is only profitable till death; the knowledge received from the BIBLE is profitable in life, at death, after death, for all eternity.

Psalm 119:160; John 17:17; Psalm 19:9,10.

All the products of the minds of men contain some errors which are discovered and corrected by others after them. Fallen man cannot produce infallible and perfect truth because he is imperfect. The truth revealed in the BIBLE has been given by God Himself; the writers were only His penmen, writing under the inspiration of His Spirit. Uninformed men, limited in knowledge, have tried to find errors in God’s Word but they have always been proved wrong by those who know more than they do. God’s revelation of man - man’s state and need, his nature and depravity, his life and destiny, his deeds and accountability - is reliable and infallible. The records of history and prophecy revealed in God’s Word are truthful and without error. Being infallible, the BIBLE is trustworthy. It is unfailing in its power and influence. It is light to our feet, food for the soul, medicine to our spirit and personality. It is given to us as a mirror, as a sword, as refining fire, as a hammer, as water to cleanse, as seed to sow and it is God’s power to re-create new life in us. It is God’s will and testament for all men in all ages, revealing God’s plan of salvation. This is God’s message of eternal salvation to all who believe in Christ and of eternal damnation to those who rebel against the revealed way of salvation.

Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:34-38; Jeremiah 5:24; 8:20-22.

God has given us His inspired, infallible Word. We are to read, receive and believe. The written Word reveals the living Word (John 1:1-5,11-17). His Name is Jesus, He is Saviour, Redeemer and Lord. He is the Ambassador of the Almighty; Burden-Bearer of the Believer; Centre of Civilization; Conqueror in the Christian; Door to Deliverance; Emmanuel from all Eternity; Foundation of our Faith; Gateway to Glory; Highway to Heaven; Image of the Invisible; Justifier of the Judged; Key into the Kingdom; Light of Life; Manifestation of Majesty; Need of the Nations; Overcomer for the Oppressed; Prince of Peace; Qualifier of the Unqualified; Road to Redemption; Saviour of the Sinner; Truth for all Times; Upholder of the Universe; Victor of the Vanquished; Wonder to the World; ‘Xpression’ of the Inexpressible; Yearning of our Years; Zest for our Zenith.

For salvation and life that is worth living, renewed life here and rewardable life hereafter, He is all you need. Turn away from sin and turn to the Saviour. Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you and rose again. Saved, you become a new creation, a child of God, a shining light, influential salt, obedient son or daughter and a witness for God. You become part of the CHURCH, His Church. His CHURCH is the assembly of Converted Humans Unashamedly Reflecting Christ’s Holiness.

And the Lord has called us to actively exert a saving influence on people around us. The sight of the ignorant stirs compassion in us. Be a witness; let your light shine; let the world around you hear His voice. This is harvest time; join the reapers in the ripened harvest field. The CHURCH is Commissioned Harvesters Untiringly Reaching Community Households.

* * * * * * *
Congregational Song:


1. Thy  Word is a lamp to my feet,
A light to my path alway;
To guide and to save me from sin,
And show me the heavenly way.

Thy  word have I hid in my  heart,,
That I might not sin against Thee,,
That I might not sin, that I might not sin
Thy word have I hid in my heart.

2. Forever, O Lord, is Thy word
Established and fixed on high;
Thy faithfulness unto all men
Abideth forever nigh.

3. At morning, at noon and at night
I ever will give Thee praise;
For Thou art my portion,O Lord,
And shall be through all my days!

4. Thro’ Him whom Thy Word hath foretold,
The Saviour and Morning Star,
Salvation and peace have been bro’t
       To those who have strayed afar.
Re: The Bible: Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal- By W.f. Kumuyi by donchido(m): 9:20pm On Mar 20, 2011

Excellent Post, Excellent Topic,Excellent Admonishment
Re: The Bible: Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal- By W.f. Kumuyi by e36991: 10:31pm On Mar 20, 2011

Special Study                                                                                                                

2 Timothy 3:16,17

This year marks the end of the 4th Century and the beginning of the 5th Century since the King James Bible was translated. We are rejoicing and we are celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible. It is right and proper to rejoice and celebrate but we go beyond celebration. Why the translation? It is to help the common man read, understand, believe, appropriate, discover God’s love and live in fellowship with Him here and hereafter.

The BIBLE is Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal. This translation is given to us so each one can discover its blessedness and receive eternal life through Christ, the living Word. As we receive personal, spiritual, physical and eternal benefits, we must reveal the saving truth learnt to others around us. Unknown to our friends and neighbours, the BIBLE is[b] Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.[/b] To be ignorant of its content is to regret throughout eternity. The pain of ‘Had I known’ will torment the ignorant for years unending. The most profitable knowledge we can give ourselves and others is the knowledge revealed to us in the BIBLE.

2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20.

This inspired Word of God is the only source of knowledge of the Almighty God to all mankind. It consists of 66 books: 39 of which are in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament. Note that the word “Old” has 3 letters and “Testament” 9 letters, and we have 39! “New” has 3 letters, “Testament” 9 letters, 3 X 9 = 27! The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, while the New Testament was in Greek language. These languages were spoken by less than 1% of the population of the world. No wonder we need a good translation to a language we can understand. Over 40 authors drawn from different generations spanning a period of over 1600 years were used of God to write the BIBLE. Though their occupation, education and social classes were divergent, there is wonderful unity that proves the Bible’s inspiration by the Holy Spirit. Its versatility is remarkable as it meets the needs of all people, irrespective of race, age, culture or peculiar characteristics. The BIBLE is indispensable for all men today. No man’s education is complete if he is ignorant of the revealed truth in the BIBLE. All the knowledge from all other books is only profitable till death; the knowledge received from the BIBLE is profitable in life, at death, after death, for all eternity.

Psalm 119:160; John 17:17; Psalm 19:9,10.

All the products of the minds of men contain some errors which are discovered and corrected by others after them. Fallen man cannot produce infallible and perfect truth because he is imperfect. The truth revealed in the BIBLE has been given by God Himself; the writers were only His penmen, writing under the inspiration of His Spirit. Uninformed men, limited in knowledge, have tried to find errors in God’s Word but they have always been proved wrong by those who know more than they do. God’s revelation of man - man’s state and need, his nature and depravity, his life and destiny, his deeds and accountability - is reliable and infallible. The records of history and prophecy revealed in God’s Word are truthful and without error. Being infallible, the BIBLE is trustworthy. It is unfailing in its power and influence. It is light to our feet, food for the soul, medicine to our spirit and personality. It is given to us as a mirror, as a sword, as refining fire, as a hammer, as water to cleanse, as seed to sow and it is God’s power to re-create new life in us. It is God’s will and testament for all men in all ages, revealing God’s plan of salvation. This is God’s message of eternal salvation to all who believe in Christ and of eternal damnation to those who rebel against the revealed way of salvation.

Matthew 9:35-38; John 4:34-38; Jeremiah 5:24; 8:20-22.

God has given us His inspired, infallible Word. We are to read, receive and believe. The written Word reveals the living Word (John 1:1-5,11-17). His Name is Jesus, He is Saviour, Redeemer and Lord. He is the Ambassador of the Almighty; Burden-Bearer of the Believer; Centre of Civilization; Conqueror in the Christian; Door to Deliverance; Emmanuel from all Eternity; Foundation of our Faith; Gateway to Glory; Highway to Heaven; Image of the Invisible; Justifier of the Judged; Key into the Kingdom; Light of Life; Manifestation of Majesty; Need of the Nations; Overcomer for the Oppressed; Prince of Peace; Qualifier of the Unqualified; Road to Redemption; Saviour of the Sinner; Truth for all Times; Upholder of the Universe; Victor of the Vanquished; Wonder to the World; ‘Xpression’ of the Inexpressible; Yearning of our Years; Zest for our Zenith.

For salvation and life that is worth living, renewed life here and rewardable life hereafter, He is all you need. Turn away from sin and turn to the Saviour. Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you and rose again. Saved, you become a new creation, a child of God, a shining light, influential salt, obedient son or daughter and a witness for God. You become part of the CHURCH, His Church. His CHURCH is the assembly of Converted Humans Unashamedly Reflecting Christ’s Holiness.

And the Lord has called us to actively exert a saving influence on people around us. The sight of the ignorant stirs compassion in us. Be a witness; let your light shine; let the world around you hear His voice. This is harvest time; join the reapers in the ripened harvest field. The CHURCH is Commissioned Harvesters Untiringly Reaching Community Households.

* * * * * * *
Congregational Song:


1. Thy  Word is a lamp to my feet,
A light to my path alway;
To guide and to save me from sin,
And show me the heavenly way.

Thy  word have I hid in my  heart,,
That I might not sin against Thee,,
That I might not sin, that I might not sin
Thy word have I hid in my heart.

2. Forever, O Lord, is Thy word
Established and fixed on high;
Thy faithfulness unto all men
Abideth forever nigh.

3. At morning, at noon and at night
I ever will give Thee praise;
For Thou art my portion,O Lord,
And shall be through all my days!

4. Thro’ Him whom Thy Word hath foretold,
The Saviour and Morning Star,
Salvation and peace have been bro’t
       To those who have strayed afar.



When GOD spoke English . . .

The Making Of The King James Bible Part 1, 2 and 3:

Documentary tells the unexpected story of how arguably the greatest work of English prose ever written, the King James Bible, came into being . . .




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxM1PkBo3TM?fs=1&hl=en_GB[/flash] [flash=200,200]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3irarhZCB0?fs=1&hl=en_GB[/flash] [flash=200,200]

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