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Struggling To Make Money Online? Come In Here - Investment - Nairaland

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Struggling To Make Money Online? Come In Here by Authenticbiz(m): 4:55pm On Nov 09, 2020
Struggling to make money online? Come in here


The covid-19 pandemic has taught so many lessons:
1. Taught salary earners both public and private that there is need to always save for the rainy days.

2. It taught them also to look for other sources of income.

3. It taught some private salary earners not to depend only on their salaries.

4. It has also taught business owners to diversify.

5. It has taught even wise university students not to depend only on their financiers but look for means of income.

6. It has taught world leaders to always be prepared and save for such events as this.

7. It also taught many online business owners to look for multiple streams of income.

Now, the question is: What lesson did it teach YOU?

If you don't want to suffer what you suffered during the lockdown again,

If you are still struggling to make money online,

If you tired of mini-importation, sales and its wahala,

If you tired of monthly salary work,

If you among the exited npower batches,

If you are tires of waking up so early, face traffic, go to office, face traffic again and return home late, earning peanuts,
Then this thread is for you. Be patient and learn for free.

My name is Obi Smart, an entrepreneur to the core, having both online and offline businesses. I have organized many free lessons on this platform to the benefit of many. Almost 18 months ago, I had a free MINI-IMPORTATION training via WhatsApp and over 140 persons benefited. Today, at least over 40% of them are doing the business on different capacities. And guess what!! it was freely done. It's called SMART ENTREPRENEURS group.

Some people who weren't able to join then and those who didn't have money then, plus those who couldn't start the business for whatever reasons have kept asking me to run another training for them. That's why I am putting up this thread. After 3 days, I will close it. So, I decided to help and introduce them to 2 SOLID STREAMS OF INCOME that works on SEMI- AUTOPILOT. One runs on what you know already - AFFILIATE MARKETING and the other what I call "UDEMY CLONE". These two systems are SURE to make you close to $2k monthly with just few hours of work per day. That's why it's called SEMI-AUTOPILOT. These two systems have been working for me even during the serious lockdown days. Honestly it's not so easy to share your money secrets with others for freeI but I have to help others.

You see!, Making money online is easy BUT can be frustrating. As a beginner, you can be frustrated if you haven't come across a good WORKING SYSTEM. That's is what I will be exposing soon via WhatsApp group tutoring.

With the right system and coaching, you will start making money online and you start wondering what has been wrong all along. There are many ways to start making money online but almost the same strategies are used. I will only teach the two I mentioned earlier. Almost everybody on nairaland knows what affiliate marketing and udemy is. In case you don't know, just Google them and find before you apply for my free lesson.

Haven made money and keep making via these two systems, I can conclusively say that for you to make consistent income online with AFFILIATE MARKETING and other online systems, you need these 3 channels;

1. Good/well paying affiliate offers from places like Clickbank, JV zoom, CJ, Warrior+ and so on.

2. A good/well structured landing pages/funnels- there are many out there.

3. Quality and targeted traffic from places like fb, IG, LinkedIn, e.t.c.

These are the 3 basic things you need to make money via these two streams of income I want to show you. You will need close to $200 (at least #80k) to put up these systems to work on AUTOPILOT. This is what this my lesson will cover. I will just spend few hours, and explain each and then show you the systems I use to cash big commissions.

This is how it works;

Good affiliate offers + Good sales funnel + targeted traffic = Huge affiliate sales commissions.

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