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Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) - Family - Nairaland

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Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by RaymondLegacy(m): 8:29pm On Nov 12, 2020
Do you have any friend that you all once shared secrets. Then one day, you both had a serous misunderstanding and that secret stayed in their stomach ?
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by blackpanthar: 8:40pm On Nov 12, 2020
such friends doesnt exist anymore
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by writetopoker2: 8:51pm On Nov 12, 2020
such friends doesnt exist anymore

Please do not speak for everyone. My dear, am a man and I have a lady friend which our both secrete can never be spilt any time by us. In fact we both share deep family secrete our individual spouse do not and will never know.

In fact, we just reconcile our 5 days deadly quarrel but no one will go to the extent of spilling our any secrete out.

Worst come to worst we can part ways peacefully without spilling anything out


Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by blackpanthar: 8:56pm On Nov 12, 2020

Please do not speak for everyone. My dear, am a man and I have a lady friend which our both secrete can never be spilt any time by us. In fact we both share deep family secrete our individual spouse do not and will never know.

In fact, we just reconcile our 5 days deadly quarrel but no one will go to the extent of spilling our any secrete out.

Worst come to worst we can part ways peacefully without spilling anything out

Its like u cant read.... u are still with d person for now and u are here talking.... SEE, ISSUES DIFFER....PEOPLE CHANGE...just pray that it doesnt get to the point of deep bitterness and hatred..... u will FEAR WOMEN. So calm down
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by writetopoker2: 9:03pm On Nov 12, 2020

Its like u cant read.... u are still with d person for now and u are here talking.... SEE, ISSUES DIFFER....PEOPLE CHANGE...just pray that it doesnt get to the point of deep bitterness and hatred..... u will FEAR WOMEN. So calm down

I believe you are the one who can't read.
The op said "misunderstood/quarrel", and it doesn't necessarily mean separation/parting our ways.

So go and read properly

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Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by tobechi74: 2:16am On Nov 13, 2020

Please do not speak for everyone. My dear, am a man and I have a lady friend which our both secrete can never be spilt any time by us. In fact we both share deep family secrete our individual spouse do not and will never know.

In fact, we just reconcile our 5 days deadly quarrel but no one will go to the extent of spilling our any secrete out.

Worst come to worst we can part ways peacefully without spilling anything out
People do not pick their friends wisely
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by writetopoker2: 3:41pm On Nov 13, 2020

People do not pick their friends wisely

Exactly wink

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Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by We4all: 11:26pm On Nov 13, 2020
Do you have any friend that you all once shared secrets. Then one day, you both had a serous misunderstanding and that secret stayed in their stomach ?

I am that friend. With me, your secrets are safe.
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by Fountainofyouth(f): 12:35pm On Nov 14, 2020
No matter how close we are, I can never tell anyone my secret, thing is, I don't even have any so......


Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by RaymondLegacy(m): 11:05pm On Nov 16, 2020

I am that friend. With me, your secrets are safe.
hmmmm really ? Not by mouth ooooh
Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by uncleck: 6:23am On Nov 17, 2020
I used to have many friends especially females. People easily confided in me. I have this reputation that made people comfortable sharing their secrets with me. Many group of friends adopted me into their circles at one time or the other. Let me share one particular story.

There was this popular group of friends during my school days. The major components of this group were two girls. This girls were really good. Their personality attracted lots of good people to them and they built this enviable group of friends comprising of both male and females. Their personality was the unifying force. Both girls were much like twins. They lived together, cooked together, travel together and do everything together. The only difference was that they were in different departments. One was in a serious relationship while the other was not.

When the two girls became my friends, all those friends of theirs became my friends too. Not long, I started playing the big brother role which is part of my charisma. At a point both friends started having issues. A relationship that started since they were in J S2 was threatened and a lot of secrets were involved . The group split into two, with everyone taking sides with any of the two of them.

Meanwhile I was still the big brother so both camps were fighting for my support. In less than no time each of them revealed very chilling secrets against the other in a bid to win my sympathy. Laughably, each of them was thinking that the other could not betray her by revealing much guarded secrets, so if she told me her own side of the story, I might be moved to take side with her. Within few weeks I had heard enough confession from each of them.

At a point, their quarrel was threatening both families peace. So a joint meeting of both families and notable friends and relatives was summoned to see how peace could be achieved. I already knew too much about both of them. None of them knew what I have heard about them. I never gave any of them any impression that I have heard anything at all about their secrets. So on the meeting day, being the only one that understood the depths of their grievances, and fearing what will happen should they ever come to know what each of them have done to win the other, I suggested to the people that there should be no effort to reconcile them. They didn't understand why, but they trusted me and adhered to my advice.

Before this time, the one in serious relationship was preparing for her wedding. If I ever opened up the can of worm, there was no way the wedding could have been held. Even the guy that was to marry her, had a lot of skeleton in his cupboard. The other girl was to be the chief bridesmaid and her clothe was already made, but she never attended the wedding again.

Six years have gone, with both ladies married with kids, their animosity is still as strong as it were six years ago; they are scared of crossing parts. They have so avoided each other that since then, they have never seen each other face to face.

Both of them are still my friends till today. But never have I told any of them a minute fraction of what they told me against each other. If God bless me with money, I will reconcile those two good women.

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Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by thejourney200: 2:12pm On Nov 17, 2020
I have a few of such friends and I didn't tell them those things because they are my friends. It took years of friendship to know them well enough to trust them to share such. One truth though, should they spill it out tomorrow, they were not deep secrets anymore the day I told them since they know what no one else should.

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Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by kristen12(f): 2:26pm On Nov 17, 2020
I'm that friend smiley
Anyway, I don't have close friends instead people want to be my friend

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Re: Do You Have Any Friend (please Join In This Conversation ) by Nobody: 6:30pm On Nov 23, 2020
Do you have any friend that you all once shared secrets. Then one day, you both had a serous misunderstanding and that secret stayed in their stomach ?
I do not.

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