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Four Things Your Boss Expects From You At Work - Career - Nairaland

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Four Things Your Boss Expects From You At Work by ValourDigest(m): 9:05am On Nov 16, 2020
Today, more and more people are trying to push the narrative that nobody owes anyone anything. The entire purpose of that ideology is to help people let go of their entitlement mentality and actually work hard to make something of and for themselves. Indeed, this cause is noble. But, if we’re being honest, everyone expects something from everyone else. This is especially true in a place of business where there are certain things your boss expects from you at work.

But, what are those things your boss expects from you at work? Should you even be bothered about them if you’re already delivering well on your job? Well, yes, you should be bothered about them. Just don’t do it obsessively. And to answer the first question, here are the things your boss expects from you at work:

1. Commitment and enthusiasm

The truth is that most of the work you do at your place of business is to help to bring your boss’s dreams to pass. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If your company exists to help starving children in Africa or to alleviate poverty, that is certainly a noble cause. Regardless of what the purpose is though, your boss expects you to be committed and enthusiastic about your work so that the purpose can be achieved. Besides, that’s one of the many things that would help you function optimally.

2. Ideas and suggestions

Constructive criticism is excellent. It helps to point out the flaws inherent in our plans and to let us see that they could be better. Any reasonable individual would appreciate it if it comes in the right way. However, your boss doesn’t just want you to criticize. If you do that too much, it will paint you out as a negative individual. So, alongside your criticisms, your boss expects you to be able to provide ideas and suggestions to help improve the company.

READ MORE: https://valourdigest.com/four-things-your-boss-expects-from-you-at-work/?swcfpc=1

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