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HAZARD'S ENLIGHTENMENTS: You Reflect Her by hazard7(m): 7:35am On Nov 21, 2020
DISCLAIMER:This message passed across by the Author is not for viewers younger than 18. Viewer's discretion is advised!!!

Your woman is a reflection of you(I meant that literally). You see I get complains from guys, telling me they cant get the right woman,they keep attracting the so called oloshos,gold diggers blab blab but as you going to see the problem is actually you?(how is it me,hazard7). Well as Churchhill once said "KBO" (keep buggering on).
When you look in your mirror,what do you see? do you see a Brad bitt or a Christiano Ronaldo(if you are hallucinating of course,lol) but seriously what do you really see? the answer obviously is yourself. So if you have blemishes,dark spot and acnes that's what you will see in the mirror. You can't see anything else but you(your real self).
Imagine a tree. Let’s suppose this tree represents you. On this tree there are fruits. In life, our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don’t like them; there aren’t enough of them, they’re too small, or they don’t taste good. So what do we tend to do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits, our results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It’s the seeds and the roots that create those fruits.It’s what’s under the ground that creates what’s above the ground. It’s what’s invisible that creates what’s visible. So what does that mean? It means that if you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible. (So how does apply to me,hazard7)?
I meant that obviously,you see When you are tied up with the relationship, the world of "Dependency (or being Dependent)" starts. Specially, woman. They rely more on their partner than the man. Because man has more responsibilities than the woman and they are a little more powerful and mature not only in that But we humans naturally are feeling beings expect the occasional exceptions like the psychopaths etc and thus we are bound to transmit feelings in a cellular level like for example if you see some child crying in the street,you will feel some empathy at least (why you may say) because since our base is a universal level,we are all interconnected so when we ignite a feeling in ourself, others also feel it because of that connection. So it is very good you monitor what you think of concerning every situation especially in the realms of women. Why?
Course THOUGHT=WORD=ACTION=HABIT=DESTINY. they also reflect in more than just that. So if you are an introvert basically your woman will be an introvert,if you are the partying type your woman will also be the partying type et cetera (why hazard7). Well because the universal laws states that "what you focus on, expand". So if you spend your time screaming this 'whores aren't loyal' what do you think you will get? A virgin, nope or a good girl, I don't think so. What you will get is a frickin LovePeddler that aren't loyal', that's what you will get.
Now that we are getting somewhere I will say your main problem at getting "quality women"isnt actually the approach or the fact that you don't have money or the fact that you are not handsome or that you are not good at game, sure this could be part of the problem but deep down the problem is you!!! So how do you think we can solve this common problem that is plaguing most guys in this era. Majority of you will say "if u get money ,all dis thing no go mean or happen" but we all know this are excuse to cover those flaws that are getting you the wrong sort of girl(oloshos,gold digger s etc) If you are okay with that, fine by me but if you want the right kind of girls that you can only dream of. Then let's go further.
So with that done and dusted,how do we bring about the changes? Well you start by accepting the fact that you are responsible for everything that happens to you whether directly or indirectly. It's not your fault of course but it's your responsibility. Cause as they say "with great responsibility comes great power". Cut that "insidious thought process" of all women are this or all women are that and of course AWALT (All women are the same) from your mind's dictionary .Stereotyping is one of the reasons why you can't get the right kind of girls,(but hazard7 I do it to catch cruise) well truth is dear Sir or Ma'am stereotyping is a negative force and so the mind feed off two energies negative and positive. If you keep feeding it negativity what do you think will happen? It accumulates and send signal to the only set of people that are in the same frequence with you,guess what they will be negative people, circumstances,problems and women and vice versa but am not saying that if you start thinking positively about people,circumstances and women,things will change immediately but you will see an increasing rate of positivity in your life. It also doesn't mean you won't encounter the so called wrong women,you will definitely encounter a lot but this time you really feel the difference. If she is negative she will repel you don't be sad it's a good thing and if she is positive,she will accept you.
CONCLUSION: You are a castle and you determine the kind of people that can enter into your castle. If your castle is a shitty and dirty place,who do you think will want to come in to it. KINGS or beggars. I will leave you to decide. Cheers!!!
NOTE: if you find yourself countering this thread,maybe you should thread carefully before deciding to quote me.

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