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few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) - Politics - Nairaland

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few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:10am On Dec 07, 2020
Pls we are not here, to praise any government or any governor, nor for any dick measuring contest, we are only interested in showing case Nigerian cities to the world, and we are starting from Abia with 3 cities (Aba, umuahia and ohafia),
This thread is for Aba next will be umuahia and Co, after that we move to the next state.
So all you jobbless mafos, should stay off this trade and don't derail it by converting it into a tribal war as usual.

Now Visiting Aba will make you understand that the city is not as bad as it's been overhyped in social media,
In as much as the state government
Is not really doing at all well and also Abia sharing boundary with 5 States (and having a lots of federal roads passing through it, most of these federal roads are very bad, so most people coming into ABA would pass one of the various bad roads)
But all the same
Millions of people living in the city are yet to see the bad roads, the see in social media about them
And unfortunately everyone here is interested in business and nothing more (not even Media tour to showcase there City)
I can says it's the most underrated city in Nigeria.

Now talk a seat lemme take you to Aba
(note: no posting of negative pictures in this thread, as we already have alots of them snapped from different angles on the internet space) only developmental contribution is needed, you can also post current pictures (not the normal internet eyesore),
If you're in Aba, (decent pictures for now as we are showing case Nigerian cities to the world)
Please ignore any grammatical or typographical errors biko

Now follow me to Aba
Cc: Bkayy Abagworo Proeast and co

Pictures of Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:10am On Dec 07, 2020

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:11am On Dec 07, 2020
Aba the great enyimba city

Aba is one of the 3 cities that makes up abia state (which are Aba,umuahia,and ohafia)
And it's also the biggest in Abia
And one of the underrated biggest cities in Nigeria.
Before the British colonial times
prior to the name Aba, the Ngwa people of Abia state established a major trading site named " "Ahia Ekeoha" which serve as a trading spot for the present day Rivers,cross river, IMO, Abia and Akwa ibom state which was heavily strengthen by the Aro miltary expedition.
When the British arrived nd defeated the Aro nation (a separate country b4 British arrival)
The overtook Aba an established a military base there.
The name Aba was gotten from the Igbo word "baraaba" (present igbo word sarambra) which means plain form and was incorporated as "Aba" by the British men,
After being amazed of how plain the landscape of the "Ahia Ekeoha" and environs was nd asked the natives, for the original word for "plain land"
Hence with the gradually incorporation of neighboring communities as Aba ukwu, Ekiukwu Aba, obuda Aba e.t.c
Years later the Aba province was created which started from immediately after umuahia (which was under bende) far
Down to degema in Rivers State
With the Aba Ngwa (ngwa people's (original) portion of Aba) made the providence headquarters.
Hence the Aba Ngwa was the residing place of the British government nd surrounding area undergoing master plan.
Hence the formation of urban township center
Know as "European quarters", Maintown, Scotland crescent, e.t.c where all planned by the British and follows the same Master plan of the British colony of "New York". Till date
During the fall of the British province system
Aba Lost most of it province territories to modern day Rivers,Akwa ibom respectively
(This also clarifies why the 1902 Aba women riots was not only done by those in Abia as those from other part of the Aba province matched down to Aba Ngwa)
Gradually the capital town name of "Aba ngwa" was gradually replaced with the name "Aba" also owing to the fact that the headquarter town has expanded beyond ngwaland down south to deep ukwa.
The combination of ngwa and ukwa land gives birth to the name ukwangwa
And the land mass of present Aba being distributed in a ratio of 68:32. With ngwa land taking the lead
Further more during state creation
The ukwa people (ndoki nd ASA) lost more of it dense populated area to present day Rivers State
Now formally Know as "oyibo" and yet another little tiny Ndoki portion to akwa ibom state
Making the present day Aba city to be
80% ngwaland nd 20% ukwa land,
Also the state creation also saw Aba in imo nd later current abia state with the defunt Aba Ngwa being divided into two local government
Called Aba nd obioma ngwa local government area respectively.
After 1991
The two local government was further more divided to five
With Aba l.G.A (the 72 kmsq main British planned area) divided into two namely Aba south nd Aba north
While the obioma ngwa L.G.A (701kmsq)
Divided into present day
Osisioma, ugwunagbo and obingwa L.G.A respectively,
Making Aba a city with 5 local government area but has spreaded far into other ngwa and ukwa land l.G.A
Such as isiala-ngwa south, ukwa east and west all being slight surburd of Aba (with a lot of Aba industries citing and relocating to there).

The current landmass of Aba city is 773kmsq (299 sq mi)

Excluding other cornurbation and statelite towns of ABA in Isiala-ngwa north/south and ukwa east west l.G.A which are also regarded as part of ABA

Pictures of Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:12am On Dec 07, 2020

The indigenous people of ngwa and ukwa are mostly Christians, but due to urban migration
Aba is
Now made up of 70% of Christians, 12% of Jews , 10 of Muslims and 6% of traditionalist and 2% of people who are irreligious
During the last Nigerian population census 2006
The majority of people living in Aba who are unofficially political apartheid refused to be count. As the activities of MASSOB (a pro Biafra group) was high in the city
Hence only the few enlighten elites most living around Aba south L G.A where counted.
Reason while some cities where officially recorded to be more populated than Aba while in the actual sense Aba is very more populated than most African cities
(A visit will end up convincing you)..
In 2016 demographics and Wikipedia ranked Aba population to be over 2,534,265

The ukwaNgwa people are of the Igbo ethnic group,
Aba being one of the largest urban centers in Nigeria, has seen different people residing in it making the tribal population to be
65% Igbos (found in all part of Aba) 10% of hausa/Fulani (found in mostly ndegoro,Ariaria nd uratta town)
7% Efik/ibibio (which runs more than 46% of Nigerian eatery outlets (restaurant) in the city) , 5% yoruba (mostly found in Azikwe Asa)
4% of other Nigerian tribes,
5% of foreigners From other African countries
Nd 3% of non African foreigners..

According to the Abia state branch of national population commission (NPC) Aba Town Hall office.
All Nigeria states are fully represented in Abia
With migrant from imo,
Anambra, Ebonyi, akwa ibom and Rivers taking the lead in descending magnitude
While the Nigerian state of kogi, Edo, kwara and Adamawa has the lowest number of there indigenes residing in Aba.
While Cameron, Burkina Faso and Ghana top the list of other Africans living in Aba with Cameron topping with a large margin, due to the closeness of southern Cameron and Aba (making them migrating to oron and Calabar where the will later find there way to Aba). Morroco and Liberia are the only African countries without an individual officially residing in Aba as of 2020 (but a hand full of Liberians always visit Aba regularly for business tips, especially for shoe and lather work exportation)

While Britain and China topping the list of non-african foreigners in Aba
Owing to the fact that the run many big scale industries in the state.

While Kuwait, Iran,Iraq, Vatican City, and Argentina are the only non-african countries without official indigene living in Aba

Demonym(s): anyone from Aba is called
OnyeABA or NwaAba (as the case maybe)
While Aba people or group of Aba indigenes are referred to as NdiAba

Language: the main lingual Franca in Aba is the Igbo izugbe (central Igbo)
While English is also thought in schools, used for official purpose and also spoken as a second language,
Also Nigerian pidgin English is widely spoken as a general language while many towns in Obingwa and Aro ngwa speaks the Ngwa dialect of Igbo language

Pictures of Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:12am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba Abia

A church in Aba
Second picture university of Abia state teaching hospital Aba


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:12am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba Abia state

Zoom right to see
ndegoro Aba central mosque

2nd pics ogbor hill


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:14am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba Abia state

Ndegoro Aba Google Earth view


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:15am On Dec 07, 2020
Commerce and industries:
No one talks about commercial activities in Nigeria or west Africa without mentioning Aba
It's not just one of the leading commercial hubs in Nigeria but in Africa at large.
It has the highest clusters of ladder in Africa, one of the biggest open air market in Africa
Is located in the ancient town of Ariaria osisioma L.G.A a 25mins drive from the city of Aba (which was built when Ekeoha market was intially destroyed).
Import: almost all houses in ndegoro Maintown Aba have been converted to full time and part warehouse as importation in on the increase the Nigerian custom port Harcourt Branch recorded
That about 90% of shipping cargo entering onne port eleme (a Town near Aba and pH) is been shared btw Aba and onistha
Why the remaining part of the country shares 10%
Also through the Lagos port in 2019 it was recorded that about 70% of goods been cleared are headed towards south east Nigeria an Aba been a prime factor to it.
Aba is a major importing and exporting City in Nigeria and one of the busiest city in Nigeria
Materials mostly imported into Aba from overseas are, ladder (as a raw material) which is in turn converted into footwears, canvas, hand bag and other ladder related furnitures which are distributed and exported to various African countries.
Also being imported in Aba are fabrics, clothing materials, which is been used to make cloth, textiles and other stuffs which are being sold in all west Africa counties.
Items imported in Aba from other Nigeria state are mostly food/ consumable items which mostly comes from the northern part of the country and a little percent of beverages products which comes from Lagos-ogun and a little more from Oyo

Export: Aba is one of leading exporting cities in Africa especially exporting to other West African countries,
In 2018 Abia was ranked as one of the state with the highest number of non- consumable commodities in Nigeria,
It was also recorded as the only State in Nigeria with more volume of export more than import when it comes to non- consumable commodities (non food and beverage export/import), it export clothes,shoes, finished cotton,socks,bags,gloves, fabrics to all part of Nigeria and west Africa countries
Hence the term Made in Aba" is more popular than " made in Accra , made in cario or made in Nigeria" as the case maybe .
All this made abia state to be one of the 5 state together with fct that has the highest number of cash flow and bank transactions alongside Lagos,ogun, Rivers,Kano and anambra.
All these stats verifiable via CBN, Nigerian chamber of commerce e.t.c

Pictures of osisioma Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:15am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba

Entrance to Bata ABA

Second pics
Eziukwu road (that leads to Eziukwu town ABA)

3rd pics
Russian comedian Elysian at osisioma interchange Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:16am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba

First pics: Ariaria international market
2nd pis: ndegoro Maintown Aba
3rd and 4th pics : obingwa Aba

5th pics: A Russian comedian viewing osisioma from osisioma flyover bridge interchange

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:16am On Dec 07, 2020
Aba and Abia as a whole have produced of lot of politicans but yet, the people of Abia state are largely political apartheid , as of 2019 our investigation shows that a large number of them views politics as a vice while the rest don't even in believe in the country called "Nigeria" hence about 63% of the total population in Abia doesn't have a Nigerian P.V.C (voters card)
The see election day as resting day, as every day in Abia is just a business day
While the young ones between the age of (18-28) use the day for major playing of football in any street Conner available.
Aba is just all about business nd nothing but business.

Taxs and VAt:
Investigation from the Nigerian FIRS (federal inland revenue service) shows that about 57% of the companies in Aba are not even registered not to talk of paying taxes to the state government, while the registered companies (almost all) are being given heavy tax waivers for being indigenes.
Hence in 2017 FIRS also built another Branch in ABA to tackle this, as overseeing ABA from umuahia is almost impossible as every Conner of Aba is filled with different small and medium scale industries into the production of different items, including beverage, whine, e.t.c
Which the all run as if the are doing a trade
Every conner of Aba and Abia is littered with primary and secondary Schools, with a couple of high institutions
It's almost impossible for the government to give proper account of them all
Notable high institutions in abia
Clliford University
George University
Rhema University
Temp gate poly
Spiritan University
University of Nigeria Aba campus
Michael okpara University
Abia state University
Abia state poly
Alvan ikoku college of education Aba
Covenant poly
Aba has all possible means of land transportation in the city from, keke, motorcycle restricted in some private housing estate nd government reserved area, To taxes and shuttles.
Out of the 4 train station in Abia
2 are in Aba,

Tourism: Aba has numerous place for
Including the national museum for colonial history, also
Azumiri blue river which aid glass manufacturing companies in Aba is also a beauty site to behold as it flows into the Atlantic ocean and has always been considered for a sea port which was later dropped for obuaku Sea port all in ukwa area of ABA
Oil and gas: the ukwa area of Aba, has a high core oil and gas deposit, according to NNDC ukwa in aba has more oil filed than the entire cross river state another Niger Delta just like Abia,
It's also on record that despite port Harcourt (a city near ukwa) having refineries and a lot of oil companies more than the ukwa (Asa and Ndoki)
The ukwa people (Ndoki and ASA) has more oil deposit and field than the city of Port Harcourt (pHLGA and obiakpor)

(not the entire river state only port Harcourt).
Unfortunately the ukwa is the only major oil producing area in Abia as a whole, and also fought had in recovering some oil wells from the other ukwaland in Rivers State,
Which yield some positive results years ago..

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:18am On Dec 07, 2020
Living word school children in Aba

Pictures of Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:19am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba

Inside Abia state poly umungasi Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:19am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of ABA Abia state

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:20am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures (images) of Aba

Pictures: Driving into the City of ABA
From osisioma town

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:23am On Dec 07, 2020
Cities and towns in ABA:

Ndegoro(Maintown): this is the biggest city in terms of population and the ndegoro Maintown area is one of the best plan cities in Nigeria located in Aba south L.G.A, it was planned using the master plan of the British colony of New york , it is the area planned for Africans during British rule with the British supervising them in a the secluded area called constitution crescent, Scotland crescent and holland crescent, the adjoining towns of obioha, ohanku e.t.c differs, is shares boundary to eziukwu town to the west, ogborhill to the east owerre Aba to the south
It houses the 2 Aba major and popular market which where already in existence b4 it relocation to the town of Ariaria.
The main market here are they
"Ahia ohuru" market which is very famous for clothes,and fabrics
"Nsulu textile market"
And the oldest market on which Aba was formed which is now know as
"Ekeoha shopping center"
It houses the Aba central mosque, the Nigerian correction center (prison), and the enyimba stadium.
It is separated from ogborhill through the Aba river and the other side of the river (which is connected via orji uzo bridge) which leads to "Emelogu Town in Ogbor hill" has already turned to one of the fastest upcoming hausa market in Aba popular know as "Ahia Good morning" (good morning market"wink
The most popular roads in ndegoro town is the "Ngwa road express way" which serve as an imaginary boundary between the British planned Maintown ndegoro and the neighboring communities in obiohia, ohanku e.t.c
And trading activities have already taken over the Ngwa road express hence the term "Ngwa road market", the Ngwa road was constructed by the British to serve ukwa people carrying there goods to ngwaland to sell hence the name "Ngwa road" some says it serves as boundary between Ngwa people and ukwa people,
Other major roads in ndegoro are Azikwe road.
While the longest road near ndegoro being port Harcourt road which stops at Number 806 and "obiohia road" which stops at Number 1342, the two street touching the end of ndegoro but not entering it.

Ogbor hill City: (popular known as O.H city)
Is the largest city in Aba after osisioma by landmass (with Numerous towns inside it) located near the Eastern part of Aba,
it court across two local government (Aba north and obingwa l.G.A) and is steadily trying to encroach Isiala-ngwa l.G.A
It has both the old Ehere market and the Ehere modern market (new) located in the ancient ehere town, ogbor hill industrial layout, N.T.A Aba, federal housing estate, Waterside cattle market, e.t.c (it also has a timber market with some numerous upcoming estate)
It's a five minutes joining from the city of Aba and it's separate from ndegoro by the Aba river.
The most popular roads in Ogbor hill are ikot-ekpene express road, ukaegbu, omoba,Azuka roads e.t.c
While the famous Towns in Ogbor hill are
Umuola, Emelogu, ovum township, ovum 1 and ovum 2 respectively, ukpakiri, obikabia to mention but a few,
The entrance of Ogbor hill through Aba suffers A lots of heavy traffic jams hence another bridge (like ikoyi bridge) is needed to connect the city of Ogbor hill to the neighboring town of umugasi via Aba river to ease traffic as the two existing bridge can't serve the purpose.

Abayi township:
This is one of the oldest town in Aba, unverified reports says it was already a separate town before the Aba city came to be, it's located 15 minutes drive from Aba,
It shares boundary with umugasi to the south, Ariaria to the east, south east to osusu town, also has boundaries with "European quarters Aba" (a small suburbs built by the colonial Masters exclusively for themselves)
Abayi House the Abia state poly, world bank housing estate, covenant poly to mention buh a few.

It's the next town after osisioma and Abayi when entering Aba from owerri,enugu e.t.c
Just like Abayi, Aba-owerri Express way also cuts through umugasi.
It has one of the smallest market in Aba
(The umungasi market),
Rhema University, e.t.c
Is shares boundary with Abayi township and umule to the south,
A biggest part of Aba River makes it all most impossible to access ogbor Hill through okpulogbu in umuchichi as you will have to pass Abayi and other towns just to get to ogbor Hill.
The umuchichi and other surrounding towns have gradually turned to be a high class residence with green serenity unlike over crowded ndegoro and Abayi, couple to the fact that umugasi shares boundary to old G.R.A Aba and Eziama town (which is a quiet civil service town)

Eziukwu town:
Located in Aba south, is the nearest town to Aba
(Just a stone throw) it house the biggest motor park in Abia and the busiest bus stop in Africa after oshodi in Lagos, called the the "millverton main Park " which is the main Park of Aba.
Eziukwu houses the 3rd biggest market in Aba
Called "Eziukwu main market" famous know as cemetery market cos it close to Aba former cemetery.
In the market all Nigerian biscuits, beverage and fruit juice company have there Depots there where they are further exported to neighboring state near Abia,
Due to the high level of production in Eziukwu, (hoodlums around there) also engage in the counterfeiting of popular brand of milk,tea, whine beverages e.t.c
Since it's the major export town for those commodities.

This is a town near Abayi,
A civil service town with many private and government owned industrial layout and numerous industrial estate,
It houses the headquarters of Aba north L.G.A it's also a major medium and high class area, with a quite environment
It also has a Government reserved area, and also it's Burst out also at the Aba-owerri Express way.

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:23am On Dec 07, 2020
Ndegoro Maintown Aba

2nd pics: outskirts of Ndegoro

3rd pics Azikwe axis ndegoro

Pictures of Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:23am On Dec 07, 2020
Factory road Eziukwu Aba

1 Like

Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:24am On Dec 07, 2020
Images of Umungasi town Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:24am On Dec 07, 2020
Umuchichi town umungasi Aba

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:24am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba

Eziama township Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by HeadShot: 6:26am On Dec 07, 2020
Op.... Are you alright?...

You seem like you need help

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:27am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of
Abayi town Aba


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:27am On Dec 07, 2020
Boundary town btw Abayi and umugasi

2nd pics: jubilee axis Aba

3 Ariel view of umugasi town Aba

Last pics:starlight view of umugasi and Abayi


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:28am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of ogbor hill ABA

O.H city Aba (ogbor Hill)


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:28am On Dec 07, 2020
1st pics: present day Ekeoha shopping center Aba (the ancient Ekeoha market)

2nd pics: a street in old GRA Aba


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:29am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba:
Maintown ndegoro Aba


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by nNEOo(m): 6:29am On Dec 07, 2020
Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:31am On Dec 07, 2020
Ohabiam: an overcrowded Town utter most southern part of Aba crossing two L.G.A (Aba south and ugwunagbo, l.G.A ) which Houses the big orie ohabiam electronics market at the express road of Aba-port Harcourt road which was built at the peak of st Michaels computer village in Aba to decongest it,

Is a town few killo meters to the city of Aba, which became famous after the construction of the first phase of the Ariaria international market in 1976 , containing 20,000 shops which has currently expanded to over 120,000 registered shops and hundreds of thousand of road side shops, the market was set to replace the Ekeoha market in Aba after series of fire outbreak but unfortunately both the letter and formal are currently over crowded,
As Ariaria is even more famous outside Aba than in Aba (cos many people living in aba have various market around them, going to Ariaria seems like a waste of time copped with traffic and distance) hence the market is largely patronized by foreigners from all west African countries, as some part of the international market lies along the Enugu-port Harcourt express way stretching down to faulks road in osusu community Aba.

Osisioma: this is the biggest city in Aba in terms of landmass.
It's also the local government headquarters of osisioma l.G.A , hence the town of osisioma is the only place called osisioma in Aba, other towns under osisioma l.G.A answers there individual names.
Osisioma houses one if the biggest industrial layouts in Nigeria, which have has started encroaching the Enugu-port Harcourt express way. It's also the proposed site for Absu faculty of engineering, Aba poly perm site, E.t.c with a lot of private housing scheme ongoing,
Osisioma habours the Ekeapara main market, it also has a major main park (osisioma main park) along Enugu-port Harcourt express way.
It's just a 35mins drive from the city of Aba, 20 mins drive from Ariaria Town and just a stone throw from the other side of umugasi.

Alaoji: the are 2 Town answering Alaoji in Aba
One in Ogbor hill (15mins drive to Ehere town), while the main popular Alaoji is in near the ukwa (Ndoki and ASA) communites of ASA nnetu, it's spans across Aba south, and ugwunagbo l.G.A respectively with two major express road crossing the town(the Aba - Port Harcourt express way and the Enugu-port Harcourt express way).
It houses the Alaoji international spare parts market which has total encroached ASA nnetu, hence creating ASA nnetu auto spare parts market. Its one of the major town you see, when entering Aba from pH, after obehie.

Uratta: this is one the fastest infamous growing town in ABA, it's houses the 3 biggest mosque in Aba, and the biggest onions market in southern Nigeria.
Know as " Arrewa onions market" which was built on vast acres of land, there most onions that goes to Rivers,Akwa-ibom, imo e.t.c must surely be repacked by the hausa communites in uratta before distributing it to different parts of ss/SE Nigeria.
Uratta has a high number of hausa/Fulani with a handful of Nigeriens and chadians all over it,
The market keep expanding since after construction by the then Abia governor (orji uzo kalu) who also built the biggest cattle market in southern Nigeria in Abia,
The two Making ends at the busy enugu - Port Harcourt express way.

Owerre Aba: is a town in ugwunagbo l.G.A
Note: owerre Aba has nothing to do with ABA-owerri express road,
Nor owerri in IMO state, (as misinterpreted by those living,in other part of Aba)
It's just a separate town
An Ngwa town just like owerrinta in Isiala-ngwa,
Owerre Aba servers as a boundary for the oil producing communites in Aba and there ngwa brothers, it can be acces from the Ahia ihe orji (ihe orji market) in ohanku and the infamous Nkwo Ngwa timber market in obiohia respectively.(it's the only town in Aba, where okada is fully accepted in all part of the town)

Obikabia: it's a starlight Town near ogbor Hill and the fastest growing Town in Obingwa.
Some often called it obi nke Abia
(Meaning the heart of Abia)
It's also the gate of Aba when coming from the old road of umuahia.

Others very popular towns in Aba are the popular , obiohia, ohanku e.t.c whose pictures are littered all over the internet space due to it slum kind nature.
With other greeny upcoming towns like umode, umojima, umugo and the overcrowded umule are still booming and vibrant

Pictures of ogbor hill ABA


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:32am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Aba Abia state

1st pics: entrance into Ariaria Town

2nd and 3rdpics: entrance into obikabia town Aba


Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:32am On Dec 07, 2020
We like to talk about
Markets in Aba
But the list is endless as very Town in Aba has it own defined market
Hence Aba has more markets
That even people living in Aba don't Know all the markets in Aba.
Maybe I will create a special thread for Aba markets
Or I might discuss it later

Picture of Ariaria international market Aba

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Re: few pictures and All about ABA ( The Great Enyimba City) by Nigercity: 6:33am On Dec 07, 2020
Pictures of Osisioma Town Aba


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