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Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) (71526 Views)

Bishop Oyedepo’s 9 ‘Bodyguards’ At Shiloh 2019 Spark Controversy Online / Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo Reacts To Rape Allegation By Busola Dakolo / Meet Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo & Wife, The Man Accused Of Rape By Bukola Dakolo (2) (3) (4)

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Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Dailyhappenings: 3:00pm On Dec 11, 2020
Nigerians have gone online to react after the founder of COZA, Biodun Fatoyinbo was spotted at shiloh, they claimed that he should not have been allowed to come to shiloh and sit with the ministers.


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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by sylve11: 3:07pm On Dec 11, 2020
So if him chose to go, wetin come dey bad inside? Abeg make una carry una wahala go jare. undecided cool

362 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Fahdiga1: 3:09pm On Dec 11, 2020
Christ rejects sin and not the sinner

480 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by free2ryhme: 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020
Nigerians have gone online to react after the founder of COZA, Biodun Fatoyinbo was spotted at shiloh, they claimed that he should not have been allowed to come to shiloh and sit with the ministers.


Honestly I am speechless

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by hashtagged(m): 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020

He is not a rapist. If he is then show me proofs. Leave the man to grab Gods words something you guys don't have the balls to do.

367 Likes 24 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Bornsinner7: 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020
Don't understand Nigerians with this man..

Where's proof of the allegation??.. let the man be

178 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by free2ryhme: 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020
Nigerians have gone online to react after the founder of COZA, Biodun Fatoyinbo was spotted at shiloh, they claimed that he should not have been allowed to come to shiloh and sit with the ministers.


The church shld distance itself from this man considering the allegations of rape against him

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by HerMajestyCares(f): 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020

Majority of the atterkers are devil's incarnate,who has also committed worst sin's and they want to be forgiven even without asking for forgiveness,


I am not siding and has never sided Pastor biodun for his wrongs and if found guilty he should be persecuted,ALSO HE SHOULD ASK FOR FORGIVENESS FROM THOSE HE WRONGED.


He has his mentors and I'm sure they are scolding him while drawing him closer,

Or Do you want him to backslide?



I thank Jesus for life cheesy cheesy

85 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Neddstark: 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020
Bunch of sentimental people. Someone was accused of rape by one person. He denied it but because the accusation was from a female angle, you all trooped like zombies believing what was dished to you like you were there when Fato gave her Krest. Now you are still tagging him rapist after court found him not guilty. You better face your own problems than fighting battles for feminists.

281 Likes 25 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by ValCon888: 3:15pm On Dec 11, 2020
I don't want to judge.
But as far as the law is concerned, the courts declared him not guilty. He is free to go wherever he wants.

186 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by shamsin6300(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
May God accept his repetence but if he choose to go back to his evil act, may automatic castration jam him.

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Poorboy: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Old things have passed away,

The man made a mistake let Nigerians forgive him abeg

Maybe then he was a bad boy now he is a pastor

Abi may government kill am so una fit dey Happy.

Krest why

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by dejonathan(f): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Mtcheeew.....Every trash na news this days

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Genea(f): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
A predator, mmmm he shall reap what he sows

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Swipa: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Over 40 Pastors attended Shiloh and we're recognized. Not all of them will preach. Anyone can attend Shiloh but not many are invited to minister. Pastor Biodun is innocent until proven guilty. I can even see my dear Pastor Korede Komaiya beside him.

Have you asked yourself why Mrs Dakolo's case was struck out for lack of merit?

Do you remember when Timi Dakolo said he married a virgin?

Make una dey get sense.

211 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by conquerorsegun(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Gwagone: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Is he now a born again Christian?

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by MOLOTOVcockTAIL(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Maybe he went for deliverance from spirit of Ngugba and Alikwasa Apiagbuo


Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by curryjuniour(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Accusations without proof

17 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by smartxyz(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
But other men of God were present too nau..... Nawa oO... Wahz d big deal

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by IamWonderful: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
I guess those that were called generation of vipers and serpents by Jesus were saints I guess, the prayer of unrepentant sinner is abomination before GOD, Jesus Christ love sinners willing to repent not hardened rapist

Christ rejects sin and not the sinner

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Dominion202: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Fatoyinbo is a regular shiloh attendee. Go get previous year shiloh videos, you will definitely find him.
Am not a church member but Pst Biodun is a real man of God believe it or not.

Come to it, do you expect Bishop Oyedepo to chase him out or what?
Or do you think is everybody that will fall for Dakolo's theory of reap?

@Op, I feel like brushing you and the mobbb that pushes dis to the fp with my hard boot.



Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by marvin906(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Who found him guilty to be labeled a rapist..

Anybody that will label me a rape apologist may Sango visit you

58 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by chii8(f): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Na waooo....

So he should have been sent out of the house of God?Why not let God fight His fight? Meanwhile,did the law find him guilty?or is it the usual social media trials?

Typical Nigerians,with all the spiritual messages going on at Shiloh 2020, you all had the chance to notice Boidun...

26 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by Lovelies1: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by ikorodureporta: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Freemasons.. game recognize game

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Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by michoim(m): 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Christ rejects sin and not the sinner
Correct talk

9 Likes 1 Share

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by inoki247: 3:16pm On Dec 11, 2020
Social Media and Conviction na there you go see Person dey win Election, Na there you go see some set of people having there own country..

Most especially that Bird app ones dem table your matter for there forget....

24 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by BennyDGreat: 3:17pm On Dec 11, 2020
What do they intend to do about it now?


Re: Biodun Fatoyinbo Spotted At Shiloh 2020, Nigerians React (video) by sammysmiles(m): 3:17pm On Dec 11, 2020
Too much fools in this country
They cover their own dirty lives and talk about others
Sometimes I jxt look at Nigerians and wonder what gave them the impression that their opinions matters when they talk undecided undecided

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