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Lifewave X39 Patches by peterbabs1759(m): 9:27pm On Dec 15, 2020 |
peterbabs1759:Lifewave X39 Patches have been clinically proven to reduce #STRESS in the body and REDUCE inflammation � Small adhesive patented #patch worn on the body for 12 hours a day No #toxins No #drugs No #chemicals No ingredients go into the body No #SIDE-EFFECTS Benefits from using Stem cell Patches: Stem cell Patches elevates naturally occurring compounds in the body that would normally decline with age Our Stem cell Patches elevate a PEPTIDE which is known to activate stem cells. It can be applied anywhere on the body, for convenience we recommend back of neck and below belly button. The patch is immediately activated by body heat, which is a form of light, infrared light, this will activate the patch and cause it to reflect very specific wave lengths of light that will stimulate the surface of the skin. In science this is an area of Phototherapy, meaning when we stimulate the skin with light we can cause very specific chemical reactions in the body. For example, similar to the Sun which causes the body to produce Vitamin D. It´s the same bio chemical process, so in the example of the sun, ultraviolet light is used to cause the production of Vitamin D, and we can use other wavelengths of light to produce other biochemical changes and this is what stem cell patches is all about. The benefits of this cell patch are AMAZING: ***Immediate effect - Can feel its effects very 1st day of use It increases production of anti-oxidants and decreases inflammation. People feel this as improvement in their energy levels, reduction in pain and improvement in their overall wellbeing. ***SLEEP -most people also see significant improvement in their quality of sleep, deeper longer sleep ***ENERGY - when we are elevating anti-oxidants in our body, we increase the amount of energy that the cells produce, powerful anti-aging effect and people notice they aren’t as tired by the end of the day´ ***DRAMATIC PAIN RELIEF - some of the most impressive testimonials have to do with dramatic pain relief stories. The pain-relieving benefits of this new Stem cell Patches are amazing. Most people notice a reduction in pain within minutes of application. Back pain, arthritic joints, shoulders, chronic knee pain, within minutes it's gone. Migraine headaches, pain is managed and minimized all within minutes of application. Immediate reduction in level of pain, in mobility, and improvement in overall wellbeing and how you feel. ***WRINKLE REDUCTION -activating stem cells leads to an increase in COLLAGEN. Collagen isn’t just in the skin, it’s throughout the body. It is the most abundant protein in the body. Skin tightens, and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles is noticeable over a 4 to 12-week period ***IMPROVED SPORTS PERFORMANCE ***REPAIR DAMAGE TO THE BODY - stem cells excel at repairing damaged parts of the body/tissue/site. This is part of the natural healing process. Stem cells are attracted to the site of injury, they repair the injury. It’s going to increase speed of recovery, and sports performance goes up ***HAIR GROWTH - clinical research has shown that activating stem cells in the scalp leads to hair growth ***SCAR REDUCTION - activating stem cells in the skin leads to a phenomenon called "Remodelling “, this will reduce the appearance of scars. Remodelling increases collagen production, hence reducing scars. ***WOUND HEALING – The new Stem cell Patches help to support the natural wound healing process, and this leads to faster recovery. ***YOUTH RENEWAL – The New Stem cell Patches elevate a compound in the body that has been proven in clinical research to rewrite thousands of genes to a younger and healthier state. Lifewave X39 Patches. Price: #200,000 Delivery Available Nationwide. for more details call/WhatsApp chat +2348179991196.
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