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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? (37561 Views)
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Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by mrblessed(m): 9:58am On Dec 19, 2020 |
You are guilt-stricken because you are a good man, which is something good and commendable. But if it were these ladies who were in a position to render assistance to you, would they assist you? Your guess is good as mine. No lady assists a man, any man, without doing profound calcalation on what such assistance would fetch her. It is my view that you know these ladies very well, and can vouch they are not eligible to be assisted by you. You haven't done any wrong. 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Nobody: 9:59am On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:Redpill wanabee,you are just wicked and by the way what are you still doing around your exes, don't be a parasite 2 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Sixfeetbelle: 10:05am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Jonasbadoo: They are human beings, first and foremost. That's enough reason to help anyone. You don't do charitable works based on gender. But his reason now is because they're females. He was even planning to put a male over them. He's the one being selfish. 4 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Sixfeetbelle: 10:08am On Dec 19, 2020 |
mrblessed: He has done wrong by looking for his 'cut' in helping them. He doesn't have to think about what the person would do for them or in their shoes before helping them. Some people recommend others for a job without wondering if the person would recommend them were it vice versa. That's service and selflessness. By the way, anyone who thinks exactly like you postulated above needs to review his life. 9 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Jonasbadoo(m): 10:09am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Sixfeetbelle:And so ? How many Nigerian ladies have taken their male friends or bfs to abroad before? your argument is pointless tbf 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Sixfeetbelle: 10:13am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Jonasbadoo: So because ladies haven't helped males, he has to become like them? Because people are being evil, you have to become evil too? When did living our lives have to be based on how people behave or live theirs? There's no argument here. You know the guy was selfish and he knows it too that's why he brought it online. 8 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Jonasbadoo(m): 10:17am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Sixfeetbelle:You girls have always taken advantage of our open heartedness so we have learnt to be selfish as y'all are ... I support him 100% because I haven't seen any girl that does something for a Man without expecting something in return so EOD 11 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Sixfeetbelle: 10:31am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Jonasbadoo: He should go ahead with his selfishness, I'm not stopping him. If he thinks because women are selfish it's enough justification to be like them, he should go ahead. I hope he doesn't have a reason to cry blue murder when karma finds him. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by jimfarayola(m): 10:45am On Dec 19, 2020 |
is the application still open? |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by lascos912(m): 11:18am On Dec 19, 2020 |
You see how it hurts those girls. I can help animals more than girls,they are ungrateful people. Please I don't advice you to help girls because if you help them you will regret it i swear. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by LadyTianna(f): 11:27am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Op I hope that a time will come when someone will be in a position to move your career forward, but will refuse to do it simply because the male gender can be unpredictable at times. I hope the process keeps getting repeated so that you can remain stagnant for a long time afterall no one is obligated to do good deeds. 2 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tyup(m): 11:28am On Dec 19, 2020 |
Zzor: Well no strings attached no more |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tyup(m): 11:30am On Dec 19, 2020 |
SweetCunt97: No selfish reasons of any kind, you're in the best position to know how it ends with ur gender 1 Like |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tyup(m): 11:33am On Dec 19, 2020 |
LadyTianna: Thanks for ur concern but Major progress in my life has been attributed to God, family, my Northern princesses n particularly Guys both known n unknown so cut it I'm not gonna need ladies help ever rather they'll always be at our mercy (Guy's mercy) 3 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by LadyTianna(f): 11:37am On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:Lol see how you're contradicting yourself. The northern princesses are males abi. The gender is not important. Its called karma. You ignored people you could have helped, therefore people will ignore you in situations where they can be of help. Amen 4 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by DukeJoe17: 12:03pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
troublemakea: rugged you niggarr, anything that you do and same doesn't disturbs your conscience is a right direction, Most women will never appreciate what you did to them no matter how magnificent it was, That's why during break-up they'll say, " what have you done for me since I knew you?" In case you want to help a woman in the future, just know that you are feeding a cat that will surely run far away into the thick forest without looking back. Even God says He will bless whom he wants to bless. Bless who you want to bless niggar but don't expect same person to reciprocate else you will badly disappointed don't allow those ungrateful mofos to make you feel bad, remember your happiness shouldn't be jeopardize (RP) 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by SweetCunt97(f): 12:09pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:Shey u wanna wife dem ni? Abegi |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by SweetCunt97(f): 12:11pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:So why didn't u help when you could have? Instead you allowed it slide. 1 Like |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Nobody: 12:14pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup: So you help people with expectations. Guy!!! You shouldn't help people with the mindset of them paying you back. If you want them to pay for the link, just say so! Rather than you being on their neck for not being as appreciative as you would want them to. Later on you'll come here to open another thread, lamenting that they are ungrateful and all that. If you want to help them, do it without expecting anything back! What will be theirs will be theirs, with or without you! 10 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tyup(m): 12:14pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
LadyTianna: Whateva... Yeah I'll like y'all to learn from Northern princesses/ladies probably y'all would have a change of these similar Genetic codes amongst southern girls |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by SyIvalord: 12:18pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:You are a very evil person. You are the worst kind of friend to have. You know that what you have done is a wicked act, that is why you have come here to seek validation. So you judged the poor girls based on offenses they have not even committed? You are very stupid, very very stupid. Even if they become ungrateful after you help them, shouldn’t you help people just for the sake of it? Once again you are very stupid. 11 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tyup(m): 12:18pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
mename: I never said i was trying to Help expecting anything in return, my paragraphs stress on Appreciation and girls doing little or nothing for Guys/male and it's wrong they shouldn't always have to be at the receiving end that's why i was looking at giving Guys not girls. The stuff would have favoured Guys more knowing the fact we gotta live with responsibilities all our lives 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by bluefilm: 1:15pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup: You're wicked. Karma awaits you. 3 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by DrayZee: 1:16pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup:Guys have a lot of responsibilities, fine. As you didn’t see any guy to give, you couldn’t even help your “besties” out? You aren’t a friend to them. If you truly saw them as friends, you wouldn’t have hindered any opportunity from reaching them. It’s even worse that the stupid reason you have is that “they won’t appreciate it”? They should bow down and worship you just because you decided to help them out? Even more stupid is the fact that you’re judging your “besties” (people you are supposed to know better than anyone) by worthless gender stereotypes. Wahala for who no fit think for himself. 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Femeto: 1:18pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
If you no help them another person go help them. 2 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by DharmieDhrey(m): 1:20pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
Whatever that threatens your inner peace is expensive. Consider your sanity. If you invest heavily on someone, especially someone who isn't related to you by blood, you may feel such person is indebted to you.. 2 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Splitmind: 1:20pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
faithugo64: Isn't this just feminism in a nutshell? |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by NobleSeed(m): 1:22pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
Creating thread to ascertain the foolishness that has already be perpetrated is very no won chop you no want make you give person chop..... Why only look for the immediate appreciation and commendation That will come after the help.... The future : you can help them now and tomorrow your unborn kinds or family can also get help through your kind jesture. Anyway the deed has been done already hope you grow up and have some sense....#very mandatory. 8 Likes |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Fabrice07: 1:23pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
Those judging the OP, have you reasoned that such opportunity has presented itself in the past to one or both of the girls and they decided not to assist the OP with such opportunity? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by tunize(m): 1:24pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
Help ppl without any expectation weda you help dem and dey changed afterwards that shouldn't be much of your problem. Do good and nor expect anything in return if e happen fine, when it doesn't move on it pays to do good and be good atleast within your power wen you can. |
Re: Am I Really Being unfair To These Two Girls?? by Ginaz(f): 1:24pm On Dec 19, 2020 |
tyup: What you did is extremely wicked and unchristian. God shines his light upon the wicked and the good. He shines his light upon the rich and the poor and gives them food to feed from the soil. What if those girls were your sisters ? You judged them based on theories. May God have mercy on your soul . 2 Likes |
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