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Secrets (part 2) .. by RealGboy: 10:16pm On Dec 18, 2020 |
I got some funny emails from some nairalanders, saying I must not continue my story, LMFAO.. threatening me on email , .very funny ..i will be posting every details because of y'all .. Like I mentioned in my previous thread, my friend started putting me through, he told me the basics of dating scam,. (1) You need to find the pictures of the white lady you will be using , the lady must have both naked and clothed pictures, the pic must be natural and not edited or filtered like the one u find on Instagram,she must be a frequent poster , she must be mature enough around 24 years upward (which means she is ready to settle down ).she must have no tattoos to show she's responsible.. Omo I was lost . How on Earth will I find such girl? , my friend told me to calm down , he then took me on Twitter and lo and behold there were hundreds of girls who fit perfectly Into the description, I chose the one I like. (2) We moved on to the next stage which was creating fake profiles with her pictures on Facebook, and other free dating site. When the profile was completed , my friend told me to join different dating group on Facebook and advertise myself as a lady looking for a partner. I did that and within hours my Facebook messages was filled with messages from different men from different countries.. After doing that we moved to the next stage which was according to him the most important stage (3) Trapping stage My friend explained that even though I was getting messages from potential client,I must take my time to choose the perfect ones ,he explained that I must not be quick to reply messages , and when I reply I should give enough time before I reply again.. according to him if u reply fast ,you will come off as cheap and desperate making you look like scam and also replying fast will enable the client ask stupid questions like asking you to prove you are real ..but when the client sees that you take hours to reply ,he will make use of his time whenever you are online because he knows u might not reply again in a long while , So by doing This you have trapped him... Wow I replied The last stage is the (4) Make believe stage Since all my friends have thier own fake profiles on Facebook,we added ourselves as sister,/family on Facebook.. whenever any of us posts a picture,the rest of us will comment .making the profile look real to Clients. I completed all stages and I was ready. Before long I found a serious client,who was really into me . Without evwn asking the man told me his profile and the amounts he earn ,and that he wants me for marriage and not dating,saying he's ready to take care of me .. My friend informed me to quickly transfer him from Facebook to email,the reason according to him was that Facebook might ban you but once you have transferred him to email ,you will still keep in touch , So I did as he as said . That was my first potential client . So I started nursing the client, chatting everyday , sometimes he calls and a lady who helps my friends pick calls would talk to him ,he was completely unaware that I was scam and he was in Love Then my friend taught me the other basics which is known as Format.. According to him there are different ways to make a client pay you once you have established a solid relationship.. (1) Weekly allowance Once you make the client believe you are officially dating him the next thing is to tell him to support you with weekly allowances because u are currently jobless ,my friend made me understand that one of his client pays him $300 dollars every Monday as his upkeep and the client has been paying conatantly for the past one year .. Although those format works best for weekly earners ,if your client is a monthly earner then u tell him to fix you on monthly allowances (2) Transport Fare Just like our Nigerian girls who are known for being the master of This format, This format is used for stubborn client who believes they must see you before you can get thier money..... You tell them to send you transport fare ,while some will offer to buy the tickets themselves you have to be very convincing if you eant to win. (3). Emergencies You can tell you client that you are sick and need money to buy drugs or you need to pay your rent .e.t.c Fortunately for me my newly found client fell for the transport money format and like a movie he sent me 600 dollars I was happy,back then that was almost 200k ..just like that .. I also got to find out that not all client send you money ,some clients also help you recieve money and then send it to you in Nigeria they are known as pickers , Cashy was into dating and wire, what he does is u give him your client bank details and he would wire the money from the client account to a different account, yakpa was into dating ,apartment and lotto. He post house properties online acting like the owner with intentions to sell the houses ,once he finds a serious buyer ,he will ask the person to first pay 10% of the fee before he can consider showing him the house assuring the client that if he doesn't like the house the money will be refunded... Immediately I got my 600 dollars David advised me to use part of the money to buy credit card from hackers on a darkweb .. According to him this credit card can be used for both shopping or breaking into dating sites that requires credit card to log in .. Comment if you would like to hear the remaining Crazy life of the internet fraudster MODIFIED So I was given the website to the darkweb ,on the darkweb there is nothing hackers don't sell you can buy credit cards ,Bank log ins, hacking softwares e.t.c , I also found out that the darkweb websites sometimes don't connect because they are trying to avoid being caught by the FBI and the likes , The darkweb however is a risk just like every black market , once you're in you would select the item you want to buy , in my case I wanted a credit card , a valid working credit. I chose the one I could afford the cost was 200$ ,I chatted with the seller and he assured me that it is working.. My friend already told me that most of these hackers are scam too , or sometimes the credit card works but it is empty( zero balance) The seller advised me to act fast on the credit card so as to avoid the real owner from blocking the access .. Immediately we bought the card , the seller gave us every details . Pin, email , phone number , and everything connected to the card Cashy quickly helped me to check if it's valid , and lucky for me it was and it also had a balance of 4000$ , I was really lucky . I watch as cashy quickly help me open a Zoosk account, he also went on a shopping spree with the money , he helped me order for an iPhone 6s Gold , sneakers and some dope wears . I got to find out that all the expensive designer wears and sneakers to iphones that Gee boys used were mostly ordered using a credit card ,some will even book private first class flights with the credit card .. I was learning Now Using the email attached to the card i bought , cashy went on Facebook to search for the profile attached to the email , a profile appeared , he tried using the password on the credit card to log in into the account , and lo and behold it works , cashy told me most people only use one password for everything online ,which according to him is bad ,but it makes works easy for Gee boys With the information on the credit card we were able to access his Facebook and email .. From his Facebook and email we quickly copied his friends and family personal details ,such as phone numbers and thier emails . My friends told me that i have to be very wise when making transactions with the credit card , because the owner will be alerted via his phone and email we were able to successfully make quick transactions because we waited for the time we were sure that the owner would be sleeping... I was also informed that there were softwares I could use to hack the owners phone . giving me privileged to delete notification but that it is expensive and very scarce to buy . Immediately we got on Zoosk too I quickly chatted clients and transfer them to my email because those dating site are advanced,I was told that once you log out u will need phone verification to log in..the phone on your credit card ..unless of course you don't log out .. It was a long night ,we didn't sleep ,I was absorbing too much information and learning fast . Meanwhile when my client who sent me 600$ noticed that I did not come ,he got angry and was being suspicious,I tried to convince him that something happened and I used the money to fix it but he won't buy my excuse ,he started ranting a, asking me to send him his money back or he will report me to the authorities, I told my friend and he just laughed,he told me to block him on Facebook first so that he won't report my account which would lead to Facebook blocking it, he then told me if I had used juju to tie him down ,he won't doubt anything I tell him ,he also told me that no white man/woman would ever be that stupid to drop his account details for me to access unless he/she is under a spell , he made me understand that some of this oyinbo people have thousands of dollars in thier account,some even have millions.. He told me the story of his own client who was always sending him money ,he claims the highest the client ever sent him was 1000$ and that was someone he has been chatting for a year plus ,he revealed that the day he used jazzed to tie him up .he gave him access to his account balance,only for him to find that the maga has a 400k plus in his account balance.. He laughed then told me that he wiped everything off ..I was shocked to my bone David that's huge money I replied David claims he was transferring 10k from the account every week .. I felt bad for the client somehow,but my Friend quickly assured me that unlike us oyinbos have insurances and other things they used in surviving theft .I don't know if that was true but I believed him... Now jazz matters I don't want to involve into jazz ,but one thing about Yahoo boys ,once you are part of them you have to join them totally.i am a strong believer in Christ,and even though what I was doing was wrong I knew that going to the devil to seek for assistance was wronger .. So one day . MODIFIED So one day I lay on the bed and was in deep thoughts, air conditioner blowing my head , with Sandra (girl I met in the club) sleeping beside me, Like play Like play Sandra has turned herself to my girlfriend,she now comes often ,I got to find out that she is truly a student. This is just my 5th month in Lagos and I was already living like this , I have more than a 100 thousand naira in my account, I now own an iPhone 6s gold which happens to be the top iPhone then ,my wardrobe has grown larger with designer wears ,I wake up in the morning and I do nothing than smoke weed,drink play ps4 , Eat Fancy fast food , Go to hotels/ club. Stay up on the laptop all night and the cycle continues the next day Yes I'm a graduate of the university,but even if I get a job of 200k ,which is almost impossible in this our wicked country,by the time you remove transport fare,,light bill,feeding and rent bills,the remaining money would barely be enough to live the kind of lifestyle I desire , how many years will I save before I buy a car of my choice or build the house I want .. I decided I will do the Jazz , at least something must kill a man , a voice in my head was telling me to do it, make enough money , invest in business and quit , which I agreed to . David already assured me that it has nothing to do with blood or human being whatsoever , my mind was made up . I gently cuddle Sandra ,she woke up and she knows what I mearnt,we went on another round of sex , as I was pounding away enjoying the juice of this beautiful young woman , I know that I have gone on a path I might never return.. I told David I was ready to do the jazz ,he was happy ,but he told me that I would have to wait for T-money to come so that we can all go together. Although I have never met this T-money of a guy ,but my friend and his friends always talk about him ,they always refer to him as baba( father ) . According to them T-money is the richest,and the one that brings mouth watering deals for them to run.. They told me T-money specializes in hacking and wire fraud ,I got to find out that he owns 2 Benz and one Toyota muscle , T-money bought two houses ,one on the island which is his private home and one on the mainland which he takes prostitutes or girls to,his guys also live in this house. T-money started with cashy but blew so big that he became a boss and had so many guys under him learning work,while some just hang around him David told me the story of how one day when him ,cashy and T-money traveled to kishi ( a village in oyo) To meet one powerful baba for jazz, according to him when they arrived there the baba told them that the jazz he wants to do for them is so powerful that it is the jazz itself that will select who is fit to do it .. After consultation,the jazz chose T-money ,the baba told them that T-money will be with him for 3 days for the fortification . After three days they went back to meet T-money And he was done , when they got back to the hotel, David said him and cashy asked T-money what happened during the 3 days but that he refused to answer ,. David claimed when they ask again , that he bursted into tears and told them not to ask him what happened. They were confused but that nobody brought the issue up since then .. After 2 months that T-money got back he picked some money that run into millions, he bought his house in lekki from the proceeds , I started wondering what could have happened but I quickly rub it off my mind cos it's his life and not my business. The day T-money arrived at our apartment,I quickly went out to meet this legend I have been hearing about,when I met him ,he greeted me like we have been friends for a long time , I noticed tattoos all over him , hands and chest , he brought codiene , Hennessy and skunk Bible .. He looked very young and was talking very slow and funny like someone high on drugs I later got to find out that T-money loves codiene so much that he drinks at least 6 bottles every day . Later that night we set out again but this time T-money was in charge,and he took us to lekki all the way from the mainland. I'mmediately we drove into the compound and T-money stepped out , everybody was hailing him ,he was like a celebrity,from the gateman to the cleaner to the staffs of the Lounge..the m.c also aknowledge his presence by showering him praise saying his pocket will never run dry . we sat down |
Re: Secrets (part 2) .. by Nobody: 10:18pm On Dec 18, 2020 |
oga go sleep jare if you no dey collect money from Yahoo again get a life and stop feeding us with nonsense get money and fûck off |
Re: Secrets (part 2) .. by Stainlezzking: 1:45am On Dec 24, 2020 |
Bro drop the full story now, we don dey wait your since RealGboy drop your whatsapp num or email |
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