Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by ChangedMan1999(m): 9:07am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Make I pitch my tent here.
The op is wise. |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by kazyhm(m): 9:09am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Woke men 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Oyindamolah: 9:16am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Money can't buy happiness and poverty can buy nothing. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Collegelove: 9:29am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Well said, OP. Most Nigerian women would always act like call girls because they are opportunists and that is why it is not good to always give them attention.
I could recall sometime ago, I met a young lady. She's so pretty but unfortunately she wasn't into me then because I was very caring. I had to change my tactics. Began to act like a bad boy, she felt completely in love with me. Sometimes, she would visit me just to get laid and went gaga because of my style. 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by when2(f): 9:31am On Jan 04, 2021 |
The truth of the matter is that men are enemies of themselves. The MD of FCMB, didn't he know that the woman he was dating is the wife of his fellow man? In many cases a man will be demanding for sex from a married woman before doing her a favour: knowing fully well that she is the wife of his fellow man. So instead of coming to social media to cry that women can't be trusted, men should zip up. And stop being witches to their fellow men. 8 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Obakoolex(m): 9:39am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Thank God for my mother. If many of so called alpha males are raised by a decent God fearing woman...this backlashing of women in general wouldn't be. No doubt karishika plenty this days but yet some good women are still out there, I always bless God for my own woman. 4 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Collegelove: 9:40am On Jan 04, 2021 |
when2: The truth of the matter is that men are enemies of themselves. The MD of FCMB, didn't he know that the woman he was dating is the wife of his fellow man? In many cases a man will be demanding for sex from a married woman before doing her a favour: knowing fully well that she is the wife of his fellow man. So instead of coming to social media to cry that women can't be trusted, men should zip up. And stop being witches to their fellow men. It is not our fault. It is mostly the fault of the women. Is it difficult to say no to us? Because most of you are somewhat stupid and want to reap what you did not sow and as a result, you usually lose your senses. You are not always contented with what you have and that is the problem. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by 1030(m): 9:59am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Wow! What a write up |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by when2(f): 10:02am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Collegelove: It is not our fault. It is mostly the fault of the women. Is it difficult to say no to us? Because most of you are somewhat stupid and want to reap what you did not sow and as a result, you usually lose your senses. You are not always contented with what you have and that is the problem. What you just made me to understand stand is that men don't know their left from right again, that they're not disciplined, take and stand by their decisions. Anyway you're just beating round the bush. The moment men decide to zip up, these cases of infidelity will be reduced. 2 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Decryptor(m): 10:15am On Jan 04, 2021 |
What you just made me to understand stand is that men don't know their left from right again, that they're not disciplined, take and stand by their decisions. Anyway you're just beating round the bush. The moment men decide to zip up, these cases of infidelity will be reduced. Joseph in the Bible zipped up and it landed him in prison! As for Moyhoe, what makes you think she wasn't the one who got herself into the MD's pants? Even if he decided not to do anything with her, in her treacherous nature, he may end up in her bad books and probably shag a member of the Board of Directors and lay an accusation on him which will make him either lose his job entirely or at least, his position as MD! We may have probably heard another "usual false accusation of rape" headline like Lady who works in FCMB accuses MD of you see, after all said and done, women are still treacherous in nature! 5 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by KenBen217: 10:28am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Girls too should be street-smart, no? With the increase in the number of boys that "hit and run," exploiting unsuspecting females (especially the young and naive ones), shouldn't ladies be street wise too?
Your concluding paragraph summarizes it all and I do agree with it. PEOPLE (males and females) should be nice to others that are nice to them (actually, be nice to all, whether they are nice to you or not). This principle is applicable to all aspects of life, not just romantic relationships.
What I am against is generalizations. People can be bad, irrespective of the gender.
Yeah. you are comparing paternity fraud to hit and run? What makes you feel a man owes a woman a relationship simply because he slept with her  it's mumu like you that keep making women think their puccy is worth more than just a moist hole. how can you compare paternity fraud with this  Who told you girls are young and naive...and preyed if these girls never get Hot and want to have sex too. pls shut up if you don't have anything useful to say. you must not show how stupid you can get,you're over showcasing your talent 14 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by KenBen217: 10:35am On Jan 04, 2021 |
when2: The truth of the matter is that men are enemies of themselves. The MD of FCMB, didn't he know that the woman he was dating is the wife of his fellow man? In many cases a man will be demanding for sex from a married woman before doing her a favour: knowing fully well that she is the wife of his fellow man. So instead of coming to social media to cry that women can't be trusted, men should zip up. And stop being witches to their fellow men. You're a mumu Sha but let me try to explain this in a way you'll understand this. that's if you have the mental capacity to actually comprehend. this woman was married,she decided to have sex with another man, bear his kids,and bring him to another man to raise as his own children,we all know if the situation was reversed and this woman died as a result,you'll still blame the man but now you'll shift goal post. at every point in this issue,the woman could have prevented this from happening. the real father of the children is not married to Thomas why should he care? this woman decided to cheat on her husband and you're blaming the man she cheated on her husband it the man that married her husband?? why should he care? the woman is the wife here 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Nobody: 10:35am On Jan 04, 2021 |
So are you blaming women for not protesting on men's behalf? We men are not serious. Let a man slap a woman in public, his fellow men will rush him but let a woman wire you slap, the men there will be laughing and will even attack you if you try to retaliate. Una never see anything 20 years time women will be throwing men out of the houses they built themselves. Foolish gender 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Pat081: 10:41am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Some of those runs gals are 100 % better than some of the so call house wife sometimes single life is good 2 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by TONYE001(m): 10:44am On Jan 04, 2021 |
you are comparing paternity fraud to hit and run? What makes you feel a man owes a woman a relationship simply because he slept with her it's mumu like you that keep making women think their puccy is worth more than just a moist hole. how can you compare paternity fraud with this Who told you girls are young and naive...and preyed if these girls never get Hot and want to have sex too. pls shut up if you don't have anything useful to say. you must not show how stupid you can get,you're over showcasing your talent Sadly, you have successfully quoted me out of context. The gentleman I quoted advised men to be street wise. I was only emphasizing that EVERYONE should be street wise. In this issue of romance, both genders prey on each other. No gender is innocent. Again, I'd rather treat people individually than generalize. If someone does something bad to me, it'd be me versus that person, not me versus the gender the person belongs to. See? 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by GidiCars: 10:54am On Jan 04, 2021 |
DuBLINGreenb: You know what's funny?
People would have told the M.D na woman go kill you. And not the Tunde Thomas.
Tunde Thomas MUST have seen NUMEROUS signs and chose to ignore ALL of them
Tunde Thomas MUST have gotten this hoe by throwing gifts at her
I don't ignore signs that's why I'm still single
I had a girl in uni who wouldn't want to walk next to me at certain places around our Uni, she made up a b.s story about a lecturer wanting her next another b.s story, I took that as a sign I enquired and found out she had a boyfriend in a certain department so around his hostel area and department she would try to make us seem non sexual. I left her azz her beauty is tanking as we speak, the guy is doing nothing, she's struggling, I refuse to simp. But what struck me was she was a "good girl" honestly her friends were worse but she saw nothing wrong with it when I told her you have a bf and your willing to kpansh me? She waved it aside like it was nothing, I added 2 and 2 together and thought to myself she MUST have other guys too, not just me and that dude, so I knew from that day on that that's how most Naija women are and the necessity of Redpill.
Another lady was too flamboyant for her dad's wage level, I told her male friend who told me it was a good idea to get together with her, he told me she was a good decent girl all the stories I hear about her are b.s. I went in after some rounds of knocking I knew for sure this girl isn't decent at all but that's not why I abandoned her, truth be told being indecent in bed is Freaky and even a plus. It was her taste I knew her dad wasn't rich her mom was worst off, mom had no job. But this girl would drink expensive drinks every night and eat the fanciest meals in the best eatery around wherever she was I took that as a sign. She'd spend my cash without flinching or looking back and expect more cash just the next day. I knew it's either she gets the cash from servicing other men or she used to live lavish from servicing other men because I enquired and her dad has always been in that low paying job (less than 100k with 6 children along with his wife and himself 8mouths for 100k he had been in this job for over 20years, her brothers weren't anywhere near as lavish), so where did she get a love and acquired taste of luxury living that without certain luxury stuff she wouldn't even sleep. I used style to ask if maybe she grew up with a rich relative, No she didn't, I had to run for my life despite the good pucci
She was that kind of girl who you'll buy her gifts on her bday and still buy her gifts and take her out on your own bday, she called me one time and said she wants cash called a huge figure I was shocked, the money she called if I spent it on her colleagues in the street at night I'd go over 100 times
Another hoe knew I have cash so we weren't even sexually active but she just wanted us to get together so that I can spend on her, I refused she kept chasing me I kept running she already asked me for iPhone 13 I laughed I told her no P, I ghosted her, iPhone 13 for what? Poo see? Tah? Go and find an idiot who doesn't know what to spend 300,000k on than not even sex but the hopes of getting sex, so I'd be giving her something worth over 300k hoping that one day I'd smash lol
I respect hoe's that stand on the street atleast they don't over estimate their value and they are honest about what they want or do. Finally they ACTUALLY sell you sex, most bros are willing to pay for not sex but "Maybe sex" just keep spending on her and one day she'll give it to you.when she finally gives it to you and even marries you, know that she may meet a higher bidder somewhere and pray you won't be the next Tunde Thomas
Back to the matter
People always assume the bad guy would lose especially in infidelity cases
But That's rarely the case
Women are actually the bad guys most times, especially because people don't expect them to be the bad guys, they know their market value and market value duration so these hoe's will try to make good use of their time.
Give themselves up to the highest bidder until their market value (which is looks) plummets to zero
Tunde was the highest bidder while she was saying "I do" But when a higher bidder (Mr. M.D) came along she had to accept his bid, that's what hoes do.
She isn't going to switch off that part of her, simply because she said two words in a building in front of people she doesn't care about their opinion.
She's a how, that's how she probably got through uni, by forking her way out, best believe she's gonna ATTEMPT to fork her way to the very top, doesn't matter if she's married to you or not.
Redpill, MGTOW is the way
Trust me rejecting poo see will make you even more attractive to these hoe's they'll miss you more, call you more, chase you more, if you keep giving them love for free, attention for free, gifts and time for the hopes of getting poo see they'll rope you in and use you well
But wise up you have the upper hand in less than 5 years time our society will force her to marry you'll see better looking chicks home and abroad when your finances have grown from avoiding hoe's.
And trust me you'll ask yourself "What did I ever see in that hoe" while looking back at the time when you were hell bent on smashing lol As you rightly stated, the signs are always there but some people ignore them. Reminds me of some of my school runs. There was this babe I met on IG, DMed her after finding out she was in my school. We met and hanged out. At the eatery, some loud G boys came around with their rides and stuff. They all seemed to know her and she waved them. That was the first sign. Any babe that frequently flocks around G-boys is probably a how (95% chance). After that, I greed her. Second encounter, this babe my friend arranged for me. I took her to the mall at night so we can go see some movies and chill out. The mall also had a club section in it. This babe carry Brest and yansh. When we got to the mall, she was avoiding the mall the light areas and wanted us to pass the places with less lights. That was the first sign, I knew she was probably a how at that point. I wanted to knack and move on, so I still kept her close. The final straw was when I invited her over 2 days later and she brought 2 of her friends over, I just freed her. Me no get time for long thing. During my final year, I wanted to try relationship since I've never dated any babe before. I just used to have sexual relationship with girls. So the babe I asked out agreed to date me, after 2 outings and getting acquainted, she no gree give me Puna. I just freed her. She called me few days later and said she wants to break up, I said no p. Then she said, just like that?. I said yes. She tried to mend the relationship and stuff but I can't be in a relationship without sex and she's a Virgin, soi freed her. We still talk once in a whie though. Remember another babe like that, I collected her number. Didn't spend on this one though. But I always saw her post with one guy on her status and stuff. The babe always said that was her friend. Someone that they go to night class together, do stuffs together and stuff. Me just freed her too. Most of the other girls I had encounter with in school were just for knacks. When they start billing me, I just free them. Also, I easily get tired of having too much sex and sex with the same person over and over becomes less exciting for me. Bottom line is, the signs are always there during the early stages. Never ignore the signs or wash them off. 14 Likes 1 Share
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by chinaka98295: 10:56am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Make I pitch my tent here. The op is wise. |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Michelle55: 11:26am On Jan 04, 2021 |
DuBLINGreenb: You know what's funny?
People would have told the M.D na woman go kill you. And not the Tunde Thomas.
Tunde Thomas MUST have seen NUMEROUS signs and chose to ignore ALL of them
Tunde Thomas MUST have gotten this hoe by throwing gifts at her
I don't ignore signs that's why I'm still single
I had a girl in uni who wouldn't want to walk next to me at certain places around our Uni, she made up a b.s story about a lecturer wanting her next another b.s story, I took that as a sign I enquired and found out she had a boyfriend in a certain department so around his hostel area and department she would try to make us seem non sexual. I left her azz her beauty is tanking as we speak, the guy is doing nothing, she's struggling, I refuse to simp. But what struck me was she was a "good girl" honestly her friends were worse but she saw nothing wrong with it when I told her you have a bf and your willing to kpansh me? She waved it aside like it was nothing, I added 2 and 2 together and thought to myself she MUST have other guys too, not just me and that dude, so I knew from that day on that that's how most Naija women are and the necessity of Redpill.
Another lady was too flamboyant for her dad's wage level, I told her male friend who told me it was a good idea to get together with her, he told me she was a good decent girl all the stories I hear about her are b.s. I went in after some rounds of knocking I knew for sure this girl isn't decent at all but that's not why I abandoned her, truth be told being indecent in bed is Freaky and even a plus. It was her taste I knew her dad wasn't rich her mom was worst off, mom had no job. But this girl would drink expensive drinks every night and eat the fanciest meals in the best eatery around wherever she was I took that as a sign. She'd spend my cash without flinching or looking back and expect more cash just the next day. I knew it's either she gets the cash from servicing other men or she used to live lavish from servicing other men because I enquired and her dad has always been in that low paying job (less than 100k with 6 children along with his wife and himself 8mouths for 100k he had been in this job for over 20years, her brothers weren't anywhere near as lavish), so where did she get a love and acquired taste of luxury living that without certain luxury stuff she wouldn't even sleep. I used style to ask if maybe she grew up with a rich relative, No she didn't, I had to run for my life despite the good pucci
She was that kind of girl who you'll buy her gifts on her bday and still buy her gifts and take her out on your own bday, she called me one time and said she wants cash called a huge figure I was shocked, the money she called if I spent it on her colleagues in the street at night I'd go over 100 times
Another hoe knew I have cash so we weren't even sexually active but she just wanted us to get together so that I can spend on her, I refused she kept chasing me I kept running she already asked me for iPhone 13 I laughed I told her no P, I ghosted her, iPhone 13 for what? Poo see? Tah? Go and find an idiot who doesn't know what to spend 300,000k on than not even sex but the hopes of getting sex, so I'd be giving her something worth over 300k hoping that one day I'd smash lol
I respect hoe's that stand on the street atleast they don't over estimate their value and they are honest about what they want or do. Finally they ACTUALLY sell you sex, most bros are willing to pay for not sex but "Maybe sex" just keep spending on her and one day she'll give it to you.when she finally gives it to you and even marries you, know that she may meet a higher bidder somewhere and pray you won't be the next Tunde Thomas
Back to the matter
People always assume the bad guy would lose especially in infidelity cases
But That's rarely the case
Women are actually the bad guys most times, especially because people don't expect them to be the bad guys, they know their market value and market value duration so these hoe's will try to make good use of their time.
Give themselves up to the highest bidder until their market value (which is looks) plummets to zero
Tunde was the highest bidder while she was saying "I do" But when a higher bidder (Mr. M.D) came along she had to accept his bid, that's what hoes do.
She isn't going to switch off that part of her, simply because she said two words in a building in front of people she doesn't care about their opinion.
She's a how, that's how she probably got through uni, by forking her way out, best believe she's gonna ATTEMPT to fork her way to the very top, doesn't matter if she's married to you or not.
Redpill, MGTOW is the way
Trust me rejecting poo see will make you even more attractive to these hoe's they'll miss you more, call you more, chase you more, if you keep giving them love for free, attention for free, gifts and time for the hopes of getting poo see they'll rope you in and use you well
But wise up you have the upper hand in less than 5 years time our society will force her to marry you'll see better looking chicks home and abroad when your finances have grown from avoiding hoe's.
And trust me you'll ask yourself "What did I ever see in that hoe" while looking back at the time when you were hell bent on smashing lol You've tasted all the girls na, kukuma join monastery make other guys see wetin to chop na. 1 Like
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by when2(f): 11:27am On Jan 04, 2021 |
You're a mumu Sha but let me try to explain this in a way you'll understand this. that's if you have the mental capacity to actually comprehend. this woman was married,she decided to have sex with another man, bear his kids,and bring him to another man to raise as his own children,we all know if the situation was reversed and this woman died as a result,you'll still blame the man but now you'll shift goal post. at every point in this issue,the woman could have prevented this from happening. the real father of the children is not married to Thomas why should he care? this woman decided to cheat on her husband and you're blaming the man she cheated on her husband it the man that married her husband?? why should he care? the woman is the wife here It shows that mumu like you is capable of dating your fellow man's wife without thinking twice. When you men start taking responsibilities for your actions, then these case of infidelity will reduce. 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by KenBen217: 11:30am On Jan 04, 2021 |
It shows that mumu like you is capable of dating your fellow man's wife without thinking twice. When you men start taking responsibilities for your actions, then these case of infidelity will reduce. if a man dates another man's is totally the woman's fault... because the woman is the one married to the man she's cheating on... logically speaking why should the other man he the one married to the man cheated on?? isn't the woman the one married to her husband,who suppose to understand that she should and shouldn't do certain things. but I understand that the concept of logic and reason is Sha alien to you. as I said earlier you might not comprehend. 2 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by havilla(f): 11:31am On Jan 04, 2021 |
A lust minded man would always attract selfish and narcissistic women 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by when2(f): 11:33am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Joseph in the Bible zipped up and it landed him in prison!
As for Moyhoe, what makes you think she wasn't the one who got herself into the MD's pants?
Even if he decided not to do anything with her, in her treacherous nature, he may end up in her bad books and probably shag a member of the Board of Directors and lay an accusation on him which will make him either lose his job entirely or at least, his position as MD!
We may have probably heard another "usual false accusation of rape" headline like Lady who works in FCMB accuses MD of you see, after all said and done, women are still treacherous in nature! So women are now powerful than men abi? The truth still remain that men are part of the problem. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Take it or leave it. Joseph in the Bible zipped up, and it ended well with him. 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by DontBullshitMe: 11:34am On Jan 04, 2021 |
MGTOW. 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by KenBen217: 11:37am On Jan 04, 2021 |
Nuel4: So are you blaming women for not protesting on men's behalf? We men are not serious. Let a man slap a woman in public, his fellow men will rush him but let a woman wire you slap, the men there will be laughing and will even attack you if you try to retaliate. Una never see anything 20 years time women will be throwing men out of the houses they built themselves. Foolish gender I might have argued this...but I was surprised when I saw Tasha do this to ghost in power. I was speechless...I was like... what  ?? |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by ruzell86: 11:39am On Jan 04, 2021 |
What you just made me to understand stand is that men don't know their left from right again, that they're not disciplined, take and stand by their decisions. Anyway you're just beating round the bush. The moment men decide to zip up, these cases of infidelity will be reduced. But, unfortunately it's impossible for men to zip up. Women must be contented with what they have or just take a side (not sitting on the fence). |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by when2(f): 11:40am On Jan 04, 2021 |
if a man dates another man's is totally the woman's fault... because the woman is the one married to the man she's cheating on... logically speaking why should the other man he the one married to the man cheated on?? isn't the woman the one married to her husband,who suppose to understand that she should and shouldn't do certain things. but I understand that the concept of logic and reason is Sha alien to you. as I said earlier you might not comprehend. And the man is not suppose to know that dating a married woman is wrong, because he reason's through his penis? My conclusion is that women shouldn't be blamed entirely, men are part of the problem too. 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by Nigerianization(m): 11:47am On Jan 04, 2021 |
havilla: A lust minded man would always attract selfish and narcissistic women are you implying that the late Tunde brought this upon himself? 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by BigJoe19: 11:49am On Jan 04, 2021 |
There is no need to tell simps anything they will learn on their own lol 1 Like |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by TONYE001(m): 11:56am On Jan 04, 2021 |
And the man is not suppose to know that dating a married woman is wrong, because he reason's through his penis? My conclusion is that women shouldn't be blamed entirely, men are part of the problem too. Exactly my point. Why should a sane man accept to sleep with another person's wife? Where are the morals we all grew up with? No matter what anyone says, such a man cannot be innocent! Unless he doesn't know the lady's marital status. When a sex "crime" is committed, all parties involved must be held responsible. How difficult is this? 2 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by DuBLINGreenb(m): 12:02pm On Jan 04, 2021 |
Your story is too long ...o can't read it finish. Try, the thing is sweet and educational 2 Likes |
Re: The Fate Of Tunde Thomas! A Lesson For All Men Out There!! by psalmistkakah(m): 12:05pm On Jan 04, 2021 |
Hmmmnn.. women.. that is how I lost my in-law 3 weeks ago because of love.. cos of love this woman just made his life miserable, Divorce him and took custody of the children, did his best to reconcile with her going to her place still manage to pay bills for his children, despite his heart condition cause by this lady.. he collapse and develop stroke this woman was never there, the 3 days trauma she never show up, while in the hospital. When he died she came to the burial and was shading crocodile tears.. me even sorry I no talk.. before his dead he was with me for like 2 years taking care of health, but last last he lost the battle.. me no fit carry woman matter for head again.. 2 Likes |