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How To Pray With The Bible - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: How To Pray With The Bible by Kingstanding: 4:46pm On Jan 10, 2021
u both needs JESUS in ur lives, if a man behaves like an animal, what do I do? I call him back. because the judgement of God is slow, that's y u people are taken the almighty God for granted, and ur hearts is set in u to do evil always. I rest my case
. What do Jesus did when they brought a woman that committed adultery to him? He said anyone without sin should first stone the woman. Had it been you, you would have said they should stone the woman. You're just a Christian by mouth.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by AntiChristian: 4:57pm On Jan 10, 2021
excellent. But Moses was sent to delivered some certain part of people but Jesus came to save the world including you. So Jesus might came to the world in human form but he is above human. Study more about Jesus to know more about him. Thank you

Where did Jesus mention he came to save the "world"? He mentioned Israel.

If Jesus can come as a man then the father and spirit too can come as a man too.

If Jesus can die then the father and spirit can die too.

If Jesus can be suckled, helped, circumcised and born virginally by a woman then the father and spirit too can also be in the same shoe.

My own Lord is free of these imperfections.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by thinkmoney(m): 6:44pm On Jan 10, 2021
I enjoy communing with God using his titles, although I also use his name seldomly. Same way, i always call my biological father, daddy if i want to communicate with him instead of calling his name. But we learn everyday, if you can show me just one verse of Bible where someone was praying and called God by his nname, then i will make my adjustments.
Good, I like ur attitude. First, the Bible from the old testament to the new testament, emphasised that 'anybody that calls on the name of God will be saved'. Jesus further, said in his prayers that he has made God's name known.
Now, this is the part you really need to know. Most prayers that are recorded in many Bible translations are almost always addressed to 'LORD'. Now those lords in capital letters are actually originally Yahweh/Jehovah. It's an unbliblical tradition that arose that made translators blot out God's name.
This is unfair and even satanic. Imagine taking the name of an author off his book. Worse, the Bible curses anybody that removes as much as a dot from Gods word.
To get the perspective of this evil, God's name originally appear more than 7000 times in the Bible. But now, you see it on average 2 times in most translations.
The Bible discourages the abuse of God's name but encourages it's use.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by DEXORANGE: 7:01pm On Jan 10, 2021

Did Jesus ever call himself the word?

And when you say Jesus is the word what does it mean? Is it that whenever the father talks Jesus comes out? Or the father is incapable of talking without the son?
When Jesus was about to be baptized a voice said " This is my beloved son in whom I'm well please." So Jesus was talking to himself right?

Is this voice another Jesus too?

@ AntiChristian Read John 1. 1-18. The answer to all your questions are there. I pray the holy spirit opens your eyes to understand the mysteries of the Bible.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by C505: 7:04pm On Jan 10, 2021
understanding christainity is more important than trying to explain it..
was in a church in my state last year, and noticed sometin...
after the normal 2 offerings, the sunday sermon and calling out of first
timers, the pastor did a special call for seed sowing..
he asked people with 500k upwards to come out for special blessings
n few came out, he letter reduced it to 100k n above n more came out
n ended up in 50k n above and seriously prayed n anointed those rich
what pissed me off was when he said "the rest of your with less than
50k should come and drop whatever you have, the lord needs to bless
u more so you your level can be upgraded" and people were rushing to
go and sow seed to get upgraded...
I angrily took my bible n left the church n blessed the northern begger i
saw near the church with 1k and both of us were happy..

am still thinking If some Christians are reading their bible at all..

Remember brother that this is not for us to see. I understand you may still be in your learning process but NEVER tell no one how much you gave the less privileged.
Don't forget the compromise between the left and right hand the holy book emphasized on when giving.
God bless as you
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by AntiChristian: 7:06pm On Jan 10, 2021

@ AntiChristian Read John 1. 1-18. The answer to all your questions are there. I pray the holy spirit opens your eyes to understand the mysteries of the Bible.

Was it Jesus talking in those verses you quoted?

Holy spirit that doesn't know the hour. His knowledge is limited.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by JourneytoEL(f): 7:26pm On Jan 10, 2021

Good, I like ur attitude. First, the Bible from the old testament to the new testament, emphasised that 'anybody that calls on the name of God will be saved'. Jesus further, said in his prayers that he has made God's name known.
Now, this is the part you really need to know. Most prayers that are recorded in many Bible translations are almost always addressed to 'LORD'. Now those lords in capital letters are actually originally Yahweh/Jehovah. It's an unbliblical tradition that arose that made translators blot out God's name.
This is unfair and even satanic. Imagine taking the name of an author off his book. Worse, the Bible curses anybody that removes as much as a dot from Gods word.
To get the perspective of this evil, God's name originally appear more than 7000 times in the Bible. But now, you see it on average 2 times in most translations.
The Bible discourages the abuse of God's name but encourages it's use.
okay, i will study more about your revelation.

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Re: How To Pray With The Bible by trustperky: 7:53pm On Jan 10, 2021
Ok noted
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by trustperky: 7:56pm On Jan 10, 2021
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by trustperky: 7:56pm On Jan 10, 2021
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by blackmaine: 8:16pm On Jan 10, 2021
Where did Jesus pray with the Bible in the Bible?

The Lord's prayer is the only prayer Jesus taught.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Brother you didn't understand him, Yehusiah is the word of God himself, all the promises of Yahweh Elohim is contained in the Bible, so when you pray you tell Yahweh that he promise you this , God is same today , yesterday and forever
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by blackmaine: 8:18pm On Jan 10, 2021
stop praying with a story book
To a Fool who is only after material things of this world
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by AntiChristian: 8:25pm On Jan 10, 2021
Brother you didn't understand him, Yehusiah is the word of God himself, all the promises of Yahweh Elohim is contained in the Bible, so when you pray you tell Yahweh that he promise you this , God is same today , yesterday and forever

You don't understand me. Why did Yehusiah teach his disciples the Lord's prayer?

God is not the same o! He can change as he wishes!
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by thinkmoney(m): 11:54pm On Jan 10, 2021
okay, i will study more about your revelation.
God bless you for your sincere attitude to learning. You shall find

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Re: How To Pray With The Bible by Jidebabs88(m): 1:52am On Jan 11, 2021
A bit from the word of God will never go unfulfilled.

Delay isn't a denial and surely what will be will surely be and no alternative.

Praying is by faith ( the soul shall be justify by faith)

Praying with Bible or quoting verses without faith is ruthless. Pray with an open and dedicated mind Centered on faith and the Lord will grant it.

In conclusion, Bible quote is good but not necessary.


I humbly beg to differ please.
Psa 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast MAGNIFIED THY WORD above all thy name. GOD HONORS HIS WORD EVEN MORE THAN HIS NAME.
John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my WORDS abide in you, ye shall ASK what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
Is. 43:26 Put me in remembrance (OF HIS WORD): let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by Olibboy: 8:26am On Jan 11, 2021
understanding christainity is more important than trying to explain it..
was in a church in my state last year, and noticed sometin...
after the normal 2 offerings, the sunday sermon and calling out of first
timers, the pastor did a special call for seed sowing..
he asked people with 500k upwards to come out for special blessings
n few came out, he letter reduced it to 100k n above n more came out
n ended up in 50k n above and seriously prayed n anointed those rich
what pissed me off was when he said "the rest of your with less than
50k should come and drop whatever you have, the lord needs to bless
u more so you your level can be upgraded" and people were rushing to
go and sow seed to get upgraded...
I angrily took my bible n left the church n blessed the northern begger i
saw near the church with 1k and both of us were happy..
am still thinking If some Christians are reading their bible at all..
Omo, I Don see this b4 ooo

1 Like

Re: How To Pray With The Bible by DEXORANGE: 9:01am On Jan 11, 2021

Was it Jesus talking in those verses you quoted?

Holy spirit that doesn't know the hour. His knowledge is limited.

When you understand the mystery of salvation and what Jesus death on the cross had to do with it, The Bible will make more sense to you. That's what the Holy spirit is there for. Not to tell you the hour but to teach you the ways of the Father

God bless you �
Re: How To Pray With The Bible by AntiChristian: 8:11pm On Jan 11, 2021

When you understand the mystery of salvation and what Jesus death on the cross had to do with it, The Bible will make more sense to you. That's what the Holy spirit is there for. Not to tell you the hour but to teach you the ways of the Father

God bless you �

I don't need to understand any mystery. The God i serve is one indivisible! He needs no son or partner in His dominion cos He's able to do all things.

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