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Baby Food Recipes! - Food (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by seunjo: 2:30am On Jul 17, 2014
Hello Mommies! Check out www.babygrubz.com.ng or better still find us on www.facebook.com/BabyGrubz we've got loads of benefit and tips for you and your adorable baby! And we have a group for foodies where we swap notes: Natural Delicious Food for My Baby. Cheers!

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by tosindelaw(f): 12:48pm On Jul 21, 2014
Hello mothers, its good to be here. Please I have a question, am a first time mum, my son will soon be four months, can I introduce pap/corn/dawa or millet to him? If yes how do I prepare it, what other nutritional ingredients can I add? Thanks a lot

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by seunjo: 8:47am On Oct 01, 2014
Hello, it is best to introduce one new food at a time (every 3 days) to help detect allergy and intolerance.
Your child's major nutrition needs now is VitA, Iron, Calcium, protein...

Like you want to, you may start with fermented sorghum (Aka Guinea Corn) cereal -Oka baba.

First you hand pick the grains,
soak for 2 days,
then you wet mill (industrial milling machine, not home blenders),
you sieve out chaff using the local sieving cloth available at all open markets,
Then you pour your sieved mixture into the cloth and place something heavy to force out excess water.
What you've got left is your Ogi/Oka-baba.

You may add soya (requires soaking & cooking before milling) later, then ginger/Dry Fish, Cray Fish but ask your PED before introducing seafood... New scientific evidence advise early introduction of seafood.

Other food purees you may try and then combine later:
Sweet potato, Avocado, egg yolk, Oats, Ewedu, liver, Peas, beans, carrots...

Before you start feeding your child, ensure you can answer Yes to the following questions.
1. Can the child sit without support?
2. Has the child doubled her birth weight?
3. Is the child's neck is stable?
4. Has the child shown interest in food?

For more info, contact me:
BBPin: 2753D1EA

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by maingwaest(f): 12:08pm On Oct 03, 2014
So educative.
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by khloedixie(f): 7:14am On Oct 30, 2014
please help me my baby of 5months is very skinny, what can I give him to make him add weight.
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by naijainfogalery: 3:17pm On Jan 02, 2015
for Nigerians living in America looking for Nigerian foods , you can get your ingredients here http://www.nigerianfoods.com/

Also for you baby foods such as CERELAC INSTANT CEREAL WITH MILK check it out here http://www.nigerianfoods.com/products/cerelac-1kg
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Emaql8a: 2:38am On Feb 11, 2015
Hello all,
Dis is so Educative and informative.luv wat u all are doing in dis forum.I'm actually a first time mom and my baby just turned 6months lastweek.I want to know tips/strategies I can use to get her to accept the solids I'm introducing because so far,mealtimes has always been hell of a struggle,only for me to succumb and finally give her breastmilk.how do I go about it pls.
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by CharmyBliz: 12:56pm On Mar 07, 2015
wat food can a 4 months old take
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by georgearinola: 6:17pm On Mar 25, 2015
Good day all,my baby is 4months+ and is very reluctant to take his cereals,but I have noticed that he jumps anytime he sees us eating,I dnt knw wot else to do cos I wld b resuming work fully very soon&he wld b staying hme with my mother. Also noticed that he doesn't even breastfeed as much as he used to,aldo he still plays like usual bt I wld love him to eat well.I ve also given him ogi baba which I think he prefers.wot can I put in it to make it more nutritious for him.thanks.Any advice wld b appreciated.thanks mamas
How old is he?

Just make sure he drinks formula , it has all the good stuff and fruits to prevent constipation,

mixed cereals are good options too ( nestle makes a variety of just add water kinds),

oatmeal is also very nutritious, as long as he eats these oyinbo food,

he'll learn how to eat other complicated stuff later.

Apple doesn't blend very smooth and to avoid choking please leave out unless he's old enough to chew, you won't believe how small food they can choke on.

Spicy food starts from chicken wings from soups so he can suck on, put your own food in his mouth, gradually he will get used to it.

Banana makes a great bedtime snack too.

Toast with unsweetened jam/ fruit spread yum!

Dry cereals like Cheerios , corn pops, they melt quickly in their mouth and fill them good.

You don't need too much ceremony for infant meal if you don't want to be disappointed cos of all your effort .

That indomie( its diff name here) without the mix but pasta sauce is good too.

Sticky rice ( sushi rice) with stir fry sauce.

I've got a lot but it depends of the age group.


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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by beloved2000: 6:41pm On Mar 29, 2015
@ bukkie, yes u can give 9months old youghurt. Pls note Adult Youghurt is different from kids( cos of the sugar)fromage Frais is better for kids, but if you can't get it, you can use unsweetened adult youghurt, give it like that or sweeten with fruit puree

@ kreamidiva 5months baby can eat mostly pureed fruit,pureed potatoe,pureed vegetable (potatoe,carrot,spinach). Sty away. From Gluten (wheat bsed product,egg) till bby is 6months.Great!!! Pls I hv a very serious issue bothering me... My 2yrs n 3mnths old baby doesn't eat solid food at all..d moment u bring n feed him,he refuses to open his mouth n wen u eventually force him, he wil vomit everything...meanwhile he was born a little earlier by d doc said there s nothin wrong wit his throat or him generally.. Pls help.. Tnxalot

Happy weaning.....
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by beloved2000: 6:45pm On Mar 29, 2015
Great!!! Pls I hv a very serious issue bothering me... My 2yrs n 3mnths old baby doesn't eat solid food at all..d moment u bring n feed him,he refuses to open his mouth n wen u eventually force him, he wil vomit everything...meanwhile he was born a little earlier by d doc said there s nothin wrong wit his throat or him generally.. Pls help what can I give him or do for him to start eating solid food.. Tnx n God bles
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by sunshyng: 1:46am On Mar 30, 2015
hi, am a first tyme mom, i give my 7 month old baby semolina and nan2, though she loves it but can u pls help me know the kind of nutrient shes getting from dis food. thanks

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by olamibiddy(f): 1:31pm On Apr 01, 2015
Hello house, my baby is 9months old, pls when can I start giving her SOY BEANS. 4 I read it somewhere dat its not good 4 babies. Ur reply is urgently needed. Thank u.

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 11:30am On Aug 28, 2015
Those dat dnt hv blender can't we us plastic mortar
Beef, Peas and Potatoes
(3 servings)
1/2 cup of cooked beef
1/2 cup peas (fresh or frozen)
1 small potato

1. wash, peel and dice potato. Place in a saucepan, cover with water, and boil for 10-15 minutes.
2. Add peas to saucepan. Boil for another 5-10 minutes until peas and potatoes are both very tender.
3. Let cool, then place in food processor with beef. Puree as needed to reach desired consistency, adding leftover cooking water to thin out the mixture.

Chicken, Carrots and Rice

(4 Servings)

1/2 cup cooked chicken
1/4 cup cooked rice ( I prefer whole grain rice for my baby)
1 medium carrot

1. wash and peel the carrots. Cut into small pieces.
2. Place in a saucepan with enough water to cover the carrots. Allow  the carrots to cook for about 15 minutes or until tender.
3. Place the carrots in a food processor/blender with the cooked  rice. Add the cooked chicken and puree for 30 second.
4. Add water, formula, or breastmilk one spoon at a time to make the mixture smoother. Continue to pureeing until smooth.

Re: Baby Food Recipes! by holajeedayy: 9:28am On Oct 23, 2015
Place ur order for freashland sorghm pap flour for child weaning and adult growth made with qunea corn ,millet,soya bean and crayfish.we need makerters nation wide for group and individual booking call jide on 07030842589

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by BabyAdvocate: 3:59pm On Jun 14, 2016
Is Your Child Underweight? Here are 20 Best Natural Foods for a Healthy Weight Gain!

Is your child too thin or malnourished? Would you like your little one to have that cute, chubby appearance that everyone loves, but strangely, despite feeding him properly, he doesn’t seem to be gaining weight? Want to know the natural foods to help your baby gain a “healthy” weight?

Yes, right? I thought as much! The rate at which many of you have been sending in mails asking for suggestions on best foods for weight gain in babies & toddlers got me working.

Don’t worry, I’ve brought you the top 20 weight gaining foods for kids that could help your little one put on some fat on his bones (not to become obese, please!).

First you need to find out whether your child is actually underweight or whether you just think he should become “orobo’ and have that “evidence-of-good-living look” every Nigerian woman is proud of

Below is a simple and easy to follow guide from the “Textbook of Pediatrics by OP Ghai” that can help you know if your child needs to gain weight or not. I follow this guide religiously and I’m always happy whenever I weigh my daughter at every stage and she is in this range of weight gain for her age bracket.

Weight gain according to age

· Till 3 months babies gain about 0.18 to 0.21 kg per week.

· Doubles the birth weight by age 5 months.

· For the remaining 1 year they gain about 0.04kg of weight every month.

· Trebles the birth weight by 1 year.

· 4 times the birth weight by 2 years.

· 5 times the birth weight by 3 years.

· 6 times the birth weight by 5 years.

· 7 times the birth weight by 7 years.

· 10 times the birth weight by 10 years.

· On an average a child gains 2 kg every year between 3 to 7 years of age and 3 kg per year after that till pubertal growth spurt begins.

A surer way of knowing if your child is underweight

Ask your paediatrician to measure your toddler’s height and weight. She can use the measurements to confirm whether your toddler is a healthy weight or not.

The doctor will take into account your toddler's previous growth pattern, his weight at birth and his height. She will plot your child's measurements on a growth chart to check that he is growing well over time. If your child is growing along his growth curve, your doctor will probably tell you there is no cause for concern.

If your doctor does say that your child is underweight, don’t panic yet because there is no real risk to his health or development, unless there is an underlying illness that is causing him to lose weight.

If your doctor notices a change in your child's growth pattern, she might want to investigate further to understand what might be causing it. Your doctor will need to maintain and plot your child's growth chart regularly, so ask how often she needs to see your child for growth check-ups.

Common Causes of Underweight and Simple Solutions

Most doctors recommend that preschoolers take deworming medicine once a year to prevent a worm infection. A worm infection can lead to loss of weight, if not treated in time.

Your child may also lose weight if he's been ill, perhaps from a tummy bug or other illness. Having diarrhoea may mean your toddler doesn't absorb the nutrients he needs into his bloodstream, so he loses weight. If this is the case, your toddler will get back to his normal weight within a couple of weeks of getting better.

Other illnesses can lead to weight loss but often they are associated with symptoms that will help the doctor to diagnose and treat the illness. Unexplained, sudden weight loss will need further investigation.

Your doctor will check your child's diet as well. Toddlers have small tummies and are really active but their appetite usually meets the needs of the body.

You can discuss your toddler’s feeding concerns with your doctor, a professional dietitian or certified child nutritionist. Many mums feel that their child doesn't eat enough. Instead of worrying about the quantity of food your child eats, focus on the quality. Give your child a variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals and good sources of protein and iron.

Also ensure he gets between 350 and 400 ml of milk per day. If you give your child a balanced and varied diet, even if he doesn't eat much, he is likely to be getting the nutrients he needs.

Toddlers tend to be notoriously fussy eaters so your doctor might prescribe a multivitamin supplement that ensures he gets the nutrients he needs to develop well. Or she might just prescribe an iron supplement if your toddler is vegetarian.

Only give supplements if your doctor has advised you to. Supplementing with iron when you don't need to can cause problems. For example, too much iron can interfere with how your toddler's body absorbs other minerals. Excess iron can also cause constipation, which may put your toddler off eating, making the problem worse.

You can help your toddler to enjoy food and eat well by encouraging him to feel relaxed at mealtimes. Try not to put pressure on him to eat. It's more likely to put him off than encourage him.

Try to create a regular mealtimes and snack times for him. Whenever you can, eat at a table, as a family. Remove any distractions by turning off the television set, putting away phones, video games or tablets. Limit meal times to about 30 minutes and if your child doesn't want to eat any more, remove the food and give it again at the next meal (ensure proper hygiene though).

If your child hasn't eaten much at one meal, he will compensate by eating more the next. But don't give him desserts or foods he likes that are low in nutrition just to fill him up if he hasn't eaten much. This will encourage fussiness

A good way of keeping a track of the foods your child eats and ensuring he is getting a good variety of foods is to use a meal plan. I will release “An age-by-age meal plan” on this blog soon for you to adopt my style or use it as a guide to create your own.

VISIT www.babyadvocate.com.ng for the complete article

follow us on facebook by liking www.facebook.com/AdvocateForBabies

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by aydelicious: 6:37pm On Jun 17, 2016
Is really interesting to know all this at right time.
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by moneystream(m): 11:15am On Jun 20, 2016


Are you tired of eating same food over and over again?
Do you want a licking finger food?
Learn how to cook all these soups and delicacies on our whatsApp group through VIDEOS:

First session:
Training fee: N1000
Time: 7:30pm-8:30pm

(1). Ofe akwu (banga stew)
(2). Cocoyam soup
(3). Egusi soup
(4). Owoh soup and starch
(5). Okro soup and ogbono
(6). Black soup with ogbono
(7). Chicken stew
(cool. Nsala soup (white soup)
(9). Vegetable soup (efo riro)
(10). Groundnut soup
(11). Afang soup
(12). Oha soup
(13). Ofe owerri
(14). Ukazi and utazi soup
(15). Nkwobi

Second session:
Training fee: N1000
Time: 8:30pm-9:30pm

(16). Abacha (African salad)
(17). Edika nknong soup
(18). Anamese stew
(19). Yam and fresh fish pepper soup
(20). Yam and pepper soup
(21). Asaro (yam pottage)
(22). Jollof rice
(23). Fried rice
(24). Chicken stew
(25). Moi moi
(26). Ewa agoyin beans
(27). Agidi
(28). Asun
(29). Plantain gizzard
(30). Obe ewa agoyin

Third session:
Training fee: N1000
Time: 9:30pm-10:30pm

(31). Fried stew (obe ata dindin)
(32). Snail dish
(33). Deep fried rice
(34). Yam balls
(35). Pancake batter
(36). Coleslaw
(37). Ojojo
(38). Grilled fish and fried yam
(39). Stir fried spaghetti with vegetable
(40). Potato rolls
(41). Rice and beans
(42). Beans and corn
(43). Potato pepper soup
(44). Nigerian plantain porridge
(45). Coconut rice
(46). Potato porridge

And some lovely bonus videos on how to have a;
*Flat tummy
*Long eyelashes
*Big butt
*Lighten ur elbow and ankle
*Long hair
*Beautiful skin

To attend any of these sessions, kindly indicate ur interest or contact us on whatsApp:

Re: Baby Food Recipes! by dujika(f): 8:58am On Jul 07, 2016
My baby is 6mnths n 3weeks but he still can't tolerate any little lump either in his pap or cereal, he throws up. So am scared of introducing solid like semo n okoro soup to him like I did for his older ones. Pls is it normal with some kids to trow up at any little lump?
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by baby124: 8:33pm On Mar 14, 2017
My baby is 6mnths n 3weeks but he still can't tolerate any little lump either in his pap or cereal, he throws up. So am scared of introducing solid like semo n okoro soup to him like I did for his older ones. Pls is it normal with some kids to trow up at any little lump?
I know this is late, but it's normal for kids. I hope the little one has adjusted well. Even as an adult I am extremely irritated by lump in pap as well.
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by tatacherie: 12:02am On Mar 16, 2017
I love this thread so trying some of d recipes for my 1 year old smiley
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by babythug(f): 9:17am On Mar 21, 2017
I am hoping to try mashed banana purée for my smallie today! Does anyone have any tips to prevent it going black or rather discoloured?
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Kelechijoan(f): 4:43pm On May 09, 2017
Plz my baby is on ebf. She just clocked 6mth nd i need receipe for her plz
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by babythug(f): 11:32pm On May 09, 2017
Plz my baby is on ebf. She just clocked 6mth nd i need receipe for her plz

Read back the few available pages maybe you'll find some recipes to suit you!
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by babythug(f): 4:54am On May 10, 2017

6 Months

1. Apple Pap/Custard

Pureed apples
Baby's formula

Peel, dice and cook apples till soft then blend to a smooth consistency
Make your pap/custard and add pureed apples + baby's milk

2. Oats Porridge

Ground oats
Pureed bananas
Baby's milk

Add oat to water and place pan on fire
When ready, add pureed banana + baby's milk

I have more but I need to run out now... will continue when I'm less busy

CC: kelechijoan

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by babythug(f): 4:57am On May 10, 2017
Organic mamas, try these recipes:


1. Chicken Casserole

Potatoes (sweet or irish)
Chicken breast (boneless chicken)

Dice and boil all together. Blend and serve warm.
I also add this combo to my maize pap a times.

2. Creamy plantain soup

Ripe plantain
Small onion
Baby formula

Cook the ripe plantain and onions together and blend to a fine paste.
Add baby's formula and serve.

3. Semolina porridge

Baby's formula

Dissolve semolina in water and place pan on fire.
When done, remove and add pureed banana and baby's formula.

4. Fruit Porridge
Baby rice ( I use brown ground rice)
Mango + apple puree
Baby's milk

Dissolve baby rice in water and place pan on fire to get done
Add pureed mango + apple

More recipes later kiss kiss

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by lizlazy(f): 1:10pm On Jun 07, 2017
Hello mummies in the house.pls I need a meal plan for my 2 yrs old boy.the only thing he loves to take are oat,bread n tea,golden morn,noodles n egg.kindly hlp me with a meal plan.thanks
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by jazzyjazz: 3:26pm On Jun 07, 2017
Hello mummies in the house.pls I need a meal plan for my 2 yrs old boy.the only thing he loves to take are oat,bread n tea,golden morn,noodles n egg.kindly hlp me with a meal plan.thanks

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by lizlazy(f): 12:32am On Jun 09, 2017
[quotpe author=jazzyjazz post=57285511][/quote]
Thanks. Hope I can use it for my two year old boy
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by jazzyjazz: 7:31am On Jun 09, 2017
[quotpe author=jazzyjazz post=57285511]
Thanks. Hope I can use it for my two year old boy

I think so

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Re: Baby Food Recipes! by bim5975: 10:00am On Jun 22, 2017
[quote author=jazzyjazz post=57285511][/quote] Kudos

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