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Ten Life Lessons From Mario Puzo's The Godfather - Literature - Nairaland

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Hi, I Am Looking For Books By John Grisham, Dan Brown And Mario Puzzo / Extract From The BOOK 12 Rules Of Life ~ Godfather Movie ~ Be A Man / J.K RANDLE The Godfather Never Sleeps Needed Pls !! (2) (3) (4)

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Ten Life Lessons From Mario Puzo's The Godfather by Seezzy(m): 6:41pm On Jan 25, 2021
As a huge fan of Mario Puzo, I've always gone back to read his The Godfather after the first time I read it a few years back. I always notice something new that strikes me each time I read the novel again. So I decided to read it again on Monday, 18th January, 2021. After finishing it on Tuesday, 19th January, 2021, it dawned on me that I should document a few life lessons I've been able to pick up in the novel. I urge you all to follow me as I show you these lessons on the subsequent paragraphs below.

1. Surround Yourself with Loyal People
One of the reasons why the first godfather, Don Vito Corleone, was powerful and respected even by the other five New York crime families was because he had loyal people around him. He had a wife who was loyal to a fault to him. She never goes against his decision, arguing with him in the process. He had Clemenzia, he earned the loyalty of the ruthless Lucas Brasi. One great lesson both Dons— Vito Corleone and his son, Michael Corleone— were teaching is that with loyal people around you, you've got an impenetrable fortress!

2. Be Careful of Sex
Ah sex! One thing that has cut short the destinies and lives of would've been great men and women is sex (no apologies for being religious here!). Sex is very good when practised and done under the confines of marriage, no doubt! But the problem here is this: sex outside the confines of marriage, allowing excessive want of it to control you is destructive and fatal. In the novel, sex led to the collapse of Johnny Fontane's marriage and almost destroyed his career( especially after bedding the girl his boss, Jack Woltz, had his eyes on). This act of unfaithfulness towards his wife, Virginia, and having sex with the "broads" in Hollywood made Don Vito Corleone mad at him, abandoning him in his predicament. Though Don Vito Corleone and Don Michael Corleone were ruthless, they knew how deadly sex could be when allowed to control one. That's why both men never allowed their joysticks to do the thinking for them. So, I urge you to never allow sex to lead you astray.

3. Love your Children
Be a loving father/mother to your children. This can never be overemphasized. Don Vito Corleone loved all his children. This was why Sonny and Michael were out for vengeance when Sollozo made an attempt on the Don's life. Loving your children doesn't necessarily mean buying gifts alone for them; rather, the time you give them, the impartiality and love you show towards them goes a long. This is why Don Vito Corleone says, "A man who is not a father to his children can never be a real man". If you've been deadbeat father/mother or to your children, I urge you to change.

4. Stay away from Greed/ Be Content
Sonny's lack of contentment was one of the things that almost destroyed the Corleones. His inquiry about the percentage the Tattaglias would be taking from Sollozo's drug deal was a silly mistake. It was unfortunate that Sonny lacked contentment in spite of the wealth and power at the disposal of the Corleones. His greed destroyed him. Contentment in life brings unlimited peace. You should be content with what you have, especially money. While you chase your goals and dreams for that better life you've always wanted, you should never toe the path of greed. If what you set your eyes upon would bring you trouble, then you should be okay with what you have at the moment.

5. Don't Say too Much
In my opinion, the trigger of the whole battle that shook the Corleones was Sonny's mouth( and greed, of course!). When Sollozo brought his drug smuggling business idea to Don Vito Corleone, seeking for his political power to protect his drug smuggling trade, Sonny made a mistake: he spoke. Though he tried correcting himself when he saw the Don's countenance, Sollozo had noticed the crack in the Corleones. The human tongue is capable of giving life and death, depending on how it is used. Unlike Sonny, Don Vito Corleone and Michael Corleone are careful with the words they say. It is better we don't even say anything than saying something that could bring us or others destruction. Jealously, guard your words! Also, never say anything when your emotion is a blindfold at that moment!

6. Know When to Surrender/Quit
Remember the popular saying, "quitters don't win", right? Well, I'm here to tell you that sometimes it is better to quit and surrender so as to stay alive and make your next move. Don Vito Corleone and Don Michael Corleone were masters in this act. After Sonny's death, and Michael's exile in Sicily after killing Sollozo and Officer McCluskey, Don Vito Corleone knew he had to make a move. And what was this move? Surrendering and 'quiting'! In surrendering and quiting, telling his adversaries, the Tattaglias and the Barzinis, he knew that they'd think he'd lost his power. Well, after bringing Michael home and earning his adversaries' trusts, they all paid for it with their lives! While Don Vito Corleone and Michael knew this lesson, Moe Greene, on the hand, didn't. He paid for it with his life when he refused to surrender when Michael offered him a deal he couldn't refuse. Jack Woltz paid for it with his most prized horse, Khartoum. Surrendering and quiting doesn't make you weaker. Rather, it gives you the opportunity to get close to your enemies, strategizing in a better way

7. Let your Enemies Underrate You
The importance of your enemies underrating you cannot be overemphasized. Don Vito Corleone and Michael knew this. While in exile in Sicily, Michael made everybody underrate him. Many people thought that he was just another peasant on the streets of Sicily. His strength was only displayed there when he met Apollonia's father for the first time. It was because the enemies of the family had underrated the family, that was why Michael could make such daring move towards the end of the novel— he wiped out all the traitors and enemies of their family. Even if you're powerful, never show it everywhere and everytime. When your enemies underrate you, it gives you the opportunity to take all of them by surprise.

8. Giving Gifts/Rendering Help Makes you Stronger
One of the greatest means of attaining any level of power is by giving gifts. Don Vito Corleone and Michael understood this. They never said no to anybody who came to them for help. They knew that if you help anybody, that person automatically owes you a debt repayable someday. This a skill anybody who wants to be a godfather should learn. This is why you shouldn't shut your doors to anybody when they come for help. However, you shouldn't try to help if it is beyond your capability or strength.

9. Never Betray Anybody
As a person, you know how painful and heartbreaking it is to be betrayed. However, you should strive not to be the betrayer of those who have entrusted their secrets to your ears. One of Michael's bodyguards in Sicily, Fabrizzio, betrayed him. He plotted with those who wanted Michael dead. Well, he paid with his life. Paulie Gatto paid with his life. Carlo Rizzi paid with his life, too, after his betrayal cost Sonny his life. So I beg you all, practise the act of "omerta"! Don't break anyone's trust! Ask Judas! Ask Brutus! They will tell you what it cost them!

10. Be a Man/Woman of Vision and Foresight
One of the reasons that made Don Vito Corleone attain the level of power he had was his ability to see and plan ahead for the future. He knew that power was beyond the gun. That was why he sent many Italian kids in his neighbourhood to school. He knew that educating them for tomorrow would make him stronger than any of his opposition. Some of these boys became politicians, lawyers, assistant district attorneys, and even judges. With this, he attained political power. This is why Don Vito Corleone says, "A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns". He knew the importance of vision and foresight. You should plan and look ahead with any decision you are making. Be calculative!

There are other life lessons in the novel. I urge you to buy it and read it. Thank you for reading!

PS: Seun, Lalasticlala, Mynd44, you should do something about threads from Poetry section not gracing the front page. Thank you!

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Re: Ten Life Lessons From Mario Puzo's The Godfather by Deasegun19(m): 7:44pm On Jan 25, 2021
op, no link to the story ni. no leave me hanging ooo

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