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Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? - Family (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by chii8(f): 1:22pm On Jan 28, 2021

That's why they said cut your coat according to your size, no task is too much if you stay within your capacity unless you go born born and rent expensive apartment...

So you haven't seen a scenario where a man who was maintaining his lane all of a sudden met a single challenge that swallowed everything,haba nah.... so if the woman in this case has, she shouldn't help?na waooo for una oooo

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by israelmao(m): 1:23pm On Jan 28, 2021
I sense something about this man.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 1:24pm On Jan 28, 2021

Interesting. But be aware that domestic chores and cooking, taking care of the kids is 100% your responsibility too. No cheating, nobody should help one another .

Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by sfinkzslot(m): 1:26pm On Jan 28, 2021
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever
1 Tim. 5:8


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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 1:28pm On Jan 28, 2021

According to black man, it is the sole responsibility of the man while according to white man, it should be shared between the husband and wife
I disagree.
All blacks don't think the same way.
All whites don't think the same way.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Acidosis(m): 1:46pm On Jan 28, 2021
That depends. Do you expect your wife to respect and defer to you as the head of the family? Or do you want her to be dragging decisions with you as full partner and co-head of the family? With authority comes responsibility. Also prepare to cook, wash plates, breastfeed, carry pregnancy and wash baby shit.

Btw, in case you think to play a fast one and make her minority shareholder (by making her pay less) in order to retain control, know that women don't calculate share value. If she puts one naira one time into the home expenses upon your request, in her mind she's as equal a partner as if she put ten million for twenty years. Be warned.

Also don't believe if she says she's giving it freely.

As simple as ABC. grin grin
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by micxwell(m): 2:00pm On Jan 28, 2021
In as much as a man should pay the bills,a woman should assist financially too.Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

Modified: please all of una wey dey quote me, don't worry,frustrate the man and send him to an early grave,then you will know that being a man is not easy!
You will live long.. cool
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by mechanics(m): 2:12pm On Jan 28, 2021
Sure, if you don't pay, who will pay it for you?
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by SSpeter(m): 2:19pm On Jan 28, 2021

The only place I see this happen is on Nairaland. Those women selling under hot sun are definitely not going through all that to do “my money is my money”. Even in my office, majority of the married women have taken loans, either to buy land or cars. We don’t ever see them with these cars because the head of the home drives it.

I dare say very few Nigerian men can shoulder the bills alone. How? With how much? cheesy
you are correct but I have seen some exceptions. There is this guy that his wife refuses to work. The guy wanted to open a supermarket she declined. The guy Opened a driving school, put her in charge and after a while she stopped. The guy pays for everything! seriously and he grumbles a lot. If he had his way perhaps he would file for divorce
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by SSpeter(m): 2:24pm On Jan 28, 2021
It’s your duty to pay your bills, but your wife can only support you if she wants
Marry a working class wife. Both of you contributes to pay your bills simple. There is nothing like helping. Both of you are incurring those bills .....so ass up and pay up
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by pocohantas(f): 2:43pm On Jan 28, 2021
you are correct but I have seen some exceptions. There is this guy that his wife refuses to work. The guy wanted to open a supermarket she declined. The guy Opened a driving school, put her in charge and after a while she stopped. The guy pays for everything! seriously and he grumbles a lot. If he had his way perhaps he would file for divorce

These kind of women exist, that is why I implore men (and women) to test, not just observe their partner’s values. A stingy woman is the easiest to spot. If she cannot buy you anything, it is a red flag. If she is working just so she can pay some bills, know she’ll most likely resign once she is married and face some pressure. We have them at work, any small thing they’ll say they’ll resign. cheesy

I don’t buy the idea of “I can’t do wifely duties”. Whatever you wanna see in a marriage, starts from the relationship. You won’t suddenly have basic sense because of a ring, even if you would, some people do not have time to wait around for you to have sense. I for one do not have time for such.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 4:49pm On Jan 28, 2021

Paying bills is not gender specific, therefore it's not compulsory for a man to pay the bills in the house.

Giving respect is not gender specific, therefore it is not compulsory for a woman to respect or submit to anyone else in the house.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Happy2020: 4:58pm On Jan 28, 2021
Nigerian women are leeches. Period. This is how a Nigerian female is raised, to always take, take, take and give nothing back except used up pussy.

Yeah I said it

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by vickydevoka(m): 5:28pm On Jan 28, 2021
It’s your duty to pay your bills, but your wife can only support you if she wants
My wife receives over 400k. She does nothing with it aside buying her personal stuff n sending money to her family. Now I'm tired of the marriage because we always quarrel of bills, she said she won't pay for any thing, her money is hers n my money is ours.
I think if we divorce she will spend wisely. She will pay her rent and provide food for herself. ( My neighbors story)

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by atoleybaba(m): 5:53pm On Jan 28, 2021

Does the bolded include equally sharing of house chores, cooking, bathing, changing diapers for the kids, running little errands round the neighborhood and going to the market?
is it too much to do? As strict as my father is, he did all these for me and my siblings when we were young. A man can help out in the house. Na both of them get house and kids so they most both take care of their home. The koko is sha that the woman should not forget who d head of house is
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by LutanFyah: 5:56pm On Jan 28, 2021

Giving respect is not gender specific, therefore it is not compulsory for a woman to respect or submit to anyone else in the house.
Yes, I agree. It's not compulsory for the woman to cook too.

It's not compulsory for a man's to defend the homefront against inlaws or any intruder, the woman should develop basic self defence skills.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 5:58pm On Jan 28, 2021
Yes, I agree. It's not compulsory for the woman to cook too.

It's not compulsory for a man's to defend the homefront against inlaws or any intruder, the woman should develop basic self defence skills.


It's not compulsory for a woman to take care of a home or children. In fact, it is absurd to expect a woman to protect a relationship or family in any way. The men should develop nurturing skills and learn to build rather than destroy.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 6:00pm On Jan 28, 2021

My wife receives over 400k. She does nothing with it aside buying her personal stuff n sending money to her family. Now I'm tired of the marriage because we always quarrel of bills, she said she won't pay for any thing, her money is hers n my money is ours.
I think if we divorce she will spend wisely. She will pay her rent and provide food for herself. ( My neighbors story)

Why so interested in your wife's money?
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 6:03pm On Jan 28, 2021
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever
1 Tim. 5:8


Strangely the Christian men who scream submission and womanly duties never read this part. They want their wives to take up the financial aspect of marriage while they beat their chests that they are men. Man's world where men can't even provide for their families. Dragging with wives. Creating useless threads to avoid their responsibility.

Nigerian men have sunk really low.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by LutanFyah: 6:07pm On Jan 28, 2021


It's not compulsory for a woman to take care of a home or children. In fact, it is absurd to expect a woman to protect a relationship or family in any way. The men should develop nurturing skills and learn to build rather than destroy.
Yes, it's not compulsory at all.

It's not compulsory too for men to keep dying in the war front too. It's not compulsory for men to keep setting up neighbourhood watch (vigilantes) or police. It's not compulsory for men to be innovative and create internet, Facebook, cryptocurrencies, Twitter, electricity, electronics, phones, Covid 19 vaccines, cars, concept of money, judicial system, systems of government etc.

Women should use their brains and develop their own thing and stay away from men's products.


Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Klass99(f): 6:20pm On Jan 28, 2021

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 6:27pm On Jan 28, 2021

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by BRATISLAVA: 6:27pm On Jan 28, 2021
Yes, it's not compulsory at all.

It's not compulsory too for men to keep dying in the war front too. It's not compulsory for men to keep setting up neighbourhood watch (vigilantes) or police. It's not compulsory for men to be innovative and create internet, Facebook, cryptocurrencies, Twitter, electricity, electronics, phones, Covid 19 vaccines, cars, concept of money, judicial system, systems of government etc.

Women should use their brains and develop their own thing and stay away from men's products.

I was going to give you return fire, but I discovered you are terribly ignorant and have lost the plot.

Your above points highlight chauvinism without an atom of knowledge, intellect or focus.

Your bloodthirsty kind created wars, so they must fight them to their last drop of blood. And you know the best part about it? Your kind deemed women too weak. So, you know what that means? They(males) must continue to die for your kind to feel good about their war decisions, and continue to die alone in wars of their own invention, while women will continue to thrive. Kudos to all the wars men invented. Kudos to all they've destroyed, too.

Apatheticme, please educate another one of these about women in science. It appears the lower IQ creatures are uninformed and back again with their usual delusional assumptions about women.

Men should use their brains and stop sounding stupider than testosterone always makes them sound.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by pocohantas(f): 6:28pm On Jan 28, 2021

You too get yeye for body, but when I see your moniker I know the comment will be an enjoyable read. grin

This whole post had me smiling I am very single and the sole income source for myself, but I don't hesitate to quit one job for another when faced with bad bosses. People don't leave good jobs, they walk away from bad bosses.

I work just so I can pay the bills, be self sufficient and independent. Marriage won't change that for me because if or when that man drops dead, he refuses to handle his responsibilities or calamity happens, na sorry go be my case.

E dey do me like sey I get fever when I no get money. By the way, I like that last paragraph about what you see in a relationship, is what you get in marriage - so true!

Some people indeed want to pay their bills, that is about the major reason- then also because they want to make a mark in that field/sector. I believe that differentiates a career from a job.

However, I have noticed that trend in some married women at work. They are always the first to threaten you with their resignation. I know they won’t resign, because they know what awaits them, but they are the major culprits of that threat. Single ladies and men (irrespective of marital status) hardly make such threats.

My former boss was such a thorn in my flesh. Very demonic and angry. Less than 1 month into the job, I wanted to leave. I told everyone that cared to listen that I will resign and I meant it. I come remember say nobody dey do giveaway for me, so I gats tread carefully. I went back and found a way to handle his alfa ass.

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Klass99(f): 7:03pm On Jan 28, 2021
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by pocohantas(f): 7:20pm On Jan 28, 2021

Lol, me I have a job and not a career. I am not overly ambitious either, I work to live and I like clocking out at 5pm, then getting to other aspects of my life like time with family/friends, a good movie or really good novel.

Please what awaits them (married women) if they resign? That part had me lol so bad including alfa male ass. I no dey waste time to find work when resignation is at the back of my mind, like you said nobody is doing free giveaway for single babes, you go pay with your body las las if you take a certain route.

Are you serious? You don’t come off as that type o. You are doing well biko. A very healthy work-life balance is necessary.

How is that new role going?
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Klass99(f): 7:31pm On Jan 28, 2021
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Redxy(m): 7:33pm On Jan 28, 2021
In as much as a man should pay the bills,a woman should assist financially too.Make una no go kill person pikin all in the name of the head of the house.

Men...if the task is too much, speak up Biko, don't die in silence....

Modified: please all of una wey dey quote me, don't worry,frustrate the man and send him to an early grave,then you will know that being a man is not easy!
u are very very much on pnt!
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Nobody: 7:41pm On Jan 28, 2021

Some people indeed want to pay their bills, that is about the major reason- then also because they want to make a mark in that field/sector. I believe that differentiates a career from a job.

However, I have noticed that trend in some married women at work. They are always the first to threaten you with their resignation. I know they won’t resign, because they know what awaits them, but they are the major culprits of that threat. Single ladies and men (irrespective of marital status) hardly make such threats.

My former boss was such a thorn in my flesh. Very demonic and angry. Less than 1 month into the job, I wanted to leave. I told everyone that cared to listen that I will resign and I meant it. I come remember say nobody dey do giveaway for me, so I gats tread carefully. I went back and found a way to handle his alfa ass.

Hmm see experience oh, i didn't even know the reason you went back but now I know.

It's more interesting to look back and compare it to where you are now & the way you are currently swimming inside ocean of enjoyment in that your office lol.

Imagine If you had actually given up then, God saw the future for you lol.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by apatheticme(f): 7:44pm On Jan 28, 2021

I was going to give you return fire, but I discovered you are terribly ignorant and have lost the plot.

Your above points highlight chauvinism without an atom of knowledge, intellect or focus.

Your bloodthirsty kind created wars, so they must fight them to their last drop of blood. And you know the best part about it? Your kind deemed women too weak. So, you know what that means? They must continue to die for your kind to feel good about their war decisions, and continue to die alone in wars of their own invention, while women will continue to thrive. Kudos to all the wars men invented. Kudos to all they've destroyed, too.

Apatheticme, please educate another one of these about women in science. It appears the lower IQ creatures are uninformed and back again with their usual delusional assumptions about women.

Men should use their brains and stop sounding stupider than testosterone always makes them sound.

Honestly, you're doing a good job already!

I'll get on the thread and try to comment. However, he'll rather DIE than admit women have invented things too, some of these things he's probably using or benefitting from already!

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Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by pocohantas(f): 7:48pm On Jan 28, 2021

Hmm see experience oh, i didn't even know the reason you went back but now I know.

It's more interesting to look back and compare it to where you are now & the way you are currently swimming inside ocean of enjoyment in that your office lol.

Imagine If you had actually given up then, God saw the future for you lol.

Didn’t know I told you too o. I must have been such a crybaby. *covers eyes*


The new role is going very well I bless God for it all.

I like nice things when I can afford them and my regular day job helps me afford them, so I am not looking to become the next Okonjo Iweala or Ibukun Awosika abeg grin

Glad to hear that. Klass you asked what awaits them? No be for my mouth you go hear am.
Re: Is It Compulsory For The Man To Pay The Bills??? by Tinyemeka(m): 9:26pm On Jan 28, 2021
Put your money where your mouth is....

It means that if you don't drop money no food for u

Foot your bills, a wife is part of your bill because she is your liability already

A galfriend is a different thing tho because she is actually a friend, I don't buy things for my 'boyfriends' all the time

How is the wife regarded as a liability?!

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