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To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? - Romance - Nairaland

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To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 6:09pm On Apr 05, 2011
I had a thread up about involving friends when couple's quarrel (Relationship quarrels and friends https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?topic=637759.msg8050737#msg8050737). This is  a spin-off of the thread.

Would you involve your close family members(brothers, sisters, mom, dad) if you have a fight with your significant other. Is it different if the person is a bf/gf compared with husband/wife? What advantages / disadvantages do you foresee in the future doing that.
Also for those who think you shouldn't involve family in your relationship fights, will you expect your bf/gf or husband/wife involve you in his quarrel with his/her brother/ sis/ dad/mom? Will it be hypocritical doing so?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Luvlee(f): 8:08am On Apr 06, 2011
smtimes you hv to because sm pple r different, there r sme couples who can sort it out themselves and sme jst can't, Understand what am saying cos i knw sm pple will keep sayin dnt involve family or friends bt in a case where d husband or wife is abusive @ d slightest quarel or if maybe 1 partner jst loves to keep malice(u knw there r pple like dis, they can do it for as long as mnths, yrs). I say dis from experience cos my sis husband neva listens until my mum tlks to him
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by iice(f): 2:48pm On Apr 06, 2011
I don't know about involving them but i would tell them.  My brothers and I are very tight (we have a different relationship with our parents, close but not as close as we are).  There are times we move/operate as a collective unit.  SILs are integrated into this unit, so basically we all know whats going on.  Just that as a unit, we also share alot of similarities/traits. . .that means we tend to ignore people.  So when my bro and his wife quarrels (they don't tell us but we know. . .we just ignore them because basically they can take care of themselves and their problems, even our parents keep out of it unless expressively asked to make a comment grin.  Conclusively, even if i tell them, the reaction will be nonchalance unless it turns physical, then he will be buried cheesy  I don't see any disadvantages because they will always be a part of my life.  He can involve his family but if they are gonna be hounding my azz or all that long talks, i can't promise i won't act nonchalant undecided 
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by chibaby5(f): 3:12pm On Apr 06, 2011
With a bf I wudnt involve my immediate fam but with my husband depending on wat da situation is, myt jus tell ma sis or include brothers.
Unless extremely serious wud I involve parents. Same goes for the Man, atleast so i wud expect
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 3:14pm On Apr 06, 2011
My family and my partner will not meet until i am sure of him.

After the meeting, my family will now the basics: his name,
what he looks like, where he works/what he does, hopefully his intentions
and that we are together. Other than that my family is to be locked off
from our quarrels and personal issues unless i see it to be relevant to them.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by 190: 3:16pm On Apr 06, 2011
Hmmm, cool

Good answer but so far so good friends are plying in certain relationships

which certainly isn't good!
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 4:02pm On Apr 06, 2011
smh. angry
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:39pm On Apr 06, 2011

smtimes you hv to because sm pple r different, there r sme couples who can sort it out themselves and sme jst can't, Understand what am saying cos i knw sm pple will keep sayin dnt involve family or friends bt in a case where d husband or wife is abusive @ d slightest quarel or if maybe 1 partner jst loves to keep malice(u knw there r pple like dis, they can do it for as long as mnths, yrs). I say dis from experience cos my sis husband neva listens until my mum tlks to him

Personally I think people in relationship should be able to resolve their issues without involving third party. But there are some issues that have grave consequences and might involve family. I wouldn't know how to handle a partner that keeps malice tho undecided
Relationship wouldn't last with me cos if I don't involve others, then its going to be long fights leading to its demise.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:43pm On Apr 06, 2011

I don't know about involving them but i would tell them. My brothers and I are very tight (we have a different relationship with our parents, close but not as close as we are). There are times we move/operate as a collective unit. SILs are integrated into this unit, so basically we all know whats going on. Just that as a unit, we also share alot of similarities/traits. . .that means we tend to ignore people. So when my bro and his wife quarrels (they don't tell us but we know. . .we just ignore them because basically they can take care of themselves and their problems, even our parents keep out of it unless expressively asked to make a comment grin. Conclusively, even if i tell them, the reaction will be nonchalance unless it turns physical, then he will be buried cheesy I don't see any disadvantages because they will always be a part of my life. He can involve his family but if they are gonna be hounding my azz or all that long talks, i can't promise i won't act nonchalant undecided
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:50pm On Apr 06, 2011

My family and my partner will not meet until i am sure of him.

After the meeting, my family will now the basics: his name,
what he looks like, where he works/what he does, hopefully his intentions
and that we are together. Other than that my family is to be locked off
from our quarrels and personal issues unless i see it to be relevant to them.

Would you discuss your family squabbles or quarrels with him?
The folks around here tend to meet the kids gf/bfs on a regular and almost treat him / her like family ( supper, going on ski trips etc) already till the nasty breakup. It's easier to seperate them when your folks live in a different city or region.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:52pm On Apr 06, 2011

Hmmm, cool

Good answer but so far so good friends are plying in certain relationships

which certainly isn't good!

Do you mean prying? how would you handle that 190?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by 190: 6:04pm On Apr 06, 2011

Do you mean prying? how would you handle that 190?

Nice question deniyor

Like someone already pointed out, i would never take a lady who i am never interested in settling down with
to my family,I kinda agree that most ladies these days drag their friends into their relationships all in the name of
she was there before you came so why shouldnt i confide in her,
I totally detest such behaviour and simply grow hatred for such people and dump them like Hot Coal before they open their eyes
The last thing a man would ever want is for himself and his partner to have issues and the whole family and friends of the woman there Judging issues
that they simply have no clue on handling their own problems,
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by datnigga: 8:18am On Aug 14, 2011
ori bobo deniyor yi ti daru mehn, look at aw dis negro put hat for im head like one of those ppl about to be deported grin grin. ignorant fool!!
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 8:27am On Aug 14, 2011
My answer is emphatic no! Quarreling/abuse is dramatic enough as it is. I definitely wouldn't my parents involved. One thing leading to another and all of a sudden my dad's facing a murder charge.

I've never been married, so I can't answer in terms of husband/wife. As for bf/gf, whether it be a quarrel or him getting the job of a lifetime, my parents won't know about it.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 9:47am On Aug 14, 2011

ori bobo deniyor yi ti daru mehn, look at aw dis negro put hat for im head like one of those ppl about to be deported grin grin. ignorant fool!!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Damn I did a number on you. Ma binu. Da rigi me
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Mynd44: 11:30am On Aug 14, 2011
My family don't get in anybody's issues unless invited and we don't even like it when a member of the family drags anyone into his personal life except if it is a serious case
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by MMM2(m): 1:29pm On Aug 14, 2011
undecided undecided

Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by datnigga: 1:57pm On Aug 14, 2011
Damn I did a number on you. Ma binu. Da rigi me

Yes u did, dts y i came to one of ur threads wit insults, neways, we r both adults here. no need to be actin childish. I extend my hand of friendship and forget the past insults, let's stop this black on black crime and make the world a better place. grin cheesy grin grin

Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 3:58pm On Aug 14, 2011
I accept grin. Btw you really should try the exercises I posted in the other thread. They work.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:01pm On Aug 14, 2011

My answer is emphatic no! Quarreling/abuse is dramatic enough as it is. I definitely wouldn't my parents involved. One thing leading to another and all of a sudden my dad's facing a murder charge.

I've never been married, so I can't answer in terms of husband/wife. As for bf/gf, whether it be a quarrel or him getting the job of a lifetime, my parents won't know about it.
So does that mean you never get relationship advice from your parents? how about your sibling?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:03pm On Aug 14, 2011

My family don't get in anybody's issues unless invited and we don't even like it when a member of the family drags anyone into his personal life except if it is a serious case
Are you single, in a relationship or married?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Lax75(m): 4:14pm On Aug 14, 2011
I personally think its an extremely bad idea and toxic to the relationship.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 4:17pm On Aug 14, 2011

I personally think its an extremely bad idea and toxic to the relationship.

Why do you think so?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Lax75(m): 4:38pm On Aug 14, 2011
First off, family and close friends are more times than not biased and hardly objective.

Another thing is this. Couples fight and make up all the time. If one goes telling one's family/friends their side of the story, its just one side of the story and it creates animosity towards the significant other, and even if the couple does make up and there is forgiveness between the couple, close family/friends tend to hold onto grudges. From this point on, bad seeds begin flourishing and eventually destroy a relationship that really could work out.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 5:14pm On Aug 14, 2011

First off, family and close friends are more times than not biased and hardly objective.

Another thing is this. Couples fight and make up all the time. If one goes telling one's family/friends their side of the story, its just one side of the story and it creates animosity towards the significant other, and even if the couple does make up and there is forgiveness between the couple, close family/friends tend to hold onto grudges. From this point on, bad seeds begin flourishing and eventually destroy a relationship that really could work out.

I totally agree with this.Well put.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Lax75(m): 5:30pm On Aug 14, 2011
@ Talina.

Thx Its all personal experience. I always like to say that there are 3 sides to a story, His, Hers and the Truth. Unfortunately, close family and friends "usually" but not always, tend to ignore this school of thought whenever one decides to involve them.

Personally, I make it a choice NOT to involve family. You will find out that alot of relationships (amongst Nigerians/Africans) would work out better if not for family involvement.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 6:01pm On Aug 14, 2011

@ Talina.

Thx hon. Its all personal experience. I always like to say that there are 3 sides to a story, His, Hers and the Truth. Unfortunately, close family and friends "usually" but not always, tend to ignore this school of thought whenever one decides to involve them.

Personally, I make it a choice NOT to involve family. You will find out that alot of relationships (amongst Nigerians/Africans) would work out better if not for family involvement.

And I also feel this way because of past personal experience. Everyone needs a " sounding board" at times in life, but finding an objective one can be hard. I guess its about finding the right partner,with the same views about working out problems. Relationships work out better, anywhere on the planet, if family is not dragged into a couples disagreements. smiley
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by MrsChima(f): 6:09pm On Aug 14, 2011

I do not support family members getting in married couple's disagreements because then the family members will be forced to take sides. In some cases, I have witnessed family members choosing the opposite side meaning the husband if it is the wife's family or the wife if it is the husband's family.

It is not a good idea. Now if there is a discussion that affects the whole family then invite the family in like celebration, adoption, in SOME CASES divorce dispute, and moving to another state or country.

I also want to add that women NEED TO STOP CONFIDING to their friends about their husbands. It is a no no. I am not talking about something trivia and generic such as "we went to the movies and ate a nice dinner". I am talking about serious matter such as his health conditions, sexual problems or prowess, and personal matter that should be kept between HUSBAND AND WIFE.

One thing I will never share is PERSONAL info of Mr. Chima and I because it is no one business but Mr. Chima and I. Women should take suit. The reason I am saying women because women has it WORSE than men.
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Nobody: 6:14pm On Aug 14, 2011
True talk! ^^^
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by Mynd44: 6:18pm On Aug 14, 2011
@Mrs Chima, you are very correct.

Are you single, in a relationship or married?

Single and mingling
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 6:18pm On Aug 14, 2011

And I also feel this way because of past personal experience. Everyone needs a " sounding board" at times in life, but finding an objective one can be hard. I guess its about finding the right partner,with the same views about working out problems. Relationships work out better, anywhere on the planet, if family is not dragged into a couples disagreements. smiley
so who do you use as your sounding board?  If you and you partner are at logger heads, who do you use as your sounding board?
Are you single, in a relationship or married?
Re: To What Extent Will You Involve Your Close Family Members In Your Relationship? by deniyor: 6:20pm On Aug 14, 2011


I do not support family members getting in married couple's disagreements because then the family members will be forced to take sides. In some cases, I have witnessed family members choosing the opposite side meaning the husband if it is the wife's family or the wife if it is the husband's family.

It is not a good idea. Now if there is a discussion that affects the whole family then invite the family in like celebration, adoption, in SOME CASES divorce dispute, and moving to another state or country.

I also want to add that women NEED TO STOP CONFIDING to their friends about their husbands. It is a no no. I am not talking about something trivia and generic such as "we went to the movies and ate a nice dinner". I am talking about serious matter such as his health conditions, intimate problems or prowess, and personal matter that should be kept between HUSBAND AND WIFE.

One thing I will never share is PERSONAL info of Mr. Chima and I because it is no one business but Mr. Chima and I. Women should take suit. The reason I am saying women because women has it WORSE than men.

Very insightful Mrs Chima. Would you say the same apply to non married couples say new relationships, long term relationships etc?

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