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Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 6:16pm On Apr 06, 2011

Derailing from a thread's topic to a trifling matter might suggest a possession of 'high' IQ to some. While you're at it,  why not take your 'high' online IQ to the education section and give them your English lessons there? 

^^i have no idea why you're so jittery.

have you overused the word in question?

i know what i'm saying and you know what you're saying.

end of.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by freecocoa(f): 6:35pm On Apr 06, 2011


Swear on your life, who made your hair last month!! grin grin

I made it with my dads money.yeye boy.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by 190: 7:07pm On Apr 06, 2011
See your life for outside,

You wanna tell me all those Ice-cream, mr.biggs, suya, chewing gum and lollipop even pant and bra and G-strings

You get all of em for yourself

@ one stage u said u didnt av a boyfriend

Today u are saying u never depend on your boyfriend ( I mean how would u depend on a boy that u earlier claimed like a week ago u dont have a boyfriend )

Freecocoa u are really quite questionable, grin
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by freecocoa(f): 7:16pm On Apr 06, 2011
190 your problem is that you don't understand what you read,i now have a boyfriend and even before him i never depended on the exes,mind you i didn't say anything about not having a boyfriend last week.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by 190: 7:21pm On Apr 06, 2011
grin grin grin

Freecocoa im not sure dou but good luck with him

I know its ladies like u that claim u dont need a man for nothing that pratically holds his trouser if he refuses giving u market money!!
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Tosinville(m): 7:33pm On Apr 06, 2011
So don't you know nigerian modern girls are after money in every relationship?
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 7:36pm On Apr 06, 2011
tosinville i'll be on your case soon.

just observing you for now.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Tosinville(m): 7:49pm On Apr 06, 2011
^^Thats good when i'll reveal all your evil deeds as a nigerian woman.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 7:54pm On Apr 06, 2011
Mr, Cork:

TPIA. Swweery I bet I would Speed passss  you if I see you in real life (no oofeinse)  angry

grin grin
on what your tricycle. tongue
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 8:08pm On Apr 06, 2011
Well said about Tiger Woods wifey.

Rich guys will attract a lot of gold diggers and also a lot of decent ones. If he choses to date the GD, then they will stick even if they catch him in bed with 10women(because his money is only the attraction) on the other hand, the decent girl, who shouldn't turn down the gift he gives her, will dump him the minute he fukcs up (and probably throw his gifts in his face too).
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 8:34pm On Apr 06, 2011

Well said about Tiger Woods wifey.

Rich guys will attract a lot of gold diggers and also a lot of decent ones. If he choses to date the GD, then they will stick even if they catch him in bed with 10women(because his money is only the attraction) on the other hand, the decent girl, who shouldn't turn down the gift he gives her, will dump him the minute he fukcs up (and probably throw his gifts in his face too).


Op, rich guys get dumped too, but for richer guys tongue lipsrsealed

Hope you are satisfied now
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 8:52pm On Apr 06, 2011

^^Thats good when i'll reveal all your evil deeds as a nigerian woman.

go ahead and reveal what your girlfriends have done to you.

if you really believe that rubbish you typed when i dont know you from adam talkless related to you in any manner outside this place, then i'm afraid you may be dangerously bordering on mental instability if you're not full blown already.

for your own sake, get a grip on yourself and stop seeing ghosts.

what you're manifesting is called delusion or hysteria and you'll soon start hearing voices.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by LesbianBoy(m): 11:10pm On Apr 06, 2011


Op, rich guys get dumped too, but for richer guys tongue lipsrsealed

Hope you are satisfied now
@op, answer to ur jamb kweshion is (C) neva!! Dnt mind any gal dat comes here and says 'yes rich guys get dumped too' (i mean nigerian guys o) dat can hapun in another country but not naija! Or if dat ever hapuns like u said unless d guys is either a wimp or lemme say a 'girl pant' or a 'woman wrapper' or a 'dulling boy' who doesnt know wat he has!!
Infact it cant hapun even though d poorsin is as wogly(- wowo + ugly= wogly) as MR CORK tongue

1 Like

Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by aca77: 9:53am On Apr 07, 2011

Well said about Tiger Woods wifey.

Rich guys will attract a lot of gold diggers and also a lot of decent ones. If he choses to date the GD, then they will stick even if they catch him in bed with 10women(because his money is only the attraction) on the other hand, the decent girl, who shouldn't turn down the gift he gives her, will dump him the minute he fukcs up (and probably throw his gifts in his face too).

Well I've not seen that happen, - especially in Nigeria. A truly truly decent girl that doesnt want wahala should not be attracted to a widely sought after rich young man in the first place - does she truly think she can possess him alone? Real decent girls leave the 'big boys' to their kind of girls, I think. Besides a big problem with this kind of theory (for discussion sake) is that every random girl in the city would hug that viewpoint and claim that she belongs in the rare category of "decent girl". Who are the gold diggers then? I've never seen any girl that admits she's a gold digger.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Tosinville(m): 10:11am On Apr 07, 2011

Now its 100% certainly that you're really suffering from mental disorder & i think its better to go back to the asylum where you're from to completely your injection, so lunatics like u knows that you don't even know me before so what makes you quote me to say you'll be on my case? its better you stick to yourself cos you mind regret doing that with tosin.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by SAGoddess: 10:29am On Apr 07, 2011
What kind of Q is this, of course rich guys get dumped unless of course you would only date a rich person for his/her money. . . . . .then you would have to stomach all kinds of crap just to live comfortably. . . .but be really unhappy emotionally!!!

Dating rich guys/girls is now a way of getting out of poverty. . . .SMH!!!
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by 190: 12:06pm On Apr 07, 2011
Im trying to imagine someone like Lil wayne dating someone like freecocoa

and freecocoa would say she would dump him


Not in this world nor the next nor the next would that happen!!
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by MRBrownJ: 2:32pm On Apr 07, 2011
May I ask you:

- are you saying that because you have never seen something happen therefore it CANNOT happen?

- who does these decent girls automatically end up with then, if rich guys are not for them?!

- are you claiming that rich guys will automatically be "wahala" and that no girl can possess their heart?! (what a sad life they must have, if that were true)

- if I understand what you wrote correctly, a rich guy can ONLY end up with a GD? Is that what you are claiming?
- if not, then can you share with us who are the "big boys kind of girls"?

-have you never heard of women that DEMAND to go on shopping spree, payment of tuition fee/rent, BB, recharge cards before you can A) date them or B) sample the toto?

Just like rich guys, their action will for itself and you would surely understand what kind of person they are.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 3:54pm On Apr 07, 2011

Well I've not seen that happen, - especially in Nigeria. A truly truly decent girl that doesnt want wahala should not be attracted to a widely sought after rich young man in the first place - does she truly think she can possess him alone? Real decent girls leave the 'big boys' to their kind of girls, I think. Besides a big problem with this kind of theory (for discussion sake) is that every random girl in the city would hug that viewpoint and claim that she belongs in the rare category of "decent girl". Who are the gold diggers then? I've never seen any girl that admits she's a gold digger.

This is a silly thing to say angry

is it that decent girls should not be with rich guys?

or rich guys dont deserve to live a decent lifestyle by sticking to one girl

or there are no faithful rich guys

or broke guys dont cheat

make me understand pls

seems you've seen it all undecided
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by obowunmi(m): 3:57pm On Apr 07, 2011
Bhusayor is up to something hia
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by harakiri(m): 4:37pm On Apr 07, 2011
The only rich guys who ever get dumped are the ones who never really worked hard for their money e.g those born with diamond crusted spoons in their mouths or those who inherited a fortune. Any man who has been through hades in the hands of women during his struggling days will have no time to tolerate nonsense when he's a "made man".

End of!
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by 190: 4:40pm On Apr 07, 2011

Bhusayor is up to something hia


She just wan cause wahala, i don see am since and thats why im avoiding her grin grin
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by livedit(f): 5:28pm On Apr 07, 2011
I don't know about Nigerian men.  But men here in the U.S.A. has.  Besides, I don't see why not.  Your money can only get you so far.  Money can't buy love.  Not every single woman is into a man just for his money.  Money is great, but who is he? Like I've said before in a past post, money don't define a man's true identity, nor is having money (or being rich) make you a man either.  It's all about quality not quantity that defines a true man.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by vaLasce(m): 6:49pm On Apr 07, 2011
No!rich guys dont get dumped,
dey call d shots. cool
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by livedit(f): 7:04pm On Apr 07, 2011

grin grin
on what your tricycle. tongue

MzDark?? What the? Stop it. OMG! grin I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. Thanks for giving me a visual of a guy on a tricycle. grin You all are so silly! I love you all. Just makes my day with these "caps" <- old school lingo) on each other grin
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by obowunmi(m): 7:22pm On Apr 07, 2011
^^^ livedit --- I enjoy reading your posts once in a while. kiss kiss kiss kiss
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by MzGreat(f): 7:42pm On Apr 07, 2011
i just dumped padi adenuga
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by obowunmi(m): 8:23pm On Apr 07, 2011
^^^ in your dreams. cheesy
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Nobody: 8:50pm On Apr 07, 2011

i just dumped padi adenuga

nice dream.
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by MrCork17: 9:08pm On Apr 07, 2011
tpiah!,   Sweeery. so do rich guys walk pass you or do they just  ignore you?   undecided
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by Mcleo007(m): 9:58pm On Apr 07, 2011
I feel very sad whenever i see a rich young dude creeping after a lady. I just wish i could walk up to him and give him a dirty slap. Believe me, with little or no "handsomity" or swag, any guy whose has cheese in his pocket can pull any chick. I repeat, any chick!
Re: Do Rich Guys Ever Get Dumped? by nwabuking5(m): 10:08pm On Apr 07, 2011

No need to argue,rich guys get dumped believe it or not plus contrary to popular belief,not all girls are after material things period

to tell u the truth 85% of nija girls are after material thing.

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