Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by chatinent: 1:31am On Feb 08, 2021 |
I would have it with sb I m going to marry. Not even sb you are married to. I planned having it with him soon. What's the difference? You lack principles already.
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Nato008(m): 1:32am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Shelumiel: Here are some hard facts we need to face :
1.Why would a woman drink in the first place...?
2.Why would she also invite the chap to her place or are there no public places ? Is that not giving room for this sort thing that has happened... so u telling me once a lady drinks, she has signed to be raped abi because we guys are dogs we can't control ourselves we are also Hot, and moreover for u to blackout like she did u would have to take a lot of alcohol.. and if the guy had nothing to hide he would have still be around either sleeping or waiting for her to wake up...please stop trying to paint it like all men are dogs |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by chatinent: 1:32am On Feb 08, 2021 |
The only two men I've loved and taken seriously have both betrayed me. I can't trust any man again.
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by MarkSole: 1:37am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Sorry about your experience. There are NGOs that can help you. If you are in Lagos, you can contact this govt agency: Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team(DSVRT) have a toll free number: 08000 333333 (11 Digits) You can also send “HELP” to 6820 or dial *6820# with an Airtel or MTN line. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by friendl: 1:42am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Since you already had plans of sex with him,....just continue, is short , please don't be too hard on yourself , |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by gulfer: 1:48am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by omoguess: 1:53am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Were is the remaining drink.,did he carry it along?? If no den take it for a test 2 Likes |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by cococandy(f): 2:06am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Shelumiel: Here are some hard facts we need to face :
1.Why would a woman drink in the first place...?
2.Why would she also invite the chap to her place or are there no public places ? Is that not giving room for this sort thing that has happened... Oh shut the f up. Why would a woman drink in the first place? Some of you NL posters are just plain idiotss 3 Likes |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by lushak(m): 2:07am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: Life doesn't seem worth living anymore.
He hasn't even called me to know how I am doing.
I can't believe people are insulting me and blaming me for what happened. I created this thread to get advice and comfort but I'm getting insults. I'm a very emotional person and this isn't helping.
I'm crying all over again just reading some comments. I don't have an alcohol problem and yes I planned on having sex with him soon; when I felt ready, but definitely before marriage. How can you say this is my fault?
Today might be my last day on this earth. Human beings are indeed wicked. Hello Girl, U don't have to be blaming urself on this issue. Most comments might be unguarded anyway. But here is my little advice and it might seem awkward to many and I might be baracked at the end of the day as a result. Do not report him to any police. Just leave him to his fate and move on. Delete everything about him and stop expecting to hear from him as u have said he hasn't even called u since then. Be urself and realise that u have known him as a bad person, a rapist. There's no justification for rape whatsoever. But don't base on that and take him to police or stretch the matter. Avoid him like a virus. Again, remember there exist some atoms of luv u have for him and I guarantee u taking him to the police wud hurt u the more. Just be urself and don't take ur life but make a decision on whether to keep from men or not until u are ready for marriage and make sure it wud purely lead to marriage and is based on reality. Finally, go the hospital for medical check up so as to know ur status, infection-wise and the likes. U don't have any blame whatsoever here. He is simply the opposite of what he portrayed to be... |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Viper231: 2:12am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Chat me up on +1929352-4970....suicide isn't an option okay. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Cleanworld(f): 2:21am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
This guy is a disgrace to men folks.. Please don't ever think of suicide as a short cut to any problems. Now thank your God that he's not a ritualist and thank God that you haven't married to him before seeing his true colour. Now dust your skirt and ask God for forgiveness of your bad thoughts and deeds. Focus your attention on your education and keep relationship issues aside for now so that your body and mind can heal from this trauma. Always remember you don't need to accept defeat be strong once again and don't make an issue out of it because it is a lesson learned in a hard way. Life still have some beautiful things in store for you because you will look back one day and see that this guy is nothing but a coward. Stay blessed and strong dear. My2cent |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Nobody: 2:26am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Mart1994: How ladies always fall for this type of guys remain a mystery to me. Am sure the guy resemble justin bieber na why she fall for am like a pack of cards.
If na me chyke am na she go dey kpono.  Anyways... My condolences.
condolence ke lol |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by showafrica(m): 2:27am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
Forget relationships if you are not ready to have sex or marry, una no dey hear. Na so my ex babe carry her sour experience with her ex enter relationship with me. Nothing wey i no preach for her to forget past and focus on the future that everyone is not the same, she no gree come out of it. How can we be in a good relationship without sex or should i get a sex mate I ask, she no get answer. Ok lets break up and have peace of mind, she no gree. Well i use idea dump her and move on. Told her to wait till when she is ready emotionally before going into another relationship. Your first experience changed ur mindset and this second one have changed it completely and its all your fault. You gonna miss some good guys along this line and may hate men forever. You are broken emotionally and if u don't handle it well, may affect you in future relationships and marriage. Sorry, the street is military you have to be a soldier. It happens to guys too, a guy will be in a relationship, providing everything and obeying the law of no sex before marriage only for one dude to sweet talk the babe and tear her virginity apart. My guy will be friendzoned because, someone else got the honeypot first. The guy will be emotionally broken and feel used. He will hate women and may never want to love again. However, as a G, he has to learn his lessons and move on. My dear, dont curse the guys, your fellow woman turned them to beasts. 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by jaxxy(m): 2:28am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: Life doesn't seem worth living anymore.
He hasn't even called me to know how I am doing.
I can't believe people are insulting me and blaming me for what happened. I created this thread to get advice and comfort but I'm getting insults. I'm a very emotional person and this isn't helping.
I'm crying all over again just reading some comments. I don't have an alcohol problem and yes I planned on having sex with him soon; when I felt ready, but definitely before marriage. How can you say this is my fault?
Today might be my last day on this earth. Human beings are indeed wicked. On NL everybody can't agree with u even if u were a saint or mother Theresa so suck it up and have a tough skin. Everybody isn't insulting u, some people are and most with bias against women are very vocal here, they are not very objective people they will support the man even if they know hes clearly wrong. U bf committed a serious crime. I know a frnd who went to jail for years in the UK for such act. Whether u were going to have sex with him or not doesn't give him the right or excuse to do what he did. He knows the consequences and meaning of what he has done. A relationship is not liecence to rape. People have relationships without sex or atleast without it for months so I see no reason for his behaviour besides I can get away with it.  |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by JustforMen: 2:32am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
your boy friend that has been fuccking you raped you and then... why are men like this? see reasoning ooo!... for your information,We dont know your boyfriend and we dont hold meetings as men to tell folks to rape women. Madam, you.have been raping his money and time... and you NEVER CAME TO BLAME 'MEN'! He is not MEN he is a MAN. hold him and yourself accountable! Dont share your boyfriend wahala to ALL MEN that have never even heard about you. you probably got high and raped him...noone can tell... you dont know what happened. unfortunately, even if men are the victims of rape, semen go still come out. this may just be the case.. we dont know! 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Epher: 2:46am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
I'm deeply sorry about your predicament. Know fully well that this is not your fault as those vile comments are insinuating. You are a virtuous lady and you've just had a life changing experience. Reporting to an agency that can take up your case is the best way to go about this. They will provide the support both financially and morally and see to it that the guy is prosecuted. Regarding the suicidal thoughts, I understand perfectly how you feel right now. Getting immersed in work and tasks that wont allow your mind to dwell on this is the perfect way to go about. You can't stay alone at this period. Please find places you can go. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by YoungBruzzy(m): 2:50am On Feb 08, 2021 |
This is just a piece of advice from me to you @Girl9999.. Categorizing all men as the same is a no no.. Yes, we have the bad eggs among us, likewise we have the good ones too.. Y'all ladies ain't a saint, are you?? I'm not throwing blames here, I'm just stating fact.. I know it will take the grace of God for you to heal completely but you have to do that not for anybody, but for yourself. Live for yourself, don't live for others.. You taking your life gives him total victory over you, believe me.. Don't let him win over you, take up the pieces, join it together and forge ahead.. Have one thing on your mind, which is a brighter future for you and you alone.. Don't think of taking revenge, leave that to God, I know it may take time for that to come, but when it comes, you will pity him. And who knows whether he has everything recorded on his smartphone, so don't do things that may jeopardize your chance at peace. He will meet his waterloo sooner than you think.. Taking your live is not the next step.. You have a while lot to accomplish. Live life, don't let life live you.
Peace.. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by BREYZ: 2:55am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
Na wa. That's all I can say. Sorry you leant about life the hard way. You were even planning on having sex with him soon just two months of dating. Na wa. Like what has this world turned into? You lost your virginity at 18? Like something isn't right somewhere, the foundation is faulty. Anyways, kill that nigga who raped you, you've got 101 reasons to do so. Stop categorizing men, your foundation has been faulty. Whether you are done with men or not, we know in a couple of months you'll still fall victim to another guy, if what happened at first didn't open your eyes, the second one won't. Its just a matter of time. May God heal you though. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by chccho(m): 3:00am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Girl9999: I created this account to hide my identity. I'm in a very emotional condition at the moment. I've been crying since morning. I've not left my house, not even for church. I've lost the will to live, all because of what happened yesterday evening.
I've been dating this guy for two months. I thought he was a great guy. He was always nice to me, smart and hard-working. I lost my virginity at the age of 18 in University and it was to someone that just wanted to have sex with me. He lied about loving me. All he wanted was sex and when he had his way he abandoned me and dated another girl in my department. Since then I've had a fear of relationships, most importantly of sex. I vowed to only have sex with someone I was going to marry; someone I was certain loved me.
When I met my boyfriend, I thought he was the one. We vibed well and we were both in the same field of work. Everything seemed to click. I opened up to him about my experience and my decision to have sex only when I was ready. He agreed and said he was going to respect my wishes.
Yesterday he visited me at my apartment. This wasn't the first time he was visiting me. We paid each other visits all the time. This time he brought a bottle of wine with him. I prepared food, we both eat and he served us some wine. The last thing I remember is taking few sips and then everything else is blurry.
Next thing I am waking up by 8am this morning with a severe headache, cramped legs and a sore feeling around my vagina. There was something that looked like dried semen on my left thigh and some around my breast. I could also perceive the scent of his perfume on my body. He raped me. The man that claimed to love me raped me. I haven't spoken to anyone since morning, all I've been doing is crying. My phone has been on silent all day.
I want to report him to the police but first I want to look at his face and ask why he would do this to me. I already planned on having sex with him soon. Why couldn't he wait? I want to involve my parents and his parents as well but I don't want this news to spread and take a hit on my reputation. I'm confused about what to do.
Why are men like this? I feel defiled and violated. My mind has been constantly flooded with suicidal thoughts all day. If I make it through this, I'm done with relationships forever.
Awww! So sorry to hear about this heartbreaking story. I pray u find the strength to heal from this deep pain. I wish i could just be there to give u a big hug n let u know everything is gonna be alright. U should either go into a hospital for tests thats the first step. Secondly, u have to confront him and probably report him to the police. I hope u heal soon, God bless |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by StubbornGENIUS: 3:06am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Nawah 4 some guys sha.Do well to report him to the police asap. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Nobody: 3:09am On Feb 08, 2021 |
U will not die OP becos Last last wetin don happen don happen. try and put the ugly experience behind u and dont have anything to do with that guy ever again. i know that this is a very painful experience but then it is an oppurtunity for you 2 be wiser.. and smarter. no need reporting the matter to police. u may confide in a trusted friend it wil help in the recovery proces. make sure u go to the hospital for treatment. wishing you a speedy recovery dear. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Fearcom(m): 3:12am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Hello Girl,
U don't have to be blaming urself on this issue. Most comments might be unguarded anyway. But here is my little advice and it might seem awkward to many and I might be baracked at the end of the day as a result. Do not report him to any police. Just leave him to his fate and move on. Delete everything about him and stop expecting to hear from him as u have said he hasn't even called u since then. Be urself and realise that u have known him as a bad person, a rapist. There's no justification for rape whatsoever. But don't base on that and take him to police or stretch the matter. Avoid him like a virus. Again, remember there exist some atoms of luv u have for him and I guarantee u taking him to the police wud hurt u the more. Just be urself and don't take ur life but make a decision on whether to keep from men or not until u are ready for marriage and make sure it wud purely lead to marriage and is based on reality. Finally, go the hospital for medical check up so as to know ur status, infection-wise and the likes. U don't have any blame whatsoever here. He is simply the opposite of what he portrayed to be... Stop giving advice on what you cannot handle of it happened to you or your loved one. He mustn't be allowed to get away with it! |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by GeneralPula: 3:18am On Feb 08, 2021 |
richmond500: Some people don't need to be humans.
U see an unconscious lady and ur dik stand, raped her and left.
Jesus Christ, I don't care if I go to hell but if I see some persons with me in same chamber in hell, I will protest. Me as a fornicator can't share same hell with a rapist. OP, u dont have to report him to any police.
Here is what u will do, try talk to him and ask why he raped u, make sure u have hidden camera or a voice recorder, record everything he said without him knowing it. Find all those street touts, play the record to them and ask them to do whatever they feel with him, dont feel remorse no matter what happened to him after that.
Only God forgives people, u are not God, but it will be wise to send him to God
If those touts kill ham nko? |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by bepositive11: 3:23am On Feb 08, 2021 |
ozodigboo: It's partly your fault, dear. You told him no sex before marriage. Now, you're saying you PLANNED to have sex with him, soon.....but before marriage. You gave him mixed signals. Girls should learn to come clean. It's very difficult for a guy to agree to a no - sex relationship, when you already told him you're not a virgin anymore.
If he didn't agree, he should have left her alone. Don't blame op for his wickedness and selfishness, |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Future070: 3:25am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Such a bad experience. You gotta get over it. Shit happenes. Others should learn from it. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Drema: 3:28am On Feb 08, 2021 |
You don't need to commit suicide. Killing yourself is to start another suffering in hell. Also, don't report to the Police. Get a hidden camera and ask him why he did that devilish act. After his wicked explanation, tell him you have forgiven him and continue the situationship. Put the recorded video/audio in a flash drive
Continue the hang out and home visit, then get a very strong sedative. Give him overdose and chop off his d**k and the scrotum. Drop the flash drive beside him. Ensure this happens in his house.
Disconnect with him forever. DON'T SHOW MERCY TO A MAN THAT DID THIS TO YOU. 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Nobody: 3:30am On Feb 08, 2021 |
The only two men I've loved and taken seriously have both betrayed me. I can't trust any man again. I think you are attracted to bad guys, you never know with bad guys. Sorry about your experience that was terrible, don't try to talk or see his face for any reason just get him arrested. |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by jonneljonn(m): 3:34am On Feb 08, 2021 |
he didnt rape u madam,i dont understnd u women ,a man came to ur house and u guys have been dating for two months and he made love to u and u call it rape??before u drank the wine he broght did u read the percentage of alchohol in the wine  do u know that u could get drunk ad give the guy a green light that u want him to have u  i advie u see him and tlk with him first ,as far as am concern he never raped u 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by akanbiaa(m): 3:35am On Feb 08, 2021 |
I just pray the guy did not video the act as a form of blackmail should the lady want to report him to the security authorities and for him to continue having his way with her or even asking for money. Lesson is that if a guy appears too nice or too good to be true don't loose your guard around such guys and try to avoid a guy buying you things or even food if actually it's no sex before marriage you want just maintain distance platonic friendship to avoid such. 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Basalt(m): 3:36am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Make sure you deal with him mercilessly by reporting him to the police. Such a beast needs to pay for his evil deed. I am sure someone like that will always condemn masturbation but will go about raping people and committing crimes. Report him to the police and make sure he pays for this. 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by Drema: 3:40am On Feb 08, 2021 |
Another advise, don't go into any relationship hurriedly. Focus on things that make you happy, develop and empower yourself (Career, Spiritual, Emotion, etc). BUILD CAPACITY. Real men will come at the right them.
Lastly, NEVER trust any man but keep your heart open for relationship at the right time(After you have healed completely and built capacity). It's well with the girl child. 1 Like |
Re: My Boyfriend Drugged And Raped Me. by LeanonGOD(m): 3:42am On Feb 08, 2021 |
FOR CHRIST SAKE be WISE in your next decision. You need counselling, seek one. Report the monster to the police. See a doctor asap with all the evidence. Be Strong and Courageous, the Good Lord is on your side. Don't Hurt your parents, siblings and loved ones with this suicide thought. MATTHEW 6;33, Girl9999: Life doesn't seem worth living anymore.
He hasn't even called me to know how I am doing.
I can't believe people are insulting me and blaming me for what happened. I created this thread to get advice and comfort but I'm getting insults. I'm a very emotional person and this isn't helping.
I'm crying all over again just reading some comments. I don't have an alcohol problem and yes I planned on having sex with him soon; when I felt ready, but definitely before marriage. How can you say this is my fault?
Today might be my last day on this earth. Human beings are indeed wicked. |