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Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Nobody: 9:11pm On Feb 13, 2021
very incoherent. Sometimes I wonder how u Yorubas reason.
U guys are so shallow-minded

Hehehe you can only cry and I don't have fuxks to give about Kanu or abia state
Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Nobody: 9:16pm On Feb 13, 2021
Igbos are insecure, hateful and envious of Yorubas even as they won't admit they can't breathe without us whereas we don't need them at all.

What exactly can Igbos teach Yorubas who already have better cultural, business, human and societal ethics?

We are far more sophisticated, tolerant, progressive and liberal than Igbos can ever wish to be with better ordered societies they migrate to daily in many thousands.

We are superior at organized business, better leaders, better administrators, superior at management of human and material resources and everything that makes Nigeria great and a destination of tourism and FDI is in the SW more Than anywhere else.

We have the most pioneering and pacesetting professionals in Nigeria by far domiciled in the SW.

They will lie others don't want them to leave yet they keep trooping into Lagos and the SW with hordes of their family daily yet the vindictive ingrates have the nerve to start junk threads like this talking as if we need their worthless azzes rather than the opposite being the case as the entire world can see.

The problem with Igbos is the saying "people fear those they don't understand and hate those they can't conquer".

They don't understand Yorubas and can't conquer them and this is the basis of all these insecure garbage thread we see daily from them here.


Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Shaolin0147(m): 9:19pm On Feb 13, 2021
@OP Noone is threatened by Igbos exit.. the truth is that Igbos are never sincere about anything. They are using biafra as a tool of blackmail and every sane Nigerian understands this.

Every region has shown hostility to you, you have been asked to leave severally and go back home to develop and possibly get biafra, but you turn aroumd to cry that you're Nigerians and have right to live anywhere.

Who are you guys deceiving really? You add nothing to government revenue, instead you take same allocations with big states for your tiny states not up to Oyo or Niger states in size and still loot everything. Instead of holding your governors accountable that what is happening to monies meant for development in Igboland, it's afonja and Lekki toll gate that is your headache.
You this cursed goat you've come again with this ur rubbish epistle, what do SW aside Lagos( no man's land) add to government revenue?

You said Igbos are not sincere in leaving Nigeria, why is it that after all the threat from FG to ipob and the deployment of operation python dance and other security agencies, we still have an unlimited number of ipob members?

If Igbos are not serious with their struggle, why did the FG bother chasing NK away from the country?

Why is it that anybody that is caught with IPOB identification should be arrest and prosecute by the military?

How many Igbos have you seen with your own very eyes agitating against Biafra?

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Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Shaolin0147(m): 10:31pm On Feb 13, 2021
Igbos are insecure, hateful and envious of Yorubas even as they won't admit they can't breathe without us whereas we don't need them at all.
Okwu nkasiobi

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Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Duru1(m): 10:46pm On Feb 13, 2021
Who engaged in a firefight when the Ndigbo and Biafrans decided to secede from Nigeria? The people who will convulsed when Nigeria disintegrates are the same folks whose forbearers fought a war to keep Ndigbo and Biafrans in Nigeria.
Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Duru1(m): 10:50pm On Feb 13, 2021
The question instigated by the caption of this thread was answered in 1967 when Biafrans decided to leave the shithole called Nigeria. Op, are you a pikin?
Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Cobiomak: 12:50am On Feb 14, 2021
Drug traffickers are businessmen
With the wrong product
It is still better off than Yahoo, Yahoo which is pure STEALING
Re: Who Are Really The Ones Most Frightened Of Igbo Exit by Kennyswag: 1:10am On Feb 14, 2021
Igbos always deceiving their selves grin

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