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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Agriculture / Cell Renewal And Regeneration Pills For Optimal Health Of Animal And Man (366 Views)
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Cell Renewal And Regeneration Pills For Optimal Health Of Animal And Man by Preprobiotics: 8:11pm On Feb 17, 2021 |
Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills for optimal health Cell or tissue renewal and regeneration are the two main developmental requirements of living organisms. The Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills are made from natural minerals compounds that are most important to our cellular health and function. How can we help our body to achieve this profound regeneration and renewal of cells? When your body lacks these important cell minerals, you are more vulnerable to common health challenges. By replenishing them, your body is better prepared to treat illnesses and enjoy better overall wellness. The Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills have been formulated to help stimulate and support the body’s health and natural healing process by replacing and regulating the cell’s mineral levels. These primary cell minerals can address a variety of health issues like; • Weak immune system • Acidosis (body's acidity) • Fatigue and debility • Osteoporosis • Osteoarthritis • Bone weakness and pain, fracture, muscle cramps & spasms, rheumatism, joint pains and soreness • pains in the limbs that change location • Spinal issues • Hemorrhoids • Ganglion cyst, breast cysts nodules, lumps, tumor • Stretch marks, caries, calluses, corns, cracked skin, skin eruptions, dandruff, eczema, acne, blemished skin and skin disorders generally • Aging • Varicose veins and spider veins • Tooth trauma, toothache • Sore throat, common cold and cough • Runny or stuffy nose and seasonal allergies • Suppurating wounds and ulceration • Fever • Blood impurity • Inflammation and pain • Anemia • Bronchitis • Sickle cell anemia • Hemorrhaging • Tonsillitis • Stress • Anxiety • Sleeplessness, exhaustion • Nervousness • Headaches • Weak memory • Asthma • Infections • Yeast infections • Yellow mucus from coughs and colds • Watery eyes • Menstrual cramps • Nerve issues • Low mood • Upset stomach • Heartburn • Constipation • Belching • Indigestion • excessive weight gain • Teething in babies, baby colic • Slow growth and development in children • Metabolic disorders • Pancreas, kidney and liver disorders etc Cell renewal and regeneration pills are quick-dissolving sublingual pills that are natural, gentle and safe for all ages, suitable for the whole family. There are no known side-effects and will not conflict with any medications you may be taking and can complement a healthy living plan. The Cell Renewal and Regeneration pills satisfy mineral imbalances in the body, you can always count on it for your optimal health! Ingredients: Fluoride of lime, tricalcic phosphate, Ferrum phos, Mang xiao, lactose Unique formulas are proprietary and may contain ingredients not listed here. For more details and to order this wonderful complete health wellness pills; kindly contact the Homeopath Oluwafunmise on o8o283669o1
Re: Cell Renewal And Regeneration Pills For Optimal Health Of Animal And Man by Preprobiotics: 8:02pm On Feb 18, 2021 |
The Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills Testimonials. Excellent product that gave me almost an instant boost in energy and focus. After my first serving I got a boost in energy and focus that was almost shocking. I went from moping around the apartment tired and out of it to staying up until midnight cleaning, organizing, and just generally feeling great. Since then I've continued to take these and they have definitely had a positive affect on my mood and demeanor. It feels almost silly to be writing this gushingly about a supplement like this, but the only logical outlier that I can attribute these positive feelings to is the change of taking these Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills . Chuks Obi Anti ageing and Beauty Enhancer The Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pill is miracle; It gave me amazing changes in my skin. I was getting “old lady” red splotches on my forearms. I’m only 47 years old. I started taking these and they went away within weeks. I suggested them to my 72 year old Mom who had the deep dark red “old lady” splotches. They went away for her within weeks. My skin is softer and more hydrated (big deal for those of us who live in the desert). Adekemi Olabisi For more details and to order this wonderful complete health wellness pills; kindly contact the Homeopath Oluwafunmise on o8o283669o1
Re: Cell Renewal And Regeneration Pills For Optimal Health Of Animal And Man by Preprobiotics: 10:07pm On Feb 19, 2021 |
The Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills Testimonials Sleep and Headache I knew I needed something and it turns out that this is exactly what my cells were needing. After a few days, I added in liquid minerals and could tell I was actually absorbing them! Now that my cells have the all minerals they need, I can now assimilate my vitamins and minerals and what a difference in how I feel. I'm sleeping better and this product gets rid of a headache right now! I feel so energized. AlimaAhmed The Perfect Food for the Body I have been taking the Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills for about a month and honestly wasn't sure what to expect or notice any magical, dramatic change when I began.... A month down the road I noticed a few things, and realized the changes are likely due to the Cell Renewal and Regeneration Pills! My nails are thick, strong, and growing extremely fast. I was watching a movie the other night and scratched myself, looked down at my nails, and didn't even realize how long they'd gotten as I had recently trimmed them. They are growing in so nicely that they almost look like acrylic nails! Ada Nwankwo For more details and to order this wonderful complete health wellness pills; kindly contact the Homeopath Oluwafunmise on o8o283669o1
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