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One Among The Best Business You Can Do In Nigeria And Other Countries Check - Business To Business - Nairaland

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One Among The Best Business You Can Do In Nigeria Check,! / Meat Processing ,sausage Business Is One Among The Best Business You Can Do In N / Here Is A Business You Can Start With 20k Or Less (2) (3) (4)

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One Among The Best Business You Can Do In Nigeria And Other Countries Check by butchery(m): 1:13pm On Feb 20, 2021
Meat processing and packaging
business, sausages, pork processing
is a very good business you can do in Nigeria and any other country for that
matter, but you need to get yourself a
solid business plan if you want to actualize your business goals. It will do you a lot of good to seek expert advice and to learn from those who have some form of experience in this business.
Considering the world consumption of meat statistics, meat business is one
that has a ready market especially in
Nigeria. Your business will naturally
progress especially if it is well positioned in a location where people care for quality meats. The difference in price of meat purchased directly from a slaughter in the local market and one purchased from a meat store or off a superstore shelf is very negligent.
Processed meat can be classified as
sausages, cured whole muscles cuts or restructured meat products so you need to identify with a nice before you start.
Considerations for Meat processing
business You need to do some serious
considerations in the following areas before you set out to do your business
Type of meat:
Chicken, beef, pork lamd and goat are the main meat that is processed for sale and you need to make a choice of the type of meat you will be processing. Also, you need to find out what meat if any is forbidden in your
business area so as not to irritate your
customers when they find out that you
stock what they forbid.
Slaughtering: slaughtering your meat yourself or you will be buying from a
slaughter where you have made a good
bargain? If you will be buying from a slaughter, then you need to consider if
they have the requisite permit and the required levels of hygiene to do business.
You will definitely need the services of a butcher to process the meat for you and you will need some
meat processing equipment for this job
as well as for cleaning up the meat.
Nigerians buy meat processed as whole
flesh, semi boned or complete bone.
Just like meat processingequipment,
you will also need meat packaging
materials. All these you can research, or visit someone who is already in the
business and learn. You will need meat
packaging machines, meat packaging
labels for branding your products,
Storage and destribution:
You will definitely need some form on
refrigeration for your meat products to
avoid spoilage. Depending on your
business capital and business strategy,
you may also want to invest in a mobile
refrigerator to enable your distribution
to be efficient. Also, like every other
business, you need to deliberately plan
your distribution techniques.
Irrespective of the country, you may
currently reside in, you can also
research into this business idea and
start benefiting from it. And finally, do
not forget to get the relevant operations
permit and business registration so that
you will be operating legally and professionally too.
Theory training topics
Ideas of the business to make more profit
Marketing aspect
Layout of the business
And your questions on the business
After we continue with calls,what'spp and massage till the day of set up (to consult)
For more information and enquiry
Or theory training, setting up
Samuel moronfade butcher (alapata)meat processing butchery sausage business consultant Lagos Nigeria.
Tel.08020685390 what'sapp
Email smoronfade@yahoo.com

Re: One Among The Best Business You Can Do In Nigeria And Other Countries Check by HRHQueenPhil(f): 11:47am On Mar 30, 2021
Are you in need of metric tonnes of the following

White or yellow maize
Dried cassava
Palm kernel

Kindly contact today. My phone number is 08112658211 or email obotphilomena@gmail.com. We are already supplying Olam,flour mills etc so any other company apart from these two

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