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Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? - Religion - Nairaland

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Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by markkuss: 7:27am On Feb 28, 2021
Calvary greetings to you all.

I was in a serious challenge recently and was push to visit a white garment church. After the prophecy, I was told to get bucket, grace perfume, 3 blue candles, 4 white candles, and some other stuffs so they can prepare them. I then bath with it. That's its going to rid away any bad luck..everything was bout 4k. The cash is not the problem..but my question is this. If I fast and pray myself without doing all this, does it mean I can get positive results..

Please all the matured christains, come and help me o..

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by tobechi74: 7:29am On Feb 28, 2021
In spiritual.matters all religion converge.


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by markkuss: 7:36am On Feb 28, 2021
In spiritual.matters all religion converge.



Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Righteousness2(m): 8:29am On Feb 28, 2021
Brother, Make your way Right with GOD.
Repent from all Forms of Sins and ask For Mercy from GOD.

Endeavor to live a Holy life.

Make your Prayers to GOD according to HIS Word. Go on a Fast if u can. Trust GOD with all your Heart and BELIEVE the Prayers that you Prayed are answered.
If you can, Sow a seed pertaining the matter.

Blue, Black ,white, red candle, coconut and all that are Gymnastics. Don't waste your time or resources..

Holiness, Righteousness, a concentrated Life to GOD, Laced with Total Belief in GOD and HIS Word gives us access to Heaven not All that thing u put up there.

138 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by gasparpisciotta: 8:30am On Feb 28, 2021
Calvary greetings to you all.

I was in a serious challenge recently and was push to visit a white garment church. After the prophecy, I was told to get bucket, grace perfume, 3 blue candles, 4 white candles, and some other stuffs so they can prepare them. I then bath with it. That's its going to rid away any bad luck..everything was bout 4k. The cash is not the problem..but my question is this. If I fast and pray myself without doing all this, does it mean I can get positive results..

Please all the matured christains, come and help me o..

I don’t mean to demean you in any way but, why didn’t you ask the people that told you to get these things instead of coming here?

The question is why did you go to the church?
If you are a Christian/church goer why don’t you remain in your church and share your problems with your pastor, so that he can deliver you?

You seem to me like an hypocrite

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Perfectsouth(m): 8:40am On Feb 28, 2021
my broda, all those things are fake and just to milk you..
Afterall, you will still be told to fast and pray then you will now attach your faith to those things and if you get answered prayer, you will believe it is those things..
Just pray and fast on your own and have faith and see God do wonders for you

2019 when my financial trouble started, I went to a celestial church..
They burn candles inside water for me to drink, burnt brooms, coconut and so on.. On the 4th day when I finished the prayer, the clothes I came in was torn on my body and burnt.. They gave me soap and perfume and I ended up paying 8k that I even went to borrow...
After that ordeal, my troubles multiplied in 8 folds, maybe na because na 8k I pay.. I come dey imagine if na 20k I pay nko?
Went to diff places..
It was a drunkard that told me that have been foolish all along since I know things like that doesn't work for me or on me..
Told me to get close to my creator and have faith..
And truth, things changed...
Don't believe in those nonsense.. Don't serve the lord with mamon... It is an insult to the lord...
Believe the work Jesus did for you on the cross of calvary

191 Likes 15 Shares

Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by iyanumiv(m): 9:28am On Feb 28, 2021
make we wait for people to come back from church first... grin


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by lekki1444: 9:28am On Feb 28, 2021
sure why not but what ritual are you trying to use them for ? so you dont go and curse yourself unknowingly
Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Commonguy(m): 9:29am On Feb 28, 2021
every Christians with their doctrines..but God is not complaining

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by sunshineV(f): 9:29am On Feb 28, 2021
u are facing a challenge in ur life, do nothing and watch how it will pass. its a phase and ur life will return to normal

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by masterP042(m): 9:30am On Feb 28, 2021
Brother, Make your way Right with GOD.
Repent from all Forms of Sins and ask For Mercy from GOD.

Endeavor to live a Holy life.

Make your Prayers to GOD according to HIS Word. Go on a Fast if u can. Trust GOD with all your Heart and Believe the Prayers that you Prayed are answered.
If you can, Sow a seed pertaining the matter.

Blue, Black ,white, red candle, coconut or all that are Gymnastics. Don't waste your time or resources..

Holiness, Righteousness, a concentrated Life to GOD, Laced with Total Belief on GOD and HIS Word gives u access to Heaven not All that thing u put up there.
Candles and perfumes are gymnastics, but your olive oil, mantle and communion is karate abi??
All of u are different sides of the same page. Oga winners hol u for work, while white garment hold OP for work. Las las una go dey alright angry

73 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by BAVOSKI(m): 9:30am On Feb 28, 2021
When You know that ,once you pray and fast,your problem will be solved..why did you have to visit the church then.......

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by urbobo20(m): 9:31am On Feb 28, 2021
dont u know the way they are doing there things before u went there , why coming to nairaland to ask question s

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by ForeThinker: 9:31am On Feb 28, 2021
Happy Sunday y'all
Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Samnavy: 9:32am On Feb 28, 2021
Oga read your bible very well
Or you enter church and ask pastor.

1 Like

Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by IYANGBALI: 9:32am On Feb 28, 2021
I’m out of here!

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by anenymasng(m): 9:32am On Feb 28, 2021
Didn't you fast or pray while encountering that challenge before you decided to visit a white garment church? If the challenge knack you well, you'll do as they instructed you then see if you don't overcome it.

They didn't tell you to do sacrifices or use any red or blue candle o. Just perfumes and white candles to pray and you are here seeking advice.

I'd give you a more elaborate explanation to religion and hypocrisy but I feel you are a hypocrite yourself.

*make I wear my sutana, time for church.


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by namedo: 9:33am On Feb 28, 2021
It's evil
Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Truefaith: 9:33am On Feb 28, 2021
Yes, if you read anywhere in any part of your Bible where Peter or Paul burnt any candle to any god.

But, of course, if the Bible is not the basis of your belief, what can you not do?


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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by NwanyiOkpa(f): 9:34am On Feb 28, 2021
Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by faceland: 9:34am On Feb 28, 2021
Calvary greetings to you all.

I was in a serious challenge recently and was push to visit a white garment church. After the prophecy, I was told to get bucket, grace perfume, 3 blue candles, 4 white candles, and some other stuffs so they can prepare them. I then bath with it. That's its going to rid away any bad luck..everything was bout 4k. The cash is not the problem..but my question is this. If I fast and pray myself without doing all this, does it mean I can get positive results..

Please all the matured christains, come and help me o..

Whatever that works for YOUR FAITH... It is NOT a must (or even biblical) but some people would not have faith until you tell them to do something strange... and without faith it is impossible to please God or perform miracles.

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by IME1: 9:35am On Feb 28, 2021
undecided in my humble opinion it is not necessary
Many things are borne out of traditions of men, our former customs and sadly spiritism which God does not like.

1 Corinthians 10:23 “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is edifying or expedient.

If you find yourself in a place you can't access candles and the likes what would you do?
You may become agitated, anxious and doubtful that your prayers will be answered.

One thing lockdown taught the wold is that God is not in houses built by men, or in observations and journeys, mountains and memorabilia, bread, meetings, funds and all, but God is right there in our hearts, homes and lives.

Stay well.
May God in His mercy answer our prayers according to His holy will, amen.

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by donnie(m): 9:35am On Feb 28, 2021
As a Christian, you're already an idolater... So no problem. This wont make any difference.

Did you Israelites ask us before you began to worship the white man, the idol created by Rome (Cesar Borgia) as God?

Where did you see Christmas, Easter, Mother's day, Thanksgiving Valentine, Sunday Shabbat etc in the Bible?

Now you want to disturb us about candle. angry


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by WhoIBe: 9:35am On Feb 28, 2021

Don't buy anything for prayers.

Buy a bible and read it. Use the words for your prayers. Help those in need especially people around you.

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Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by adadike(f): 9:36am On Feb 28, 2021
Dear op, go into fasting and prayers. Repent and trust God. Whenever I have such challenges, I go into fasting and I pray every three hours with midnight prayers. I sow seed to widows and less privileged too. It works sharperly for me


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by Myer(m): 9:36am On Feb 28, 2021
Calvary greetings to you all.

I was in a serious challenge recently and was push to visit a white garment church. After the prophecy, I was told to get bucket, grace perfume, 3 blue candles, 4 white candles, and some other stuffs so they can prepare them. I then bath with it. That's its going to rid away any bad luck..everything was bout 4k. The cash is not the problem..but my question is this. If I fast and pray myself without doing all this, does it mean I can get positive results..

Please all the matured christains, come and help me o..

In the old testament these things were required.
Even in New testament Jesus did ask someone to dip himself in water before he was healed.

On another occasion, he used sand and saliva to heal a blind person.

My point is if you've gone for prayers and this is what they asked you to do, why are you still asking questions when they didn't ask you to perform ritual killings?


Re: Is it Right To Buy Candles, Bintu, St Michaels Perfume For Prayer As Christian? by ictplotter(m): 9:37am On Feb 28, 2021
It will work, but its a way of solving your problem via satanic mean n power. The truth is ur initial problem will be solved but more bigger ones will keep emanating. Don't do business with the devil.. because devil's business will alway remains unfinished business till eternity.


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