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Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by omotoniwa(f): 3:09pm On Mar 08, 2021
Thanks God we are confuse and peaceful than those that kill in the name of there gods
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by drsmooth(m): 3:42pm On Mar 08, 2021

Hijāb_* *Controversy* *In* *Ten* *Schools* *In* *Ilorin*
On the 19th February 2021, the Kwara State government ordered the closure of ten schools formerly owned by some Christian bodies. The schools were taken over by the government in 1974. The government, however, allowed them to continue to bear their Christian names, while the government has been responsible for the running cost and maintenance of the schools. The ten public schools were ordered closed by the government to prevent the breakdown of law and order following the refusal of the former owners of the schools to allow Muslim teachers and students of the schools use _hijāb_ within the premises of the schools.
It will be recalled that there had been _hijāb_ controversy in Kwara State since 2012, following the attempt of the former owners of the schools to have full control over the schools that had been taken over by the State government. They demanded that the schools should be returned to them. Consequently the government was sued by the Christian bodies at an Ilorin high court but the Kwara Muslim Community applied to be joined in the suit on behalf of the Muslim students who are not allowed to use _hijāb_ in the schools. The State government won the case on the 17th of May 2016. The judgment was appealed and the Christians lost again in September 2019. It is remarkable to note that the Appeal Court ruled that the appellants lacked the right to make Christianity the only standard in the schools. It also said that "the refusal of the schools to allow the use of _hijāb_ is discriminatory as it is a practice in tune with the Constitution. "
The Court of Appeal judgment of September 2019 has not been challenged by the Christians at the Supreme Court. Consequently Muslim students and staff went to their schools with _hijāb_ but they were sent out by the schools' principals and the heads of the Christian bodies which owned the schools before they were taken over by the government in 1974.
One expects these Christian bodies who were dissatisfied with the judgement of the Court of Appeal to proceed to the Supreme Court. Instead they took law into their hands, which is a flagrant disobedience to the judgement of the Court of Appeal. The leaders of the Christian bodies and the principals of the schools should be tried for contempt of court.
Interestingly, Britain that brought Christianity into Nigeria has allowed wearing of the _hijāb_ in her schools since 1980s. The Nigerian Christian bodies want to be more Catholic than the Pope. Toby Howarth, the Bishop of Bradford, in the Diocese of Leeds, of the Church of England supports the wearing of the _hijāb_ by primary school girls. He says:
"This is a matter of religious identity, not sexualization, and the British policy should be not to make a big deal of it, but simply say that you have to wear the right colour that goes with the school uniform" ( _The_ _Sunday_ _Times_ , 03 September 2017)
A _Sunday_ _Times_ survey also reveals that thousands of state primary schools allow girls to wear the _hijāb_ as part of approved school uniform in UK. Incidentally the country has allowed a Muslim woman, in person of Raffia Arshad, who wears _hijāb_ to become a judge.
Ilorin is generally known as a Muslim town. It has been an Emirate since 1823. Muslims are officially in majority. Sharia Court system operates in Kwara State adjudicating over Muslim matters. No non - Muslim has been forced to appear in the court. Christians established schools to convert Muslim students to their religion. They deny Muslims the practice of Islam in an Islamic town with an Emir and great scholars of Islam. The government in its wisdom took over the schools to protect the interest of all, while it has been financing the running of the schools with taxpayers' money, majority of who are Muslims, and yet the Christians continue to oppress the Muslims by not allowing the Muslims to practise their religion. Do the Christians expect the Muslims to fold their hands and watch their children converted to Christianity before their eyes? That is not possible. Christians attend Muslim schools in the state. They are not forced to wear _hijāb_ in the Muslim schools.
Ironically the Bible enjoins Christian females to cover their head (1 Timothy 2:9-10 & 1 Corinthians 11: 4-7). Catholic Rev. Sisters and Mothers obey the biblical injunction. Mary, the mother of Jesus wore _hijāb_ . The artistic impression of Mary as displayed by Christians confirms that. If some Christians now jettison biblical teaching and celebrate nudity, immorality, indecent mode of dressing, Muslims will never do that. They obey the . teachings of the Qur'an on the female mode of dressing (Q33:59 & 24:31). Muslims must note that the Christians want to make Muslims emulate their disobedience to God. Muslims have been warned by Allah against the antics of the Christians (Q2:120). Let's be on our guard and stand firmly by the ethos of Islamic mode of dressing.
Kwara State government should solve this lingering problem once and for all. The government should exercise full control over all the schools that it has taken over. They are public schools. They should be seen as such. No religious body should have any control over the schools. The schools should cease to bear the names that reflect any religious body. They no longer belong to any religious body. That was done in other northern states in 1974.
Principals and Vice Principals should no longer be appointed by the former owners of the schools. Loyalty and allegiance of the Principals and the Vice Principals will always belong to whoever appoints them because whoever pays the piper dictates the tune. The government should appoint them as they appoint other teachers to demonstrate that it is the owner of the schools, and that the schools are not jointly owned by the government and anyone, or partially owned with anyone else.
Every Nigerian has been guaranteed religious freedom by Section 38(1) of the Constitution. Everyone must therefore be allowed to enjoy that freedom wherever he or she may be in Nigeria.
_Jumu'atun_ _Mubārakah_
Prof Yasir Anjola Quadri
14th Rajab, 1442 / 26th February 2021

Carry your hijab and go to Ansarudeen. There's no problem when it's an Islamic govt school where non-muslims have to use hijab?
Very confused people. They started doing wedding cakes, exchange rings,do night vigil, now they want to take over the bright schools because Ansaru never seem to pass thier JSS or SSS exams.. Na wa

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by drsmooth(m): 3:46pm On Mar 08, 2021

“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Ahzaab 33:59]

So you decided to pick the hijab and forget the other coverings? Typical
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by P1PrinceKT(m): 3:59pm On Mar 08, 2021

really. why don't you show us the word HIJAB in the Bible. oloriburuku gbogbo.

For a woman to walk with her head Uncovered, is good for her head to be cut-off.

If you're reading with understanding you know the definition of this Verse.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Kagarko(m): 5:07pm On Mar 08, 2021

How many Christians send their children to talakawa schools? Let muslims who want to wear hijab transfer to Islamic schools. Simple!
CAN, PFN, all Christians should insist on no hijab in Christian schools.

Please think outside the box.

The schools in question is managed by the said Muslim state money.

Kwara isn't Rivers.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Thelife: 6:51pm On Mar 08, 2021

For a woman to walk with her head Uncovered, is good for her head to be cut-off.

If you're reading with understanding you know the definition of this Verse.

1 Corinthians 11:5-6
5 But every woman who prays or prophesies(A) with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.(B) 6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

I guess you can read abi you didn't see " prays or prophesies" well not surprise, your gigolo fake prophet Mumuhammad is known to quoting the Bible upside down too.

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by BaeMercy(f): 7:09pm On Mar 08, 2021

Very trashy war-mongering dolts. If the colonialists wanted, they would have easily converted all of them from Islam but they chose not too and respected their space yet these idiots wouldn’t respect other people’s space.
Abi, don't mind them jare

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by P1PrinceKT(m): 7:28pm On Mar 08, 2021

1 Corinthians 11:5-6
5 But every woman who prays or prophesies(A) with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.(B) 6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

I guess you can read abi you didn't see " prays or prophesies" well not surprise, your gigolo fake prophet Mumuhammad is known to quoting the Bible upside down too.

why are you not doing as you're ordered to do and at the same time Insulting Muslims for obeying their teachings.??
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by chrisblack: 8:24pm On Mar 08, 2021
In 1974, the Military Government ordered the takeover of private school in Nigeria. The then military Governor of Kwara state Col. David Bamigboye complied and took over private schools including mission schools. Part of what is creating the confusion today is that in Kwara state unlike in other states in Northern Nigeria, the names of the schools were not changed. In Kaduna, Queens of Apostles College became Queen Amina College, St John's became Rimi College, St Paul's became Kufena College, the Muslim owned Sheikh Shabah college became Sardauna Memorial College, etc... Christian associations in Kwara State took the Kwara State Government to court about five year ago to get the schools returned to them. They lost the case to the State government at the High Court and the Court of Appeal. The court also ruled that it is the legal right of Muslim girls to wear hijab to government owned schools. Bishop Smith was one of the schools that were taken over by government.
you are technically not correct. The difference with kwara was that the schools were not taken over like what was obtained in other states. They are grant aided. Not outright like it was in lagos state. It's just like what we have in lagos state with the schools returned to missionaries but the school are still be funded by the lagos state govt in some cases. The kwara state issue is that the govt gives funding to the schools as grant the grant involves teachers salaries and other sundry stuffs.Thats what the mission schools owners are trying to prove
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by chrisblack: 8:33pm On Mar 08, 2021

Gbam, that's how CAN pushed El rufai in Kaduna and he jejely chose a muslim as his running mate and he won, CAN should continue pushing their luck in kwara state, all my days in kwara I've never seen Muslims oppress xtians, Ondo state govn demolished ansarudeen sch, wike declared rivers a xtian state, no noise but when a muslim fight for his right the media will explode, hypocrites
Are there not muslim schools that follow their own rules in kwara.why must it always be christian schools that needs to compromise. If a christian student chooses to go to ansarudeen ,he or she should be ready to toe the line. Why must the muslim parent choose to send their wards to christian schools .There must be a reason.may the quality of education is higher or for trouble making if they choose not to follow the rules.the question is simple.is the hijab part of the school's official uniform?.there are schools were such is allowed. It thus means a student can choose to put on a robe or garment as part of their uniform since cause they can't claim it's part of their religious rite
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Sagtop: 8:44pm On Mar 08, 2021
return the school to the missionaries and let them run it the way they want, it's their heritage. with all the Fulani trouble this governor still has time to create more problems for himself.

If the schools are returned to the owners, then, the locals can revoke their Ancestral land too, u can't establish a school on my Ancestral land and still deny my kids the benefit. Let them carry their structures to their villages
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by nurain150(m): 9:10pm On Mar 08, 2021
The state government should have rescued himself, he is a Muslim and he shouldn't have given the straight orders in favour of his religion, he should have waited for the outcome of the court. He is the state governor to all and not to his faith alone.
The school authorities are standing on their ground, there are rules and conditions that guide every institutes. Those that are not in favour or cannot abide by the set rules should move to another schools, that will accept their terms.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by nurain150(m): 9:10pm On Mar 08, 2021
The state government should have rescued himself, he is a Muslim and he shouldn't have given the straight orders in favour of his religion, he should have waited for the outcome of the court. He is the state governor to all and not to his faith alone.
The school authorities are standing on their ground, there are rules and conditions that guide every institutes. Those that are not in favour or cannot abide by the set rules should move to another schools, that will accept their terms.
Bigotry exposed tell that to ur Igbo folks
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by GeeOh(f): 9:17pm On Mar 08, 2021

If the schools are returned to the owners, then, the locals can revoke their Ancestral land too, u can't establish a school on my Ancestral land and still deny my kids the benefit. Let them carry their structures to their villages
oga no vex O, did d community complain the missionaries didnt pay for the land or because I buy land from you to build my house or property means you must still av access to my house, reason this properly and stop making Islam look like a trouble some religion. Am a Christian but will never fight for any religion, plz where was hijab mentioned in the Quran.


Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Kingspin(m): 9:31pm On Mar 08, 2021
Stop school terrorism Kwara state government
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Kingspin(m): 9:33pm On Mar 08, 2021
The state government should have rescued himself, he is a Muslim and he shouldn't have given the straight orders in favour of his religion, he should have waited for the outcome of the court. He is the state governor to all and not to his faith alone.
The school authorities are standing on their ground, there are rules and conditions that guide every institutes. Those that are not in favour or cannot abide by the set rules should move to another schools, that will accept their terms.
Even the court should get sense.

There is no way the schools are Islamic school.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Sagtop: 10:34pm On Mar 08, 2021
oga no vex O, did d community complain the missionaries didnt pay for the land or because I buy land from you to build my house or property means you must still av access to my house, reason this properly and stop making Islam look like a trouble some religion. Am a Christian but will never fight for any religion, plz where was hijab mentioned in the Quran.

They were dashed the land, they didnt buy it, go to south east to see the real persecution against islam. Media will never report it. Akeredolu demolished islamic mission school in ondo, ansarudeen and sent pupils to a smaller place, No media coveres it, just imagine Oyetola doing that to a Christian school in osun.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by capatainrambo: 10:57pm On Mar 08, 2021

Who told u ijab is not in the Quran, why don't u condemn ur Catholic sisters wearing hijab?
shut your devilish mouth

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by tomitrace(m): 11:27pm On Mar 08, 2021
let solve the issue... everybody wear ur native attire to school. Our heritage before all this religion fallacies.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Thelife: 2:43am On Mar 09, 2021
why are you not doing as you're ordered to do and at the same time Insulting Muslims for obeying their teachings.??

Werey leleyi sha, please how am I not doing as I was order to do.

Who care about head slammer terrorist, nobody is stopping you from obeying your teaching in your mosque and Islamic school.

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Thelife: 2:47am On Mar 09, 2021

They were dashed the land, they didnt buy it, go to south east to see the real persecution against islam. Media will never report it. Akeredolu demolished islamic mission school in ondo, ansarudeen and sent pupils to a smaller place, No media coveres it, just imagine Oyetola doing that to a Christian school in osun.

You are another werey. Please which persecution pass you operating a religious law in a state that made up of both Christian and moslom, why should media care about you fools hypocrisy, did you know how many churches your hellrufai destroy in Kaduna? Oyetola should try it without excuse as see hell break loss, eyin werey gbogbo

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Thelife: 2:50am On Mar 09, 2021

Please think outside the box.

The schools in question is managed by the said Muslim state money.

Kwara isn't Rivers.

And when did kwara become moslom state, abi werey leleyi ni

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Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by Lekison(m): 8:02am On Mar 09, 2021
why are you not doing as you're ordered to do and at the same time Insulting Muslims for obeying their teachings.??
that is not your own problem it's their choice.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by GeeOh(f): 8:15am On Mar 09, 2021

They were dashed the land, they didnt buy it, go to south east to see the real persecution against islam. Media will never report it. Akeredolu demolished islamic mission school in ondo, ansarudeen and sent pupils to a smaller place, No media coveres it, just imagine Oyetola doing that to a Christian school in osun.
becasue You dash me clothes You tell me how and where to wear it "ti a ba fi agbo fun egun a jowo e tokun tokun ni" meaning when you give a masquerade a ram You have to do so with the rope, Kwara is not peaceful I think the governor should not cause more trouble, the schools didnt just get there now saraki and the immediate past governor too are also Muslims and they choose the way of peace.
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by P1PrinceKT(m): 8:31am On Mar 09, 2021
that is not your own problem it's their choice.

Ok I understood
Re: Hijab: 10 Kwara Schools To Remain Shut For Safety Reasons by EastisBae: 9:02am On Mar 09, 2021
Of all the challenges bedeviling these people, it is hijab (whether to wear headscarf or not) is there problem.

Churches built schools based on their doctrine, you took it over and is now trying to impose the believe system of another religion on them? Does it even make sense? If the Muslim students are not comfortable going to such schools without obeying their dress code, then they should go elsewhere!

If not for the presence of Igboland and Niger Delta minorities in Nigeria, this country would have long become an Islamic state.

The same religion imbroglio that destroyed the North is gradually creeping into the SW (last time it was Osun state) and it would be their doom if they don't thread carefully.

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