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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY (2307 Views)
My Cheating Is About To End My Marriage / See After Effects Of Engaging In Runs, Which Is Rampant Amongst Girls Nowadays. / Why Cheating Is Different Between A Man And A Woman. (2) (3) (4)
WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 11:42pm On Mar 13, 2021 |
Their are many reasons why guys cheat, but the number one reason for me is because THEY HAVE LOTS OF MONEY TO SPEND. Most ladies LOVE MONEY because they love having ALL THE MATERIAL THINGS that money can buy. If you have money, you can Cheat with almost any girl you like without saying a word or even much. So I mistakenly horned while in a campus environment, I was in a nice SUV, belongs to my family and a group of beautiful ladies in front came and asked if I was calling either of them, I replied no. Some of them couldn't hide their disappointment and it was even in the afternoon and not evening. I came to pick up my sister from her hostel that day. Truth is even if I was calling them, at that moment they dont care my relationship status- infact most dont want to even know. Truth is no guy could drive that SUV and still be single. He must have a girlfriend, a wife, is a gay or if he truly is single he must either be a priest or totally despise women. So those girls never truly cared about my relationship status and yes I am not single. So as long as most girls are materialistic and love the latest iPhones, wears, makeup, hairs, bags, shoes, you name it -CHEATING WILL ALWAYS EXIST. Those goodies wont buy themselves unless with MONEY, and even the few girls that have money like my sister, DONT LIKE TO SPEND THEIR OWN MONEY MOST OF THE TIME. THEY PREFER DAD'S OR MOM'S MONEY OR BIG BRO'S MONEY. Cheating isn't men's fault alone, women are very much involved and are enablers. If most girls can reject materialistic things, cheating in our society will greatly reduce. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by WoundedLamb: 11:45pm On Mar 13, 2021 |
Lol... you people will blame women for everything including the way you fart. 2 Likes |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 11:48pm On Mar 13, 2021 |
WoundedLamb: I believe you read well. If you can you will you get this fact, that cheating are men and women's problem |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by Xenry: 11:49pm On Mar 13, 2021 |
Women's matter again? 3 Likes
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 11:56pm On Mar 13, 2021 |
Xenry: But it's the TRUTH. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 6:19am On Mar 14, 2021 |
Quote for materialistic girls 1 Like
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by lukui: 7:44am On Mar 14, 2021 |
a girl looked at me to an extent and asked me IS YOUR D**CK WORKING? because she just wonder why i dont carry woman all around the place, my neighbours also hiss, gossip and mock me whenever its time for prayer and i carry my kettle to go and pray, they will be like IS HE GAY, CANT HE F**CK so man thats the kind of world we are living in right now, BAD IS GOOD, AND BEING GOOD IS BAD #MAYGODSAVEUS 4 Likes |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 10:17am On Mar 14, 2021 |
lukui: You are correct bro. I remember when I was in the university some years back. A course mate of mine, a girl collected my phone with my permission and next thing she was in my gallery. She saw like 2 images of guys with nice build on my phone and was taken aback. She couldn't contain her thoughts, she accused me about why I had such pics on my phone, like she never took me for a gay and she knows I have a girlfriend and I'm into girls. I laughed, then I showed her pics of me going to the gym and that I was trying to build my muscles to look like those guys. I keep them for comparison. She laughed too but she was still eyeing me one kind, like hope this our fine bro hasn't crossed over to the other side. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by Offpoint1: 10:37am On Mar 14, 2021 |
Abandoning our culture and adopting the western culture is the reason, any other thing you mentioned are irrelevant. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 10:43am On Mar 14, 2021 |
Offpoint1: Polygamy still dey African culture na. If I Marry a second wife while still married to a first is that not cheating of the highest level? |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by Offpoint1: 10:50am On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:Cheating is having affair with others without your partner knowledge, taking another wife can't be described as such. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 10:52am On Mar 14, 2021 |
Offpoint1: Funny but not true. With or without your partners knowledge cheating can happen. It may not even be physical. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 10:54am On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:Stop blaming gender for cheating baba... what is wrong with you all?? “So as long as most girls are materialistic and love the latest iPhones, wears, makeup, hairs, bags, shoes, you name it -CHEATING WILL ALWAYS EXIST. “ This quote is only sensible if we have more lesbians but hopefully we don’t. Check the dictionary for the word consensual and after than check for the word Transactional. You will see there are two side of same coin, there is no master an slave. They simply agreed to do and so it happened |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 11:02am On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: Please dont be in a haste to comment. The inference from this post is men and women are both equally responsible when it comes to cheating and MONEY is majorly the root cause. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 11:59am On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:No that isn’t the inference. He was trying to connect two things that aren’t. No one is causing anyone to do anything. Everyone love bad things. We won’t just accept it. Cheating is something adventurous and human love it. Call boys out or girls out is not addressing the issues in anyway. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 12:12pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: SOMETHING DRIVES people into doing those things. For ladies MONEY is the major drive. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 12:48pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:if little things could make you do some certain things then it goes to tell you are kinda made for that thing. Cheating is not easy, trust me, but it isn’t so for people who are made for it, people who are natural cheat do it so easy without too many contemplation. Saying money or materials was the cause is a far cry from reality. Money and materials are just nothing but spices to make it sweeter |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by Kobicove(m): 12:54pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer: Is it only ladies that cheat? |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 1:09pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
Kobicove: Did I say it was only ladies? Read please |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 1:11pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: People cheat for many reason, but many ladies cheat because that man has lots of money. You can deny it all you want, still doesnt change the fact. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 2:15pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:Cheating is a character. If only you understand then you would stop worrying too much when people cheat. If cheating ain’t your thing, you wouldn’t be interested too much in it. It could happen but it would be very rare. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 4:34pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: "Cheating is a character" like it was inbuilt in some people. Nobody had cheating inbuilt into their character, rather people started to cheat for various reasons and after a while they became addicted to it, like any bad habit formed. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 4:50pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:To be verbose, cheating is at the core of every human. The brain see anything it likes and goes for it but being civil we work by conscious thought and experiences and then by our law. In Our primitive nature there is no such thing that you must stick to one partner but over time we could train our mind to behave in a particular way. Now that aside our sexual Orientation works in several ways, some people are highly active sexually simply because their libido level is very high, that is one. Secondly, some people have wide range of sexual fantasies that even their partner can never meet, also some people just like varieties of different sex pattern (bisexual most especially). Some are purely just for adventurous, the act of cheating is the reward rather than the cheating itself. If they could fake it they can even go such extent just to get same drama. But everything all boils that to self control and using the brain to do thinking rather than acting out of mere emotions and pleasures. So in-conclusion there is a limit to how much external influences has on cheating, gender isn’t a very big part of them, nor material stuffs, take time to check the character of the person. Most time they choose to act out of primitive nature. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 5:11pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: I dont agree with you. Do you know how many impulses people have while growing up? You want to take what is not yours, you are tempted to jump off a high building or bridge, you are tempted to play with fire, you are tempted to run away from home when your parents offend you and any other wild thoughts that may cross peoples head while growing up. Those impulses dont DEFINE your ORIENTATION, those impulses are just A TEMPORARY reaction of your senses to different environments and emotions. The frontal part of your brain over time should be able to control such impulses ONLY if you dont INDULGE in them. People who have weird fantasies where those who failed to control their impulses in their developmental stage. They are addicts now to their impulses in adulthood. So nothing, no character is inbuilt in a child, it is rather taught or learnt as they grow up and explore. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by BareFacedLies(m): 5:27pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer: Monogamy is against natural order |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 5:39pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
BareFacedLies: Like you havent seen animals that practice monogamy, having one mate for life? If polygamy is the way, then it means going by animal nature- no female should be faithful to a man, cause females in animal kingdom can mate with several males during their life time. Also after mating some female animals especially insects like the spider and mantis eat their Male mates after sex ( so they can kill us after sex or later in marriage when their emotions flare up), or is it the sea horse that abandons her children for the Male to raise while she goes in search of another Male mate ( should women behave like this too?). See nature is not the answer to this cheating issue. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by Monogamy: 5:41pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 5:46pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:You just instantly agreed to my previous post. Some People never learned to control their impulses. Anyone who tells you he/she cheats because of just money or some material stuff didn’t tell you the full story. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 5:51pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
stanliwise: You still dont get my stance. Been GREEDY is an impulse that if not controlled can turn to a bad habit. Many ladies growing up never LEARNT to be CONTENTED with whatever means they have or their families can provide. They CAN'T resist MONEY even if it is from a SOURCE they shouldn't collect it from. Now since GREED is now part of their habit, when someone who looks EXPENSIVE offers to spoil them, whether he us SINGLE or NOT, the GREED in them will kick in and they will act on it to the extent of having sexual relations. They know MOST RICH AND SUCCESSFUL MEN can never be truly single but the GREED in them wont allow them reason ALONG that LINE. |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by stanliwise(m): 5:55pm On Mar 14, 2021 |
needanswer:Oh okay now I get your point. 1 Like |
Re: WHY CHEATING IS RAMPANT IN THE SOCIETY by needanswer: 10:21am On Mar 15, 2021 |
Who is 501one? |
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