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9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by WriterNig: 9:24pm On Apr 14, 2021


President Joe Biden on Wednesday formally announced his decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan before September 11, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that led the US into its longest war.

"We cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in Afghanistan hoping to create the ideal conditions for our withdrawal, expecting a different result," Biden said.

"I am now the fourth American president to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan. Two Republicans. Two Democrats," he added. "I will not pass this responsibility to a fifth."

In a sign he views his remarks as a historic bookend to the prolonged conflict, he delivered them from precisely the same spot in the White House Treaty Room that President George W. Bush announced the start of the war on October 7, 2001.

Afterward he'll visit the section of Arlington National Cemetery where many of America's war dead from Afghanistan are buried.

Biden will say that American diplomatic and humanitarian efforts will continue in Afghanistan and would support peace efforts between the Afghan government and the Taliban. But he'll be unequivocal that two decades after it began, the Afghanistan war is ending.

"It is time to end America's longest war. It is time for American troops to come home," he said.

Biden said the withdrawal will begin on May 1, in line with an agreement President Donald Trump's administration made with the Taliban. He said the complete withdrawal will be done by September 11.

The deadline Biden has set is absolute, with no potential for extension based on worsening conditions on the ground. Officials said after two decades of war, it was clear to the President that throwing more time and money at Afghanistan's problems wasn't going to work.

"This is not conditions-based," a senior administration official heavily involved in the deliberations said on Tuesday. "The President has judged that a conditions-based approach, which has been the approach of the past two decades, is a recipe for staying in Afghanistan forever."

Some US troops will remain to protect American diplomats, though officials declined to provide a precise number.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said Wednesday he spoke to Biden and that he "respects the US decision."

"Afghanistan's proud security and defense forces are fully capable of defending its people and country, which they have been doing all along, and for which the Afghan nation will forever remain grateful," Ghani said on Twitter.


White House


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by WriterNig: 9:24pm On Apr 14, 2021
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by fuckingAyaya(m): 9:27pm On Apr 14, 2021
Trump has been vindicated

129 Likes 3 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by heendrix(m): 9:29pm On Apr 14, 2021
I expect same replica in Borno state cuz it's obvious the war has become stale and needless

Anyways, I miss action man Trump....you'll see this nigga addressing Americans and it's as though a teddy bear is speaking undecided

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Brexxit(m): 9:31pm On Apr 14, 2021

Good one their from Mr biden,afghans should take responsibility for it own country.

Lives of thousands of american soldiers and trillions of dollars lost to endless wars in the middle east.

This endless wars is one major factor causing huge budget deficits.

59 Likes 4 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by sofeo(m): 9:36pm On Apr 14, 2021

1 Like 1 Share

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Dalil8: 9:40pm On Apr 14, 2021
Good news for Jihadists, bad news for the rest of the world.

Afghanistan will once again become the breeding ground for new Islamic sects

Over $3 trillion wasted.

106 Likes 3 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by slawormiir: 9:43pm On Apr 14, 2021
Damnnn niggarrrr...

That year.....

1 Like

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Okortor: 9:43pm On Apr 14, 2021
I had a vision that biden couldn't complete his tenure.
I pray for God's will and intervention in the US.
Also I pray for peace and unity in NIGERIA, Amen.


Those of you quoting me, ya all need brain surgery,

Anyway, the vision didn't state he died but was removed from office.


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by dimexy247(m): 9:43pm On Apr 14, 2021
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by ZendayaColeman(f): 9:44pm On Apr 14, 2021
It's time for USA to interfere in Nigeria's political & economic affairs.

A dead has been ruling over 200 million people for over 4 years now

29 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Nobody: 9:44pm On Apr 14, 2021
Finally, the long awaited withdrawal
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by OmovuduTheBeast(f): 9:44pm On Apr 14, 2021
Nothing vulture griller nor go see for inside buhari yansh


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by KingAzubuike(f): 9:44pm On Apr 14, 2021
The 911 attacks is one of the greatest scams in the history of mankind.

Once again, America went to a war and failed.

39 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by iamyemiakins(m): 9:45pm On Apr 14, 2021
Who will help us withdraw our Southern Nigeria troops from Northern Nigeria now

67 Likes 1 Share

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by tuna85: 9:45pm On Apr 14, 2021
Good news for Jihadists, bad news for the rest of the world.

Afghanistan will once again become the breeding ground for new Islamic sects

You need to understand the genesis, U S created the problems from Afghanistan to Palestine to Libya to Syria etc, Biden knows what's right now that he is taking some good steps.

41 Likes 4 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by RichDad1(m): 9:46pm On Apr 14, 2021
Where are those prophets of doom, that says the Democrats are war mongers ?

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Doncripp: 9:46pm On Apr 14, 2021
How does this improve buhari government
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Ellixlimswag(m): 9:46pm On Apr 14, 2021
Omo yahooboys.. this lie don cast o���


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by GeneralPula: 9:46pm On Apr 14, 2021
Afghanistan's proud security and defense forces are fully capable of defending its people and country, which they have been doing all along, and for which the Afghan nation will forever remain grateful," Ghani said on Twitter.
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by helinues: 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021

The question is what have they ( American Soldiers) being doing in Afghanista for years if Afghanista is not Usa Territory

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Splendor4(m): 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021
ok nice one
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by XXXXTENTACION: 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021
Good development.
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by greggng: 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021



White House

Cc Lalasticlala

It should be 9/11 not 911 moderator correct the subject ...911 is telephone emergency number while 9/11 is Sept 11 attack by terrorist in USA


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by PrimeWatermark: 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021

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Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by MA23: 9:47pm On Apr 14, 2021
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by marvin906(m): 9:48pm On Apr 14, 2021
Una for stay..
I think say una Wan follow taliban drag that country till Jesus come


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by Roddwave: 9:49pm On Apr 14, 2021
Which one be 911
Na 9/11


Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by FA13(m): 9:49pm On Apr 14, 2021
His suit and shoe at the Arlington cemetery are just somehow.
Re: 9/11 Attack: Biden Announces The Withdrawal Of U.S Troops From Afghanistan by espn(m): 9:50pm On Apr 14, 2021
Don't start what you won't finish

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