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Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Sleekfingers: 12:02pm On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

lets Jah decide......for your information Nigerian version of xtianity reeks of stupidities.......
Even where the religion is originated from.....dem smoke pass chimney....

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by charlesucheh(m): 12:03pm On Apr 25, 2021
My response to the person who asked same question was this

All I see is you mixing physics with Metaphysics. why use the inscription ''smokers are liable to die young''? that's a scientific deduction. one who sees the things of the earth and embraces them doesn't even know where they got that from. only God can decides when one goes or stays. let those he has created enjoy the things of the earth. Negligence shouldn't be consider a sin, like you've insinuated.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by McLizbae: 12:05pm On Apr 25, 2021

Did your Bible mention this or you fabricated it?

The Bible was clear.... "Everything" and "ALL"

No clause followed this verses

See I don agree with you nah! Make we forget the bible, just they ask ni: what class of food is smoke nah?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by AllenSpencer: 12:08pm On Apr 25, 2021

See I don agree with you nah! Make we forget the bible, just they ask ni: what class of food is smoke nah?


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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by YinkaGold02: 12:08pm On Apr 25, 2021
There’s no Bible verse that specifically talks about smoking, for or against. Many Christians will quote 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 to point to why you should not smoke. On one level that makes sense. Our bodies are a temple and we should care for it. But what about sugar? Should we avoid that too? Let’s take it a step further. If our bodies our temples, then this verse is telling us not to do anything harmful, right? That’s the logical conclusion.So is it okay for a Christain to smoke? Well the Bible doesn’t give us much direction. Is it a sin? No. Let’s not add rules that God did not put in the Bible. While smoking is certainly unhealthy, it’s not a sin issue. This is a grey area.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by MrNipplesLover(m): 12:22pm On Apr 25, 2021
Thank you, Jesus.


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Taiwojon(m): 12:24pm On Apr 25, 2021


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Taiwojon(m): 12:26pm On Apr 25, 2021
Genesis 1:29

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

1 Timothy 4:4-6
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.
So you will receive smoking by grace.

End times ministry.


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Cnach: 12:31pm On Apr 25, 2021
I am afraid you are wrong in your conclusion. It is worse to assume a thing a sin, and tell others that it is so, when it is not. That is akin to adding to the commandments of God and there is a curse attached for those who do such and tell others such lies. undecided

Rather than leaving it up in the air, it would be wiser to learn the Truth of God which clearly detail for your learning what sin is and what is not sin. It is by knowing this Truth that you can be set free from slavery to sin by the Truth, the very teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ Himself. undecided
read his final note, he is not wrong
If u really like the race that's what u should do
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by IamOrei(m): 12:35pm On Apr 25, 2021
If it’s not stupidity, why should an African smoke? The whites who smoke do it for a reason which doesn’t relate to us Africans & not all of them smoke.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by McLizbae: 12:39pm On Apr 25, 2021


Vegetable grin grin

You street no be small! I feel you.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by solonubinho(m): 12:42pm On Apr 25, 2021
Is it even healthy to smoke? Not everything bible bible. Urgh. Una sef.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by kuuljay(m): 12:48pm On Apr 25, 2021

"Thou shalt not kill" (even if it is thine own self). Thanks to kingPhilip! (It is already proven and settled that Smokers are liable to die, whether old or young)

Not to even add the sin of murder when another soul is killed by their smoking!
even water kills if you take it too much,it's called drowning
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by skyion: 12:49pm On Apr 25, 2021
Anything that will lead you to sin flee from it. Everything God created is good but it is for a purpose

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Jones4190(m): 12:49pm On Apr 25, 2021
psalm 104 :14 -15 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle,
And herbs for the service of man,
That he may bring forth food from the earth,
 And wine that makes glad the heart of man,
Oil to make his face shine,
And bread which strengthens man’s heart.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by EverGlorious(m): 12:55pm On Apr 25, 2021
And voila !... the problem I was just addressing rears its ugly head. undecided

Where did God specify that it is not to be rolled and with fire attached to an end to inhale and blow out smoke? undecided

You want the Bible to tell you everything like the ones that are clearly written there have been adhered to. If "Thou shall not smoke marijuana" was an 11th commandment, you'll still do it...in fact that's even when it'll be sweeter.

It's not every thing that you can do that you should do. It's not every thing that's not a sin that's permissible.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that you can't see, smell or taste. When you burns marijuana, it gives off carbon monoxide which is 10x more than in tobacco or shisha. When you smoke and inhale the it, you breathe in carbon monoxide which is then absorbed through the lungs into the blood stream.

"Your red blood cells transfer oxygen to your cells and collect carbon dioxide, drop it back in the lungs and pick up oxygen. Carbon monoxide refuses to let your red blood cells go, like that toxic relationship, it refuses to go anywhere. Your red cells can't pick oxygen again" - Aproko Doctor

This is the same gas that has killed several families that unfortunately let the fumes of their gen enter their house and slept off. They just went on from there without struggle.

It's probably not a sin, but it'll kill you and mess up your life. No village people involved, just stubborn you.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Ekugbeh(m): 1:02pm On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
it's not actually a sin but a bad habit
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by EverGlorious(m): 1:04pm On Apr 25, 2021
There’s no Bible verse that specifically talks about smoking, for or against. Many Christians will quote 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 to point to why you should not smoke. On one level that makes sense. Our bodies are a temple and we should care for it. But what about sugar? Should we avoid that too? Let’s take it a step further. If our bodies our temples, then this verse is telling us not to do anything harmful, right? That’s the logical conclusion.So is it okay for a Christain to smoke? Well the Bible doesn’t give us much direction. Is it a sin? No. Let’s not add rules that God did not put in the Bible. While smoking is certainly unhealthy, it’s not a sin issue. This is a grey area.

As least sugar is part of our daily consumption both in the food we eat and as a whole, also in many of our recipes. Smoking marijuana on the other hand, in any way, shape or form is not food rather is very harmful.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by kudinkarfe: 1:10pm On Apr 25, 2021
Try and answer this question and be sincere to yourself. If JESUS live in our generation will he smoke? if no then try and be Christ like.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by surequality: 1:10pm On Apr 25, 2021
ROMANS 14:1 to end settles the argument.
I am a Christian, not a church goer, strong "believer" of GOD's word.
I smoke "marijuana" for positive personal reasons and I do not condemn myself for doing it!
It makes me eat well
It makes me sleep well
It makes me think constructively (Ideas generator)
It gives me strength to absorbs and tolerate people offences
And it makes me f*uk my wife wellooooooooo!
But I do not abuse the use neither do I weed in the presence of christian(s) who is/are weak in faith.
Smoking of ciggarette is undeniable bad!
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by okwusdidi: 1:14pm On Apr 25, 2021
It is not a sin all the scriptures quoted here relating to smoking are all wrong interpretation for instance the one of your body being the temple of the holy spirit st Paul was referring to fornication here and not smoking moreover we inhale carbomonoxide daily from our generators cars buses etc does it mean that it is a sin to drive cars and use generators what of factory workers.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Nobody: 1:17pm On Apr 25, 2021
Genesis 1:29

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

1 Timothy 4:4-6
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed.
So I give a deadly plant that can kill you will eat it based on the scriptures you quoted above.
Now 1 John 5:17 says 'All unrighteousness is a sin' so the question you ask yourself is, is it right to take that will affect you reasoning and health negatively? Answer is no, since is not right, is a sin. Smoking is like trying to commit suicide, which is a sin.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Dtruthspeaker: 1:20pm On Apr 25, 2021
even water kills if you take it too much,it's called drowning

True, "Thou shalt not kill, even thine own self"!
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Nobody: 1:24pm On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
1John 5:17 say 'All unrighteousness is sin ' so ask yourself, is it right to take anything that will have negative effect on your health and mental wellbeing? The answer is no, is not right. Since it is not right, it is unrighteous, therefore a sin.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by simplesearch: 1:28pm On Apr 25, 2021
@OP if your reason for this post is to go to heaven and not an excuse to continue smoking as other explicit or relative ungodly habits, then my counsel to you without mincing word is this, don't do what Jesus won't do or engage in if he were physically present on earth I.e don't undertake to do anything that stand in check against truth and godliness.

If Jesus were on earth will he smoke(marijuana etc) or take alcohol or practice polygamy or practice gay or approve lesbianism or commit murder or steal govt money as someone in position of authority. Whatever your answers are to this rhetorics, pls go and do likewise.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by babapressy(m): 1:31pm On Apr 25, 2021
If the heart of man is perverted and influenced by the devil, even if God gives you a good thing because your thoughts and heart is influenced by the devil you will use that good thing for bad things. Everything God gives is for His glory. For example God blesses you with a car and then you borrow the car out for robbery. Remember scripture says it is not given to man that walketh to order his own steps, this simply means everything a man does wether good or bad is motivated or influenced by a spirit. Bible said it is God who is at work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. God gave man plants and herbs but we started smoking them, He gave us animals as pet and for food but we started having sex with them......

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by kingphilip(m): 1:32pm On Apr 25, 2021
do you eat your bean raw without cooking? Or you dont roost anything before you take it...
so what are you eating from the smoke?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by YoungestD(m): 1:34pm On Apr 25, 2021

Jesus turned water into wine and his disciples were there but the bible didn't mention whether they drink it or not (but I believe they didn't drink it)...
further more in,

Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit...

Smoking is bad in every area, even the producer's know it...

And anything bad is not for we believers of God, why take some thing that will kill the flesh and weaken the spirit when we ought to be filled with the spirit (Trinity) just like what the Bible said...

We should know better whether Christian or not...
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by demmy1981: 1:41pm On Apr 25, 2021
Everything! Including the rizzla and lighter[center][/center]

So barbeque is a sin because it takes hot charcoal to make it happen

Bible said, everything! Forget the mode of preparation[/quote]
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Tcwork: 1:48pm On Apr 25, 2021
Romans5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Unless there is a law against it, it is no sin.
One could ask, is it a sin to take in sugar... remember sugar is also a deadly killer. The answer remains that we are given our wisdom to guide us in such instances.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Fanuchi007: 1:50pm On Apr 25, 2021
E no kwansyn me watin Bible talk oh... No be everything inside bibe I de follow
I just pick d basic ones and enjoy my life. I drink and smoke although I rarely smoke but I don't judge people who do either. My only advice is either of the two should not be your motivation. it should not control your life and when u smoke or drink keep it at d back of ur mind that being a junkie I real.⁶

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by int0x80(m): 1:51pm On Apr 25, 2021
Smoking is more about your health than your faith. Smokers are liable to die young.

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